Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media.
No. She was fired for several tweets, including spreading deadly lies about the pandemic and the election. She punched her ticket comparing herself to Jews in the 3rd Reich. I wouldn't want her working for me, either. Go work for OAN or Sidney Powell.

Well, at least you admit that she was fired for daring to express opinions opposite of what you have declared is "official truth". And if you're ever in a position to employ someone - :auiqs.jpg:hilarious notion - you might want to read up on the laws that prevent you from hiring and firing based on disliking someone lawful behavior on personal time.

Maybe if your masters ever get the dictatorship they long for, they'll hire you to pick up trash in the park.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
She has the equal right to be a fucking idiot on social media, and the equal right to face the consequences of her speech.
What was idiotic about her statement?
Mean while you have some one working for you that pisses off half your market segment you are going to fire them also. Here is the thing whether it being taking a knee at an NFL game and passing off conservatives or writing about Nazis and pussing off liberals, when you make your money off broad market appeal, learn to keep your big fucking trap shut.

Not legally, you aren't. I already posted the California law which states that it's "wrongful termination" to fire someone for their political opinions, or really for any lawful behavior on their own time. They aren't the only state with such laws.
Lol. I guess she should be falling all over herself to hire you to represent her.

Interesting that you're so impressed by an Internet search that could have been conducted by my 12-year-old.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
She has the equal right to be a fucking idiot on social media, and the equal right to face the consequences of her speech.
What was idiotic about her statement?
Mean while you have some one working for you that pisses off half your market segment you are going to fire them also. Here is the thing whether it being taking a knee at an NFL game and passing off conservatives or writing about Nazis and pussing off liberals, when you make your money off broad market appeal, learn to keep your big fucking trap shut.

Not legally, you aren't. I already posted the California law which states that it's "wrongful termination" to fire someone for their political opinions, or really for any lawful behavior on their own time. They aren't the only state with such laws.
Lol. I guess she should be falling all over herself to hire you to represent her.

Interesting that you're so impressed by an Internet search that could have been conducted by my 12-year-old.
If the studio was worried they would not have fired her. Lol. Sarcasm pal.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!
Satan No liking her. YOU'RE FIRED !

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis.

Have you told this to the countless people comparing Trump and Trump supporters to Nazis? I'm betting you haven't.

Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

In other words, they should do to her like the Nazis did to the Jews.

You know, before the pogroms and the labor and death camps, Jewish actors, singers and entertainers were blacklisted and not allowed to perform. Calling for the blacklisting of an actor for pointing out the blacklisting of actors by Nazis (among other things). The irony could sink a battleship.

Are you so fucking stupid and ignorant that you can't see the parallel here without someone pointing it out to you?

It is everything she deserves!

I'm sure Hitler would have thought so too.
First, conservatives can't broadcast whatever they like to the entire world
Wrong. Start a website. Pay for hosting. Broadcast anything you like.

Someone did start a website: Parler. Then Big Tech shut them out.

Nobody is getting banned for posting anything "conservative" anyway.

What do you think just happened to Carano?

If your campaign of complaining involves conflating the idiotic, deadly lies about the pandemic and the election with "conservatism", then you are willingly digging the grave for conservatism. "It's your funeral", as they say.

What does any of this have to do with the pandemic or the election?
She told the truth. That cannot be tolerated. The Nazis were not the only ones to turn neighbor against neighbor. The Russians did it with the stasi. It is a common practice of totalitarian governments. That's why it was such a big part of 1984.

What she said was not nearly as remarkable as her being erased for saying it. There is a particular punishment for those that tell the truth.

It was particularly ironic that Disney's and the left's reaction to her ended up proving her point.

I said the same thing.

Gina. Sweet child. Nobody can cancel you. Start your own website. Start your own TV show or make a movie. Nobody is stopping you.

She does know how to push the trigger buttons of her target audience: weepy, thin skinned faux victim wingnuts. Smart marketing, really. Being one, she understands them well.

