Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

The problem with todays society is that most of them haven't read the book 1984 (if they did, they'd probably reject the message or wonder or loud "what's so wrong about that?"), and, most don't understand the history of fascism in Europe.

Europeans know of it. Which is why even Macron has spoken out against the "woke" culture of the U.S. It's also a big reason why the U.S risks losing it's key allies in Europe and most certainly in the Far East, and the Mid East.

Destroying ones career or future is, in effect, eliminating their freedom of speech. Giving in to the weak, keyboard mob who wouldn't really fight for anything in the literal sense, ensures the silencing of open expression. It definitely has unintended consequences.

It goes beyond military support; though of course this is vital. It has to do with principled support. If the West doesn't speak out against China, Russia, N Korea and other such nations, we will not have a leg to stand on. Other nations in their orbit are not feeling warm and fuzzy about America embracing Cancel Culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
You’re an idiot with zero understanding of the themes of Orwell’s 1984 if you are seriously trying to use it as analogous to this situation. If Orwell were here, he’d smack your stupid silly face.

By all means, explain to us your "understanding" of 1984 and how he's completely wrong about it.
she posted absolving nazis. That a bad thing to you snooks?
I dont think you have very good reading comprehension skills

She was blaming all of german society for producing the nazi soldiers

What most people don't realize was the Gestapo wasn't as many agents/officers as people think, it relied on Germans informing on Germans to perform their work.
Nobody doesn’t realize that.
No, of course this board is full of fucking idiots who don’t know history. That’s why they’re all sucking Donald Trump’s cock.

"I can't prove you wrong, but I hate what you're saying, so here's some insults to hide my lack of a rebuttal!!!"

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?
Their dime?

She wasn't posting AT WORK or on a WORK PC.

Standard employment contract includes conduct unbecoming OFF THE JOB.
Go talk to that ex Chiefs coach if you’re confused by the concept.

Excuse me, but if you signed a contract agreeing to allow your employer to dictate what you can think and say and do when you're not on the clock, then you're a fucking moron.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?
Their dime?

She wasn't posting AT WORK or on a WORK PC.

Standard employment contract includes conduct unbecoming OFF THE JOB.
Go talk to that ex Chiefs coach if you’re confused by the concept.
Her statement was HISTORICAL FACT.

You CLEARLY have no knowledge of history.
She was accurate in describing how Jews were treated in Nazi Germany.
She was delusional and offensive in comparing Republicans in America today with Jews in Germany then.
You fucking idiot.

I just heard, "I really LIKE ruining the lives of people who disagree with me, and I don't want to hear that I'm an evil piece of shit for doing it!!!!"
First, conservatives can't broadcast whatever they like to the entire world
Wrong. Start a website. Pay for hosting. Broadcast anything you like. Nobody is getting banned for posting anything "conservative" anyway. If your campaign of complaining involves conflating the idiotic, deadly lies about the pandemic and the election with "conservatism", then you are willingly digging the grave for conservatism. "It's your funeral", as they say.

Like Parler did?
Correct. Like Parler did. And depending on your content, you may have to buy your own servers. Unlike Parler.

Gina. Sweet child. Nobody can cancel you. Start your own website. Start your own TV show or make a movie. Nobody is stopping you.

She does know how to push the trigger buttons of her target audience: weepy, thin skinned faux victim wingnuts. Smart marketing, really. Being one, she understands them well.
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You’re an idiot with zero understanding of the themes of Orwell’s 1984 if you are seriously trying to use it as analogous to this situation. If Orwell were here, he’d smack your stupid silly face.
You are very angry and insulting towards anyone here who dis agrees with you

didnt you ever learn how to be civil?
I feel no compulsion to be civil to hateful insurrectionists or their supporters and apologists. Go fuck yourself and choke on the results.

"I don't have to be civil to anyone I can demonize for daring to disagree with me!!!"

Way to prove Ms. Carano right.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?
Their dime?

She wasn't posting AT WORK or on a WORK PC.

Standard employment contract includes conduct unbecoming OFF THE JOB.
Go talk to that ex Chiefs coach if you’re confused by the concept.

Are you equating warning people on how Nazism infests a population with DWI, an actual crime?
I am stating the simple truth that an employer has the right to terminate an employee for conduct unbecoming, including idiotic offensive FREE speech.

