Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

Have you told this to the countless people comparing Trump and Trump supporters to Nazis? I'm betting you haven't.

Well, maybe you need to stop acting like Nazis.

So let me get this straight. A narcissistic leader builds a political movement around the hatred of an ethnic minority, belligerent nationalism and attacks on a free press, and had followers who worship him with cult-like adoration. Could describe Hitler or Trump.

In other words, they should do to her like the Nazis did to the Jews.

You know, before the pogroms and the labor and death camps, Jewish actors, singers and entertainers were blacklisted and not allowed to perform. Calling for the blacklisting of an actor for pointing out the blacklisting of actors by Nazis (among other things). The irony could sink a battleship.

Oh, please. Blacklisting is what the government did to anyone in Hollywood in the 1950's who might have attended a Communist Rally in the 1930's. No one is blacklisting conservatives. Tim Allen and Tom Selleck still have TV Shows.

Mannish Woman got fired because she keeps saying stupid shit on Twitter.
So then why was everybody so afraid of him or of what he might do?



Actually, the real problem is that we have so many Mitlaufers in the GOP who know Trump is a fascist and a moron, but can't even bring themselves to impeach him even AFTER he's out of office and can't do anything to them.

The story she's in is irrelevant to the issue.

it is when she becomes bigger than the story.

I didn't say anything about Sandmann's image consultants. I said he took it down when the truth came out that Sandmann did not approach or harass Phillips.

That said, why did he post it in the first place? I'll tell you why: He overreacted and went bugshit and made a summary judgment when he saw the MAGA hat just like everybody else did.

Or he just realized it was in poor taste. I personally think Smirky McBitchslap needs an attitude adjustment, but sticking him in a wood chipper would be harsh.

A woman gets cancelled for expressing the opinion that people today are being cancelled for expressing their opinions. If you can't see the irony in that then you wouldn't know irony if you were choking on it. And if you were choking on it you'd say it was Carano's fault.

A woman got cancelled saying stupid shit... Just like people are fired every day for saying stupid shit on Twitter and Facebook.

I knew a lady who put her resume on Craig's List, where she put the line in under her current job "The company got bought out and I'm not comfortable here anymore". This company had someone who spent time scouring the internet, finding anyplace where their name came up, and fired her for it. She didn't even say anything that was untrue. The company was bought out and she didn't feel comfortable. A lot of people didn't.

They are not "very sensitive", they are very intolerant and so are their Twitter followers.

yes, we are completely intolerant of racism and need to put it in the correct perspective.

It doesn't matter when he did it or even who he was working for. He did it and he did it because he let his anger cloud his judgment just as you have. And he wasn't the only one, not by a long shot. Many other liberals made tasteless and offensive remarks about Sandmann and those kids calling for violence against them and whatnot. But unlike Morrisey, most of them have never bothered to apologize and in fact, like you, they still revile Sandmann even after everyone knows the truth. Why? Again, the goddamn MAGA hat.

And the disrespect of a veteran. And the smug little smirk. And the little bitch was there trying to take away a woman's right to choose.

You still haven't made a point.

Sure I did. Big Studios are risk adverse. Especially Disney, which prides itself on being family friendly.

Whose room? Twitter is not Disney's "room".

No, but the ONLY reason why ANYONE cared what Mannish Woman had to say was because she was on a Disney show. Otherwise, she'd be just like the millions of other Qnatics on Twitter who say stupid shit.

How does anything she says affect your enjoyment of a movie or show?

Good question. Hey, what happened to Jane Fonda's acting career after she started protesting Vietnam? History has mostly proven her right. The Vietnam War was a TERRIBLE idea. But the world never forgave her for it.

Irrelevant. They were worried about losing revenue and by firing her they're going to lose revenue (probably).

People will forget about this in a week...

The real danger I see with Disney/Star Wars is that they are going to oversaturate the market with Star Wars shows. They have something like 10 Star Wars shows in production now, including the show that they were thinking about building around Mannish Woman, but will probably get someone else now. Paramount/CBS All Access is doing the same thing with Star Trek.
Why? Sensitive leftist pressure on social media.

