Give me a good reason I shouldn't vote for Scott Walker

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
All I currently know about him:
  • He defunded Planned Non-parenthood before the sting videos came out.
  • He lowered unemployment in his state without relying on the stimulus package.
  • He's not a fan of his opposition to the right to gay marriage, which admittedly would be a problem for me if the Supreme Court hadn't have recently legislated it into existence.
  • He created an anti-heroin group and supported legislation against drug trafficking.
  • He also created Project SEARCH, a school-to-work program for high schoolers.
  • He wants to get rid of university tenure.
  • He wants civilian leadership to allow their military advisers to advise them before they go off and do dumb shit.
  • He supports private sector unions and opposes public sector ones.
  • He supports subsidizing farmers.
  • He opposes the teacher's unions, which are corrupt as fuck and often use their students as pawns in the fight to keep shitty teachers working side by side with good ones.
  • He admits that the ongoing jihad in the Middle East and Central Asia is caused by religion.
  • He wants to make it even easier to obtain US citizenship legally.
  • He won the state election by taking the youth vote.
  • He supports working with the Kurds against ISIS. Possibly also a future independent, safe, and free Kurdisan.
  • For all of these things and more Democrats fear and hate him with a passion.

All of that sounds good to me so far. What are some reasons not to vote for him? For reference I'm 23. Military. High school education. Pro-life. Socially conservative and economically socialist (which stems from my pro-life views). Pro-welfare and immigrant. From a rural working poor (admittedly some would call it "white trash") Southern background. He seems to comport well - almost perfectly - with my views and interests so far. What's the catch, though? Why shouldn't I write him in on the ballot?
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