Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it somes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.

Honestly written this would read, for SL "I prefer to have [my] leadership [Glenn Beck] tell [me] what to think and when to act out."

Yes, we are well aware of what you meant.
Last week, I believe, Jon Stewart featured a montage of a series of clips where Glenn Beck out right instructed his viewers what to do. He literally used the words "you NEED to do [that/that]"

It was simultaneously hilarious, sad and frightening.

The man is a dangerous lunatic.

Glenn plays many characters, many of us do. We are all imperfect, therefore it stands to reason that we all can be dangerous at times. We have all been dealing with this since birth. Louis Farrakhan is pretty funny that way too huh. James Brown was something different growing up. Now I love his work. Buddy Giles. You all are too bent on censorship and control right now. Step back, take a breath. Learn from Reverend Al. He is taking the high road.
MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.

Christ was a Communist, not a Communist. The distinction between the two is with one you retain you will and freedom of choice, even the essence of your being. The other one will beat it out of you. MLK was a Christian first. Justice is Justice, until it is corrupted. Action with the consent of the governed is condoned, when you cross that line it becomes tyranny. When government move in a wrong direction, who then can contain it??? Private property, the right to it, is seen as a defense against tyranny. To take without consent is to steal, be the victim rich or poor.

That's all nice, and but I feel that Beck is the epitome of evil. Where do we go from here? Our swords are tangled. I will not fall on mine. :razz:

I don't remember giving up my autonomy??? My sword is sheathed, not tangled. If I was to tell you to follow me, I knew the way, you could bet I was full of shit. If I were to tell you to seek your conscience first in all things, to make contact within yourself and use your best judgement wherever you find yourself, that would be totally different, now wouldn't it??? Don't confuse the message. Glenn is pointing, not leading. ;)I think that next year he should coordinate something with Rev. Sharpton. Not 8/28 if they are not ready, but something that bridges.
if you had checked out their website, you might be less prone to publish pictures allegedly taken by you at the Beck rally including them. If your intent was to "document who was there" then those pics do a nice job of documenting some of the batshit-crazy folks who attended.

And why the double post??? I did check out their web-site and commented on it in earlier post's. Fringe, sure, is "Move on" or "huffington" less extreme???

yes. I've seen no-one at those places suggest that 33% of black women are Satan.

Would you discriminate against this group being at the Rally???

of course not. I also am not likely to find myself in the company of people who feel that 33% of black women are Satan.

What is your problem with me Posting pictures of the Human Beings that attended the Rally???

oh, trust me. I have no problem with you posting pictures you allege you took at the rally - especially pictures like the one that sparked this discussion. In fact, I strongly encourage you and your fellow Tea Partiers to publish a lot more pics like these.

a LOT more. Please.

So if you were at a Rally that you went to at great expense, and strangers showed up with signs that you didn't know, you would just run and hide. Got it. Not my style.

As you wish. ;)

Christ was a Communist, not a Communist. The distinction between the two is with one you retain you will and freedom of choice, even the essence of your being. The other one will beat it out of you. MLK was a Christian first. Justice is Justice, until it is corrupted. Action with the consent of the governed is condoned, when you cross that line it becomes tyranny. When government move in a wrong direction, who then can contain it??? Private property, the right to it, is seen as a defense against tyranny. To take without consent is to steal, be the victim rich or poor.

That's all nice, and but I feel that Beck is the epitome of evil. Where do we go from here? Our swords are tangled. I will not fall on mine. :razz:

I don't remember giving up my autonomy??? My sword is sheathed, not tangled. If I was to tell you to follow me, I knew the way, you could bet I was full of shit. If I were to tell you to seek your conscience first in all things, to make contact within yourself and use your best judgement wherever you find yourself, that would be totally different, now wouldn't it??? Don't confuse the message. Glenn is pointing, not leading. ;)I think that next year he should coordinate something with Rev. Sharpton. Not 8/28 if they are not ready, but something that bridges.

