Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

I am not a Nazi. Actually Nazis killed 95% of my ancestors in WW2. Just because I disagree with you politically doesn't make me a Nazi. I am also not an Islamaphobe. Phobia means fear. I do not fear Islam. I have several close Muslim friends. I dislike radical Islam. Why:

-- No separation of church and state
-- Kill people over cartoons
-- Treat women worse than dogs and they HATE dogs
-- Every country that is at least 75% Muslim is either a military, civil rights or a humanitarian disaster.
-- They hate Jews and want them obliterated.

Just because our News Entertainment media tells you that most Jews are Democrats doesn't make it so. You should listen to Ben Shapiro and educate yourself.

You need more information.
For example, you say no separation of church and state is a bad thing.
While I agree here and now, around 600 AD there were no social institutions in the state, like ADC or social security, so the church had to supply them. So then a combination of church and state was a very good thing at one time. It is just that we can now likely do better.

You have it backwards about killing over cartoons. The reality is that people have been murdering Muslims since they existed, and they drew offensive cartoons in order to incite the murders.
So preventing offensive cartoons is pre-emptive, intended to stop mass murders by 1 execution of the offending person trying to generate mass murder.

You are misinformed as to the state of woman in Islam. Mohammad reformed Judaism specifically to improve the rights of women, in gratitude to the wealthy widow who married him. Women are the chain of descendancy in Islam, not males. So women sort of rule everything. They are the ones who arrange marriages for example. Islam allows women to inherit, divorce, etc., which was not true previously under Judaism.

It is true modern Islamic countries are poor and dictatorships, but almost always due to being invaded and taken over by a Christian imperialist who colonised it and financed a military dictatorship. Like Egypt now, the Shah in Iran, etc.

And you are totally wrong about Islam hating Jews. The title Vizier means a Jewish advisor who administered the government under Islam. Jews are high status under Islam. Islam considers itself to just be a reformed version of Judaism. Jews are considers the same Abrahamic religion, and Brother of the Book, meaning the Old Testament. Never have Moslems abused Jews. What Moslems do NOT like, are European Ashkenazi falsely claiming some illegal birthright to the Promised Land by being the Chosen People. That is just a Zionist lie and total fraud used to murder and steal.
#1) Je Suis Charlie
#2) Women are treated like cattle in Islam. You don't know what Mohammed did. You weren't there. He was illiterate and a warlord. That we do know.
#3) Muslims hate Jews.

You view the world of how it should be not how it is. While I like that about you, I think you're an idealist but you're not pragmatic.
Gina is telling those pussies at Disney to shove it where the sun don't shine.

I am not a Nazi. Actually Nazis killed 95% of my ancestors in WW2. Just because I disagree with you politically doesn't make me a Nazi. I am also not an Islamaphobe. Phobia means fear. I do not fear Islam. I have several close Muslim friends. I dislike radical Islam. Why:

-- No separation of church and state
-- Kill people over cartoons
-- Treat women worse than dogs and they HATE dogs
-- Every country that is at least 75% Muslim is either a military, civil rights or a humanitarian disaster.
-- They hate Jews and want them obliterated.

Just because our News Entertainment media tells you that most Jews are Democrats doesn't make it so. You should listen to Ben Shapiro and educate yourself.

You need more information.
For example, you say no separation of church and state is a bad thing.
While I agree here and now, around 600 AD there were no social institutions in the state, like ADC or social security, so the church had to supply them. So then a combination of church and state was a very good thing at one time. It is just that we can now likely do better.

You have it backwards about killing over cartoons. The reality is that people have been murdering Muslims since they existed, and they drew offensive cartoons in order to incite the murders.
So preventing offensive cartoons is pre-emptive, intended to stop mass murders by 1 execution of the offending person trying to generate mass murder.

You are misinformed as to the state of woman in Islam. Mohammad reformed Judaism specifically to improve the rights of women, in gratitude to the wealthy widow who married him. Women are the chain of descendancy in Islam, not males. So women sort of rule everything. They are the ones who arrange marriages for example. Islam allows women to inherit, divorce, etc., which was not true previously under Judaism.

