Giuliani Opposes Flat Tax

If I had a choice I'd go Fairtax over Flat Tax, and I'd go flat over what we have now.

Problem is that flat is still income based. That means you still have to tell your life story to the .gov every year thus eliminating privacy. It also means that the rich are not taxed except at the capital gains area. So, raising taxes on the rich (income tax) is a red herring. It also means that the IRS will not go away. It also means that people will still scream about it not being a progressive tax which will open it up to modification. Crooks and Tourists are still exempt as well.

And yet, it would be far better than what we have now as it would lessen the power of Congress to reward and punish via taxation. For that reason alone, it won't happen.

Like any major changes, it must be done slowly

We need to take a page from the Dems playbook and get changes made one at a time until we have what we want

The insane amount of taxes the producers pay needs to stop
Given how Dems want to raise taxes by $400 billion, the choice is clear

Hillary or Rudy

again...for a hardcore conservative such as yourself, why have you abandoned any pretext of support for any of the real hardcore conservative candidates that are running for your party's nomination? Why, if you are such a hardcore conservative, do you support a new york moderate rockefeller republican?
again...for a hardcore conservative such as yourself, why have you abandoned any pretext of support for any of the real hardcore conservative candidates that are running for your party's nomination? Why, if you are such a hardcore conservative, do you support a new york moderate rockefeller republican?

By you calling him such - does not make it so

Only in your "mind" does that work

At least I have principals - you should try finding some
By you calling him such - does not make it so

Only in your "mind" does that work

At least I have principals - you should try finding some

what do you mean? He is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and pro-gun control. There are MANY republican candidates with MUCH stronger conservative credentials than Rudy! You have NO principles. You claim to be a hardcore conservative yet you do not support hardcore conservative candidates.
what do you mean? He is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and pro-gun control. There are MANY republican candidates with MUCH stronger conservative credentials than Rudy! You have NO principles. You claim to be a hardcore conservative yet you do not support hardcore conservative candidates.

I have told you before - on the main issues that I care about - Rudy agrrees with me

You on the other hand, you stand for whatever the DNC talking points are on that day
I have told you before - on the main issues that I care about - Rudy agrrees with me

You on the other hand, you stand for whatever the DNC talking points are on that day

you are not a hardcore conservative if you ignore the hardcore conservative candidates and support a new york pro-choice moderate. that is a fact.
you are not a hardcore conservative if you ignore the hardcore conservative candidates and support a new york pro-choice moderate. that is a fact.

Only to you MM

and you know how respected your opinions are

Keep supporting the agenda of your party. Higher taxes, government run health care, appeasement to terrorists, and the same typical socialist government you love and adore
Only to you MM

and you know how respected your opinions are

Keep supporting the agenda of your party. Higher taxes, government run health care, appeasement to terrorists, and the same typical socialist government you love and adore

and you keep supporting those "hardcore conservatives" who are pro-choice and pro-gay rights and keep ignoring all the real hardcore conservatives who would LOVE your support.
and you keep supporting those "hardcore conservatives" who are pro-choice and pro-gay rights and keep ignoring all the real hardcore conservatives who would LOVE your support.

there are other issues more important

to you, the ONLY thing that matters is power - regardless of the issues or candidates
there are other issues more important

to you, the ONLY thing that matters is power - regardless of the issues or candidates

the point is: there are many REAL hardcore conservatives running for the republican nomination....yet you do not support them. You clearly have no principles
the point is: there are many REAL hardcore conservatives running for the republican nomination....yet you do not support them. You clearly have no principles

I like Fred (he has not announced yet) and I have no problems with Mitt

You on the other hand, if they have a "D" at the end of their name - the lips pucker up
I like Fred (he has not announced yet) and I have no problems with Mitt

You on the other hand, if they have a "D" at the end of their name - the lips pucker up

Mitt.... he's another uber moderate who supported gay rights and abortion and now flip flops to try and get morons like you to believe that he has changed into a hardcore conservative. he was the governor of massachusetts! They don't elect hardcore conservatives in massachusetts!

and will you abandon your support for cross dressing rudy to support the fred the hollywoood actor?
Mitt.... he's another uber moderate who supported gay rights and abortion and now flip flops to try and get morons like you to believe that he has changed into a hardcore conservative. he was the governor of massachusetts! They don't elect hardcore conservatives in massachusetts!

and will you abandon your support for cross dressing rudy to support the fred the hollywoood actor?

Ah, back to the insults

MM is getting his ass kicked here and he is starting to crack under the pressure

Dems see a strong field of candidates on our side - while you guys are stuck with a Northeastern liberal who in on another power trip
Ah, back to the insults

MM is getting his ass kicked here and he is starting to crack under the pressure

Dems see a strong field of candidates on our side - while you guys are stuck with a Northeastern liberal who in on another power trip

no insults. I am really quite amused at you and your new avatar claiming to be a muscular hardcore conservative when you refuse to support any of the hardcore conservatives in your field of candidates and are instead supporting the most moderate ones....mitt and rudy. that is really funny.

I really think you should go back to the kitten avatar. it was so much more appropriate
no insults. I am really quite amused at you and your new avatar claiming to be a muscular hardcore conservative when you refuse to support any of the hardcore conservatives in your field of candidates and are instead supporting the most moderate ones....mitt and rudy. that is really funny.

I really think you should go back to the kitten avatar. it was so much more appropriate

Here would be your avator

Your hero showing how Dems will defend America


  • $At the Arch.jpg
    $At the Arch.jpg
    9.4 KB · Views: 77
again.... I am really quite amused at you and your new avatar claiming to be a muscular hardcore conservative when you refuse to support any of the hardcore conservatives in your field of candidates and are instead supporting the most moderate ones....mitt and rudy.

that is really funny.
again.... I am really quite amused at you and your new avatar claiming to be a muscular hardcore conservative when you refuse to support any of the hardcore conservatives in your field of candidates and are instead supporting the most moderate ones....mitt and rudy.

that is really funny.

and I am amused over your not answering the questions

Of cousre when backed into the corner you usually do the Liberal Two Step

I thought the pic of Webb sumed up your party perfectly
and I am amused over your not answering the questions

Of cousre when backed into the corner you usually do the Liberal Two Step

I thought the pic of Webb sumed up your party perfectly

I answer all your questions. this thread is about support rudy.... rudy is a moderate...there are many more hardcore conservative candidates running for the support the two most moderate. that is funny.

and Jim Webb is a courageous hero who served his country and continues to serve..... you are not worthy of licking the dogshit off his shoes
I answer all your questions. this thread is about support rudy.... rudy is a moderate...there are many more hardcore conservative candidates running for the support the two most moderate. that is funny.

and Jim Webb is a courageous hero who served his country and continues to serve..... you are not worthy of licking the dogshit off his shoes

Translation - I will ask the questions around here and stop pointing out how Webb wants to surrender - that is not fair

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