No, he's leading in a caniving way. He preaches his politics daily, a "this is how things REALLY are," sort of thing, and what he's saying is mostly sensationalized overblown hysteria for dramatic effect.......and then acts innocent by saying "but hey, don't take it from me," and the lackadazical nature of human beings is that they obviously Hero-worship and so they're (his fans) are quite obviously going to "take it from me(him)."

It's a sick game, and it takes a level of cognitive recognition and intuition to realize it I guess. I won't call his fans "dumb," because I hope that many people aren't, but they do fail to see through his facade (that even he's admitted to putting on, when interviewed).

And I do think he's evil for doing it, and I do think that it's sad that it's possible.
That's all nice, and but I feel that Beck is the epitome of evil. Where do we go from here? Our swords are tangled. I will not fall on mine. :razz:

I don't remember giving up my autonomy??? My sword is sheathed, not tangled. If I was to tell you to follow me, I knew the way, you could bet I was full of shit. If I were to tell you to seek your conscience first in all things, to make contact within yourself and use your best judgement wherever you find yourself, that would be totally different, now wouldn't it??? Don't confuse the message. Glenn is pointing, not leading. ;)I think that next year he should coordinate something with Rev. Sharpton. Not 8/28 if they are not ready, but something that bridges.

No, he's leading in a caniving way. He preaches his politics daily, a "this is how things REALLY are," sort of thing, and what he's saying is mostly sensationalized overblown hysteria for dramatic effect.......and then acts innocent by saying "but hey, don't take it from me," and the lackadazical nature of human beings is that they obviously Hero-worship and so they're (his fans) are quite obviously going to "take it from me(him)."

It's a sick game, and it takes a level of cognitive recognition and intuition to realize it I guess. I won't call his fans "dumb," because I hope that many people aren't, but they do fail to see through his facade (that even he's admitted to putting on, when interviewed).

And I do think he's evil for doing it, and I do think that it's sad that it's possible.

Hey, we all have issues. Glenn plays many characters too. Howard Beale, Beaver Cleaver, when he start's acting like Gabriel blowing his horn or Moroni, Run, don't walk the other way. :lol: :lol: :lol: Personally I can take Glenn in larger doses. Stern, Matthews, Maddow, I cannot take. I don't wish them ill, I just don't watch or listen. How are you with Dennis Miller??? He had on Dana Carvey I think Yesterday. It was a riot. :lol: :lol: :lol: He has a good head and a good sense of humor. Glenn can be very funny sometimes too, just so you know.

Bottom line, You are who you are, be at peace with that, learn from what life put's on your path. Nobody should be in the position of allowing you to decide, it is your place to decide, not mine or any other to decide for you.
Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it somes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.

Honestly written this would read, for SL "I prefer to have [my] leadership [Glenn Beck] tell [me] what to think and when to act out."

Yes, we are well aware of what you meant.
Last week, I believe, Jon Stewart featured a montage of a series of clips where Glenn Beck out right instructed his viewers what to do. He literally used the words "you NEED to do [that/that]"

It was simultaneously hilarious, sad and frightening.

The man is a dangerous lunatic.

I have heard black leaders tell you to go out and kill whitey. Way more serious than anything Beck has said. I will thnk you to not twist what I say Starkey. Just one of many reasons you are on permanent ignore.
I don't remember giving up my autonomy??? My sword is sheathed, not tangled. If I was to tell you to follow me, I knew the way, you could bet I was full of shit. If I were to tell you to seek your conscience first in all things, to make contact within yourself and use your best judgement wherever you find yourself, that would be totally different, now wouldn't it??? Don't confuse the message. Glenn is pointing, not leading. ;)I think that next year he should coordinate something with Rev. Sharpton. Not 8/28 if they are not ready, but something that bridges.

No, he's leading in a caniving way. He preaches his politics daily, a "this is how things REALLY are," sort of thing, and what he's saying is mostly sensationalized overblown hysteria for dramatic effect.......and then acts innocent by saying "but hey, don't take it from me," and the lackadazical nature of human beings is that they obviously Hero-worship and so they're (his fans) are quite obviously going to "take it from me(him)."