It is true modern Islamic countries are poor and dictatorships, but almost always due to being invaded and taken over by a Christian imperialist who colonised it and financed a military dictatorship. Like Egypt now, the Shah in Iran, etc.

And you are totally wrong about Islam hating Jews. The title Vizier means a Jewish advisor who administered the government under Islam. Jews are high status under Islam. Islam considers itself to just be a reformed version of Judaism. Jews are considers the same Abrahamic religion, and Brother of the Book, meaning the Old Testament. Never have Moslems abused Jews. What Moslems do NOT like, are European Ashkenazi falsely claiming some illegal birthright to the Promised Land by being the Chosen People. That is just a Zionist lie and total fraud used to murder and steal.
#1) Je Suis Charlie
#2) Women are treated like cattle in Islam. You don't know what Mohammed did. You weren't there. He was illiterate and a warlord. That we do know.
#3) Muslims hate Jews.

You view the world of how it should be not how it is. While I like that about you, I think you're an idealist but you're not pragmatic.

1.) I am not Moslem but Jewish, however I agree that Je Suis Charlie was promoting mass murder of Moslems by drawing inflammatory cartoons about Mohammad.
He should not have done it.
If the laws were proper and preventing their dissemination, then the murder would not have happened.
Moslems are being murdered in mass right now, and Je Suis Charlie was encouraging it.

2.) Women are NOT at all treated like cattle in Islam. They are revered in Islam. The problem in the Mideast is not Islam, but old tribal or Judaic customs that Mohammad was trying to reform, and failed. Mohammad was NOT illiterate, but hired originally as a bookkeeper, and was later a merchant. He was not a war lord, and his words were written down. I do not like most of it, as it is too strict, but the Quran is the words of Mohammad, and anyone can read them.

3.). It is silly to claim Moslems hate Jews. It is Moslems who have always protected Jews, and it is always Christians who attack and murder them. For example, before the European immigration to the Mideast around 1920 or so, the population of the Mideast was about 95% Moslem and only about 5% Jewish. So if Moslems hated Jews, then how could any Jews then have survived there at all? The Jews lived for over 1000 years, voluntarily under Islamic rule. Jews sough out Islamic protection and jobs, like under the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula.
What Moslems justifiably hate in not Jews, but Zionism.
And Zionism is a horrible corruption that all Jews should also hate, since according to Judaism, Jews are supposed to stay out of the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
In terms of human loss, the Holocaust is — unquestionably — the worst event in the history of the Jewish people. Given its history, that’s saying something.

Driven by the unimaginable evil of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust resulted in the systematic murder of an estimated six million Jews, including one million children, eradicating approximately two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe. Often ignored are the additional three million ethnic Poles similarly murdered by the Nazis, amounting to between 6% and 10% of the total Polish gentile population. Three million of the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust were also Polish.

In recent years, the Holocaust has become the standard fill-in for any “bad thing” while making a damning political comparison. In June 2018, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared the detention of illegal immigrants at the southern border between the United States and Mexico to Nazi-era “concentration camps,” directly invoking “Never Again,” the phrase used to summarize the Jewish community’s attitude toward any threat of future genocide. Singer Linda Ronstadt compared Trump’s immigration policies to that of Hitler under Nazi Germany, saying “It’s going to be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews.” MSNBC host compared U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to Nazis in The Holocaust, casting immigrants as Jews: “They are running just like the Jews ran from the Nazis, just like so many other groups are running from persecutions for safety.”

While figures on the Left are free to make such comparisons without fear of consequence, conservatives who make the same assertions are immediately “canceled.” The most recent example is Gina Carano — known for her character on Disney’s The Mandalorian — who shared a screenshot on her Instagram account which read:

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children.
“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”
While she faces accusations of bigotry and anti-Semitism, it’s important to see such comments for what they are — overwrought and historically inaccurate hyperbole in the pursuit of political gain. Notably, the same political gain sought by Leftists who compare conservatives to Hitler and immigrants to Jews as freely as they breathe or blink.

