Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

Again with the "faux victim horseshit"?
Absolutely. It describes all of you morons perfectly. You go out of your way to annoy and upset people, then you cry like little bitches when you face the consequences of annoying and upsetting people. That's the game you play. It's literally your entire MO.

Gina Carano is a moron and knows less than nothing about the science of the pandemic. Yet she trolled about it constantly. Surely, even as mealy mouthed as you are, you still would not sit there and try to tell someone, with a straight face, that Gina had any genuine, intellectual interest in getting to the truth, or in spurring discussions on the forefront of the pandemic issues that are arising. She was trolling. She was trying to upset and annoy people. And now she's crying like a little bitch, because it worked. How fucking dumb can you be?
Disney fired Carano because she is not a leftist. Plain and simple. Will you be enough to admit this?
Again with the "faux victim horseshit"?
Absolutely. It describes all of you morons perfectly. You go out of your way to annoy and upset people, then you cry like little bitches when you face the consequences of annoying and upsetting people. That's the game you play. It's literally your entire MO.

Gina Carano is a moron and knows less than nothing about the science of the pandemic. Yet she trolled about it constantly. Surely, even as mealy mouthed as you are, you still would not sit there and try to tell someone, with a straight face, that Gina had any genuine, intellectual interest in getting to the truth, or in spurring discussions on the forefront of the pandemic issues that are arising. She was trolling. She was trying to upset and annoy people. And now she's crying like a little bitch, because it worked. How fucking dumb can you be?
Keep that destruction up. Acting? Most of the people in TV and movies are passable. Greatness is very few. And there are millions of people who could probably replace most actors with the same passable ability. This woman actually could beat the crap out of men. Unlike the endless numbers of Prog women who do it in all the TV programs. And many women who can not fight and get involved in potentially dangerous situations believe this. Anyway, Gina Carano had a presence on that program. I saw part of the next to last one and the last one while over one of my kid's house a couple of months ago. You know she is there.
You aren’t making any sense fatty. People would watch the Mandalorian with her in it if Disney didn’t take any action. They allowed easily offended sissies on Twitter who likely don’t even subscribe to Disney+ to make the decision for them. Do you even win a debate? You are a very stupid person. What you call “babbling” is me telling you that you’re full of shit.

Dude, you are definitely babbling.... They teach you in high school debate club that you don't win points with name calling.

Point was, she was bringing attention to the show it didn't need, so off she goes.
You’re not very smart. As always. More attention = more eyes on your product = higher ratings and more money. And idiots like you and the moron who illegally fired her think that is a bad thing. Considering what others on that show (still employed) have said, she’s an angel.
Tell that to Colin Kaepernick.

Who got fired, even though he was eventually completely vindicated and the NFL conceded the point.
Wrong again. Kraperlimpdick refused 2 contract offers, then cried collusion. The NFL paid him because that was cheaper than going through the courts. Where the NFL would have won convincingly. But it would have been dragged out for years by Kraperlimpdick and his enablers.
Disney fired Carano because she is not a leftist.
No, that's painfully fucking stupid, and you embarrass yourself to say it.
It is the truth. Dig deeper. They knew she was a conservative and were looking for a reason to fire her. But she bounced back.

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Irrelevant. Just as people who want to watch a family space adventure don't want political or social statements from the actors, football fans don't want political or social statements when they watch a game. In addition to this, Carano's comments were made apart from the show whereas Kaepernick made his gesture at the games.

Um, yeah, I give you a little more credit when you know you actually can be shot by a rogue cop on the way home from that game entertaining people.

Stop saying we're acting like Nazis for, say, just wearing a stupid hat and we'll stop saying we're being persecuted. Simple enough, right?

Stop acting like Nazis and we'll stop calling you Nazis.

And there's the problem: I don't know any conservatives personally who hates minorities.

Really? Have you looked around this board recently?

Also, just because Hollywood set a precedent back in the fifties does not mean that precedent was right, fair or just. Most people today (including myself and indeed, a lot of current celebrities) view the Hollywood communist witch hunts of the fifties as wrong. In fact, you may remember that in 1999 there was some controversy over awarding Elia Kazan an honorary Oscar for his cinematic achievements because he testified against fellow film workers at one of these hearings in 1952. When he was presented the award, half the celebrities in the audience refused to stand or applaud.

