Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

What she said was not vile.

The problem you have with it, is that it was true.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

The tone-deaf irony is breathtaking. I am just speechless at this much lack of self-awareness.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.
She said nothing vile. Clearly you are just a cultist bot spewing what you are told to.
Gina is a trolling pile of vile. Her social posts are stupid. She was fired for being a stupid troll. Why does this bother you? Don’t be a stupid troll.

You are a trolling pile of vile. Your posts are stupid. You are a stupid troll.

Her point was true, that is why you hate her. And support her being fired.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

What she said was not vile.

The problem you have with it, is that it was true.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

The tone-deaf irony is breathtaking. I am just speechless at this much lack of self-awareness.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.
She said nothing vile. Clearly you are just a cultist bot spewing what you are told to.
Gina is a trolling pile of vile. Her social posts are stupid. She was fired for being a stupid troll. Why does this bother you? Don’t be a stupid troll.

You are a trolling pile of vile. Your posts are stupid. You are a stupid troll.

Her point was true, that is why you hate her. And support her being fired.
I don’t hate her. I didn’t love her character but the show is great. Don’t follow trolls on Twitter so not following her. Public folks get reaction when they go political. She got a reaction. Bam. Cancelled!
I don’t hate her. I didn’t love her character but the show is great. Don’t follow trolls on Twitter so not following her. Public folks get reaction when they go political. She got a reaction. Bam. Cancelled!

Good points, all.

The thing was, her acting range was kind of limited and her character is ultimately dispensable.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

What she said was not vile.

The problem you have with it, is that it was true.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

The tone-deaf irony is breathtaking. I am just speechless at this much lack of self-awareness.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.
She said nothing vile. Clearly you are just a cultist bot spewing what you are told to.
Gina is a trolling pile of vile. Her social posts are stupid. She was fired for being a stupid troll. Why does this bother you? Don’t be a stupid troll.

You are a trolling pile of vile. Your posts are stupid. You are a stupid troll.

Her point was true, that is why you hate her. And support her being fired.
I don’t hate her. I didn’t love her character but the show is great. Don’t follow trolls on Twitter so not following her. Public folks get reaction when they go political. She got a reaction. Bam. Cancelled!

Nope. Plenty of public people go political and are celebrated. Even make nazi references and are celebrated.

But, you have to conform. Conform, go with the herd, or the mob will destroy you.

I know you like that idea. Funny that even now you libs still lie about what this is all about.

Worried that people still might wake up to what you people really are?
Hitler did everything in his power to build the hate towards the Jews.

Not the point I was making at all.

Sure, he built on hatred that was already deeply engrained in the culture. But it was already there.

Just like Trump didn't invent White Racism, but he kept building on it's worst aspects.
We arent the problem here dumbass.

It is you "canceling" your enemies and getting people fired BECAUSE THEY DONT AGREE WITH YOU.

YOU are the fascist
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Yes they did pay him to avoid court costs. The facts are that Kraperlimpdick TURNED DOWN 2 offers of contracts (Baltimore and Denver as well as Miami having interest until the asshole wore a Castro shirt to a press meeting). Meaning only retards like you buy the “collusion” bullshit story. 7 million when he wanted so much more. He lost. The NFL conceded nothing as Kraperlimpdick is and always will be unemployed. 7 million when the stars get so much more. Damn you’re cheap.

Legal experts have said collusion cases are notoriously difficult to prove, which makes it highly unusual for the league to settle a case like this. It is possible Mr. Kaepernick’s lawyers had gathered enough persuasive evidence and testimony from owners, league officials and football experts that Mr. Kaepernick stood a reasonable chance of persuading the arbitrator hearing the case to rule in his favor.

Frank Hawkins, a former senior vice president of the N.F.L., said he thought the league was probably more worried about embarrassing statements from owners getting out through a hearing than about losing the case.

Carl Tobias, an expert on civil litigation who teaches at the University of Richmond School of Law, said that parties settle for all sorts of reasons, even when they believe they may prevail in court. But the N.F.L., he said, most likely wanted to move on from the issue rather than risk an adverse ruling that could, among other things, taint negotiations over the league’s collective bargaining agreement, which will expire in two seasons.

“I think the N.F.L. just wanted to get this behind them and not have this threat hanging over them,” Mr. Tobias said. “I think they’d pay whatever they’d get away with to stop the hemorrhaging and the negative light on the league.”
Yet Kraperlimpdick would have been laughed out of court. Again, you can NOT refuse two contract offers, then cry collusion. It doesn’t work that way. Just paying off a nuisance who would have kept them spending millions more with endless appeals.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

What she said was not vile.

