Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

If you don't believe me it is your loss, not mine. Have I checked out their web site, no. That was not what the pictures were about, that group was pretty vocal with their message. The reason for the pics is to document who was there. The fact that you cannot accept my witness ends our conversation. It is a fact that the picture was taken at the Rally. When you get past that, I'd be glad to relate on what ever you want.
check out the site

looks as nutty as a troofer site

Divecon, The Rally was open to everybody. They showed up. What is your problem with that. Would you have had everyone that showed up being screened? that would have been absurd.
no, i was just saying to check out the site, its a hoot
Kind of hard to ignore someone who's bullhorned from Fox News, Clear Channel, Murdoch owned publishings.....and then subsequently covered by the MSM.

But don't worry, Beck and his idiots have been exposed for the duplicitous (spl) lot that they are. This thread will die it's natural death soon.

Thank God! I was beginning to think you didnt have anything better to do. Nice use of that big word too! We all appreciate it when one side that is guilty of deliberate deception accuses the other side of the same thing...even if it IS from some washed up drunk, Mormon with an agenda that is sure to lead this country to hell in a hand basket. Oh wait, a dope smoking, elitist has already got a head start on taking us to hell...sorry Beck, I know you wanted it to be you.

For the record, it's very easy to ignore someone who's bullhorned on any of those simply DON'T watch, listen or read them.

Hell, I ignored 90% of the Obama ramblings on ALL of the major networks, CNN, MSNBC, AIR AMERICA (don't you miss that network?) and umpteen million websites. It's not so hard to make that decision. You should try it

Sorry, but I adhere to the old addage, "know thy enemy". I can't comment on something if I don't personally read up or listen to or watch it. That would make me as bad as the audience for the likes of Beck, or Limbaugh or Levin, or Crowley, etc., etc. So more than I like to I have to bite the bullet and read up on these jokers.

Broke my heart when Richardson didn't get the nomination, and Edwards just screwed up we're left with Obama, who actually won! :disbelief:
And I miss Air least the earlier versions of it. But they didn't have their economic ducks in a row or a very good plan regarding on air talent. Oh well.

You are so full of shit. That's all you do, comment on things you know little or nothing about. The DNC has it's head up it's ass, that is why you are so compatible. Progressive, Socialist, manipulative freak that you are. Did I say Fuck You??? Well just to cover all the bases... Fuck You!!! :):):):):)
check out the site

looks as nutty as a troofer site

Divecon, The Rally was open to everybody. They showed up. What is your problem with that. Would you have had everyone that showed up being screened? that would have been absurd.
no, i was just saying to check out the site, its a hoot

Think about it, They put on a nice show for the Peoples. Some liked it, some tolerated it, some got pissed and walked away. When it comes to free will, what do you do? The site reminds me of typical fringe. Check out the Albert Pike Site if you like either a laugh or conspiracies. Shit man, check out the conspiracy threads here. We have our fringe here too. Kick them out of the nest??? Hell no. What irk's me about the pricks on this thread, is that they don't even have a clue, yet they seem to know so much in their deluded fantasies. My heroes are Christ, Locke, Madison, Jefferson, Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi. I respect Beck, Rush, Savage, Levin, and the rest, but I have not been drinking Anyones Kool-Aid. I like what Beck did, what he accomplished. It was a Grand Slam. That is why the critics here are so bent and mis-characterizing what happened. Even Reverend Al is changing his tune, even he recognized the success of the day. To have differing opinions is acceptable, understandable. That is not what is going on here. What is going on here is a scorch and burn. They are freaked. That speaks volumes. I can't wait until November.
Thank God! I was beginning to think you didnt have anything better to do. Nice use of that big word too! We all appreciate it when one side that is guilty of deliberate deception accuses the other side of the same thing...even if it IS from some washed up drunk, Mormon with an agenda that is sure to lead this country to hell in a hand basket. Oh wait, a dope smoking, elitist has already got a head start on taking us to hell...sorry Beck, I know you wanted it to be you.

For the record, it's very easy to ignore someone who's bullhorned on any of those simply DON'T watch, listen or read them.