"Faux victims"? You mean the crybabies who rent their clothes and gnashed their teeth over someone merely saying that people are being cancelled for expressing their political views? Good fucking Christ, man. These people got their panties in a bunch over a remark that neither insulted nor denigrated anyone or any group and you call her the crybaby for complaining about being cancelled because of it.

So you do not see the whiners on Twitter as being crybabies at all?
she posted absolving nazis. That a bad thing to you snooks?
I dont think you have very good reading comprehension skills

She was blaming all of german society for producing the nazi soldiers

What most people don't realize was the Gestapo wasn't as many agents/officers as people think, it relied on Germans informing on Germans to perform their work.
Nobody doesn’t realize that.
No, of course this board is full of fucking idiots who don’t know history. That’s why they’re all sucking Donald Trump’s cock.
You babbling nonsense in response to babbling nonsense that you already posted? I see unfounded insults hurled at Trump supporters with no substance. Pathetic.
Yes, you are. You and all your Trump cocksucking friends who would toss our democracy and happily encourage a fascist regime in America. Fuck you.
We now have a fascist regime in America there voted it in.

Fascism is nationalistic, racist and hardcore right.
Fascism is leftist thing. Look at biden ruling from executive order (dictatorial powers) with all 47 of edicts awful for the us. Using the IRS, FBI, and corrupt DA to go after political enemies forcing suppression of any opposition to him while regimenting the economy and society calling for neighbors and family to turn in any that oppose the biden communism. He is by defination a fascist dictator want to be........
Lefties have been whining for more than a half century about the alleged "black-listing" of suspected commies in Hollywood and it's deja vu all over again.
I can see why they felt a need back then to to go after communists especially in Hollyweird.......destructive immoral people.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
She has the equal right to be a fucking idiot on social media, and the equal right to face the consequences of her speech.
What was idiotic about her statement?
Mean while you have some one working for you that pisses off half your market segment you are going to fire them also. Here is the thing whether it being taking a knee at an NFL game and passing off conservatives or writing about Nazis and pussing off liberals, when you make your money off broad market appeal, learn to keep your big fucking trap shut.

Not legally, you aren't. I already posted the California law which states that it's "wrongful termination" to fire someone for their political opinions, or really for any lawful behavior on their own time. They aren't the only state with such laws.
Lol. I guess she should be falling all over herself to hire you to represent her.

Interesting that you're so impressed by an Internet search that could have been conducted by my 12-year-old.
If the studio was worried they would not have fired her. Lol. Sarcasm pal.

People are often not worried about things that turn out to bite them in the ass.

But by all means, you go with the, "Well, it must be okay to do if Disney believes they can get away with it" line. Excellent way to make moral and ethical judgements.
I fucking love The Daily Wire gave her a production deal.

Fuck cancel culture libs.
Whatever. If she said even one slightly negative thing about your cult leader, you would cancel her yesterday.

You mistakenly assume everyone is a frightened little piece of shit like you and your fellow drones and the garbage leaders you ass-sniff after. Please don't project your xenophobia and love of tyranny onto others, because you are not representative of anything but other left-wing degenerates.
She told the truth. That cannot be tolerated. The Nazis were not the only ones to turn neighbor against neighbor. The Russians did it with the stasi. It is a common practice of totalitarian governments. That's why it was such a big part of 1984.

What she said was not nearly as remarkable as her being erased for saying it. There is a particular punishment for those that tell the truth.

It was particularly ironic that Disney's and the left's reaction to her ended up proving her point.

I said the same thing.

The breathtaking irony and lack of perspective is obvious enough to see from space, unless one has a vested interest in being as ignorant and blind as possible (read: leftists).
No more absurd than saying that Trump supporters are just like the Nazis who tortured, starved, gassed and roasted the Jews.

Um, yeah, the only thing that stopped Trump from being Hitler is that we have stronger institutions in this country than Germany's Wiemar Republic did.

So then why was everybody so afraid of him or of what he might do?

The story she is in has no relevance to what she says on social media.