It's a sick game, and it takes a level of cognitive recognition and intuition to realize it I guess. I won't call his fans "dumb," because I hope that many people aren't, but they do fail to see through his facade (that even he's admitted to putting on, when interviewed).

And I do think he's evil for doing it, and I do think that it's sad that it's possible.

Hey, we all have issues. Glenn plays many characters too. Howard Beale, Beaver Cleaver, when he start's acting like Gabriel blowing his horn or Moroni, Run, don't walk the other way. :lol: :lol: :lol: Personally I can take Glenn in larger doses. Stern, Matthews, Maddow, I cannot take. I don't wish them ill, I just don't watch or listen. How are you with Dennis Miller??? He had on Dana Carvey I think Yesterday. It was a riot. :lol: :lol: :lol: He has a good head and a good sense of humor. Glenn can be very funny sometimes too, just so you know.

Bottom line, You are who you are, be at peace with that, learn from what life put's on your path. Nobody should be in the position of allowing you to decide, it is your place to decide, not mine or any other to decide for you.

I'm very much at peace with who I am, that's inane really at this point.

I'm just telling you that I think the man is corrupt for what he does. I don't want him silenced. He can carry on all he'd like. I believe in kharma. I hope to see it catch him.

Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.

Obama has been following his policies until now, holding off on his totalitarian tax schemes pretty much. How'd the surge work out for you Robot boy??? Obama Man has had how many aliases in his life??? Real impressive. Bush's records are available, remember transparency??? Maybe Barry just forgot??? What religion is he this week??? You seem to have penis envy concerning Glenn Beck??? What is your problem there??? Size, aim??? It is time for you to listen and learn Child, you need an intervention more than you know. Keep on deluding yourself, while contributing to the problem, lecturing us about how stupid we are. Schemes, scams, and incompetence is all your kind have to offer. You break things, add bureaucracy, and steal the life out of the unsuspecting. Real impressive. ;)

And here folks, you see the intensity of the Beck idiot....faced with the inevitable conclusion that Beck has played him for a fool, this intense idiot blathers on like Karl Rove on crack during the 2008 campaign.

Beck's idiots....a pathetic lot. I leave this intense idiot to his predictable blatherings.

No... what I see is another pin headed liberal that's so damn indoctrinated that his thought patterns look and sound like something from a "re-education camp."
And as the messiah continues to fail, all these Obamabots can do is piss and moan about a media figure. They damn sure don't have the balls to hold the messiah accountable for a damn thing. For doing so would mean that they would have to admit that they were duped into voting for the totally inept clown.

No wonder people now believe the GOP could more effectively handle this disaster of a messiah economy.

Bottom line, A failed lawyer and failed community organizer makes for an awful president, as we are no doubt now witnessing. And it's only getting worse people. We have a clueless idiot now running this country who is more concerned about golf and relaxation then he is about effectively leading this great country. Is more concerned with his personal image then he is about all those people now forced to stand in line at their local charity pantry. Who's wife is more concerned with travelling the world wasting taxpayers dollars while her fellow citizens are suffering.
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Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
And I take it YOU are one of the IDIOTS who voted for an inept, inexperienced clown like Obama.....Voting for a man who never ran a damn thing in his life. Had nothing more on his resume than being a failed community organizer. It doesn't get any more idiotic than that!

Yeah, it took a true idiot to vote for Obama, that's for sure!


Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.

What is it with the liberal culture of charisma over substance? I don't have to like the delivery of the message to see value in the message. Please explain how actually working to restore transparency, honor and accountability in government is bad. Note the difference, not talking about doing it, but working to make it happen.
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.

What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.
And yet the people who think they have exclusive rights to Dr King's legacy (ironically, most of them are white :lol:) prefer to judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.
Honestly written this would read, for SL "I prefer to have [my] leadership [Glenn Beck] tell [me] what to think and when to act out."

Yes, we are well aware of what you meant.
Last week, I believe, Jon Stewart featured a montage of a series of clips where Glenn Beck out right instructed his viewers what to do. He literally used the words "you NEED to do [that/that]"

It was simultaneously hilarious, sad and frightening.

The man is a dangerous lunatic.

