Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

What is it with the liberal culture of charisma over substance? I don't have to like the delivery of the message to see value in the message. Please explain how actually working to restore transparency, honor and accountability in government is bad. Note the difference, not talking about doing it, but working to make it happen.

It's bad because Obama is not transparent, honorable, or accountable...and we can't allow that to be pointed out.

Why are you and your pals such whiners?? Always saying that your voices are being silenced. You all express your ridiculous opinions every single day. Must you even lie about that???
Then prove it. I showed your own words and how you FAILED to do what you claimed. However, you still dishonestly claim that you have, so PROVE IT.

Put up or shut up hack!!

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.
i already HAVE


and i did NOT claim Jesus said anything of the sort
you LIE once again
i said Jesus told the CHURCH to do those things, NOT the government
That! most definitely did.

You have to forgive the phoney doctor. He's a dumbass who has no clue what reading comprehension is all about.....Besides the fact that he's a paid progressive propogandist, as we all know.

Thank you for once agains showing your dishonesty. I have told you several times and even explained it on this board that I do not claiomto be a doctor and never have. D and R are my first and middle initials and if you try REALLY REALLY REALLY hard I am sure that you can figure out my last name. LOL Oh and juist in case you aren't smart enough to figure it out THIS TIME, my last name is Smith. LOL

I still find it hilarious that you are trying so hard to tear down the messenger because you can't counter the message. LOL Thanks for showing how desperate you truly are. LOL
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Lincoln was a classic liberal (a strong nationalist Whig) who would have said to you, "Get your cracker ass in the gutter," TwistedJoker.

It chaps you that JFK and LBJ cracked down on you crackers, telling you "no more" or that you would die; that it was JFK and LBJ that introduced the Democratic bills for Civil Rights and Voting Rights into Congress and forced my own GOP members to support it; that you refer to blacks with that word but you have no credible evidence that LBJ ever did; and where as Byrd repented, our own Strom Thurmond bolted from the Democratic Party to join the GOP because of his hatred of blacks.

See, TwistedJoker, you can't twist history without it getting shoved up your ass.

You are a racist, fascist, anti-American yoik who is no Republican in any way shape or form. We don't let your kind into the party here. We do let you vote GOP here without having any say in forming policy or selecting candidates.

Yep, chaps your ass, doesn't it, sonny?
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Lincoln was a classic liberal (a strong nationalist Whig) who would have said to you, "Get your cracker ass in the gutter," TwistedJoker.

It chaps you that JFK and LBJ cracked down on you crackers, telling you "no more" or that you would die; that it was JFK and LBJ that introduced the Democratic bills for Civil Rights and Voting Rights into Congress and forced my own GOP members to support it; that you refer to blacks with that word but you have no credible evidence that LBJ ever did; and where as Byrd repented, our own Strom Thurmond bolted from the Democratic Party to join the GOP because of his hatred of blacks.

See, TwistedJoker, you can't twist history without it getting shoved up your ass.

You are a racist, fascist, anti-American yoik who is no Republican in any way shape or form. We don't let your kind into the party here. We do let you vote GOP here without having any say in forming policy or selecting candidates.

Yep, chaps your ass, doesn't it, sonny?
Imagine that, LBJ calling blacks "*******". Kennedy sittin' back fuckin' Marylin Monroe while blacks were being savagely treated. William Jethro makin' racist remarks about Obama. Senator Byrd a card carrying member of the KKK and the dem party.

So tell me Jane, How many blacks have occupied the nooses hangin' from YOUR dem tree?
You can't prove that Johnson ever said anything of the sort, because if you could you would post it immediately. However, we know that you use the language all the time. You are a cracker, podjo, and fooling no one.

not new from jokey

PROVE IT. you have failed to thus far but continue to LIE and claim that you did. Your own words show you to be a LIAR. Deny it all you want to however, your denial won't change that FACT.
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board

Thank you for showing that you can't prove your claim but I am sure that you will LIE once again and try to claim that you did even as you FAIL to prove it. LOL

It would be so easy to prove it IF you already had but the FACT remains that you refuse to go back and find where you did and post here for all to see. That failure shows that you can't prove it and you know it. LOL
MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.
And yet the people who think they have exclusive rights to Dr King's legacy (ironically, most of them are white :lol:) prefer to judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

You don't know what you're talking about. And the fact that DC thanked you confirms it.
you arew one to talk, you dont even know that you cant delete a rep
you are a proven MORON
PROVE IT. you have failed to thus far but continue to LIE and claim that you did. Your own words show you to be a LIAR. Deny it all you want to however, your denial won't change that FACT.
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board

Thank you for showing that you can't prove your claim but I am sure that you will LIE once again and try to claim that you did even as you FAIL to prove it. LOL

It would be so easy to prove it IF you already had but the FACT remains that you refuse to go back and find where you did and post here for all to see. That failure shows that you can't prove it and you know it. LOL
i already have you pathetic piece of shit moron
PROVE IT. you have failed to thus far but continue to LIE and claim that you did. Your own words show you to be a LIAR. Deny it all you want to however, your denial won't change that FACT.
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board

:lol::lol::lol: Whatsa matter??? Did that mean old Doc make you look like a chump again?? :lol:

Because how things look is far more important to a liberal than what is.
PROVE IT. you have failed to thus far but continue to LIE and claim that you did. Your own words show you to be a LIAR. Deny it all you want to however, your denial won't change that FACT.
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board

:lol::lol::lol: Whatsa matter??? Did that mean old Doc make you look like a chump again?? :lol:
hes not a doc you moron
DR are his initials, at least thats what he's claiming now
facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.

