Gift Cards and Free Food being handed out in exchange for Harry Reid Votes


May 29, 2010
Harry Reid is desperate and he intends to steal votes and the election. Why is he so desperate to hang on to his seat? This clearly shows that Harry Reid is corrupt as all get out and he intends on putting himself first over the voters and the country. Reid has had his day and it is now time for a fresh face with new ideas to get the country back on track. The unions supporting him and running the voting machines are just as corrupt as Dingy Harry.

Angle campaign attorney: Reid "intends to steal this election if he can't win it outright" - Politics: Ralston's Flash - Las Vegas Sun

Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided "free food" at "voter turnout events." Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.

Before we were even able to document the reported infractions to report to the authorities, the Democrat Secretary of State slammed the door shut on preventing this behavior and issued a public statement permitting these ACORN-style tactics. THESE are the kinds of shenanigans that can turn this race.

Harry Reid intends to steal this election if he can't win it outright. As a result, we need to deploy literally dozens of election law attorneys and poll watchers to combat these tactics at a cost of nearly $80,000. That's over and above our current budget. We need to raise $80,000 and we need to do it RIGHT NOW, because even as I am writing this, Harry Reid and his Machine are trying to steal this election. I'm sorry that we have to come to you yet again and ask for you to reach deep and contribute, but we must.

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Anyone that votes for Chicken Lady Angle needs to have their heads examined.

No, Angle is NOT better than Reid.
Harry Reid said he saved the world.

Whose head needs to have his head examined?

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