Giant ancient virus uncovered in melting ice


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Let's get one thing out of the way really quickly: the ancient, giant virus recently discovered in melting Arctic ice is not going to kill you.

But here's the bad news: It's not the first ancient virus that scientists have found frozen - it's the fourth found since 2003. And you can be sure it won't be the last. And with climate change causing massive melts, it's not totally alarmist to suggest that something deadly might one day emerge from a long, icy sleep.

As if climate change didn't already suck enough, right?

The newly discovered, 30,000-year-old virus is reported in a paper published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Mollivirus sibericum is a whopping .6 microns across, making it what scientists call a giant virus. In addition to towering over modern viruses, size-wise, these ancient microbes had a lot more genes.
Giant ancient virus uncovered in melting ice

So, of course there is a lot of fear in reanimating this virus but here is the other side of the argument:
Siberian virus, 'asleep' for 30,000 years, could cure rare eye disease, says expert
FEMA camps are being established and equipped with protocols to do medical experminents and study.

The viruses might be the first ones test on the far right reactionary and libertarian prisoners.
Whatever host that virus had 40,000 years ago is probably long extinct. So if no idiots attempt to reanimate it -- Frankenstein style or otherwise --- probably won't become a B movie..

I should complain about Starkey's lust to infect and kill people. But then again -- some posters are just viruses themselves.. :eusa_dance:
Whatever host that virus had 40,000 years ago is probably long extinct. So if no idiots attempt to reanimate it -- Frankenstein style or otherwise --- probably won't become a B movie..

I should complain about Starkey's lust to infect and kill people. But then again -- some posters are just viruses themselves.. :eusa_dance:
Go ahead and report me to yourself if you don't understand sarcasm. :lol:

Something traumatic indeed will happen to mankind and his environment.

That's what the history of man teaches us.

The question is always "when".
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Granny says it's prob'ly dat plague...

... dat gonna kill ever'body inna end time...

... like it says in Revelation inna Bible.

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