We are stating the simple truth that employers actually DON'T have the right to terminate employees for "I think it's bad behavior to hold those political views!" That's called "wrongful termination". You talk like someone who's either never had a job, or always been such a puling, ass-kissing weakling that you run your life however your master orders you to.

No employer shall make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation, or policy:

(a) Forbidding or preventing employees from engaging or participating in politics or from becoming candidates for public office.

(b) Controlling or directing, or tending to control or direct the political activities or affiliations of employees.

Feel free to fuck off back with your Nazi brethren.
I feel no compulsion to be civil to hateful insurrectionists or their supporters and apologists. Go fuck yourself and choke on the results.
You would have made a good nazi in 1933 germany
No, I would have been in the resistance. Just as my real German family were in the 1930s.
You piece of shit Trump cocksucker.

No, you really wouldn't have. You'd have been groveling at the feet of the Fuhrer and turning in your relatives while bragging about what a "good German" you are.

Don't tell me how "brave" you are on the basis of what people who aren't you did. You piece of shit two-bit evil minion.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?
Their dime?

She wasn't posting AT WORK or on a WORK PC.

Standard employment contract includes conduct unbecoming OFF THE JOB.
Go talk to that ex Chiefs coach if you’re confused by the concept.
Her statement was HISTORICAL FACT.

You CLEARLY have no knowledge of history.
She was accurate in describing how Jews were treated in Nazi Germany.
She was delusional and offensive in comparing Republicans in America today with Jews in Germany then.
You fucking idiot.
really? explain how the methods being advocated by liberals differ from Nazi Germany

Do you think you can go into a restaurant and give a speech or lecture on racism or any other subject?

Do you think you make logical, coherent points that actually prove something? Because if you do, you're wrong.
she posted absolving nazis. That a bad thing to you snooks?
I dont think you have very good reading comprehension skills

She was blaming all of german society for producing the nazi soldiers

What most people don't realize was the Gestapo wasn't as many agents/officers as people think, it relied on Germans informing on Germans to perform their work.
Nobody doesn’t realize that.
No, of course this board is full of fucking idiots who don’t know history. That’s why they’re all sucking Donald Trump’s cock.
You babbling nonsense in response to babbling nonsense that you already posted? I see unfounded insults hurled at Trump supporters with no substance. Pathetic.
Yes, you are. You and all your Trump cocksucking friends who would toss our democracy and happily encourage a fascist regime in America. Fuck you.

Coming from a twat who's advocating oppression of anyone who disagrees with you while telling us how moral you are for doing it, that means less than nothing. You are now Exhibit #1 of "If this dipshit doesn't like it, it's something you should do twice as hard."

Gina. Sweet child. Nobody can cancel you. Start your own website. Start your own TV show or make a movie. Nobody is stopping you.

She does know how to push the trigger buttons of her target audience: weepy, thin skinned faux victim wingnuts. Smart marketing, really. Being one, she understands them well.

Funny you should mention that. As of this morning, Gina Carano has made a deal with Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire to develop, produce, and star in her own movie.

By the way, "sweet child", no one is buying this, "Our behavior is perfectly okay, and you're just a whiner" line from the likes of you, Fart. Maybe YOU are stupid enough to believe your talking points, but I promise the masters giving you your thoughts know it's bullshit, and they're laughing at what a gullible tool you are for them.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?
Their dime?

She wasn't posting AT WORK or on a WORK PC.

Standard employment contract includes conduct unbecoming OFF THE JOB.
Go talk to that ex Chiefs coach if you’re confused by the concept.
Her statement was HISTORICAL FACT.

You CLEARLY have no knowledge of history.
She was accurate in describing how Jews were treated in Nazi Germany.
She was delusional and offensive in comparing Republicans in America today with Jews in Germany then.
You fucking idiot.
really? explain how the methods being advocated by liberals differ from Nazi Germany

Do you think you can go into a restaurant and give a speech or lecture on racism or any other subject?
actually you can until the management orders you out what won't happen is getting arrested for your speech
You’ll absolutely get arrested for trespass if you don’t leave private property when requested.

