Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

I was just over there, idiot. And, you still don't have the guts to answer my questions.

Face it, besides being a paid progressive propogandist, you're a fucking pussy who refuses to answer questions. Why is that?......Obviously it's not written in the lil' propogandist handbook your employer handed you. Your actions are right out of the liberal progressive playbook. Exposing your ass is just too damn easy.

You asked ONE singular question that was based on a work of fiction taht you made up and tried to attribute to me. This

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

is what you asked me to prove and I never said anything of the sort so why ask me to prove something that I NEVER said?? Your own words hack but you keep running away. imagine that. LOL

You spun, you failed, you lost AGAIN.

LOL So now you accuse me of being paid to do this?? LOL
Talk about a desperate move.
You are the one with the fake history who had to change your fictional life story after I corrected you on the max age you had to be to re-enlist and explain to you that you needed an age waiver to re-enlist at the time you allegedly re-enlisted. You claimed initially that you did not need an age waiver but later shifted to admitting that you had one despite your previous claims that you did not need one. You have also changed your story on your previously two but now one restaurant with your lead front of house wait staff that makes $90,000 a year. So if either of us is paid poster I believe it would be the one with the phony life. LOL
I'm too much of a mommas boy pussy and refuse to answer your questions so, i'll just make shit up.


Now, doesn't it just chap your liberal hide to know that a hard working front of the house employee was able to pull off 90 grand in a year?

That's what happens when you are paid well. Work extra hours. Volunteer to work six days a week instead of five. Picks up any shift for other employees. Makes a killing on tips because she bothered to educate herself on food and wine. High rolling customers appreciate that type of service, and they tip accordingly. It wasn't a rare thing to see her walk away with a grand plus in tips on any given night...... And why did she do that?.....Because she had a goal of putting herself through law school free and clear without the burden of future student loan payments. I talk to her all the time. She's now entering her third year after finishing the second year #3 in her class at Loyola. I'm as proud of her as I would be with my own children. She was with me for over 10 years and was one of the most loyal and dedicated employees I ever had the honor of employing.

Now, maybe you should try and do what she did, and that is WORK HARD, instead of wasting your employers time and money by spending your entire shift spewing your loony liberal bullshit on a message board. You're just damn lucky you don't work for me. If I caught you doing that shit, i'd have beaten you to a pulp, emptied your wallet right in front of your face and tossed your sorry ass out in the street.

Now, answer the fucking questions or simply run along, whimp!

HAHA look at the phony squirm. LOL So now you claim that I am making it all up even as you defend one of the arguments that i present. So which is it hack?? LOL

More fiction from you imagine that. Oh well it's where you started so why not end there. LOL

BTW which version of your question do you want me to answer the one that you started with, you know the one where you want me to prove how letting the taxcuts expire will create jobs even though i NEVER made any such claim, or the several changes that you made along the way after being shown to be nothing but a dishonest hack who tries to attribute statement to posters so you can attack them for somethign that they never said??
You asked ONE singular question that was based on a work of fiction taht you made up and tried to attribute to me. This

is what you asked me to prove and I never said anything of the sort so why ask me to prove something that I NEVER said?? Your own words hack but you keep running away. imagine that. LOL

You spun, you failed, you lost AGAIN.

LOL So now you accuse me of being paid to do this?? LOL
Talk about a desperate move.
You are the one with the fake history who had to change your fictional life story after I corrected you on the max age you had to be to re-enlist and explain to you that you needed an age waiver to re-enlist at the time you allegedly re-enlisted. You claimed initially that you did not need an age waiver but later shifted to admitting that you had one despite your previous claims that you did not need one. You have also changed your story on your previously two but now one restaurant with your lead front of house wait staff that makes $90,000 a year. So if either of us is paid poster I believe it would be the one with the phony life. LOL
I'm too much of a mommas boy pussy and refuse to answer your questions so, i'll just make shit up.


Now, doesn't it just chap your liberal hide to know that a hard working front of the house employee was able to pull off 90 grand in a year?

