Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

You aren’t making any sense fatty. People would watch the Mandalorian with her in it if Disney didn’t take any action. They allowed easily offended sissies on Twitter who likely don’t even subscribe to Disney+ to make the decision for them. Do you even win a debate? You are a very stupid person. What you call “babbling” is me telling you that you’re full of shit.

Dude, you are definitely babbling.... They teach you in high school debate club that you don't win points with name calling.

Point was, she was bringing attention to the show it didn't need, so off she goes.
By the way, "sweet child", no one is buying this, "Our behavior is perfectly okay, and you're just a whiner" line from the likes of you
Who cares? You are a crazy moron and could only speak for other crazy morons. I have seen nothing but faux victim whining from you since the day i joined this board. You white grievance freaks aren't happy unless you have invented a reason to be unhappy.
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No more absurd than saying that Trump supporters are just like the Nazis who tortured, starved, gassed and roasted the Jews.

Um, yeah, the only thing that stopped Trump from being Hitler is that we have stronger institutions in this country than Germany's Wiemar Republic did.

The story she is in has no relevance to what she says on social media.

Well, it kind of does... Again, they've fired people from all sorts of productions. I think Kevin Spacey is a good actor. He got fired from House of Cards and All The Money in the world because his conduct outweighed his value as a performer.

The last thing they need is to fire people for stating opinions that have nothing to do with their film and TV productions.

Irrelevant. He only apologized after it came out that Sandmann did not harass or approach Phillips. But even so, it was a tweet wishing violence on kids (which you yourself have expressed on many occasions in regards to Sandmann and the Covington kids) which was orders of magnitude worse than anything Carano said.

Actually, his apology had nothing to do with the spin Smirky's Image Consultants put on him. He just realized it was in bad taste.

She didn't bring controversy, people chose to make it a controversy.

Have you not seen the irony in Disney firing someone for expressing the political opinion that people are fired for expressing their political opinions?

Nope, I see no irony at all. This is Disney... They are very sensitive to this sort of stuff, to the point where they just put warning labels on their own classics like Dumbo and Peter Pan for "less than PC portrayals".

Disney heard of him. Or is Disney in the habit of hiring people and not knowing who they are or what they do?

Disney hired him once, before he made a tasteless joke about sticking Smirky McBitchslap into a wood chipper.

And? He worked for Disney just like Carano did. So what?

And now he doesn't.. Just like Mannish Woman.

The fan base was already divided. She did nothing more than express views that half of their fan base agrees with anyway.

Point is, she brought it into their room. Funny thing is, I can't really agree with my family members about politics, but we can all sit down and enjoy Star Wars together... unless she goes out and says stupid things.

And there still is. A lot of people are pissed off about her firing and will now boycott Disney. If they were going to lose money, they were going to lose it whether they fired her or not.

So might as well fire her now and not have to go through this all again the NEXT time she says something stupid.
I feel no compulsion to be civil to hateful insurrectionists or their supporters and apologists. Go fuck yourself and choke on the results.
You would have made a good nazi in 1933 germany
No, I would have been in the resistance. Just as my real German family were in the 1930s.
You piece of shit Trump cocksucker.

Yet you're supporting cancel culture now.

With all due respect the only point you seem to have is you're really angry and you hate Trump and his supporters.

Kind of like hating Jews.
Jews were hated and slaughtered just for existing.

You garbage Trump supporters have been coddled and respected far more than you deserved, then you tried to overthrow the government. Now you are nothing but terrorists who deserve nothing but scorn. You keep telling yourself whatever you want, but the truth is that your grandchildren and great grandchildren will be ashamed of you.

What triumphant point do you think you're making by shouting, "Jews were SLAUGHTERED!"? Has someone said they weren't?

The point, which you clearly don't have the brain matter to grasp, is that the Nazis got to the point of slaughtering the Jews by a process that started somewhere. I realize that your 2nd-grade history education probably hasn't equipped you to understand this, but the Nazis didn't just spring into existence and start shoving people into concentration camps five minutes later. They worked their way up to it. And they started by convincing regular, everyday people to hate each other.

You garbage leftists have flattered yourself that you're not tyranny-loving Nazi-clones for far too long, given your pride in saying things like you just did. In case you didn't notice it - and you're clearly not bright enough to notice whether your shoes are on the correct feet - every time you open your flapping, evil-spewing gob to screech your "outrage" at being characterized as the filth you are, you end up proving that you are exactly what you're objecting to.