As they should have. But no one is "Blacklisting" Mannish Woman, they just don't think she's the right fit for their Space Adventure for the whole family when she posts Nazi imagery.

If you'll remember, ABC cancelled Tim Allen's show in spite of it being their second highest rated sitcom at the time. They were lucky to get picked up by the conservative Fox network but they were cancelled just the same.

Second rated sitcom didn't get you much, when you are paying your star a seven figure salary for mediocre ratings. The problem was they were looking for a second Home Improvement and didn't get it.

She got fired for saying conservative shit on Twitter.

Like I said, "stupid shit". You guys have really just gotten a lot dumber since Reagan, who at least made the ideas sound intelligent.

Now you've just turned into a cult of personality.
You just said: "the only thing that stopped Trump from being Hitler is that we have stronger institutions in this country than Germany's Wiemar Republic did."

Yet you're afraid of him anyway. Your arguments are not very consistent.
Are you slow? Do you have a learning disability? Trump ordered his mob to storm Congress, and the only thing that kept that from being a lot worse than it was that a lot of brave cops put their lives on the line.

There's no reason to impeach him after he's out of office.

Sure there is, Corky. First, you keep him from running again. Second, you have set a precedent for any future president that riling up an angry mob and setting it loose on a co-equal branch of government is unacceptable.

Morrissey was not fired, Carano was. Ergo, you have no point.

They couldn't fire him because he wasn't on the payroll of Disney. He worked for them one time.

The crybabies on Twitter are the ones who made her bigger than the story. If these people had even a modicum of backbone and the wherewithal of mature adults to dismiss opposing ideas they don't agree with, this would be a non-issue.

They got rid of her. It's now a non-issue. Now, if the Baby Yoda puppet said dumb things on Twitter, that might actually upset people.

If he was not aware that it was in poor taste before he posted it then it means just what I said: That he overreacted and went bugshit and made a summary judgment when he saw the MAGA hat just like everybody else did.

Did he? Hey, funny thing, just because Conservative Media has declared Smirky McBitchslap to the pantheon of Conservative Martyrs, most normal people still think he's an entitled little punk.

You've said much more than that he needed an attitude adjustment. You repeatedly condemned him for his pro-life views in spite of the fact that it had nothing to do with the encounter with Phillips, and constantly referred to him and the other kids as "Little Catholic Bastards".

It's way too late in the game to try to pretend that your words and comments were not just as reprehensible as Morrisey's.

I didn't say stick him in a wood chipper, Corky, that's the problem. I don't worry about being "politically correct".

You yourself are guilty of intolerance and you have your own carefully crafted prejudices; against conservatives, pro-lifers and Catholics, among other things.

Yes, if you believe stupid things, I will judge you.

Don't be stupid. You know full well that even if she was in The Walking Dead, the crybabies on Twitter would still be calling for her head and AMC would have given it to them just as quickly. Why? Because, as you said, you people are "completely intolerant of racism and need to put it in the correct perspective". Quit pretending that this has anything to do with Disney being a family oriented network.

Can you cite a case where AMC fired a conservative star?

Don't tell me about what others did and for what reason. I asked YOU the question: How does anything she says affect your enjoyment of a movie or show?

Again, for years, I could never enjoy a movie with Fonda in it because she betrayed our troops... And she can actually act.

They're still going to lose revenue. And even after the clamor has died down, those who boycott, unsubscribe or refuse to watch Disney will still be boycotting, still be unsubscribed and still be refusing to watch Disney.

Nobody cares about Cleetus in his trailer park...
You’re not very smart. As always. More attention = more eyes on your product = higher ratings and more money. And idiots like you and the moron who illegally fired her think that is a bad thing. Considering what others on that show (still employed) have said, she’s an angel.

Contrary to the common saying, there is such a things as BAD publicity.

