Giulliani Talks About Fraud

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Will it matter to you?

It matters to everyone interested in facts and the truth.

Thus far Trump has provided no objective, documented evidence in support of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

Until that evidence is provided, accusations of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating’ are lies.

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Did CNN ever mention the name of the Russian that hacked the election?

What nonsense is this?

Does Rudy mention who specifically committed the fraud?

From the resounding silence...I'm guessing no.

Someone had to have committed the fraud? Why not name them, swear out a complaint, and have that individual investigated and arrested for this felony crime?

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Will it matter to you?

It matters to everyone interested in facts and the truth.

Thus far Trump has provided no objective, documented evidence in support of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

Until that evidence is provided, accusations of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating’ are lies.

It has been proven and this law suit is what we needed.

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Will it matter to you?

It matters to everyone interested in facts and the truth.

Thus far Trump has provided no objective, documented evidence in support of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

Until that evidence is provided, accusations of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating’ are lies.

It has been proven and this law suit is what we needed.

This lawsuit will be thrown in the garbage bin with all the rest of them.

It’s not litigation, it’s theatre to make the ignorant masses of Trump supporters feel like they’re doing something. They have zero expectation of winning any of these lawsuits. And if they do, these guys are more deranged than even I thought.

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Did CNN ever mention the name of the Russian that hacked the election?

What nonsense is this?

You'll find the names of those who did the hacking in the indictments filed by the Department of Justice during the Mueller Investigation.

Why don't you respond by naming all of the people John Durham has charged. Mueller charged over 100 separate people and corporations in his investigations, including the Russian hackers. How many charges has John Durham filed? How many "conspirators" has he locked up.

How many of the people Donald Trump has been accusing endlessly have been charged with ANYTHING?

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Will it matter to you?

So I guess that's a no. Which means it's more unfounded allegations...

Harris will be an illegitimate president, if she gets away with it.

Harboring so much resentment is a sign that you're basically an unhappy person.

Merry Christmas folks!

Does he mention, by name, any of the people who committed fraud or the names of corrupt individuals who were mis-counting votes?

Will it matter to you?

It matters to everyone interested in facts and the truth.

Thus far Trump has provided no objective, documented evidence in support of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

Until that evidence is provided, accusations of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating’ are lies.

It has been proven and this law suit is what we needed.

This lawsuit will be thrown in the garbage bin with all the rest of them.

It’s not litigation, it’s theatre to make the ignorant masses of Trump supporters feel like they’re doing something. They have zero expectation of winning any of these lawsuits. And if they do, these guys are more deranged than even I thought.

Correct on all counts.

Smerconish had a great take on these stupid suits and court actions. The blob is collecting this money to "fight" election fraud. Eventually some mouth breathing loser who contributed will say, "What happened to that money." El-Blob-O can point to stuff like this. I stopped following all of the nonsense myself but Smerconish said that there was even a contest made by Trump in New Mexico. LOL Let that sink in. What other motive could he have for contesting New Mexico?

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