Well, it kind of does... Again, they've fired people from all sorts of productions. I think Kevin Spacey is a good actor. He got fired from House of Cards and All The Money in the world because his conduct outweighed his value as a performer.

The story she's in is irrelevant to the issue.

The last thing they need is to fire people for stating opinions that have nothing to do with their film and TV productions.

Irrelevant. He only apologized after it came out that Sandmann did not harass or approach Phillips. But even so, it was a tweet wishing violence on kids (which you yourself have expressed on many occasions in regards to Sandmann and the Covington kids) which was orders of magnitude worse than anything Carano said.

Actually, his apology had nothing to do with the spin Smirky's Image Consultants put on him. He just realized it was in bad taste.

I didn't say anything about Sandmann's image consultants. I said he took it down when the truth came out that Sandmann did not approach or harass Phillips.

That said, why did he post it in the first place? I'll tell you why: He overreacted and went bugshit and made a summary judgment when he saw the MAGA hat just like everybody else did.

She didn't bring controversy, people chose to make it a controversy.

Have you not seen the irony in Disney firing someone for expressing the political opinion that people are fired for expressing their political opinions?

Nope, I see no irony at all.

A woman gets cancelled for expressing the opinion that people today are being cancelled for expressing their opinions. If you can't see the irony in that then you wouldn't know irony if you were choking on it. And if you were choking on it you'd say it was Carano's fault.

This is Disney... They are very sensitive to this sort of stuff, to the point where they just put warning labels on their own classics like Dumbo and Peter Pan for "less than PC portrayals".

They are not "very sensitive", they are very intolerant and so are their Twitter followers.

Disney heard of him. Or is Disney in the habit of hiring people and not knowing who they are or what they do?

Disney hired him once, before he made a tasteless joke about sticking Smirky McBitchslap into a wood chipper.

It doesn't matter when he did it or even who he was working for. He did it and he did it because he let his anger cloud his judgment just as you have. And he wasn't the only one, not by a long shot. Many other liberals made tasteless and offensive remarks about Sandmann and those kids calling for violence against them and whatnot. But unlike Morrisey, most of them have never bothered to apologize and in fact, like you, they still revile Sandmann even after everyone knows the truth. Why? Again, the goddamn MAGA hat.

And? He worked for Disney just like Carano did. So what?

And now he doesn't.. Just like Mannish Woman.

You still haven't made a point.

The fan base was already divided. She did nothing more than express views that half of their fan base agrees with anyway.

Point is, she brought it into their room.

Whose room? Twitter is not Disney's "room".

Funny thing is, I can't really agree with my family members about politics, but we can all sit down and enjoy Star Wars together... unless she goes out and says stupid things.

How does anything she says affect your enjoyment of a movie or show?

And there still is. A lot of people are pissed off about her firing and will now boycott Disney. If they were going to lose money, they were going to lose it whether they fired her or not.

So might as well fire her now and not have to go through this all again the NEXT time she says something stupid.

Irrelevant. They were worried about losing revenue and by firing her they're going to lose revenue (probably).
If she said I support kneeling for the anthem she would still be there. Don’t be so naive. You lost another debate.

I'm sure she would.

I'm not sure who the "Pro Police Misconduct" people are, exactly.

If she praised rioters or cop killers, she probably wouldn't be there.

Kathy Griffin got fired because she made a tasteless joke about beheading Trump.

Keith Olberman got fired for contributing to Democratic Politicians

You cross certain lines, you get fired.

And this is DISNEY we are talking about here, a company that ALREADY is self-censoring. Song of the South? Never heard of it. They want to pretend that never happened. Hey, change those animitronics of pirates chasing barmaids, they imply rape. Some racial insensitive imagery in Dumbo and Peter Pan. Well, slap a warning label on those suckers and take them off the kid-friendly list.
Why? Sensitive leftist pressure on social media.
Her comments were not bad at all. Disney is full of America hating hypocrites now and not worth watching. Woke away.

Comparing conservatives to Jews in Nazi Germany?
Mocking LGBTQ people?
Supporting police brutality?
Endorsing COVID 19 conspiracy theories?

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