Wrong again. Kraperlimpdick refused 2 contract offers, then cried collusion. The NFL paid him because that was cheaper than going through the courts. Where the NFL would have won convincingly. But it would have been dragged out for years by Kraperlimpdick and his enablers.

You don't pay someone off if the law and facts are on your side. At least not 7 million dollars.

"Wow, I can get 7 million and Not get my body beaten up?" They'd all be kneeling.

Oh, wait, they all do now because the NFL has conceded the point.
Again with the "faux victim horseshit"?
Absolutely. It describes all of you morons perfectly. You go out of your way to annoy and upset people, then you cry like little bitches when you face the consequences of annoying and upsetting people. That's the game you play. It's literally your entire MO.

The only reason it looks like we go out of our way to annoy and upset people is because you people go out of your way to get annoyed and upset. For Christ's sake, a woman teacher recently said that Bernie Sanders' outfit that he wore at the inauguration was a sign of white privilege. A winter coat and oversized mittens are now a symbol of white privilege. Jesus please us, and you wonder why conservatives say the shit they do.

Gina Carano is a moron and knows less than nothing about the science of the pandemic. Yet she trolled about it constantly. Surely, even as mealy mouthed as you are, you still would not sit there and try to tell someone, with a straight face, that Gina had any genuine, intellectual interest in getting to the truth, or in spurring discussions on the forefront of the pandemic issues that are arising. She was trolling. She was trying to upset and annoy people. And now she's crying like a little bitch, because it worked. How fucking dumb can a person be?

I don't give a loose shit in a high wind about her remarks about masks. Are you telling me that the people on Twitter are not smart enough or mature enough to make their own choice about wearing the mask? C'mon man. The choice was, and always has been, theirs to make. If they choose to not wear a mask based on comments from some yahoo on Twitter in contravention of state and government protocols and doctor recommendations, well, that would be pretty fucking stupid, dontcha think?

Your remarks don't cast your fellow liberals in a very flattering light. You seem to think they're all as dimwitted as you think I am.
You’re not very smart. As always. More attention = more eyes on your product = higher ratings and more money. And idiots like you and the moron who illegally fired her think that is a bad thing. Considering what others on that show (still employed) have said, she’s an angel.

Contrary to the common saying, there is such a things as BAD publicity.

Wrong again. Kraperlimpdick refused 2 contract offers, then cried collusion. The NFL paid him because that was cheaper than going through the courts. Where the NFL would have won convincingly. But it would have been dragged out for years by Kraperlimpdick and his enablers.

You don't pay someone off if the law and facts are on your side. At least not 7 million dollars.

"Wow, I can get 7 million and Not get my body beaten up?" They'd all be kneeling.

Oh, wait, they all do now because the NFL has conceded the point.
Yes they did pay him to avoid court costs. The facts are that Kraperlimpdick TURNED DOWN 2 offers of contracts (Baltimore and Denver as well as Miami having interest until the asshole wore a Castro shirt to a press meeting). Meaning only retards like you buy the “collusion” bullshit story. 7 million when he wanted so much more. He lost. The NFL conceded nothing as Kraperlimpdick is and always will be unemployed. 7 million when the stars get so much more. Damn you’re cheap.
You just said: "the only thing that stopped Trump from being Hitler is that we have stronger institutions in this country than Germany's Wiemar Republic did."

Yet you're afraid of him anyway. Your arguments are not very consistent.
Are you slow? Do you have a learning disability? Trump ordered his mob to storm Congress, and the only thing that kept that from being a lot worse than it was that a lot of brave cops put their lives on the line.

I've watched the entire video from the rally in D.C. on that day and not once did he order anyone to do anything other than to stand their ground and keep fighting the election results. This does not, in any way, imply or say storm the Capital building. You're going to have to give me a link to a video or give me a direct quote to prove that he ordered his mob to storm Congress.

By the way, in case you haven't already heard, he was acquitted today. That's two times those idiots tried to impeach him and two times they failed.

There's no reason to impeach him after he's out of office.

Sure there is, Corky. First, you keep him from running again. Second, you have set a precedent for any future president that riling up an angry mob and setting it loose on a co-equal branch of government is unacceptable.

