Give a man a fish

Personal Remind us how you feel about people who can afford health insurance yet choose not to purchase it.

You people couldn't build a consistent argument if you tried.

Buying health insurance should be a personal decision like buying a lexus. You buy it or you either pay for your own treatment out of your pocket, or you do without. It's really as simple as that.

i believe the same thing should be true about auto insurance, but it's not, I have to pay it to drive and earn money.
my house, I hate paying insurance on a house that is not worth it, but, the banks force you to buy insurance so you can sleep before driving to work.

I have insurance on my vehicles because if I get into an accident, someone else may be injured. I have, though I am not required to have, insurance on my home. I am not required to, because I own the house free and clear and I don't have to protect a mortgage company's investment.
I do not have health insurance because I am capable of paying most any medical bill I might owe. It's been about 10 years now and except for an on the job injury that was covered by workman's compensation, my total health care expenditures have been in the neighborhood of 2 monthly premium payments. I figure my gamble has saved me better than 50 grand and hasn't cost you a dime.
i believe the same thing should be true about auto insurance, but it's not, I have to pay it to drive and earn money.
my house, I hate paying insurance on a house that is not worth it, but, the banks force you to buy insurance so you can sleep before driving to work.

Pay off the house and cancel the insurance then, the banks are just protecting THEIR investment.

their investment, more like they are protecting their loan.

They make profit (interest) on the loan, therefore it is an investment.
Buying health insurance should be a personal decision like buying a lexus. You buy it or you either pay for your own treatment out of your pocket, or you do without. It's really as simple as that.

i believe the same thing should be true about auto insurance, but it's not, I have to pay it to drive and earn money.
my house, I hate paying insurance on a house that is not worth it, but, the banks force you to buy insurance so you can sleep before driving to work.

I have insurance on my vehicles because if I get into an accident, someone else may be injured. I have, though I am not required to have, insurance on my home. I am not required to, because I own the house free and clear and I don't have to protect a mortgage company's investment.
I do not have health insurance because I am capable of paying most any medical bill I might owe. It's been about 10 years now and except for an on the job injury that was covered by workman's compensation, my total health care expenditures have been in the neighborhood of 2 monthly premium payments. I figure my gamble has saved me better than 50 grand and hasn't cost you a dime.

And what if you are diagnosed with cancer tomorrow? How will you pay for that treatment? Please say payment plan, please say payment plan.....

Looks like we've found ourselves another moocher!
Freedom from living in a civilized first world nation that helps supports its citizens who are in need. That type of freedom?

In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

That is the problem with your world. Only those who are cute and cuddly get helped. The grandmother who gets picked on in the school bus, the cute kid with cancer

If you are the grouchy old man down the block or someone without an interesting tale of woe to are shit out of luck

We need to help the people who need help...not just the ones who win public relations popularity contests

Some might consider me the grouchy old man down the block. I try not to be, but I'm sure you consider me less than friendly. Because of that, I have saved some money, paid off my obligations and can live quite comfortably for the next 25 or 30 years. With any luck, there will be a few bucks left to burn my remains and hand off to my kids.
In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

That is the problem with your world. Only those who are cute and cuddly get helped. The grandmother who gets picked on in the school bus, the cute kid with cancer

If you are the grouchy old man down the block or someone without an interesting tale of woe to are shit out of luck

We need to help the people who need help...not just the ones who win public relations popularity contests

Some might consider me the grouchy old man down the block. I try not to be, but I'm sure you consider me less than friendly. Because of that, I have saved some money, paid off my obligations and can live quite comfortably for the next 25 or 30 years. With any luck, there will be a few bucks left to burn my remains and hand off to my kids.

Yeah, all the while gambling with my money. Moocher. Any money you hand off to your kids will be because people like me were out there supporting people like you.
Ask your fellow republicans. They consider you to be the root problem of our country.

Regardless. I paid into the system for 46 years and the money is due me. Am I a believer in the system? Hell no! Had my and my employers' contributions been put into a 401K type of fund from 1965 on, I would have a couple million to live off in stead of $1,700.month.

