Giffords is trying to steal our rights

As long as she follows the law, Giffords has a right to try to steal your rights
We shall see how well the NRA trashing Giffords works out

We'll see if you demagogues can convince the public that the NRA IS trashing Giffords. Will the usual slander outlets of the NY Times, CBS and MSNBC fabricate convincing stories?

The ONLY thing LaPierre said is that Loughner passed a background check, which is a fact - Loughner had no criminal convictions and no mental health flags.
he had plenty of symptoms that should have been reported
and went unchecked
Reporting these symptoms would have done nothing as the law does not prohibit people with "symptoms" from buying a gun.
Reporting these symptoms would have done nothing as the law does not prohibit people with "symptoms" from buying a gun.

Maybe if the federal background check asked if the person was mentally stable, it would have stopped him?

Oh wait, the form DOES ask that...

So, Loughner didn't obey the law? Damn, if more laws are the answer, why didn't this law work?
Reporting these symptoms would have done nothing as the law does not prohibit people with "symptoms" from buying a gun.
Maybe if the federal background check asked if the person was mentally stable, it would have stopped him?
The law is very specific regarding mental issues and when they prohibit people from byuing a gun. Reproting "mental issues" and "symptoms" and that someone "has concerns" is meaningless because the law does not prevent people so reported from buying a gun.
We'll see if you demagogues can convince the public that the NRA IS trashing Giffords. Will the usual slander outlets of the NY Times, CBS and MSNBC fabricate convincing stories?

The ONLY thing LaPierre said is that Loughner passed a background check, which is a fact - Loughner had no criminal convictions and no mental health flags.
he had plenty of symptoms that should have been reported
and went unchecked
Reporting these symptoms would have done nothing as the law does not prohibit people with "symptoms" from buying a gun.

that is not necessarily true

he certainly could have been adjudicated in a civil court

as mentally ill and barred from legally purchasing a firearm
he had plenty of symptoms that should have been reported
and went unchecked
Reporting these symptoms would have done nothing as the law does not prohibit people with "symptoms" from buying a gun.
that is not necessarily true
he certainly could have been adjudicated in a civil court
as mentally ill and barred from legally purchasing a firearm
"Could have been" doesn't mean anything -- it only matters if he WAS so ajudicated.
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seems it didn't stop the elitist bastards from going out and buying themselves an AR-15 "Assault Weapon". Seems like they believe the unwashed masses should not have these types of weapons but they're different, they're of better stock they are our "leaders". Wake up America, these scumbags are stealing your nation right out from under you and you morons are helping them.
seems it didn't stop the elitist bastards from going out and buying themselves an AR-15 "Assault Weapon". Seems like they believe the unwashed masses should not have these types of weapons but they're different, they're of better stock they are our "leaders". Wake up America, these scumbags are stealing your nation right out from under you and you morons are helping them.

yeah and then when they get caught at it

instead of manning about it

they make up some bullshit story
Reporting these symptoms would have done nothing as the law does not prohibit people with "symptoms" from buying a gun.
that is not necessarily true
he certainly could have been adjudicated in a civil court
as mentally ill and barred from legally purchasing a firearm
"Could have been" doesn't mean anything -- it only matters if he WAS so ajudicated.

then he should have been adjudicated

there was plenty of symptoms to move forward

with such an action
that is not necessarily true
he certainly could have been adjudicated in a civil court
as mentally ill and barred from legally purchasing a firearm
"Could have been" doesn't mean anything -- it only matters if he WAS so ajudicated.
then he should have been adjudicated
there was plenty of symptoms to move forward
with such an action
There has to be a reason to bring the issue before a judge - the adjudication is the result of a legal action. Having "symptoms" doesn't cut it.
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The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Gifford's is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

If she had not refused police protection, she might have not been shot in the first place.
It's called individual responsibility.
I am for getting background checks for the mentally ill in the computers.
Banning Semi automatics is not going to do anything but take away the rights of the law abiding citizens.
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

They are also for banning the sale of semi automatics and are for limited magazines.
Americans for Responsible Solutions » Limiting Assault Weapons
Americans for Responsible Solutions » Limiting High Capacity Magazines
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The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?
Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News
Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!
They are also for banning the sale of semi automatics and limited magazines.
Neither of which will stop the crazies.
How dare Giffords advocate for sensible gun control after being shot in the face by a lunatic.

How dare we defend our Rights and don't give in to someone with an agenda who (because of it) was shot in the face. Shame on us for not letting an agenda driven mouthpiece like Gabby Giffords dictate what they think is best for the rest of us.
You loony Liberals are completely NUTS.
How dare Giffords advocate for sensible gun control after being shot in the face by a lunatic.

How dare we defend our Rights and don't give in to someone with an agenda who (because of it) was shot in the face. Shame on us for not letting an agenda driven mouthpiece like Gabby Giffords dictate what they think is best for the rest of us.
You loony Liberals are completely NUTS.
Never mind that "sensible" gun control will have an actual, positive effect on gun crime, something that cannot be said for any of the proposals put forth by the anti-gun left -- if the proposal will have no such effect, then there's no sense to it.
I'm still waiting for a Liberal to tell me how going after AR-15's, and high capacity magazines owned by Law abiding citizens is going to prevent a nut from going on a shooting spree? I already know the answer. It isn't.

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