Do you honestly think he has a chance at another election? Not even I am delusional enough to think that.

Morrissey was not fired, Carano was. Ergo, you have no point.

They couldn't fire him because he wasn't on the payroll of Disney. He worked for them one time.

Irrelevant. He wasn't fired by anybody or reprimanded in any way.

The crybabies on Twitter are the ones who made her bigger than the story. If these people had even a modicum of backbone and the wherewithal of mature adults to dismiss opposing ideas they don't agree with, this would be a non-issue.

They got rid of her. It's now a non-issue. Now, if the Baby Yoda puppet said dumb things on Twitter, that might actually upset people.

It could have been a non-issue long before that. But you liberals must have your revenge for being exposed to different opinions and ideas.

If he was not aware that it was in poor taste before he posted it then it means just what I said: That he overreacted and went bugshit and made a summary judgment when he saw the MAGA hat just like everybody else did.

Did he? Hey, funny thing, just because Conservative Media has declared Smirky McBitchslap to the pantheon of Conservative Martyrs, most normal people still think he's an entitled little punk.

Irrelevant. Their opinion about him being entitled or not entitled is irrelevant to the incident in D.C.. If they had not overreacted to the hat and waited to get the whole story, no one would know his name and he could have gone on being entitled in relative peace and you idiots wouldn't be obsessing over him.

You've said much more than that he needed an attitude adjustment. You repeatedly condemned him for his pro-life views in spite of the fact that it had nothing to do with the encounter with Phillips, and constantly referred to him and the other kids as "Little Catholic Bastards".

It's way too late in the game to try to pretend that your words and comments were not just as reprehensible as Morrisey's.

I didn't say stick him in a wood chipper, Corky, that's the problem. I don't worry about being "politically correct".

Irrelevant. Your remarks were still hateful and insulting and wholly uncalled for, given the situation.

You overreacted just like everybody else and then even after the truth came out, you refused to acknowledge it. You persisted with the false narrative that he approached Phillips. You persisted with the false narrative that they were blocking Phillips' path to the monument. You persisted with the false narrative that his group did not have a permit, even though they were just waiting for their bus, were not demonstrating there and the march they did attend had a permit. You persisted with the false narrative that the kids were chanting "Build that wall".

Literally everything you said about him and that incident was a lie. And why? The stupid hat.

You yourself are guilty of intolerance and you have your own carefully crafted prejudices; against conservatives, pro-lifers and Catholics, among other things.

Yes, if you believe stupid things, I will judge you.

"Stupid things" being entirely subjective of course.

Don't be stupid. You know full well that even if she was in The Walking Dead, the crybabies on Twitter would still be calling for her head and AMC would have given it to them just as quickly. Why? Because, as you said, you people are "completely intolerant of racism and need to put it in the correct perspective". Quit pretending that this has anything to do with Disney being a family oriented network.

Can you cite a case where AMC fired a conservative star?

Don't be an idiot.

Don't tell me about what others did and for what reason. I asked YOU the question: How does anything she says affect your enjoyment of a movie or show?

Again, for years, I could never enjoy a movie with Fonda in it because she betrayed our troops... And she can actually act.

Well, that's your problem, isn't it?

I have a problem with a lot of celebrities these days saying stupid shit about conservatives and Trump supporters. That never stopped me from watching their shows and films.

They're still going to lose revenue. And even after the clamor has died down, those who boycott, unsubscribe or refuse to watch Disney will still be boycotting, still be unsubscribed and still be refusing to watch Disney.

Nobody cares about Cleetus in his trailer park...

That's a stupid goddamn thing to say. Are you telling me they're okay with losing revenue to white trash? That doesn't jibe with what you and others here have been telling us; that the almighty dollar is the bottom line for them.
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Irrelevant. Just as people who want to watch a family space adventure don't want political or social statements from the actors, football fans don't want political or social statements when they watch a game. In addition to this, Carano's comments were made apart from the show whereas Kaepernick made his gesture at the games.

Um, yeah, I give you a little more credit when you know you actually can be shot by a rogue cop on the way home from that game entertaining people.