The problem you have with it, is that it was true.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.

The tone-deaf irony is breathtaking. I am just speechless at this much lack of self-awareness.
Say vile things and get what’s coming to you legally from the public. The government had no part in the free market decision she is repulsive.
She said nothing vile. Clearly you are just a cultist bot spewing what you are told to.
Gina is a trolling pile of vile. Her social posts are stupid. She was fired for being a stupid troll. Why does this bother you? Don’t be a stupid troll.
Then why hasn’t Pascal been sent packing too? We’ll wait while you sputter and make excuses for him.
Yet Kraperlimpdick would have been laughed out of court. Again, you can NOT refuse two contract offers, then cry collusion. It doesn’t work that way. Just paying off a nuisance who would have kept them spending millions more with endless appeals.

Actually, more like, they didn't want all their internal documents coming out during discovery.

You don't settle when you have a strong case.
First, conservatives can't broadcast whatever they like to the entire world
Wrong. Start a website. Pay for hosting. Broadcast anything you like. Nobody is getting banned for posting anything "conservative" anyway. If your campaign of complaining involves conflating the idiotic, deadly lies about the pandemic and the election with "conservatism", then you are willingly digging the grave for conservatism. "It's your funeral", as they say.

Like Parler did?
Correct. Like Parler did. And depending on your content, you may have to buy your own servers. Unlike Parler.

Keep moving those silencing goalposts you fascist fucktard.
First, conservatives can't broadcast whatever they like to the entire world
Wrong. Start a website. Pay for hosting. Broadcast anything you like. Nobody is getting banned for posting anything "conservative" anyway. If your campaign of complaining involves conflating the idiotic, deadly lies about the pandemic and the election with "conservatism", then you are willingly digging the grave for conservatism. "It's your funeral", as they say.

Like Parler did?
Correct. Like Parler did. And depending on your content, you may have to buy your own servers. Unlike Parler.

Keep moving those silencing goalposts you fascist fucktard.
Keep whining like a little entitled baby that you don't get to say whatever you want on forums like this one without gettimg banned. Does the white victimhood get any stronger than it is with you? Doubtful.
It is the truth.
It is false. She was an outspoken republican when they hired her. Then, they hired her again for another season. So no, that's total bullshit.

So then could we say that she was not fired for being conservative but rather, because she stated conservative views? That's kind of like: It's okay to BE conservative, just don't say or do conservative things.
Yet Kraperlimpdick would have been laughed out of court. Again, you can NOT refuse two contract offers, then cry collusion. It doesn’t work that way. Just paying off a nuisance who would have kept them spending millions more with endless appeals.

Actually, more like, they didn't want all their internal documents coming out during discovery.

You don't settle when you have a strong case.
Sorry, the fukwit turned down 2 contracts. Nullifying his right to cry collusion. The NFL settled for far less than the years long court cases would have cost. And Kraperlimpdick remains unemployed. Win-win.
It is the truth.
It is false. She was an outspoken republican when they hired her. Then, they hired her again for another season. So no, that's total bullshit.
What are you talking about? Link it...and make sure it has the contract details. Pretty sure she was contracted for multiple seasons immediately.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

You fucking loons compare almost everything you disagree with to all the bad shit the Nazi's did?

Your opinion of Sandmann needing the "smirk slapped off his face" is irrelevant to the lies and false narrative you pushed about the incident with Phillips. Everything you said about the incident itself was a lie. You couldn't even use his real name.

His name is Smirkly McBitchslap, little Entitled Catholic Bastard.

As for Brown, you didn't get half of that right either. You didn't even know about the convenience store security video that showed the clerk putting the cigars back on the shelf after Brown's initial visit to the store earlier that day. You kept ignoring, skimming past or downplaying Brown's attack on Chauvin in the cruiser and trying to take his gun as if this wouldn't have any bearing on Chauvin thinking Brown might be dangerous.

None of that matters. What matters.

Unarmed black kid, 157 feet away, with his hands up. Shot six times by a thug cop who had been fired from another police department.

Nope. Even if what you say about Republicans later is true, the least we can say is that the Democrats were just as racist.

Nope, you can't say that at all. Democrats expunged their racists, Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

I know what the coroner and D.A. ruled

Good, we're done. Chauvin is going to jail for the rest of his life, as he should.

As for the 400,000 dead, just think of them as unborn babies. Maybe that'll cool the faux outrage fire in your breast.