That's what happens when you are paid well. Work extra hours. Volunteer to work six days a week instead of five. Picks up any shift for other employees. Makes a killing on tips because she bothered to educate herself on food and wine. High rolling customers appreciate that type of service, and they tip accordingly. It wasn't a rare thing to see her walk away with a grand plus in tips on any given night...... And why did she do that?.....Because she had a goal of putting herself through law school free and clear without the burden of future student loan payments. I talk to her all the time. She's now entering her third year after finishing the second year #3 in her class at Loyola. I'm as proud of her as I would be with my own children. She was with me for over 10 years and was one of the most loyal and dedicated employees I ever had the honor of employing.

Now, maybe you should try and do what she did, and that is WORK HARD, instead of wasting your employers time and money by spending your entire shift spewing your loony liberal bullshit on a message board. You're just damn lucky you don't work for me. If I caught you doing that shit, i'd have beaten you to a pulp, emptied your wallet right in front of your face and tossed your sorry ass out in the street.

Now, answer the fucking questions or simply run along, whimp!

HAHA look at the phony squirm. LOL So now you claim that I am making it all up even as you defend one of the arguments that i present. So which is it hack?? LOL

More fiction from you imagine that. Oh well it's where you started so why not end there. LOL

BTW which version of your question do you want me to answer the one that you started with, you know the one where you want me to prove how letting the taxcuts expire will create jobs even though i NEVER made any such claim, or the several changes that you made along the way after being shown to be nothing but a dishonest hack who tries to attribute statement to posters so you can attack them for somethign that they never said??
Just answer whatever questions I asked, ya' fuckin' idiot!....If you have the balls that is!

I'm tired of playing your childish games, douchebag. If you're too stupid to understand the questions, that's your fucking problem.

Now, if you're in favor of the cuts, explain why.

If you are against the cuts, and your myriad of statements up here make it quite obvious that you are, explain why.

This is your last chance, lil' man....If you refuse, then it is obvious you are admitting defeat. It's that simple.

Christ, Sesame Street couldn't make it anymore simple for this idiot!
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facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
you are a fucking moron, you dont get to choose who is right

Why?? Because I didn't choose you??? And I don't take orders from you, twit. When I think someone is wrong, I'll say so.

You need comprehension lessons anyway. I deleted your stupid neg rep. Duh!!!
Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
you are a fucking moron, you dont get to choose who is right

Why?? Because I didn't choose you??? And I don't take orders from you, twit. When I think someone is wrong, I'll say so.

You need comprehension lessons anyway. I deleted your stupid neg rep. Duh!!!
i never gave you orders, moron
i said you didnt get to pick
fuck off bitch'

and dipshit, you cant delete rep
only an admin can
you are a fucking moron, you dont get to choose who is right

Why?? Because I didn't choose you??? And I don't take orders from you, twit. When I think someone is wrong, I'll say so.

You need comprehension lessons anyway. I deleted your stupid neg rep. Duh!!!
i never gave you orders, moron
i said you didnt get to pick
fuck off bitch'

and dipshit, you cant delete rep
only an admin can


Damn, you're stupid!!! I delete it before I read it. I can do that, you dipshit!!!
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!

Imagine what it would be like for us if a Rodeo Clown currently occupied the Oval Office. :eek:

Well, it would take a lot of imagination to get someone like Beck into the Oval Office...the Shrub was close, and Palin would be closer. So far though, nothing like that has happened...yet.
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up OBAMA's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
See how that works?

I see how YOU a frustrated grade schooler who can't debate worth a damn. Tell you what bunky, you go play your little games to entertain your equally intellectually challenged friends, and I'll just dump you into the IA bin so as not to waste anymore time on you. See ya!
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!

Imagine what it would be like for us if a Rodeo Clown currently occupied the Oval Office. :eek:

Well, it would take a lot of imagination to get someone like Beck into the Oval Office...the Shrub was close, and Palin would be closer. So far though, nothing like that has happened...yet.

Sounds like don't know that there is currently a Rodeo Clown currently in the Oval Office. Shhhhhh.... It's a secret. ;)
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up OBAMA's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
See how that works?

I see how YOU a frustrated grade schooler who can't debate worth a damn. Tell you what bunky, you go play your little games to entertain your equally intellectually challenged friends, and I'll just dump you into the IA bin so as not to waste anymore time on you. See ya!
does this mean you put HIM on ignore too

Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
And I take it YOU are one of the IDIOTS who voted for an inept, inexperienced clown like Obama.....Voting for a man who never ran a damn thing in his life. Had nothing more on his resume than being a failed community organizer. It doesn't get any more idiotic than that!