Irrelevant. Not everyone shares his opinion that cops are out to get black guys.

Stop saying we're acting like Nazis for, say, just wearing a stupid hat and we'll stop saying we're being persecuted. Simple enough, right?

Stop acting like Nazis and we'll stop calling you Nazis.

You can't have it both ways. If saying that conservatives are being treated like Jews is an exaggeration and a silly comparison then so is calling people Nazis (who rounded people up and forced them into ghettos and slaughtered millions; something conservatives have never done) for stupid shit like wearing a hat.

You can't very well compare an elderly black man wearing a MAGA hat to someone who participated in genocide. It's fucking ridiculous, asinine, moronic and childish.

And there's the problem: I don't know any conservatives personally who hates minorities.

Really? Have you looked around this board recently?

I said I don't know any conservatives personally who hates minorities. If you have a problem with people hating minorities then go and deal with them and stop assuming every conservative does just because of a few you see on a fucking message board.

Also, just because Hollywood set a precedent back in the fifties does not mean that precedent was right, fair or just. Most people today (including myself and indeed, a lot of current celebrities) view the Hollywood communist witch hunts of the fifties as wrong. In fact, you may remember that in 1999 there was some controversy over awarding Elia Kazan an honorary Oscar for his cinematic achievements because he testified against fellow film workers at one of these hearings in 1952. When he was presented the award, half the celebrities in the audience refused to stand or applaud.

As they should have. But no one is "Blacklisting" Mannish Woman, they just don't think she's the right fit for their Space Adventure for the whole family when she posts Nazi imagery.

Her costar did the exact same thing and no one told him shit. In fact, someone posted a pic of that tweet in this discussion.

If you'll remember, ABC cancelled Tim Allen's show in spite of it being their second highest rated sitcom at the time. They were lucky to get picked up by the conservative Fox network but they were cancelled just the same.

Second rated sitcom didn't get you much, when you are paying your star a seven figure salary for mediocre ratings.

Second highest rating is mediocre?

The problem was they were looking for a second Home Improvement and didn't get it.

They knew full well what the show was about. It was always about an opinionated conservative male from the very beginning.

The show started in 2011 while Obama was president so it wasn't much of a problem. But then Trump started campaigning in June 2015 and ruffled a lot of liberal and Democrat feathers and and these idiots began to view conservatives in a negative light. In addition to that, Allen's character started making references to Trump in certain episodes. As result, it is no coincidence (I think) that they cancelled the show after the 2016-2017 season.

She got fired for saying conservative shit on Twitter.

Like I said, "stupid shit". You guys have really just gotten a lot dumber since Reagan, who at least made the ideas sound intelligent.

Now you've just turned into a cult of personality.

At the time Germany was having massive financial issues due to WWI sanctions and he made the Jews the scapegoats. Zero conflation to Trump. You need to STFU. I lost 95% of my ancestors due to WW2 and the Holocaust. I have heard dozens of firsthand stories of what happened.

Um, yeah, but why were the Jews such an easy scapegoat?

Maybe because they institgated the November 1918 revolution that brought down the Kaiser and Germany's surrender.

View attachment 455999
Check it out.. this is a political cartoon from 1919. Before Hitler started the NSDAP. Perpetuating the "Stabbed in the Back" Myth Dolchstoßlegende

This was on top of Martin Luther making anti-Semitism a core tenet of Lutheranism.

Germans didn't really like the Jews long before Hitler, that was the point.
Most don't realize that Russia's communist take over and murder of the Last Czar of Russia and his wife in around the 1918--was done by Jewish communists who took over russia then (they weren't atheists like the christians like rewrite history with)....hence one of the reasons why jews were hated. Nikolas's wife--was German royality.

Communism back then was a jewish run thing--------Socialism was a non-jewish and often jew hating thing. Revoltutionary Russian Jewish leadership hated the christian Czar and other christians. Christian socialist germany hated and despise them all long before Hitler rose to power.

Worse those who ordered the czar family killed were specifically Jewish and it was specifically reported that the murder was done as some sort of religious revenge. They killed the czar, his wife, and their 5 children along with some staff I believe.