As with so many of your fascistic leftist comrades, the best argument you can make for your position is to never, EVER say anything, and to hope that everyone forgets you exist.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
If you're watching Disney at the age of have some problems.

She compared getting banned from Twitter to the holocaust.

If you're making comments like that, you have far worse problems. She did nothing of the sort, and you would know that if you bothered to find out what really happened, rather than just rushing out to parrot what your talking points told you to "know" about it.
By the way, "sweet child", no one is buying this, "Our behavior is perfectly okay, and you're just a whiner" line from the likes of you
Who cares? You are a crazy moron and could only speak for other crazy morons. I have seen nothing but faux victim whining from you since the day i joined this board. You white grievance freaks aren't happy unless you have invented a reason to be unhappy.

Your masters care. I realize they haven't told you to "know" about it yet, but I'm sure they'll get around to issuing you some talking points about how her attempt to follow your disingenuous instructions of "Just accept being banned from the mainstream and go create your own stuff" eventually. I realize they like to keep your mind totally blank until they need to scrawl something across it.
You aren’t making any sense fatty. People would watch the Mandalorian with her in it if Disney didn’t take any action. They allowed easily offended sissies on Twitter who likely don’t even subscribe to Disney+ to make the decision for them. Do you even win a debate? You are a very stupid person. What you call “babbling” is me telling you that you’re full of shit.

Dude, you are definitely babbling.... They teach you in high school debate club that you don't win points with name calling.

Point was, she was bringing attention to the show it didn't need, so off she goes.
If she said I support kneeling for the anthem she would still be there. Don’t be so naive. You lost another debate.
No, Rachael Maddow isn't on the Mandalorian.

Feel free to point out any inaccuracies in her post.

I already did...

German Antisemitism long predated Hitler.
Consveratives aren't being treated like Jews.... if people hate you, there's a good reason. Mostly because you're assholes.
Exactly what they said about the Jews and Jews had equal rights under German law until Hitler. Do you lose every debate?
You aren’t making any sense fatty. People would watch the Mandalorian with her in it if Disney didn’t take any action. They allowed easily offended sissies on Twitter who likely don’t even subscribe to Disney+ to make the decision for them. Do you even win a debate? You are a very stupid person. What you call “babbling” is me telling you that you’re full of shit.

Dude, you are definitely babbling.... They teach you in high school debate club that you don't win points with name calling.

Point was, she was bringing attention to the show it didn't need, so off she goes.
Attention it didn't need? You mean a conservative point of view now dont you?
If she said I support kneeling for the anthem she would still be there. Don’t be so naive. You lost another debate.

I'm sure she would.

I'm not sure who the "Pro Police Misconduct" people are, exactly.

If she praised rioters or cop killers, she probably wouldn't be there.

Kathy Griffin got fired because she made a tasteless joke about beheading Trump.

Keith Olberman got fired for contributing to Democratic Politicians

You cross certain lines, you get fired.

And this is DISNEY we are talking about here, a company that ALREADY is self-censoring. Song of the South? Never heard of it. They want to pretend that never happened. Hey, change those animitronics of pirates chasing barmaids, they imply rape. Some racial insensitive imagery in Dumbo and Peter Pan. Well, slap a warning label on those suckers and take them off the kid-friendly list.
Attention it didn't need? You mean a conservative point of view now dont you?

Naw, man, I mean exactly that. When you are presenting a fun space adventure for all ages, then you don't want to get caught up in any current politics.
Attention it didn't need? You mean a conservative point of view now dont you?

Naw, man, I mean exactly that. When you are presenting a fun space adventure for all ages, then you don't want to get caught up in any current politics.
Oh brother, its all politics she was just on the the side of America lovers and not the commies.
Too bad, too. Her movie Haywire in 2011 made women's fighting in movies actually look broken up fake scenes, but continuous flow of fighting like some of the guy stars. She is a real athlete and not a bad actress.
By the way, "sweet child", no one is buying this, "Our behavior is perfectly okay, and you're just a whiner" line from the likes of you
Who cares? You are a crazy moron and could only speak for other crazy morons. I have seen nothing but faux victim whining from you since the day i joined this board. You white grievance freaks aren't happy unless you have invented a reason to be unhappy.