With this in mind, we need a new Godwin’s law, which informally legislates against the use of the Holocaust to make comparatively petty political statements. Let’s call this the “Holocaust Law:”

Unless the person or event being criticized is demonstrably guilty of enforcing the same physical — not rhetorical, metaphorical or hypothetical — actions as Nazi Germany, resulting in the forced detention or murder of millions of civilians due to personal characteristics, they are not to be compared to the Holocaust.

I am not a Nazi. Actually Nazis killed 95% of my ancestors in WW2. Just because I disagree with you politically doesn't make me a Nazi. I am also not an Islamaphobe. Phobia means fear. I do not fear Islam. I have several close Muslim friends. I dislike radical Islam. Why:

-- No separation of church and state
-- Kill people over cartoons
-- Treat women worse than dogs and they HATE dogs
-- Every country that is at least 75% Muslim is either a military, civil rights or a humanitarian disaster.
-- They hate Jews and want them obliterated.

Just because our News Entertainment media tells you that most Jews are Democrats doesn't make it so. You should listen to Ben Shapiro and educate yourself.

You need more information.
For example, you say no separation of church and state is a bad thing.
While I agree here and now, around 600 AD there were no social institutions in the state, like ADC or social security, so the church had to supply them. So then a combination of church and state was a very good thing at one time. It is just that we can now likely do better.

You have it backwards about killing over cartoons. The reality is that people have been murdering Muslims since they existed, and they drew offensive cartoons in order to incite the murders.
So preventing offensive cartoons is pre-emptive, intended to stop mass murders by 1 execution of the offending person trying to generate mass murder.

You are misinformed as to the state of woman in Islam. Mohammad reformed Judaism specifically to improve the rights of women, in gratitude to the wealthy widow who married him. Women are the chain of descendancy in Islam, not males. So women sort of rule everything. They are the ones who arrange marriages for example. Islam allows women to inherit, divorce, etc., which was not true previously under Judaism.

It is true modern Islamic countries are poor and dictatorships, but almost always due to being invaded and taken over by a Christian imperialist who colonised it and financed a military dictatorship. Like Egypt now, the Shah in Iran, etc.

And you are totally wrong about Islam hating Jews. The title Vizier means a Jewish advisor who administered the government under Islam. Jews are high status under Islam. Islam considers itself to just be a reformed version of Judaism. Jews are considers the same Abrahamic religion, and Brother of the Book, meaning the Old Testament. Never have Moslems abused Jews. What Moslems do NOT like, are European Ashkenazi falsely claiming some illegal birthright to the Promised Land by being the Chosen People. That is just a Zionist lie and total fraud used to murder and steal.
#1) Je Suis Charlie
#2) Women are treated like cattle in Islam. You don't know what Mohammed did. You weren't there. He was illiterate and a warlord. That we do know.
#3) Muslims hate Jews.

You view the world of how it should be not how it is. While I like that about you, I think you're an idealist but you're not pragmatic.

1.) I am not Moslem but Jewish, however I agree that Je Suis Charlie was promoting mass murder of Moslems by drawing inflammatory cartoons about Mohammad.
He should not have done it.
If the laws were proper and preventing their dissemination, then the murder would not have happened.
Moslems are being murdered in mass right now, and Je Suis Charlie was encouraging it.

2.) Women are NOT at all treated like cattle in Islam. They are revered in Islam. The problem in the Mideast is not Islam, but old tribal or Judaic customs that Mohammad was trying to reform, and failed. Mohammad was NOT illiterate, but hired originally as a bookkeeper, and was later a merchant. He was not a war lord, and his words were written down. I do not like most of it, as it is too strict, but the Quran is the words of Mohammad, and anyone can read them.