Aborted Fetuses aren't people. Even the women they are inside don't care about them. The 400K Dead who died of TRUMP PLAGUE will have people who will miss them.

As for the jobs lost, the jobs were lost due to COVID restrictions, not because of anything Trump did (or didn't do).

Well, first, the economy was going into recession before Trump Plague broke out. Secondly, yes, the fact that he didn't take preventative measures in February and march is why we had restrictions in April that crippled the economy.

It is worth pointing out that Dukakis left Willie Horton out of jail and he brutally tortured and raped and robbed a couple of innocent people.

That was bad judgement on Dukakis's part and a valid campaign issue.

Only a wace baiting asshole would use it as evidence of wacism.

Oh, look KKKorrel is back.

First, Dukakis didn't let anyone out. The Furlough Program was devised by his predecessor.

Second, putting a picture of the SCARY BLACK MAN on TV and lying about it was appealing to racism. Calling him "Willie Horton" was racism. Horton never referred to himself as "Willie".

Even Lee Atwater, the Racist who came up with it, apologized for it on his deathbed before he was about to meet his maker.
Poor Joe fat fuck, the unapologetic commie....still bitter that the kid stood his ground against one of your fellow commies that wasn't the Vietnam vet he claimed to be? COOL! What I find even funnier is that you still persist that you believe he was "smirking" and that he should have been "slapped" for his facial expression. God knows that had you been there that you would have soiled yourself at the very prospect of having to "put up or shut up". You have always been ten pounds of bullshit stuffed into a five pound sack. You are this forum's biggest blowhard and given the competition? That's quite an accomplishment....."Thar she blows!!!!!!!!!"

Poor Joe fat fuck, the unapologetic commie....still bitter that the kid stood his ground against one of your fellow commies that wasn't the Vietnam vet he claimed to be? COOL! What I find even funnier is that you still persist that you believe he was "smirking" and that he should have been "slapped" for his facial expression.

For those playing along at home, Dale is a Cocksucker who gets on here claiming Sandy Hook was a hoax.

He is truly an awful person in every sense of the word.
Poor Joe fat fuck, the unapologetic commie....still bitter that the kid stood his ground against one of your fellow commies that wasn't the Vietnam vet he claimed to be? COOL! What I find even funnier is that you still persist that you believe he was "smirking" and that he should have been "slapped" for his facial expression.

For those playing along at home, Dale is a Cocksucker who gets on here claiming Sandy Hook was a hoax.

He is truly an awful person in every sense of the word.
Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, why is it that you can never explain even one of the 100 plus anomalies that was Sandy Hoax? You get flustered and totally tongue tied and resort to lame insults. You waddle into the fray and then whine like a little bitch when you get bitch-slapped.....I am hardly to blame for your ignorance.

King was a habitual drunk and druggy who insisted on driving putting everyone's lives in danger. The cops have to get drunks and druggies off the roads in order to protect the public. Interesting that you blame the cops for doing their jobs than the race hustlers hero, drunk/druggy KING.. Running from cops, putting other peoples lives in danger, and using drugs while driving putting other peoples lives in danger is NOT a minor traffic infraction. Why would you even try to claim such as being so.

It's not that they were trying to arrest him, it was THE EXCESSIVE FORCE. I mean, yeah, you can have the cops shoot jaywalkers and litterers in the street, and you might even get a reduction in petty offenses, but most of us wouldn't want to live in such a society.

The Nazis were absolutely socialists 100%-------they attracted their members by PROMISING freeshit that other people earned. This is socialism/communism. Because of their promises of freechit---they attracted the criminals and thugs that the nazis would use to terrorize others called the SA which would later give birth to the smaller more controllable SS.

Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick, this is why we shouldn't let the Funditards Home School their kids.
YOu don't like the FACTS of the case? So you decide to throw out an insult and hope that it covers the TRUTH? I think you know where you can stick yourself.

Oh, FYI----Teachers suck as a group-----homeschooled even religious home schooled kids do better on tests and learn far more than there public schooled counter parts. (Teachers have always been overrated overpaid babysitters...there are exceptions but you aren't one of them.)
Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, why is it that you can never explain even one of the 100 plus anomalies that was Sandy Hoax?

Because they are all retarded, and frankly, life is too short to debunk every crazy lie you nuts spread among yourselves.

The biggest anomaly is actually on the nutters. How could you get tens of thousands of people to all prank us for no apparent reason.

You really need to see a shrink about why you are such an awful piece of human filth, but I can't think of a single therapist I dislike enough to wish you upon.

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