Gingrich Is Now Our Leader Let's All Unite Behind Him

Newts ethics violations were motivated by him being ganged up on, by both the Democrats who hated him beyond madness, and disgruntled Republicans who hated him as well. It was the same "majority" that brought down Nixon, and others. Nixon said that when you lose control of your own party, you are finished. It also happened to President Johnson who succeeded Lincoln in office. But Newt could not have done all that he did do, without incurring that hatred within his own party. It is a price good men have to pay from time to time for being right on the issues.

It in no way disqualifies him for the office of President. Jealousy in your own ranks is often the way great men are brought down by the Judas, and Brutus types obeying the group they represent. Instructive as well are downings of TR, and John Adams. Newt is now appealing that old politically motivated case directly to the American people, and I think God will revenge him on his unjust and malevolent attackers.

And you are?.. :lol:

No, these questions do not undo us, they are the greatest and most noble of all questions. but rather the failure to answer them trips us up. The Questions are great, but once raised the refusal to answer them is worse than never raising them at all. Without answering these wonderful questions nothing can move forward and every thing already done comes undone.

:Boom2: :evil: :clap:
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Eighty-four ethics charges were filed by Democrats against Speaker Gingrich during his term, with eighty-three found to be without merit except a charge claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes. Following an investigation by the House Ethics Committee Gingrich was sanctioned US$300,000 on a 395-28 House vote.[66] Gingrich acknowledged in January 1997 that "In my name and over my signature, inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements were given to the committee". [67] The House Ethics Committee concluded that inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented "intentional or ... reckless" disregard of House rules.[68] Special Counsel James M. Cole concluded that Gingrich violated federal tax law and had lied to the ethics panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. The full committee panel did not agree whether tax law had been violated[69] and left that issue up to the IRS.[70] In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the "Renewing American Civilization" courses under investigation for possible tax violations.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would hardly call a vote like that in the house and a 7-1 vote on the ethics committee being ganged up on when those votes included both Republicans and Democrats of all beliefs. The point here is the former Speaker has shown himself to be an unethical steward of Govt. and while some may believe that this should be overlooked , it goes right to the character of the person while in the 3rd highest office in the land. In my humble opinion to even consider this man for the Office of President borders on the laughable, especially given the times our nation faces at the moment. It is time for our nation not only to choose a LEADER with the vision put this nation and its peoples needs ahead all others but also have the character to do so, and in that the former Speaker falls short.
Newts ethics violations were motivated by him being ganged up on, by both the Democrats who hated him beyond madness, and disgruntled Republicans who hated him as well. It was the same "majority" that brought down Nixon, and others. Nixon said that when you lose control of your own party, you are finished. It also happened to President Johnson who succeeded Lincoln in office. But Newt could not have done all that he did do, without incurring that hatred within his own party. It is a price good men have to pay from time to time for being right on the issues.

It in no way disqualifies him for the office of President. Jealousy in your own ranks is often the way great men are brought down by the Judas, and Brutus types obeying the group they represent. Instructive as well are downings of TR, and John Adams. Newt is now appealing that old politically motivated case directly to the American people, and I think God will revenge him on his unjust and malevolent attackers.

And you are?.. :lol:

No, these questions do not undo us, they are the greatest and most noble of all questions. but rather the failure to answer them trips us up. The Questions are great, but once raised the refusal to answer them is worse than never raising them at all. Without answering these wonderful questions nothing can move forward and every thing already done comes undone.

:Boom2: :evil: :clap:

YES!!!!!, Finally the bullshit I have been waiting to see posted. Some right wing jackass expects the nation to unite with a republican party. Oh HELL no!!! Get ready for as many filibusters as possible, laws being passed to obstruct, block as many appointments as possible and votes that will screw the economy at every turn. Then we will see just how great the right will do. Man up and just realize turn around is fair play. It will never happen more than likely as the left are for the country first and will not hurt the people or their economy to make a republican president a 1 term president.
You are nothing more than a partisan double agent. You don't come right out and admit you are a partisan Democrat but rather lie to the rest of us pretending you are something else. That is a far worse, and a far more ignoble purpose than anything Newt has ever been charged with doing.

You are beneath contempt for your devious, imposturing, faking and pretending to be something you are not.

While Newt has made mistakes which we all have done and admitted them and repented them, and asked for forgiveness for them, you have committed the unpardonable sin of living a fake life in order to deceive others as to your real nature and intentions.

I am a proud admitted partisan Republican, and would never under any circumstances vote for any Democrat, or any other party, ever. I never ever pretend as to where my loyalties lay. But, you are disgusting, and have zero credibility until, and if, you come clean, which I don't think you would in a thousand years.

And no, I don't believe there is any such thing as an Independent, there are only those who chose to live a lie about their truth nature, by claiming they are neutral out in no-mans land in the middle of a war.
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YES!!!!!, Finally the bullshit I have been waiting to see posted. Some right wing jackass expects the nation to unite with a republican party. Oh HELL no!!! Get ready for as many filibusters as possible, laws being passed to obstruct, block as many appointments as possible and votes that will screw the economy at every turn. Then we will see just how great the right will do. Man up and just realize turn around is fair play. It will never happen more than likely as the left are for the country first and will not hurt the people or their economy to make a republican president a 1 term president.