Your masters care. I realize they haven't told you to "know" about it yet, but I'm sure they'll get around to issuing you some talking points about how her attempt to follow your disingenuous instructions of "Just accept being banned from the mainstream and go create your own stuff" eventually. I realize they like to keep your mind totally blank until they need to scrawl something across it.
Hilarious whining from a person entrenched in a cult. You cultists are far outnumbered. Your whining is self soothing. I will leave to to it.

By the way: i call her "sweet child" in the type of kindness one would afford a mentally challenged person. Because, well...Gina Carano is a moron.
Oh brother, its all politics she was just on the the side of America lovers and not the commies.

Um, no, she used the most offensive metaphor she could find to describe people who disagreed with her...

which is not good if you are working for the company doing the Fun Space Adventure for All Ages.

Too bad, too. Her movie Haywire in 2011 made women's fighting in movies actually look broken up fake scenes, but continuous flow of fighting like some of the guy stars. She is a real athlete and not a bad actress.

And that's the thing... the kind of stuff she could get away with working for mixed martial arts isn't going to fly at Disney.
Oh brother, its all politics she was just on the the side of America lovers and not the commies.

Um, no, she used the most offensive metaphor she could find to describe people who disagreed with her...

which is not good if you are working for the company doing the Fun Space Adventure for All Ages.

Too bad, too. Her movie Haywire in 2011 made women's fighting in movies actually look broken up fake scenes, but continuous flow of fighting like some of the guy stars. She is a real athlete and not a bad actress.

And that's the thing... the kind of stuff she could get away with working for mixed martial arts isn't going to fly at Disney.
Her comments were not bad at all. Disney is full of America hating hypocrites now and not worth watching. Woke away.
Oh brother, its all politics she was just on the the side of America lovers and not the commies.

Um, no, she used the most offensive metaphor she could find to describe people who disagreed with her...

which is not good if you are working for the company doing the Fun Space Adventure for All Ages.

Too bad, too. Her movie Haywire in 2011 made women's fighting in movies actually look broken up fake scenes, but continuous flow of fighting like some of the guy stars. She is a real athlete and not a bad actress.

And that's the thing... the kind of stuff she could get away with working for mixed martial arts isn't going to fly at Disney.
Her comments were not bad at all. Disney is full of America hating hypocrites now and not worth watching. Woke away.
Then stop watching. I am sure nobody will notice one fewer hillbilly's fat ass pouring over the edges of a bench in Disneyworld.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!
Is it your understanding Gina considers US conservatives as being in a similar political position in the US today to Jews in Nazi Germany?

Gina Carano - Wikipedia

"Carano has faced criticism for her views on social and political issues.

"In August 2020, she was criticised for not supporting Black Lives Matter on Twitter; she called her critics 'cowards and bullies'[76] while also 'liking' posts that disparaged the movement.[5][77]

"She was accused of transphobia when she placed the words 'beep/bop/boop' on her online profile, seeming to mock the use of preferred gender pronouns by transgender people and their allies.[78][79][76][80]

"She later deleted the terms,[citation needed] saying fellow Mandalorian actor Pedro Pascal 'helped [her] understand' the meaning behind preferred pronouns.[5][81][82]

"On social media, Carano has ridiculed COVID-19 mask mandates[5] and vaccines,[5][81] mocked postal voting in the United States,[5] and falsely suggested the existence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election.[5][7]

"In November 2020, some critics used the hashtag #FireGinaCarano to urge Disney to replace Carano on The Mandalorian.[79] Carano opened an account on the conservative social media platform Parler while retaining her other social-media accounts."

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
She has the equal right to be a fucking idiot on social media, and the equal right to face the consequences of her speech.
What was idiotic about her statement?
Mean while you have some one working for you that pisses off half your market segment you are going to fire them also. Here is the thing whether it being taking a knee at an NFL game and passing off conservatives or writing about Nazis and pussing off liberals, when you make your money off broad market appeal, learn to keep your big fucking trap shut.

Not legally, you aren't. I already posted the California law which states that it's "wrongful termination" to fire someone for their political opinions, or really for any lawful behavior on their own time. They aren't the only state with such laws.
Lol. I guess she should be falling all over herself to hire you to represent her.

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