Yeah, it took a true idiot to vote for Obama, that's for sure!


Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
And I take it YOU are one of the IDIOTS who voted for an inept, inexperienced clown like Obama.....Voting for a man who never ran a damn thing in his life. Had nothing more on his resume than being a failed community organizer. It doesn't get any more idiotic than that!

Yeah, it took a true idiot to vote for Obama, that's for sure!


Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.

Here's the difference. When Beck goes off reservation, I can turn him off and do something else, which I do regularly. Your jackass keeps causing me grief. Send him home please.
You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.

I watched Glenn Apologize on the Chris Wallace interview. Liberation Theology does have issues Zona. Most of us have issues Zona. The Rally was a blast. Sorry you didn't make it. Here's something I know you will get a kick out of. Make sure you are sitting down now and don't choke.


The apology was as phony as Beck is...and YOU don't have a clue as to what black liberation theology is all about. Do your homework.

The "blast" demonstrates what a bunch of idiots Beck has rightly called. Beck has stated for the record he doesn't give a damn about politics, as it's all about the business of radio jock promotion (aka $$$$). So FreedomWorks and Fox News promotes this BS for months, organizes folk to get there, and what do they get?? Some jackass trying to merge Burt Lancaster and Andy Griffith into a new type of pseudo-evangelist...and Palin screeching on about restoring "honor" while NEVER telling us exactly what honor was lost and by home, and what "honor" are we restoring or exactly what type of America should we be going back to.

Yep, a bunch of suckers for Beck.
And I take it YOU are one of the IDIOTS who voted for an inept, inexperienced clown like Obama.....Voting for a man who never ran a damn thing in his life. Had nothing more on his resume than being a failed community organizer. It doesn't get any more idiotic than that!

Yeah, it took a true idiot to vote for Obama, that's for sure!


Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.

Here's the difference. When Beck goes off reservation, I can turn him off and do something else, which I do regularly. Your jackass keeps causing me grief. Send him home please.

How is criticizing Beck giving YOU grief? How is responding to others who ardently defend Beck and attack those who criticize him giving YOU grief? Explain please.
So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.

I watched Glenn Apologize on the Chris Wallace interview. Liberation Theology does have issues Zona. Most of us have issues Zona. The Rally was a blast. Sorry you didn't make it. Here's something I know you will get a kick out of. Make sure you are sitting down now and don't choke.


The apology was as phony as Beck is...and YOU don't have a clue as to what black liberation theology is all about. Do your homework.

The "blast" demonstrates what a bunch of idiots Beck has rightly called. Beck has stated for the record he doesn't give a damn about politics, as it's all about the business of radio jock promotion (aka $$$$). So FreedomWorks and Fox News promotes this BS for months, organizes folk to get there, and what do they get?? Some jackass trying to merge Burt Lancaster and Andy Griffith into a new type of pseudo-evangelist...and Palin screeching on about restoring "honor" while NEVER telling us exactly what honor was lost and by home, and what "honor" are we restoring or exactly what type of America should we be going back to.

Yep, a bunch of suckers for Beck.

Those look like overtly political signs at a rally that was allegedly apolitical where people were not supposed to bring signs.

I don't buy it.

Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.

Here's the difference. When Beck goes off reservation, I can turn him off and do something else, which I do regularly. Your jackass keeps causing me grief. Send him home please.

How is criticizing Beck giving YOU grief? How is responding to others who ardently defend Beck and attack those who criticize him giving YOU grief? Explain please.

Insert 0bama where you read "jackass" for clarification. Are you this dense in real life or do you just play it up for message boards?
Imagine what it would be like for us if a Rodeo Clown currently occupied the Oval Office. :eek:

Well, it would take a lot of imagination to get someone like Beck into the Oval Office...the Shrub was close, and Palin would be closer. So far though, nothing like that has happened...yet.

Sounds like don't know that there is currently a Rodeo Clown currently in the Oval Office. Shhhhhh.... It's a secret. ;)

It's no secret that YOU can't handle the FACT that Beck has you rightly pegged as an idiot for supporting his BS. Becks words, not mine.

But YOU can't handle the truth, so you name call Obama in a typical neocon dodge. Grow up and deal with reality, my friend.

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