Or people realized that it wasn't appropriate.

Hey, do you know what else got slapped with a label. One of the Three Little Pigs cartoons from the 1930's where the Wolf acted like a Jewish Stereotype.


This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!
100% right.

The cure for that would be strict penalties. Unfortunately they anarchists seem to be getting the benefit of the doubt from the judges. The result is going to be a much more violent clash should the blob run again and get fewer votes for a democrat for the third time.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!

You really supporting the firing of Gina Carano because of the dc riot?

That makes no sense. Does one riot invalidate all opposition? If so, then why was your side not "invalidated" 5 years ago?

how about you address my actual point, based on teh topic at hand, ie the twitter mob that pretended to be outraged over a reference to the nazis, and got a woman fired.

And that the real reason was that she showed some individuality and refused to join in the chorus of ORANGE MAN BAD.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!
100% right.

The cure for that would be strict penalties. Unfortunately they anarchists seem to be getting the benefit of the doubt from the judges. The result is going to be a much more violent clash should the blob run again and get fewer votes for a democrat for the third time.

Off topic.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.
Tell that to Colin Kaepernick.

Who got fired, even though he was eventually completely vindicated and the NFL conceded the point.

Irrelevant. Just as people who want to watch a family space adventure don't want political or social statements from the actors, football fans don't want political or social statements when they watch a game. In addition to this, Carano's comments were made apart from the show whereas Kaepernick made his gesture at the games.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!
100% right.

The cure for that would be strict penalties. Unfortunately they anarchists seem to be getting the benefit of the doubt from the judges. The result is going to be a much more violent clash should the blob run again and get fewer votes for a democrat for the third time.

Off topic.

Nah INCEL...on topic. Be careful when you try to take over a building in the future.
The comparison she made was inane, but nothing to have her fired over. They should reconsider.
To me, Cancel Culture is the ugly and predictable manifestation of PC and Identity Politics run amok.

The excuse given by its purveyors is that "freedom of expression" invites consequences, which is also freedom of expression. But I think that is a spit in the eye of the spirit of freedom of expression.

We are not required to play judge and jury and impulsively issue "consequences". That's a choice we make. So, as another predictable result, we have Americans across the country afraid to speak their minds. In America. That is not a liberal principle. That is not liberalism. That's the opposite.

There are exceptions to every rule, such as inciting violence or screaming FIRE in a crowded theater. But in the course of daily conversation, this is going too far.
Welcome back, fellow liberal. Where the fuck have you been?

I thought you had been consumed by the commies you voted for. There is hope yet.

Now, tell us about inciting violence.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!
100% right.

The cure for that would be strict penalties. Unfortunately they anarchists seem to be getting the benefit of the doubt from the judges. The result is going to be a much more violent clash should the blob run again and get fewer votes for a democrat for the third time.

Off topic.

Nah INCEL...on topic. Be careful when you try to take over a building in the future.

You wouldn't call me an INCEL to my face. Not without a mob to back you up. YOu are a coward.

My point stands.

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!

You really supporting the firing of Gina Carano because of the dc riot?

That makes no sense. Does one riot invalidate all opposition? If so, then why was your side not "invalidated" 5 years ago?

how about you address my actual point, based on teh topic at hand, ie the twitter mob that pretended to be outraged over a reference to the nazis, and got a woman fired.

And that the real reason was that she showed some individuality and refused to join in the chorus of ORANGE MAN BAD.
You made several points.

Am I condemning her because of the DC riots?
No, but then you know I'm not. Your second point accessed me of demanding conformity and condemning individualism. I made the point that I don't see any individualism from Trump supporters but plenty of mindless conformity. As I described in the DC riots.

I condemned her because she is a person with a following and should not have encouraged them to risk their lives by not wearing a mask. That is my main beef with her. She is not a medical professional. Neither is she their doctor. She won't have to pick up the pieces if they start refusing to wear masks and end up either getting killed themselves or killing someone else.