At least you are honest in describing yourself as a Democrat Partisan, but you are nothing more than a hypocrite for pretending the Democrat Party is not at least as bad as the Republican in terms of putting their own party over the welfare of the nation.

Our difference is that I think the Republican Party IS the Welfare of the Nation, and know that the Democrat Party is the Party of Satan on this earth.
Where did I defend the dems? I stated that no way should you expect cooperation after the last years of partisan politics at a level never seen before. I dislike Obama, Bush, all of them. I an for me and mine. The left has always been the peoples party. The republican is the business party. 3rd grade shit.
"At least you are honest in describing yourself as a Democrat Partisan, but you are nothing more than a hypocrite for pretending the Democrat Party is not at least as bad as the Republican in terms of putting their own party over the welfare of the nation. "

"Our difference is that I think the Republican Party IS the Welfare of the Nation, and know that the Democrat Party is the Party of Satan on this earth."

You are not a religious person so your attempt at being one is as lame as those who believe they have the power to forgive Newt for his affairs unless they assume themselves equal with that god they worship. You call a party a party of Satan. God I believe would fall more into the Independent Party, yes?. LOL
"At least you are honest in describing yourself as a Democrat Partisan, but you are nothing more than a hypocrite for pretending the Democrat Party is not at least as bad as the Republican in terms of putting their own party over the welfare of the nation. "

"Our difference is that I think the Republican Party IS the Welfare of the Nation, and know that the Democrat Party is the Party of Satan on this earth."

You are not a religious person so your attempt at being one is as lame as those who believe they have the power to forgive Newt for his affairs unless they assume themselves equal with that god they worship. You call a party a party of Satan. God I believe would fall more into the Independent Party, yes?. LOL

Absolutely, No! God is a Republican Conservative. Someday you will find out that is the truth, probably too late.
I'm actually pretty excited about Newt as the Republican nominee. I think it's the path to a better future for all of us!
I'm actually pretty excited about Newt as the Republican nominee. I think it's the path to a better future for all of us!

I think it is the breakthrough we have been looking for, and praying for, as a nation.
And it is beginning to have odor of Old Testament Prophetic inevitability about it.

Now, if we can just shake off the demonic nay-sayers, and jerkies from trying to tear down a good thing, especially among Conservatives we will see it through.

And when he is elected we need to descend on Washington en mass by the millions tearing out the entire Democrat establishment by the roots, like a whirlwind ripping up cornstalks.

:Boom2: :evil: :gay:
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I'm actually pretty excited about Newt as the Republican nominee. I think it's the path to a better future for all of us!

I think it is the breakthrough we have been looking for, and praying for, as a nation.
And it is beginning to have odor of Old Testament Prophetic inevitability about it.

Now, if we can just shake off the demonic nay-sayers, and jerkies from trying to tear down a good thing, especially among Conservatives we will see it through.

And when he is elected we need to descend on Washington en mass by the millions tearing out the entire Democrat establishment by the roots, like a whirlwind ripping up cornstalks.

:Boom2: :evil: :gay:

All hail the great Gingrich. He will lead us to a brave new tomorrow!!!
Nice, using guns in your responses. You must belong to the same Christian doctrine that Hitler followed. You are the true phony, an embarrassment to the Christian faith that I know. No not that I belong to, just the one I learned about at Sacred Heart. That is a school if you do not know. Nor is your mean, bitter attitude shared by most religions of the world. Yes I studied a bit about world religion in college. You are twisted and need help.
Nice, using guns in your responses. You must belong to the same Christian doctrine that Hitler followed. You are the true phony, an embarrassment to the Christian faith that I know. No not that I belong to, just the one I learned about at Sacred Heart. That is a school if you do not know. Nor is your mean, bitter attitude shared by most religions of the world. Yes I studied a bit about world religion in college. You are twisted and need help.

And you are uneducated, and unsaved. The fires of hell await you........Oh, happy day!
– August 1790 – George Washington: “The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent national gifts. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.”

– “May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy.”

In my humble opinion, often people sometimes forget that this nation even at it's foudning was built upon invididual liberty and a tolerance of that liberty and the people within this nation. While yes, in our history it has been a long road from it's founding till now to begin to realize the meanings of the constitution when it comes to all our nations citizens living under that wonderful founding document, the very idea that a political party is somehow better than the other simply because one is a member of that party goes directly against the founding principles of this nation. Perhaps when we as Americans begin to realize once again that we are AMERICANS first politically then all else pales when measure against that, then our nation will begin to get back to the business of being Reagans "Shining City on the Hill"
A choice between Romney and Newt is like a choice between two kinds of Brussels sprouts.

Hey! Why insult brussels sprouts? I like brussels sprouts! It's more like a choice between dog poop and cat poop.

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