Hell, I ignored 90% of the Obama ramblings on ALL of the major networks, CNN, MSNBC, AIR AMERICA (don't you miss that network?) and umpteen million websites. It's not so hard to make that decision. You should try it

Sorry, but I adhere to the old addage, "know thy enemy". I can't comment on something if I don't personally read up or listen to or watch it. That would make me as bad as the audience for the likes of Beck, or Limbaugh or Levin, or Crowley, etc., etc. So more than I like to I have to bite the bullet and read up on these jokers.

Broke my heart when Richardson didn't get the nomination, and Edwards just screwed up we're left with Obama, who actually won! :disbelief:
And I miss Air least the earlier versions of it. But they didn't have their economic ducks in a row or a very good plan regarding on air talent. Oh well.

You are so full of shit. That's all you do, comment on things you know little or nothing about. The DNC has it's head up it's ass, that is why you are so compatible. Progressive, Socialist, manipulative freak that you are. Did I say Fuck You??? Well just to cover all the bases... Fuck You!!! :):):):):)

As you can see folks, this intense Beck idiot was driven to distraction by my aptly pointing out that he's being played for the fool by Beck and his "restore honor" nonsense rally. I did this with simple facts and the logic derived from those facts. Now angered, this intense Beck idiot will follow me around like a bitch in heat....yapping at my pants leg for attention. Well, since he's demonstrated an inability to honestly or rationally debate, I'll just dump him into the IA bin to save space and time.
How is criticizing Beck giving YOU grief? How is responding to others who ardently defend Beck and attack those who criticize him giving YOU grief? Explain please.

Insert 0bama where you read "jackass" for clarification. Are you this dense in real life or do you just play it up for message boards?

Forgive me....I didnt' think anyone was that dimwitted to use the old neocon dodge of namecalling the President when one of their icons gets exposed as a phony/liar.

Evidently, you are a correction to my assumption.

Get real, junior....Beck isn't "off the reservation.....he's a self admitted "rodeo clown" that plays on your frustrations and prejudices in order to garner ratings and sponsors (aka $$$). Beck calls YOU an idiot for taking him seriously enough to defend/excuse him. Beck said he doesn't give a damn about politics, it's all about the benjamins for him....and he'll say anthing to that effect. His words, not mine....Deal with it, or don't.

Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it comes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.
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Insert 0bama where you read "jackass" for clarification. Are you this dense in real life or do you just play it up for message boards?

Forgive me....I didnt' think anyone was that dimwitted to use the old neocon dodge of namecalling the President when one of their icons gets exposed as a phony/liar.

Evidently, you are a correction to my assumption.

Get real, junior....Beck isn't "off the reservation.....he's a self admitted "rodeo clown" that plays on your frustrations and prejudices in order to garner ratings and sponsors (aka $$$). Beck calls YOU an idiot for taking him seriously enough to defend/excuse him. Beck said he doesn't give a damn about politics, it's all about the benjamins for him....and he'll say anthing to that effect. His words, not mine....Deal with it, or don't.

Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it somes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.

Honestly written this would read, for SL "I prefer to have [my] leadership [Glenn Beck] tell [me] what to think and when to act out."

Yes, we are well aware of what you meant.
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Sorry, but I adhere to the old addage, "know thy enemy". I can't comment on something if I don't personally read up or listen to or watch it. That would make me as bad as the audience for the likes of Beck, or Limbaugh or Levin, or Crowley, etc., etc. So more than I like to I have to bite the bullet and read up on these jokers.

Broke my heart when Richardson didn't get the nomination, and Edwards just screwed up we're left with Obama, who actually won! :disbelief:
And I miss Air least the earlier versions of it. But they didn't have their economic ducks in a row or a very good plan regarding on air talent. Oh well.

You are so full of shit. That's all you do, comment on things you know little or nothing about. The DNC has it's head up it's ass, that is why you are so compatible. Progressive, Socialist, manipulative freak that you are. Did I say Fuck You??? Well just to cover all the bases... Fuck You!!! :):):):):)

As you can see folks, this intense Beck idiot was driven to distraction by my aptly pointing out that he's being played for the fool by Beck and his "restore honor" nonsense rally. I did this with simple facts and the logic derived from those facts. Now angered, this intense Beck idiot will follow me around like a bitch in heat....yapping at my pants leg for attention. Well, since he's demonstrated an inability to honestly or rationally debate, I'll just dump him into the IA bin to save space and time.