It is her employers who sacked her are you saying they don't have the right?
If she feels she has been mistreated then she can take them to a Tribunal.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

The tone-deaf irony is breathtaking. I am just speechless at this much lack of self-awareness.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!

You really supporting the firing of Gina Carano because of the dc riot?

That makes no sense. Does one riot invalidate all opposition? If so, then why was your side not "invalidated" 5 years ago?

how about you address my actual point, based on teh topic at hand, ie the twitter mob that pretended to be outraged over a reference to the nazis, and got a woman fired.

And that the real reason was that she showed some individuality and refused to join in the chorus of ORANGE MAN BAD.
You made several points.

Am I condemning her because of the DC riots?
No, but then you know I'm not. Your second point accessed me of demanding conformity and condemning individualism. I made the point that I don't see any individualism from Trump supporters but plenty of mindless conformity. As I described in the DC riots.

I condemned her because she is a person with a following and should not have encouraged them to risk their lives by not wearing a mask. That is my main beef with her. She is not a medical professional. Neither is she their doctor. She won't have to pick up the pieces if they start refusing to wear masks and end up either getting killed themselves or killing someone else.

It is her employers who sacked her are you saying they don't have the right?
If she feels she has been mistreated then she can take them to a Tribunal.

If a mob rioting shows a lack of individuality for a side, then your side, with 5 years of blm/antifa rioting behind it, are certainly the side of conformity. Of course that is YOUR argument, not mine.

She was fired because she referenced the way nazis operated, correctly I might add.

Do you really want to live in a society where simply referencing nazis can get you fired?
Have you told this to the countless people comparing Trump and Trump supporters to Nazis? I'm betting you haven't.

Well, maybe you need to stop acting like Nazis.

*Whoosh* Right over your head.

Stop saying we're acting like Nazis for, say, just wearing a stupid hat and we'll stop saying we're being persecuted. Simple enough, right?

So let me get this straight. A narcissistic leader builds a political movement around the hatred of an ethnic minority, belligerent nationalism and attacks on a free press, and had followers who worship him with cult-like adoration. Could describe Hitler or Trump.

And there's the problem: I don't know any conservatives personally who hates minorities.

In other words, they should do to her like the Nazis did to the Jews.

You know, before the pogroms and the labor and death camps, Jewish actors, singers and entertainers were blacklisted and not allowed to perform. Calling for the blacklisting of an actor for pointing out the blacklisting of actors by Nazis (among other things). The irony could sink a battleship.

Oh, please. Blacklisting is what the government did to anyone in Hollywood in the 1950's who might have attended a Communist Rally in the 1930's.

Irrelevant. He said Carano's comments were akin to those of a Nazi and then proceeded to suggest blacklisting Carano like the Nazis did to Jews.

Also, just because Hollywood set a precedent back in the fifties does not mean that precedent was right, fair or just. Most people today (including myself and indeed, a lot of current celebrities) view the Hollywood communist witch hunts of the fifties as wrong. In fact, you may remember that in 1999 there was some controversy over awarding Elia Kazan an honorary Oscar for his cinematic achievements because he testified against fellow film workers at one of these hearings in 1952. When he was presented the award, half the celebrities in the audience refused to stand or applaud.

No one is blacklisting conservatives. Tim Allen and Tom Selleck still have TV Shows.

If you'll remember, ABC cancelled Tim Allen's show in spite of it being their second highest rated sitcom at the time. They were lucky to get picked up by the conservative Fox network but they were cancelled just the same.

Mannish Woman got fired because she keeps saying stupid shit on Twitter.