3.). It is silly to claim Moslems hate Jews. It is Moslems who have always protected Jews, and it is always Christians who attack and murder them. For example, before the European immigration to the Mideast around 1920 or so, the population of the Mideast was about 95% Moslem and only about 5% Jewish. So if Moslems hated Jews, then how could any Jews then have survived there at all? The Jews lived for over 1000 years, voluntarily under Islamic rule. Jews sough out Islamic protection and jobs, like under the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula.
What Moslems justifiably hate in not Jews, but Zionism.
And Zionism is a horrible corruption that all Jews should also hate, since according to Judaism, Jews are supposed to stay out of the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
I can't do this with you as you live in a world of your own and we are off topic. You hate Zionists. I get it. I know you're a Jew. The kind of Jew that is a traitor to my people. The real Jew.
I am not a Nazi. Actually Nazis killed 95% of my ancestors in WW2. Just because I disagree with you politically doesn't make me a Nazi. I am also not an Islamaphobe. Phobia means fear. I do not fear Islam. I have several close Muslim friends. I dislike radical Islam. Why:

-- No separation of church and state
-- Kill people over cartoons
-- Treat women worse than dogs and they HATE dogs
-- Every country that is at least 75% Muslim is either a military, civil rights or a humanitarian disaster.
-- They hate Jews and want them obliterated.

Just because our News Entertainment media tells you that most Jews are Democrats doesn't make it so. You should listen to Ben Shapiro and educate yourself.

You need more information.
For example, you say no separation of church and state is a bad thing.
While I agree here and now, around 600 AD there were no social institutions in the state, like ADC or social security, so the church had to supply them. So then a combination of church and state was a very good thing at one time. It is just that we can now likely do better.

You have it backwards about killing over cartoons. The reality is that people have been murdering Muslims since they existed, and they drew offensive cartoons in order to incite the murders.
So preventing offensive cartoons is pre-emptive, intended to stop mass murders by 1 execution of the offending person trying to generate mass murder.

You are misinformed as to the state of woman in Islam. Mohammad reformed Judaism specifically to improve the rights of women, in gratitude to the wealthy widow who married him. Women are the chain of descendancy in Islam, not males. So women sort of rule everything. They are the ones who arrange marriages for example. Islam allows women to inherit, divorce, etc., which was not true previously under Judaism.

It is true modern Islamic countries are poor and dictatorships, but almost always due to being invaded and taken over by a Christian imperialist who colonised it and financed a military dictatorship. Like Egypt now, the Shah in Iran, etc.

And you are totally wrong about Islam hating Jews. The title Vizier means a Jewish advisor who administered the government under Islam. Jews are high status under Islam. Islam considers itself to just be a reformed version of Judaism. Jews are considers the same Abrahamic religion, and Brother of the Book, meaning the Old Testament. Never have Moslems abused Jews. What Moslems do NOT like, are European Ashkenazi falsely claiming some illegal birthright to the Promised Land by being the Chosen People. That is just a Zionist lie and total fraud used to murder and steal.
#1) Je Suis Charlie
#2) Women are treated like cattle in Islam. You don't know what Mohammed did. You weren't there. He was illiterate and a warlord. That we do know.
#3) Muslims hate Jews.

You view the world of how it should be not how it is. While I like that about you, I think you're an idealist but you're not pragmatic.

1.) I am not Moslem but Jewish, however I agree that Je Suis Charlie was promoting mass murder of Moslems by drawing inflammatory cartoons about Mohammad.
He should not have done it.
If the laws were proper and preventing their dissemination, then the murder would not have happened.
Moslems are being murdered in mass right now, and Je Suis Charlie was encouraging it.

2.) Women are NOT at all treated like cattle in Islam. They are revered in Islam. The problem in the Mideast is not Islam, but old tribal or Judaic customs that Mohammad was trying to reform, and failed. Mohammad was NOT illiterate, but hired originally as a bookkeeper, and was later a merchant. He was not a war lord, and his words were written down. I do not like most of it, as it is too strict, but the Quran is the words of Mohammad, and anyone can read them.

3.). It is silly to claim Moslems hate Jews. It is Moslems who have always protected Jews, and it is always Christians who attack and murder them. For example, before the European immigration to the Mideast around 1920 or so, the population of the Mideast was about 95% Moslem and only about 5% Jewish. So if Moslems hated Jews, then how could any Jews then have survived there at all? The Jews lived for over 1000 years, voluntarily under Islamic rule. Jews sough out Islamic protection and jobs, like under the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula.
What Moslems justifiably hate in not Jews, but Zionism.
And Zionism is a horrible corruption that all Jews should also hate, since according to Judaism, Jews are supposed to stay out of the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
I can't do this with you as you live in a world of your own and we are off topic. You hate Zionists. I get it. I know you're a Jew. The kind of Jew that is a traitor to my people. The real Jew.