The whole jewish angle has been largely whitewashed from history------and replaced with the mantra that Hitler killed 6 million jews over two decades later. Germans hate of jews started before Hitler---and hitler was but a product of this hate not the start.
Thats so true

liberal American society in 2020 reminds me very much of nazi Germany circa 1933

The only guy who was like Hitler was Trump, attacking the free Press, attacking the institutions of democracy, calling on angry mobs to enforce his whims.
Nonsense..the socialist libs and the socialist nazis including Hitler are like peas in a pod circa 1933........Hitler and the PRESS btw were like the the dems and the press now---totally completely in bed together. The press for Hitler covered Hitlers crimes and bashed and smeared Hitlers political enemies exactly as they do Trump nowadays. Same shit goes for the Hollyweird and their stunts for the socialist/communist dems nowaday--they too both Hollyweird and the Nazis own celebrities supported Hitler. History repeats itself repeatedly.
At the time Germany was having massive financial issues due to WWI sanctions and he made the Jews the scapegoats. Zero conflation to Trump. You need to STFU. I lost 95% of my ancestors due to WW2 and the Holocaust. I have heard dozens of firsthand stories of what happened.

Um, yeah, but why were the Jews such an easy scapegoat?

Maybe because they institgated the November 1918 revolution that brought down the Kaiser and Germany's surrender.

View attachment 455999
Check it out.. this is a political cartoon from 1919. Before Hitler started the NSDAP. Perpetuating the "Stabbed in the Back" Myth Dolchstoßlegende

This was on top of Martin Luther making anti-Semitism a core tenet of Lutheranism.

Germans didn't really like the Jews long before Hitler, that was the point.
Most don't realize that Russia's communist take over and murder of the Last Czar of Russia and his wife in around the 1918--was done by Jewish communists who took over russia then (they weren't atheists like the christians like rewrite history with)....hence one of the reasons why jews were hated. Nikolas's wife--was German royality.

Communism back then was a jewish run thing--------Socialism was a non-jewish and often jew hating thing. Revoltutionary Russian Jewish leadership hated the christian Czar and other christians. Christian socialist germany hated and despise them all long before Hitler rose to power.

Worse those who ordered the czar family killed were specifically Jewish and it was specifically reported that the murder was done as some sort of religious revenge. They killed the czar, his wife, and their 5 children along with some staff I believe.

The whole jewish angle has been largely whitewashed from history------and replaced with the mantra that Hitler killed 6 million jews over two decades later. Germans hate of jews started before Hitler---and hitler was but a product of this hate not the start.
Another fucking Jew blamer. WTF?!
Yes they did pay him to avoid court costs. The facts are that Kraperlimpdick TURNED DOWN 2 offers of contracts (Baltimore and Denver as well as Miami having interest until the asshole wore a Castro shirt to a press meeting). Meaning only retards like you buy the “collusion” bullshit story. 7 million when he wanted so much more. He lost. The NFL conceded nothing as Kraperlimpdick is and always will be unemployed. 7 million when the stars get so much more. Damn you’re cheap.

Legal experts have said collusion cases are notoriously difficult to prove, which makes it highly unusual for the league to settle a case like this. It is possible Mr. Kaepernick’s lawyers had gathered enough persuasive evidence and testimony from owners, league officials and football experts that Mr. Kaepernick stood a reasonable chance of persuading the arbitrator hearing the case to rule in his favor.

Frank Hawkins, a former senior vice president of the N.F.L., said he thought the league was probably more worried about embarrassing statements from owners getting out through a hearing than about losing the case.

Carl Tobias, an expert on civil litigation who teaches at the University of Richmond School of Law, said that parties settle for all sorts of reasons, even when they believe they may prevail in court. But the N.F.L., he said, most likely wanted to move on from the issue rather than risk an adverse ruling that could, among other things, taint negotiations over the league’s collective bargaining agreement, which will expire in two seasons.