She got fired for saying conservative shit on Twitter.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
The stupid friggin bitch wants shitting on from a great height.
She puts human life at risk with her sneering at mask wearers trying to embarrass people into putting themselves a risk the old whore, and is another who by questioning the result of a legitimate election deemed flawless by UN international observers and undermines the stability of the US pushing it into violent reactionaries excuses for sedition. It was Twitter user fans of the show who demanded her sacking.
The Nazi's would put a boot up her non-aryan fanny.
Bullshit. If they took a poll I would bet that 90% would not care. My kids love the show they aren’t into politics. Why are people like you so easily offended?
Your kids wouldn't be into politics their kids.
We all know celebrities have tens/hundreds of thousands even millions of fans, many of who are young and impressionable and will be influenced by her gobbing off with information that could possibly kill or injure them (not wearing masks when health experts are demanding it). Questioning the result of a legitimate election when The Courts and UN International Observers found no evidence of wrongdoing let alone fraud. Elections are the cornerstone and underpin democracy if we can no longer have them cos of stupid bitches like her cast doubt on the process it leaves the door open for a dictator.

Finally and as I've said several times on here you can't compare anyone with Nazis except Nazis. Has the stupid bitch any real idea of what those psychos actually did? So to compare them with her own employers who have a responsibility to protect vulnerable young fans and was demanded by those fans to dumb her quite apart from the disgusting personal insult they must have felt, should just be the first step for the evil sneering bitch. She should never be allowed to appear in any acting performance going out to the general public again and must be blacklisted for life. Maybe when she has sat alone and about to be evicted to end up on the streets she can dwell on her bloody arrogant couldn't give a shit, I'll insult and endanger who I like attitude.

It is everything she deserves!

YOu people compare other people to nazis all the time.

Your pretense of outrage over that is obviously bullshit.

You people demand conformity or you will use whatever power you have to destroy anyone who dares show individuality.

You are tyrants.
I didn't see any individuality in the attack on the US Government.
I saw a bunch of lemmings who didn't know what to do when they got there and looked bewildered as to what to do next. Whilst their leader went off having loaded the bullets to watch what would happen next, no doubt hoping that everyone watching on TV would rise up and come and join them and reinstall him as President.
When that didn't happen over the many hours later and it all just fizzled out through lack of direction and leadership and they started getting arrested and thrown into vans and carted off. Their courageous leader reemerged to condemn them and throw them to the wolves.

No individualism nor heroism from where I'm standing. Just gross stupidity and an inability to reason for themselves. Beware false prophets!

You really supporting the firing of Gina Carano because of the dc riot?

That makes no sense. Does one riot invalidate all opposition? If so, then why was your side not "invalidated" 5 years ago?

how about you address my actual point, based on teh topic at hand, ie the twitter mob that pretended to be outraged over a reference to the nazis, and got a woman fired.

And that the real reason was that she showed some individuality and refused to join in the chorus of ORANGE MAN BAD.
You made several points.

Am I condemning her because of the DC riots?
No, but then you know I'm not. Your second point accessed me of demanding conformity and condemning individualism. I made the point that I don't see any individualism from Trump supporters but plenty of mindless conformity. As I described in the DC riots.

I condemned her because she is a person with a following and should not have encouraged them to risk their lives by not wearing a mask. That is my main beef with her. She is not a medical professional. Neither is she their doctor. She won't have to pick up the pieces if they start refusing to wear masks and end up either getting killed themselves or killing someone else.

It is her employers who sacked her are you saying they don't have the right?
If she feels she has been mistreated then she can take them to a Tribunal.

If a mob rioting shows a lack of individuality for a side, then your side, with 5 years of blm/antifa rioting behind it, are certainly the side of conformity. Of course that is YOUR argument, not mine.

She was fired because she referenced the way nazis operated, correctly I might add.

Do you really want to live in a society where simply referencing nazis can get you fired?
She didn't just reference them, did she? She compared today's society in the US with that of Nazi Germany. She talked about neighbors attacking neighbors. Children grassing in their parents.
Her employers did not recognise the picture she painted of the society they have to operate in.
They no doubt received complaints and decided to act on them.

Nobody ever mentions Nazi's/Commies in Uk political debate nor on the last Forum I used to visit or very rarely. Here you bandy the terms about as a matter of course to the point the terms become neutral in meaning. They become sanitised. The atrocities become forgotten to the extent they could be repeated.
US society whatever its present problems bear no resemblance to either of those societies.
People who complained are the companies customers and she had made offensive comments in the past.

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