Gingrich ‘Proposed the Death Penalty for Marijuana’

I guess a large part of this country would get the death penalty for doing something that is no worst then drinking. What fascist Newt is. WTF. I believe like cigs and drinking it should be legal.

WTF is wrong with you NEWT? This is insanity...Expect a freedom lover like Paul to shortly surpass newt.
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The bill would have required a “sentence of death for certain importations of significant quantities of controlled substances.” It would have applied to anyone convicted more than once of carrying 100 doses — or about two ounces — or marijuana across the border. Defendants would have had a window of 18 months to file their one and only appeal.
The restriction on the appeals process is just as crazy, if not more so.
The bill would have required a “sentence of death for certain importations of significant quantities of controlled substances.” It would have applied to anyone convicted more than once of carrying 100 doses — or about two ounces — or marijuana across the border. Defendants would have had a window of 18 months to file their one and only appeal.
The restriction on the appeals process is just as crazy, if not more so.

It's pure insanity. Marijuana should be as legal as beer or cig smokes. What the fuck are we going to do next? Tie everyone that does it to relax down on a bed and kill them.:mad:
And people still support Newt and wonder why we laff when they want to call themselves conservatives.
Two ounces is not that much pot......
There is that big government mentality the republicans love. Of course it would do nothing to stop drug smuggling.
Two ounces is not that much pot......
There is that big government mentality the republicans love. Of course it would do nothing to stop drug smuggling.

I must oppose newt as he wants to kill all the people that smoke pot, which isn't any worst then all the cig smokers or drunks.:mad:
I'm offically supporting Ron Paul. Threating death on anyone that smokes a natural and no less worst drug than booze or cig smokes isn't conservative or limited government. It is evil. SCREW YOU NEWT GINGRICH.
The little degenerate obviously has decided his best chance for nomination is to appeal to the stupid bastards who will agree with him. And there are quite a few of those.
“Newt Gingrich, in 1997, proposed the death penalty for marijuana — for possession of marijuana above a certain quantity of marijuana,” Johnson explained. “And yet, he is among 100 million Americans who’ve smoked marijuana.”

“I would love to have a discussion with him on the fact that he smoked pot, and under the wrong set of circumstance he proposed the death penalty for, potentially, something that he had committed. I have troubles with that,” he added.



This is why Newt is so awesome. There is a never-ending treasure trove of hilarious material from this guy.
Shhhhh.... don't tell anyone about this. Let him or some other "tea party" endorsed candidate run against Obama... then let all these things come out.
Gingrich ‘Proposed the Death Penalty for Marijuana’
I'm guessin' he's got the NYPD's.....


"While details of the tragedy are still unfolding, it appears that the teen had a small amount of marijuana on him, so walked home to get away from the cops because he didn’t want to be arrested. The cops followed him, broke into his home and killed him in his bathroom while he was trying to flush a small amount of marijuana down the toilet."
Decriminalize Marijuana now. And then empty our prisons of the Millions who don't belong there. Gingrich is way way out of touch. Smoking Marijuana should not = Criminal.
Im furthest to the right of anyone on this opportunity. Revenue. Never medicalcase of physical or psychological addiction. Slam all other chemical drugs,but,hemp is stronger than wood. Enforce OUI laws like DUI.

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