Ginsburg defends Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh hired 25 female and 23 male law clerks in 12 years at the DC Circuit

39 of them went on to clerk for the SC
She also stated she doesn't want the court stacked as the lefties do

She's been a lousy judge, but conservatives who know her say she is a decent human being. She and Scalia were very good friends; their families would even go on vacation together.

"stacking" the court by adding additional seats

SCOTUS is 100% old-school hard-line socialist Establishment. They're law school frat boys and sorry girls, and they enforce a communist party line.

Namely a sort of Old Republican Guard exists to enforce stringent Democrat constructivist gun control and abortion-on-demand policies, along with bussing and affirmative action, racial identity and sexual orientation politics, and "civil rights" without gun rights.
Kavanaugh's handling of some cases (like the one about whether a teenager crossing illegally has a right to an abortion) does not inspire confidence among conservatives

Kavanaugh is just another establishment Bush Republican who has swung to the left ever since he came on the SC
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"on the vital issues of protecting religious liberty and outlawing abortion, no judge in the nation has a stronger more consistent record than Kavanaugh" - The Federalist Society

on the other hand, Kavanaugh has been derided as a "Low Energy Jeb! pick" and "Roberts incarnate"

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