I have heard black leaders tell you to go out and kill whitey. Way more serious than anything Beck has said. I will thnk you to not twist what I say Starkey. Just one of many reasons you are on permanent ignore.

Why are you responding to someone "on permanent ignore"?:cuckoo:
What is it with the liberal culture of charisma over substance? I don't have to like the delivery of the message to see value in the message. Please explain how actually working to restore transparency, honor and accountability in government is bad. Note the difference, not talking about doing it, but working to make it happen.

It's bad because Obama is not transparent, honorable, or accountable...and we can't allow that to be pointed out.
Because he can't ignore the truth. Sure, I have heard blacks say that, but an enormous number of us grew up or have lived in the South for decades. Don't be stupid, SL, if you somehow think race violence only comes from one direction, or that somehow a group only 12% of the population threatens everybody else more than the 88% threaten the 12%. Sheesh, SL, I get tired of this: stop being stupid.
Last week, I believe, Jon Stewart featured a montage of a series of clips where Glenn Beck out right instructed his viewers what to do. He literally used the words "you NEED to do [that/that]"

It was simultaneously hilarious, sad and frightening.

The man is a dangerous lunatic.

I have heard black leaders tell you to go out and kill whitey. Way more serious than anything Beck has said. I will thnk you to not twist what I say Starkey. Just one of many reasons you are on permanent ignore.

Why are you responding to someone "on permanent ignore"?:cuckoo:

Why do you care? Where did you find the post police badge?
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.
Yeah, it's pretty sad that we have a national holiday dedicated to a fuckin' communist.

Talk about a slap in the face to all those who have given life and limb fighting the scurge that is communism.
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.
Yeah, it's pretty sad that we have a national holiday dedicated to a fuckin' communist.

Talk about a slap in the face to all those who have given life and limb fighting the scurge that is communism.

Nope, he wasn't a communist (but TwistedJoker is a fascist); the capitalists were not doing a whole lot in the 1950s to end segregation and race violence; and TJ is simply an anti-American yoik.
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.
Yeah, it's pretty sad that we have a national holiday dedicated to a fuckin' communist.

Talk about a slap in the face to all those who have given life and limb fighting the scurge that is communism.

Nope, he wasn't a communist (but TwistedJoker is a fascist); the capitalists were not doing a whole lot in the 1950s to end segregation and race violence; and TJ is simply an anti-American yoik.
Doesn't it chap your fully proven loony liberal hide to know that it was A REPUBLICAN president who ended slavery. That it was Kennedy and Johnson who were in office when blacks were being hosed down and attacked by dogs, and they did nothing but turn a blind eye. That Johnson himself referred to blacks as "*******"?....And then of course ya' all had that RACIST PIG Byrd to fawn over for all those years....And lets not forget Ol' William Jethro's racist comments about Obama.

Yeah, you dem fucks just love keepin' the blacks in their place of misery.....No doubt about it!
nd you claiming i havent is a fucking LIE asswipe

Then prove it. I showed your own words and how you FAILED to do what you claimed. However, you still dishonestly claim that you have, so PROVE IT.

Put up or shut up hack!!

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.
i already HAVE


and i did NOT claim Jesus said anything of the sort
you LIE once again
i said Jesus told the CHURCH to do those things, NOT the government

Here it is again just for you.


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

The comic strip depicts jesus talking about healing the sick, sheltering the homeless and feeding the hungry. You were asked to show where jesus said to have the government NOT do those things and you provided the above passage claiming it as proof that jesus did say that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry", when it shows NOTHING of the sort.

Now you are trying to LIE and say "i did NOT claim Jesus said anything of the sort" and yet your response with the passage above shows otherwise as well as do your lame attempts to claim that you have proven he said it over the last few pages.

You lose once again and jester rushing to your defense and blindly agreeing with you because he's stalking me from thread to thread proves NOTHING. LOL
What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.
And yet the people who think they have exclusive rights to Dr King's legacy (ironically, most of them are white :lol:) prefer to judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

You don't know what you're talking about. And the fact that DC thanked you confirms it.

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