“I think the N.F.L. just wanted to get this behind them and not have this threat hanging over them,” Mr. Tobias said. “I think they’d pay whatever they’d get away with to stop the hemorrhaging and the negative light on the league.”
Irrelevant. Not everyone shares his opinion that cops are out to get black guys.

Yes, a lot of people are kind of clueless. It's been what, 30 years since the Rodney King tape, and you guys still pretend this isn't a problem.

You can't have it both ways. If saying that conservatives are being treated like Jews is an exaggeration and a silly comparison then so is calling people Nazis (who rounded people up and forced them into ghettos and slaughtered millions; something conservatives have never done) for stupid shit like wearing a hat.

Uh, guy, the only difference is that we put a stop to Trump after four years. Heck, if Hitler had been voted out of office in 1937, before any concentration camps were running at full clip, before he invaded any countries, etc. he wouldn't be the go-to argument for every twit making a Godwin argument. The mistake a lot of you guys make in recalling Nazi Germany was that you all think that BAM 1933, it all changed overnight. It really didn't. The destruction of Germany's democratic institutions took years.

You can't very well compare an elderly black man wearing a MAGA hat to someone who participated in genocide. It's fucking ridiculous, asinine, moronic and childish.

Hey, funny thing. Slavs joined up with the SS in droves. It's why when they drag out some geriatric war criminal to ship to the Zionist Entity for a show trial, he's usually not a German. Self-loathing minorities are kind of the problem, because they give legitimacy to the racism.

I said I don't know any conservatives personally who hates minorities. If you have a problem with people hating minorities then go and deal with them and stop assuming every conservative does just because of a few you see on a fucking message board.

Wow, so all your conservative friends are all just smart enough not to blurt out the N-word in public. Color me not impressed.

Her costar did the exact same thing and no one told him shit. In fact, someone posted a pic of that tweet in this discussion.

His co-star actually had a point, because he was pointing out that TRUMP WAS THROWING KIDS INTO CONCENTRATION CAMPS>

(Next Lame Argument: "But, but, but, OOOooooooobama did that a for a week once in 2015, so that makes it okay.)

Second highest rating is mediocre?

Um, yeah, if the ratings are declining and he wants to come back and ask for more money.

They knew full well what the show was about. It was always about an opinionated conservative male from the very beginning.

The show started in 2011 while Obama was president so it wasn't much of a problem. But then Trump started campaigning in June 2015 and ruffled a lot of liberal and Democrat feathers and and these idiots began to view conservatives in a negative light. In addition to that, Allen's character started making references to Trump in certain episodes. As result, it is no coincidence (I think) that they cancelled the show after the 2016-2017 season.

ACtually, there was a whole lot of reasons why ABC cancelled Last Man Standing, the main one being, THEY DIDN'T OWN IT.

Dungey stressed that star Allen's conservative leaning (he's pro-Trump) did not factor into her decision to cancel the series and noted that the Disney-owned network axed programming from multiple studios: Sony Pictures Television (Dr. Ken, Imaginary Mary), Warner Bros. Television (Time After Time) and even its own ABC Studios (The Catch, American Crime).

"There are many factors that go into the decision-making process: ratings, critical acclaim … of course we look at ownership structure," Dungey said of the rising importance of ownership at all of the Big Four broadcast networks. Ultimately, Dungey stressed that Allen's political affiliation — he has compared being a conservative in Hollywood to "'30s Germany" — did not play a role in the decision to ax the comedy. "I wouldn't say that was the deciding factor," she said.

From a financial point of view, ABC did not own Last Man Standing and had been reducing licensing fees on many of its aging shows — including Sony's The Goldbergs, ABC Studios' Once Upon a Time and 20th TV's Modern Family — in a bid to reduce costs amid dwindling viewership and ad dollars.

Compare a Reagan Speech to a Trump Speech. World of difference. Your movement has gotten dumber, and you don't even bother to hide the racism anymore.

You see, when Reagan advocated the sheer stupidity of "Supply Side" economics, it had the virtue of not really being tested. When Trump advocates it, he doesn't even PRETEND it's going to have a positive economic effect or reduce the deficit...It's just a rich guy making a naked power grab and you shitheads going along with it because he hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

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