Do they ever learn? Or will they?

Those sort of views would not have saved him from the gas chamber.

A salutary tale,I think of often.
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Hitler did everything in his power to build the hate towards the Jews. Here are but a few milestones:
  • The Aryan law of 1933 - Jews were fired from German government jobs
  • Jewish boycotts of 1933 - Hitler called for a boycott of all Jewish shops as well as other actions
  • Nuremburg laws - Jews were not allowed to display German flag, marriage between a Jew and non-Jew was not recognized, definition of who was Jewish
  • Leading to 1938 Night of Broken Glass and other events
Joe your statement: "...If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war.", is that of an apologist for a level of inhumanity that I hope we will never see again.

From what you say the Nazis were only practicing an early form of cancel culture.
Update: Daily Wire picked her up for some projects. Good for Ben Shapiro and Co...the anti cancel culture
Both true. However, do the consequences fit the speech? Of course not.

Please explain what it is you think Carano was saying and why you think her termination was justified.

What she was saying is that people who dislike Trump Supporters (not conservatives, because they aren't) are just like the Nazis hating on the Jews... which is absurd.

No more absurd than saying that Trump supporters are just like the Nazis who tortured, starved, gassed and roasted the Jews.

Tell me, if it is absurd for one to think he/she is being treated like a Jew in Nazi Germany then why is it not also absurd to compare the one saying it to Nazis in Nazi Germany?

Was her termination justified? Um. Yeah. If you are talking more about the Actor than you are about the story they are in, then you are missing the point.

The story she is in has no relevance to what she says on social media.

Disney paid FOUR BILLION to own Star Wars. That means to make their money back, they have to make product. To make product they need people subscribing to Disney+ and going out to see their movies. So the last thing they need is Actors shooting off their mouths.

The last thing they need is to fire people for stating opinions that have nothing to do with their film and TV productions.
And of course, the folks at Disney and all those who support Carano's termination conveniently forgot about one of their own producers (Jack Morrissey) tweeting that "MAGAKids" be fed screaming, hats first, into a woodchipper in response to the Nick Sandmann incident in D.C.. He even included a graphic:

For which he apologized.

Irrelevant. He only apologized after it came out that Sandmann did not harass or approach Phillips. But even so, it was a tweet wishing violence on kids (which you yourself have expressed on many occasions in regards to Sandmann and the Covington kids) which was orders of magnitude worse than anything Carano said.

You do realize producers are a lot higher up in the Hollywood Food Chain than character actors, right?

Your point?

Are you still weeping for poor Smirky McBitchslap?

Do you still hate him?
No, she wasn't fired for her gender. But, she was fired for something equally stupid.

She was fired for bringing controversy on Disney's Big Investment.

She didn't bring controversy, people chose to make it a controversy.

Have you not seen the irony in Disney firing someone for expressing the political opinion that people are fired for expressing their political opinions?
First, conservatives can't broadcast whatever they like to the entire world; Carcano's firing is proof of that. Secondly, left wingers are not held to the same standard, at least, not as often.

If Carcano's tweet warrants termination then the Disney producer I cited earlier who tweeted about feeding "MAGAKids" into a woodchipper warrants it even more so. His tweet was much, much worse as he advocated violence against kids and even illustrated his comments with a pic of a woodchipper spewing blood on the snow. Presumably, the blood of "MAGAKids".

So even putting aside for the moment the idea that conservatives are being silenced and persecuted, Disney's actions in this case are entirely hypocritical.

Not really. No one even HEARD of Jack Morrissey before his tweet or since.

Disney heard of him. Or is Disney in the habit of hiring people and not knowing who they are or what they do?

He produced one film for Disney (Not the Star Wars Division) in 2017. He hasn't produced anything for them since. He wasn't even a producer, he was a "co-Producer" out of 10 people who were listed as producers for that film.

And? He worked for Disney just like Carano did. So what?

