Give a man a fish

You have the freedom to help all of those in need that you choose to

you do not have the freedom to FORCE anyone else to do it

Then give me back my money that helped build roads that you use.
Give me back all those times you went to a public park, a national forest and the military i pay to help protect you.

Do you benefit from roads, parks, forests and the military? (General Welfare) Do I benefit from your welfare check? (Specific Welfare)

I will in all likelihood never ever go to Yellowstone Park, or need a welfare check. But they are there if I do.

That is what the general welfare means.
Then give me back my money that helped build roads that you use.
Give me back all those times you went to a public park, a national forest and the military i pay to help protect you.

Do you benefit from roads, parks, forests and the military? (General Welfare) Do I benefit from your welfare check? (Specific Welfare)

I will in all likelihood never ever go to Yellowstone Park, or need a welfare check. But they are there if I do.

That is what the general welfare means.

I took you up on your one on one challenge. Get to it.
Why does the right want to keep their freedom?

Freedom from living in a civilized first world nation that helps supports its citizens who are in need. That type of freedom?

In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

The country you live in couldn't be defended if we didn't force people to contribute to that defense.

It's not that you don't believe in forcing people to do things against their will, in principle. You don't believe in it where it suits your agenda not to believe in it.
I'll take "Things Simple Minded People Say" for $100 Alex.

What confuses you about personal responsibility? In stead of calling me "simple minded" perhaps you can justify why you think I might be.
So far, you have ridiculed my position, but there has been no reason given for it. I'm beginning to think I'm wasting my time, or using words too big for your little brain to comprehend.

There is plenty of reason. You have been mooching for years. You see it as a success because you have been lucky enough to not get seriously sick or injured. I call it reckless mooching.

You're the complete opposite of personal responsibility. You have gambled that you wouldn't get sick. What is responsible about that? You're a hypocrite and typical of the so-called "personal responsibility" crowd who are anything but.

How is it mooching? I have not, nor will I ever, ask for anything I have not paid for.. That includes health care, food stamps or housing assistance.
All I want from you is to stand on your own 2 feet and be responsible for your decisions, your health care and your grocery bill. In other words, YOUR obligations. I am not responsible for the bad choices you have made. I'm also not responsible for your obvious paltry IQ.
Do you benefit from roads, parks, forests and the military? (General Welfare) Do I benefit from your welfare check? (Specific Welfare)

I will in all likelihood never ever go to Yellowstone Park, or need a welfare check. But they are there if I do.

That is what the general welfare means.

I took you up on your one on one challenge. Get to it.

I'm going back to work, but I'll get to it. Go amuse yourself being rude to someone else in the meantime.
Today's education system that tunnels young people into fields where there is no employment opportunities is a good place to begin...not to mention that simply showing up at school you can be fed three times a day without any parental involvement to help at all.

That's a good start about how it trains our current population to do not for themselves.

Sure. Because elementary students would do so much better if they learned to scrounge for food at an early age.

The ability to read, write, and do math gives an individual the ability to educate himself, and to take full advantage of further teaching. If the elementary schools could provide those skills to their students, they would be accomplishing something. Too many public schools are failing their students at the elementary level, and condemning them to a life of poverty.

But, what the hell, what teacher wants to have to teach to the tests? Much more fun to do arts and crafts, and send those children home with doodads made at school.

We wouldn't want to harm their self esteem, would we?
Then give me back my money that helped build roads that you use.
Give me back all those times you went to a public park, a national forest and the military i pay to help protect you.

Do you benefit from roads, parks, forests and the military? (General Welfare) Do I benefit from your welfare check? (Specific Welfare)

I will in all likelihood never ever go to Yellowstone Park, or need a welfare check. But they are there if I do.

That is what the general welfare means.

EXACTLY! The Constitution mandates Congress to provide for the General Welfare. No where is there anything allowing specific welfare.
Freedom from living in a civilized first world nation that helps supports its citizens who are in need. That type of freedom?

In my world, you have the freedom to help whoever you want. In your world there is no freedom not to.
If you find a family in desperate need of help, by all means, help them as I have done. Just allow me the freedom of helping who I want to help.
I believe in random acts of kindness and not in forced servitude like you do.

The country you live in couldn't be defended if we didn't force people to contribute to that defense.