As you can see folk's tiachienema has confused USMB with an outhouse.Through false labeling, false accusation, manipulation, and repeating nonsense like a constipated parrot, he thinks to turn horse shit into something of value. It is an illusion, a cheap one at that. The real issue here is why something like a Restoring Honor Rally would be so offensive to the likes of Tiachemoron??? Is it the threat of Unity??? Self determination??? What exactly is it about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that has him and his fellow Progressive Marxist's in a scorch and burn frenzy??? Maybe because they cannot control or tax Faith, Hope, and Charity. Kill the messenger when all else fails. There is nothing civil about his posting. His whole position is that anyone that disagrees with him is an idiot and a fool. There is no debate here. It's all bait and switch. Probably the only effective skill he learned in school. Effectively he is trying to accomplish exactly what he accuses Beck, Rush, Levin, and the rest of. It is a big fail. Maybe he could be the first successful radio talk show host from the left, to compete against the Right wing. Our country is in crisis, and if anyone hasn't noticed, every attempted incompetent effort to repair, both compounds the crisis, and enriches Government employee's and Union Worker's. Coincidence??? I think not. Tiachispokesjerkoff wants you to believe that he has a grasp on reality and that the rest of us are lost idiot fools, while in fact he is so deep in his propaganda he no longer knows right from wrong. Why is Beck the target??? Because he is effective. What does this clown show from the left have in common with other totalitarian Ideologies??? The Quest for world domination, control of our lives 27/7. He would deceive you into giving up all of your voice, right's and liberties, for a song and dance, and not think twice about it. He may be bought and paid for, don't let it happen to you.

Tiachiwhore You place too much value on your importance. Follow you around??? I have no interest in what you peddle. It' has little to do with your politics, it is your style. You are an asshole, I figure you can't help it, you were raised that way. That doesn't make it okay, that just makes you special needs. ;)
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.
Insert 0bama where you read "jackass" for clarification. Are you this dense in real life or do you just play it up for message boards?

Forgive me....I didnt' think anyone was that dimwitted to use the old neocon dodge of namecalling the President when one of their icons gets exposed as a phony/liar.

Evidently, you are a correction to my assumption.

Get real, junior....Beck isn't "off the reservation.....he's a self admitted "rodeo clown" that plays on your frustrations and prejudices in order to garner ratings and sponsors (aka $$$). Beck calls YOU an idiot for taking him seriously enough to defend/excuse him. Beck said he doesn't give a damn about politics, it's all about the benjamins for him....and he'll say anthing to that effect. His words, not mine....Deal with it, or don't.

Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it somes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.

What is amazing here SL, is every remedy put's us in more jeopardy, they compound the problem, systematically enriching themselves and their clone puppets, and come October and November the same Assholes are going to be running add's that will sound more Conservative than the Conservative's themselves. Scam the masses is all they ever had. They bitch when they are not in power, fuck up the most basic services when they are in power, and blame everyone that is not part of the scam. Funny, Fannie and Freddie are still fucking us over as we speak, the man behind the Ponzi Scheme will possibly be the next Governor of NY, and this Tiachiprick is worried about how we spend our free time.
“I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove the most effective — the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.” -MLK Jr.

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." -MLK Jr.
"Today the poor are less often dismissed, I hope, from our consciences by being branded as inferior or incompetent. We also know that no matter how dynamically the economy develops and expands, it does not eliminate all poverty. The problem indicates that our emphasis must be twofold. We must create full employment or we must create incomes. People must be made consumers by one method or the other. Once they are placed in this position we need to be concerned that the potential of the individual is not wasted. New forms of work that enhance the social good will have to be devised for those for whom traditional jobs are not available."-MLK Jr.

Beck's whole idea of MLK Jr. is perverted.
Have I checked out their web site, no. That was not what the pictures were about, that group was pretty vocal with their message. The reason for the pics is to document who was there.

if you had checked out their website, you might be less prone to publish pictures allegedly taken by you at the Beck rally including them. If your intent was to "document who was there" then those pics do a nice job of documenting some of the batshit-crazy folks who attended.
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.

What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.
Have I checked out their web site, no. That was not what the pictures were about, that group was pretty vocal with their message. The reason for the pics is to document who was there.

if you had checked out their website, you might be less prone to publish pictures allegedly taken by you at the Beck rally including them. If your intent was to "document who was there" then those pics do a nice job of documenting some of the batshit-crazy folks who attended.