MEANWHILE, Mannish Woman was a public face of their most lucrative property, and they were seriously considering producing a spin-off series around her, and she went ahead and said something stupid that would divide the fan base.

The fan base was already divided. She did nothing more than express views that half of their fan base agrees with anyway.

Of course, she was getting fired. There was real money involved here.

And there still is. A lot of people are pissed off about her firing and will now boycott Disney. If they were going to lose money, they were going to lose it whether they fired her or not.
I think she's making a valid point, re how it took Hitler some time to get to where it was politically feasible to openly imprison not only Jews but others, and desensitize German public to passively observe with disinterest the deliberate starving of Russian POWs and Jews to death while working them in the factories. This was a process begun before Hitler was a thing, and it took some17-20 years to reach the point it did, so she is right in her assessment of such trends, and it is definitely the left conducting such a campaign, and they are rounding up people as we speak.
Last edited:

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

No, she didn't. She said - very correctly - that the Nazis didn't start right out with concentration camps and gas chambers; the road to the Holocaust began with them making regular, everyday people hate each other. And ANY society is capable of heading down that same road if they don't notice when they're at that starting point.

What's the point of knowing about history if we're so busy building icons to it that we don't bother to learn from it?
She told the truth. That cannot be tolerated. The Nazis were not the only ones to turn neighbor against neighbor. The Russians did it with the stasi. It is a common practice of totalitarian governments. That's why it was such a big part of 1984.

What she said was not nearly as remarkable as her being erased for saying it. There is a particular punishment for those that tell the truth.

It was particularly ironic that Disney's and the left's reaction to her ended up proving her point.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

what’s that about “cancel culture”?

she posted absolving nazis. That a bad thing to you snooks?

"I was told she posted THIS. How DARE you suggest that my talking points lied to me?!"

Is finding out what you're talking about before you flap your gums a bad thing to YOU, "Snooks"?

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!
Her dad was an NFL
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Hitler did everything in his power to build the hate towards the Jews. Here are but a few milestones:
  • The Aryan law of 1933 -
  • This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

    Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

    This is what she said.

    Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

    “Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

    Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

    First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

    Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

    Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

    Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

    Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

  • Leading to 1938 Night of Broken Glass and other events
Joe your statement: "...If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war.", is that of an apologist for a level of inhumanity that I hope we will never see again.


Seems akin as to what leftards are doing to anyone that has a differing opinion than that of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies. High profile, anti-leftards are being financially penalized and those like myself are being censored.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

You haven't figured out that the reason you are so fat is because you have filled up on plate after plate at the "ALL You Can Eat" at the bullshit buffet. Waddle on over, fat boy.....
No, she wasn't fired for her gender. But, she was fired for something equally stupid.

She was fired for bringing controversy on Disney's Big Investment.

She didn't bring controversy, people chose to make it a controversy.

Have you not seen the irony in Disney firing someone for expressing the political opinion that people are fired for expressing their political opinions?

Yet they don't fire the commies and sexual deviants for expressing their demented rubbish. Literally every TV show now has to kowtow to PC fantasies and agendas.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?

Her personal Twitter account is not "on their dime".

I don't even have to ask if you're stupid. The answer is blatantly obvious.
The problem with todays society is that most of them haven't read the book 1984 (if they did, they'd probably reject the message or wonder or loud "what's so wrong about that?"), and, most don't understand the history of fascism in Europe.

Europeans know of it. Which is why even Macron has spoken out against the "woke" culture of the U.S. It's also a big reason why the U.S risks losing it's key allies in Europe and most certainly in the Far East, and the Mid East.

Destroying ones career or future is, in effect, eliminating their freedom of speech. Giving in to the weak, keyboard mob who wouldn't really fight for anything in the literal sense, ensures the silencing of open expression. It definitely has unintended consequences.

It goes beyond military support; though of course this is vital. It has to do with principled support. If the West doesn't speak out against China, Russia, N Korea and other such nations, we will not have a leg to stand on. Other nations in their orbit are not feeling warm and fuzzy about America embracing Cancel Culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

The private sector doesn't guarantee your freedom of speech. Do you understand the concept?

The private sector has no business trying to act like you are their property 24/7, simply because they employ you.

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