It's not that you don't believe in forcing people to do things against their will, in principle. You don't believe in it where it suits your agenda not to believe in it.

I believe in the government raising money to provide those things enumerated in the Constitution of the United States of America. No more, no less.
The US Constitution is an amazing document. You should read it some time.
More simple concepts from a simple mind.

Simple concept?? Yep.. you fucking work to take care of your fucking personal responsibilities.... it's not hard to understand, unless you are a goddamn leftwinger

Simple mind.... hardly

You heard me, simple concept. I mean you wrapped up your entire argument with a cute little reference to people popping out babies that they can't afford. Nice and simple. Right simpleton?
Can people on public assistance afford the babies they have?

Hint: No.
What confuses you about personal responsibility? In stead of calling me "simple minded" perhaps you can justify why you think I might be.
So far, you have ridiculed my position, but there has been no reason given for it. I'm beginning to think I'm wasting my time, or using words too big for your little brain to comprehend.

There is plenty of reason. You have been mooching for years. You see it as a success because you have been lucky enough to not get seriously sick or injured. I call it reckless mooching.

You're the complete opposite of personal responsibility. You have gambled that you wouldn't get sick. What is responsible about that? You're a hypocrite and typical of the so-called "personal responsibility" crowd who are anything but.

How is it mooching? I have not, nor will I ever, ask for anything I have not paid for.. That includes health care, food stamps or housing assistance.
All I want from you is to stand on your own 2 feet and be responsible for your decisions, your health care and your grocery bill. In other words, YOUR obligations. I am not responsible for the bad choices you have made. I'm also not responsible for your obvious paltry IQ.

Explain to me, in detail how you would pay for the cost of treatment, medicine, etc...if you were to say get diagnosed with Leukemia. Your bills can easily approach $1 million, so tell me how will you pay for that? When you can't answer, you'll know why you're a moocher.
Simple concept?? Yep.. you fucking work to take care of your fucking personal responsibilities.... it's not hard to understand, unless you are a goddamn leftwinger

Simple mind.... hardly

You heard me, simple concept. I mean you wrapped up your entire argument with a cute little reference to people popping out babies that they can't afford. Nice and simple. Right simpleton?
Can people on public assistance afford the babies they have?

Hint: No.

Do all people on public assistance have babies?

Hint: No.
The number stated that receive any portion of their support from from welfare assistance--including food stamps--it is 29,900,000 or roughly 8% of the total population in the United States.

The above info was from a quick Google. 8% of the population has the ability to completey cause the Repubs on this board to go bat shit crazy. 8% of the population (with probably 4% voting) is the reason we have the debt and problems that we have.

This small group of people are the single most powerful voting block in the USA.

Is that what Rethugs believe. LMAO.

Why pretty soon we will have wefare recipeints in Congress.

Oh wait, we already do. Its just that they get their checks from a lobbyist.
Reality is more like... you catch 10 fish, the government takes four, three to cover the costs of your business, 2 go to those that have no interest in fishing (or anything else for theat matter) and you keep one to feed your family. Any small business owner will know what I'm saying.

Yes, I deal with whiny small businessmen every day... The bane of my existence.

But the reality is, we have the lowest tax rate in the industrialized world, and most of what the government spends money on benefits business. I've never seen a businessman yet who wouldn't run over his own mother to get a lucrative government contract.

How does welfare, Social Security or Medicare benefit business?
One only has to look at the Black community to see what handouts do to people.

I thought that had to do more with 400 years of insitutionalized racism...

Oh, wait, in Conservatard Land, Blacks have no history prior to 1965. YOu didn't see them on Leave it to Beaver at all.

Prior to 1965, blacks didn't have an illegitimacy rate of 60%. It was closer to 5%. The poverty rate for blacks decreased every year prior to 1965. Then, when Johnson's welfare programs kicked in, their poverty rate leveled off.

As usual, your understanding of the world is total bullshit.
Simple concept?? Yep.. you fucking work to take care of your fucking personal responsibilities.... it's not hard to understand, unless you are a goddamn leftwinger

Simple mind.... hardly

You heard me, simple concept. I mean you wrapped up your entire argument with a cute little reference to people popping out babies that they can't afford. Nice and simple. Right simpleton?
Can people on public assistance afford the babies they have?

Hint: No.

So the solution to that problem is to deprive those children of any public assistance, make them suffer, for what purpose?

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