Elvis is used just for fun, what is your problem.

Interesting that the local radio station is playing Rubber Necking right now. Weird.
Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Elvis was a saint?????????

REALLY?!?!? you REALLY believe that?
facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Nice, once again you choose the low road. I never claimed to be a doctor nor have I ever pretended to be. x-ray tech was no where in the description of the program I was in but thanks for your continued dishonesty. LOL

Furthermore, D and R are my initials so it's funy that you claim that I pretended to be a doctor and then admit that I have said i wasn't in the past and explained that D and R are my initials. LOL You are getting really good at sticking your foot in your mouth hack. LOL

Oh and jester is just mad and calling me a paid progressive propagandist because I actually took the time to look back and show how his own words showed him to be dishonest and calling me names is his last resort as he runs away from a debate that he knows he lost.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Elvis was a saint?????????

REALLY?!?!? you REALLY believe that?

Must have been an assumed name for an offensive tackle. Hard to know under those helmets. Rinata may want to steer clear of Las Vegas. Lots of Elvis' there.
Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Elvis was a saint?????????

REALLY?!?!? you REALLY believe that?

Must have been an assumed name for an offensive tackle. Hard to know under those helmets. Rinata may want to steer clear of Las Vegas. Lots of Elvis' there.
the only Elvis i know of in the NFL is Elvis Dumervil and he's a bronco
Hey dipshit, you're the one who asked me to explain how keeping the cuts in place was a good thing. You are obviously in favor of doing away with them so, explain why.

Or, since you're such a needledick, i'll ask from another direction. If you are in FAVOR of keeping the cuts in place, explain why.

Why don't you quit playing your lil' games and start giving us a clue as to where you stand?...... It's only too obvious that you support doing away with the cuts by your myriad of statements on that thread. But if not, you now have a question from a different angle.

Now, answer the fucking questions, whimp!

If you can't answer them, then simply admit it and move on for further ass kickings on other subjects.

Christ, children these days!:cuckoo:

Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.

Winston Smith missed the urinal again!!! Shit. Where is the damn urinal cake??? Not again. Quick before he swallows it!!!

Imagine that, no comments on the content and only trolling from you. LOL Can't say that i actually expected you to comment but thanks for showing that you have nothing to offer.
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Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Nice, once again you choose the low road. I never claimed to be a doctor nor have I ever pretended to be. x-ray tech was no where in the description of the program I was in but thanks for your continued dishonesty. LOL

Furthermore, D and R are my initials so it's funy that you claim that I pretended to be a doctor and then admit that I have said i wasn't in the past and explained that D and R are my initials. LOL You are getting really good at sticking your foot in your mouth hack. LOL

Oh and jester is just mad and calling me a paid progressive propagandist because I actually took the time to look back and show how his own words showed him to be dishonest and calling me names is his last resort as he runs away from a debate that he knows he lost.
D and R BECAME your initials after the doctor lie was fully debunked.

Now, are you going to answer the questions, or are you going to continue to spin and deflect? You're wasting my time. You've again been beaten by forfeit.......But then, your game totally sucks so, forfeiting is your best bet from this point forward.

Now, if ya' want to show some balls and continue to play, then answer the fucking questions. Otherwise, just do what you do best and walk away beaten and bloodied.
Hey dipshit, you're the one who asked me to explain how keeping the cuts in place was a good thing. You are obviously in favor of doing away with them so, explain why.

Or, since you're such a needledick, i'll ask from another direction. If you are in FAVOR of keeping the cuts in place, explain why.

Why don't you quit playing your lil' games and start giving us a clue as to where you stand?...... It's only too obvious that you support doing away with the cuts by your myriad of statements on that thread. But if not, you now have a question from a different angle.

Now, answer the fucking questions, whimp!

If you can't answer them, then simply admit it and move on for further ass kickings on other subjects.

Christ, children these days!:cuckoo:

Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.
Your downfall is the fact that you've been outed as a paid propogandist. Hence, your abject refusal to answer questions. You don't have the ability to answer any questions unless the answers are provided in your lil' paid progressive handbook....Trust me lil' man, you're not fooling anybody.

So, what we have here is my answering fully of your questions, and your abject failure to answer ANY questions......Once again, you've been pawned. Period!....End of story!.....End of playing childish games with you.... You had your chance, you miserably failed....Deal with it!

Aww says the dishoenst hack who has been outed as a LIAR and how is now continuing that trend as he so desperately tries to tear down the messenger because he can't counter the message.

Notice how you once again run away fromn your own words and try to make this about ME. LOL

I have shown how you tried to change your question (singular).

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to put words into my mouth.

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to claim that your spin about confidence is a valid response to questions about extending the taxcuts, when it's NOT.

I have shown how you failed to answer MY question and then tried to respond to a question that i did not ask as you pretend that it was my question.

I have shown all of this and all you have left is to LIE, scream and whine that I haven't answered your "questions" when I have adressed them and shown them to be pointless and based on how you are trying to hold me accountable for postions I did not take.

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

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