And why the double post??? I did check out their web-site and commented on it in earlier post's. Fringe, sure, is "Move on" or "huffington" less extreme??? Would you discriminate against this group being at the Rally??? What is your problem with me Posting pictures of the Human Beings that attended the Rally??? Your point is weak. I guess that bears repeating too. Your point is weak. ;)
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.

What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.
Forgive me....I didnt' think anyone was that dimwitted to use the old neocon dodge of namecalling the President when one of their icons gets exposed as a phony/liar.

Evidently, you are a correction to my assumption.

Get real, junior....Beck isn't "off the reservation.....he's a self admitted "rodeo clown" that plays on your frustrations and prejudices in order to garner ratings and sponsors (aka $$$). Beck calls YOU an idiot for taking him seriously enough to defend/excuse him. Beck said he doesn't give a damn about politics, it's all about the benjamins for him....and he'll say anthing to that effect. His words, not mine....Deal with it, or don't.

Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it somes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.

Honestly written this would read, for SL "I prefer to have [my] leadership [Glenn Beck] tell [me] what to think and when to act out."

Yes, we are well aware of what you meant.
Last week, I believe, Jon Stewart featured a montage of a series of clips where Glenn Beck out right instructed his viewers what to do. He literally used the words "you NEED to do [that/that]"

It was simultaneously hilarious, sad and frightening.

The man is a dangerous lunatic.
“I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove the most effective — the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.” -MLK Jr.

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." -MLK Jr.
"Today the poor are less often dismissed, I hope, from our consciences by being branded as inferior or incompetent. We also know that no matter how dynamically the economy develops and expands, it does not eliminate all poverty. The problem indicates that our emphasis must be twofold. We must create full employment or we must create incomes. People must be made consumers by one method or the other. Once they are placed in this position we need to be concerned that the potential of the individual is not wasted. New forms of work that enhance the social good will have to be devised for those for whom traditional jobs are not available."-MLK Jr.

Beck's whole idea of MLK Jr. is perverted.

We all need to learn how to be productive in one way or another. The rest will follow. You make good points. ;)
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.

What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.

Christ was a Communist, not a Communist. The distinction between the two is with one you retain you will and freedom of choice, even the essence of your being. The other one will beat it out of you. MLK was a Christian first. Justice is Justice, until it is corrupted. Action with the consent of the governed is condoned, when you cross that line it becomes tyranny. When government move in a wrong direction, who then can contain it??? Private property, the right to it, is seen as a defense against tyranny. To take without consent is to steal, be the victim rich or poor.
What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.

Christ was a Communist, not a Communist. The distinction between the two is with one you retain you will and freedom of choice, even the essence of your being. The other one will beat it out of you. MLK was a Christian first. Justice is Justice, until it is corrupted. Action with the consent of the governed is condoned, when you cross that line it becomes tyranny. When government move in a wrong direction, who then can contain it??? Private property, the right to it, is seen as a defense against tyranny. To take without consent is to steal, be the victim rich or poor.

That's all nice, and but I feel that Beck is the epitome of evil. Where do we go from here? Our swords are tangled. I will not fall on mine. :razz:
Have I checked out their web site, no. That was not what the pictures were about, that group was pretty vocal with their message. The reason for the pics is to document who was there.

if you had checked out their website, you might be less prone to publish pictures allegedly taken by you at the Beck rally including them. If your intent was to "document who was there" then those pics do a nice job of documenting some of the batshit-crazy folks who attended.

And why the double post??? I did check out their web-site and commented on it in earlier post's. Fringe, sure, is "Move on" or "huffington" less extreme???

yes. I've seen no-one at those places suggest that 33% of black women are Satan.

Would you discriminate against this group being at the Rally???

of course not. I also am not likely to find myself in the company of people who feel that 33% of black women are Satan.

What is your problem with me Posting pictures of the Human Beings that attended the Rally???

oh, trust me. I have no problem with you posting pictures you allege you took at the rally - especially pictures like the one that sparked this discussion. In fact, I strongly encourage you and your fellow Tea Partiers to publish a lot more pics like these.

a LOT more. Please.

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