Right, why stand for your principles? Like I said, you hypocrites love to whine about other people making use of government programs but for you......that money is "due" to you. The amazing level of hypocrisy it takes to say something like this is breath taking. Be proud hypocrite. You're a true "patriot".

I do stand by my principles. One of them is expecting something in return for my money. I figure my employers and I have kicked in north of 300 grand. What is hypocritical about me asking for what I've paid for?
Freedom from living in a civilized first world nation that helps supports its citizens who are in need. That type of freedom?

In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

So you don't believe in any taxes at all?

Sure I do. Roads must be maintained, we must provide for the security of our country and the enforcement of our laws.... You know, what they call "General Welfare".
In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

So you don't believe in any taxes at all?

Sure I do. Roads must be maintained, we must provide for the security of our country and the enforcement of our laws.... You know, what they call "General Welfare".

And that's not "forced servitude"? How the hell do you not bother to think through the things you say?
You reallt don't understand personal responsibility, do you? Did I ask you to kick in for my new house? Nope! I paid cash. Don't ask me to be responsible for your actions.

Ernie loan me some scratch to buy a new car.:razz:

How's your credit? Oh shit I forgot in RDD's world asking for assurance you'll be repaid is racist.

RACE CARD! You lose. You had lost already but you just forfeited to be sure.

Like I was saying...

You reallt don't understand personal responsibility, do you? Did I ask you to kick in for my new house? Nope! I paid cash. Don't ask me to be responsible for your actions.

I'll take "Things Simple Minded People Say" for $100 Alex.

What confuses you about personal responsibility? In stead of calling me "simple minded" perhaps you can justify why you think I might be.
So far, you have ridiculed my position, but there has been no reason given for it. I'm beginning to think I'm wasting my time, or using words too big for your little brain to comprehend.
You reallt don't understand personal responsibility, do you? Did I ask you to kick in for my new house? Nope! I paid cash. Don't ask me to be responsible for your actions.

I'll take "Things Simple Minded People Say" for $100 Alex.

What confuses you about personal responsibility? In stead of calling me "simple minded" perhaps you can justify why you think I might be.
So far, you have ridiculed my position, but there has been no reason given for it. I'm beginning to think I'm wasting my time, or using words too big for your little brain to comprehend.

There is plenty of reason. You have been mooching for years. You see it as a success because you have been lucky enough to not get seriously sick or injured. I call it reckless mooching.

You're the complete opposite of personal responsibility. You have gambled that you wouldn't get sick. What is responsible about that? You're a hypocrite and typical of the so-called "personal responsibility" crowd who are anything but.
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I want to know HOW MANY poor people republicans have taught to fish, during the 6 years they were in total control of congress and whitehouse under Bush?

You see IF repubs really believe in teaching the poor man how to fish, then I and many other liberal would applaud them and support them in that measure, but guess what? It's just hotair....

Conservatives were taught by their parents on how to fish. Self sufficiency, responsibility, and living their lives without government dependency. Maybe they should teach the Liberals how to be more like Conservatives, and nobody would need to be taught the simple things, like how to fish
In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

So you don't believe in any taxes at all?

Sure I do. Roads must be maintained, we must provide for the security of our country and the enforcement of our laws.... You know, what they call "General Welfare".

The left can't quite understand the difference between necessary infrastructure and government dependency
Today's education system that tunnels young people into fields where there is no employment opportunities is a good place to begin...not to mention that simply showing up at school you can be fed three times a day without any parental involvement to help at all.

That's a good start about how it trains our current population to do not for themselves.

Sure. Because elementary students would do so much better if they learned to scrounge for food at an early age.

The ability to read, write, and do math gives an individual the ability to educate himself, and to take full advantage of further teaching. If the elementary schools could provide those skills to their students, they would be accomplishing something. Too many public schools are failing their students at the elementary level, and condemning them to a life of poverty.

But, what the hell, what teacher wants to have to teach to the tests? Much more fun to do arts and crafts, and send those children home with doodads made at school.
why does the right fight so hard to force the rest of us to NOT to help people?

You have the freedom to help all the people you want...

You do not have the freedom to FORCE others to help

No, in fact, unless you can prove that the government is not legitimate, it does have the right to 'force' you to help others.

In fact, it has the right to draft you and force you to fight and even die helping others.

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