Can either you or your Nazi party comrade, Surada, explain to us what the fuck this has to do with the topic? Were either of you even aware that a topic existed?
she posted absolving nazis. That a bad thing to you snooks?
I dont think you have very good reading comprehension skills

She was blaming all of german society for producing the nazi soldiers

What most people don't realize was the Gestapo wasn't as many agents/officers as people think, it relied on Germans informing on Germans to perform their work.
Nobody doesn’t realize that.
No, of course this board is full of fucking idiots who don’t know history. That’s why they’re all sucking Donald Trump’s cock.
You babbling nonsense in response to babbling nonsense that you already posted? I see unfounded insults hurled at Trump supporters with no substance. Pathetic.
Yes, you are. You and all your Trump cocksucking friends who would toss our democracy and happily encourage a fascist regime in America. Fuck you.

A cockgobbler says what?

You are a fucking moron, right up there with SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

Any destruction of our REPUBLIC will come from the left, not the right.
The only significant challenges to the health of our Republic have come from scum like you, scum that you adore. Fuck you.
You are so militant. I hope the FBI is watching your psychopathic ass
Why do you think I’m on this board, and Parler, and 4chan, et al.? I’m reporting on you Trump cocksucking anti-American terrorists to the FBI.

Yeah, and the FBI is taking bets on how long it'll take you to realize they're playing a practical joke on you.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
She has the equal right to be a fucking idiot on social media, and the equal right to face the consequences of her speech.
What was idiotic about her statement?
Mean while you have some one working for you that pisses off half your market segment you are going to fire them also. Here is the thing whether it being taking a knee at an NFL game and passing off conservatives or writing about Nazis and pussing off liberals, when you make your money off broad market appeal, learn to keep your big fucking trap shut.

Not legally, you aren't. I already posted the California law which states that it's "wrongful termination" to fire someone for their political opinions, or really for any lawful behavior on their own time. They aren't the only state with such laws.
She didn't absolve Nazis, Einstein. She compared them to Democrats, actually, who provoke citizens to assault their neighbors.
Thats so true

liberal American society in 2020 reminds me very much of nazi Germany circa 1933

The worst thing that happened during the Honorable Donald J. Trump's four years in office was the growth of the woke society.

It definitely was not this bad during President Obama's eight years.

Although the MeToo Movement did destroy the lives of some innocent people, it was child's play compared with what Cancel Culture as done.

The BLM movement last Spring and Summer seems to have really galvanized the Cancel Culture (now the restaurant Cracker Barrel is under attack).

People like Nancy Pelosi abetted this insanity by kneeling in the Capitol and excusing the toppling of statues.

The controversy over the 2020 Presidential election also badly hurt. Sadly, not one influential Dem had the courage to say, "Let's all calmly see whether there is any credence to some of the accusations. Instead, all the Dems closed ranks and even called it the most "secure" election in our history.

Just as one one saw the COVID tragedy approaching, we simply do not what tragedies are in store because of Cancel Culture (and the on-going racial unpleasantness).

The future, I assume, will be very grim.

you are a FUCKING IDIOT.

And if we were bootlicking followers like you leftists, that would be relevant.
I feel no compulsion to be civil to hateful insurrectionists or their supporters and apologists. Go fuck yourself and choke on the results.

Nor will I be civil to Nazi twats like you. Fuck you, fuck your Reich, fuck all democrats.
I don’t want respect from someone with Trump’s cock in their mouth. Disgusting.

That's a good thing, since you're not ever going to get respect while "debating" like a foulmouthed, tantrum-throwing 5-year-old.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?
She has the equal right to be a fucking idiot on social media, and the equal right to face the consequences of her speech.
What was idiotic about her statement?
Mean while you have some one working for you that pisses off half your market segment you are going to fire them also. Here is the thing whether it being taking a knee at an NFL game and passing off conservatives or writing about Nazis and pussing off liberals, when you make your money off broad market appeal, learn to keep your big fucking trap shut.
They have the right to fire her. Im not arguing with that.
Its just sad that posting history does this to someone. History is so offensive that you need to be fired for stating it?
We are doomed man.
Don’t be disingenuous. It wasn’t the history, it was her disgusting claim of equivalence between the suffering of Jews in the Holocaust and you whiny bitch Trump cocksuckers crying about your LOSER cult leader today.

Don't be disingenuous. The history IS the analogy she drew. There is no "equivalence" claimed WITHOUT the history. Stop flailing for a justification for your cheerleading of tyranny, bitch.

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