Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

you are an ignorant asswipe
fuck off

Way to expose yourself as a troll with nothign valid to offer. Your spin was countered and you were shown to be WRONG and the best defense you can muster is to call me names. LOL

Fact is that you made a claim and then failed to back it up so you attack me personally. LOL
i backed it up, you are just too fucking moronic to admit it

No you didn't. Do I need to cut and paste your own words AGAIN to prove you wrong AGAIN?? LOL

Where did you back it up?? You have a habit of making claims that you can't substantiate and then you claim that you substantiated them and can't even show where you allegedly did that. LOL

I showed your own words and your own claims and you failed to substantiated them, you merely claiming that you did is NOT good enough. However, my guess is that you know that already but will continue to LIE about it because that is all you have left.
Way to expose yourself as a troll with nothign valid to offer. Your spin was countered and you were shown to be WRONG and the best defense you can muster is to call me names. LOL

Fact is that you made a claim and then failed to back it up so you attack me personally. LOL
i backed it up, you are just too fucking moronic to admit it

No you didn't. Do I need to cut and paste your own words AGAIN to prove you wrong AGAIN?? LOL

Where did you back it up?? You have a habit of making claims that you can't substantiate and then you claim that you substantiated them and can't even show where you allegedly did that. LOL

I showed your own words and your own claims and you failed to substantiated them, you merely claiming that you did is NOT good enough. However, my guess is that you know that already but will continue to LIE about it because that is all you have left.
you didnt prove i was wrong
only that you are too fucking stupid to understand it
its been explained, its clear you are too fucking stupid to understand it

Yeah and it's all there in your own words. You made a claim and then failed to prove it. You just lack the integrity to admit when you are wrong and can only attack me and make false claims that it's been answered or explained because you FAILED. LOL Furthermore if it has already been explained then it should be quite easy for you to repeat it so why avoid the content??

The facts don't lie, but apparently you do. LOL
facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Says the hack who ran away from that thread and hasn't been back. LOL
I was just over there, idiot. And, you still don't have the guts to answer my questions.

Face it, besides being a paid progressive propogandist, you're a fucking pussy who refuses to answer questions. Why is that?......Obviously it's not written in the lil' propogandist handbook your employer handed you. Your actions are right out of the liberal progressive playbook. Exposing your ass is just too damn easy.

You asked ONE singular question that was based on a work of fiction taht you made up and tried to attribute to me. This

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

is what you asked me to prove and I never said anything of the sort so why ask me to prove something that I NEVER said?? Your own words hack but you keep running away. imagine that. LOL

You spun, you failed, you lost AGAIN.

LOL So now you accuse me of being paid to do this?? LOL
Talk about a desperate move.
You are the one with the fake history who had to change your fictional life story after I corrected you on the max age you had to be to re-enlist and explain to you that you needed an age waiver to re-enlist at the time you allegedly re-enlisted. You claimed initially that you did not need an age waiver but later shifted to admitting that you had one despite your previous claims that you did not need one. You have also changed your story on your previously two but now one restaurant with your lead front of house wait staff that makes $90,000 a year. So if either of us is paid poster I believe it would be the one with the phony life. LOL
I'm too much of a mommas boy pussy and refuse to answer your questions so, i'll just make shit up.


Now, doesn't it just chap your liberal hide to know that a hard working front of the house employee was able to pull off 90 grand in a year?

That's what happens when you are paid well. Work extra hours. Volunteer to work six days a week instead of five. Picks up any shift for other employees. Makes a killing on tips because she bothered to educate herself on food and wine. High rolling customers appreciate that type of service, and they tip accordingly. It wasn't a rare thing to see her walk away with a grand plus in tips on any given night...... And why did she do that?.....Because she had a goal of putting herself through law school free and clear without the burden of future student loan payments. I talk to her all the time. She's now entering her third year after finishing the second year #3 in her class at Loyola. I'm as proud of her as I would be with my own children. She was with me for over 10 years and was one of the most loyal and dedicated employees I ever had the honor of employing.

Now, maybe you should try and do what she did, and that is WORK HARD, instead of wasting your employers time and money by spending your entire shift spewing your loony liberal bullshit on a message board. You're just damn lucky you don't work for me. If I caught you doing that shit, i'd have beaten you to a pulp, emptied your wallet right in front of your face and tossed your sorry ass out in the street.

Now, answer the fucking questions or simply run along, whimp!
i already have, asshole
render unto Caesar is not calling for the government to do what he told CHRISTIANS(AKA the CHURCH) to do
and having the government do by force of law is not the charity he was commanding
you twist His words just like you try to twist MINE

NO you haven't and merely claiming that you did doesn't not make it so.

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.

You lose denying that FACT won't change it.
nd you claiming i havent is a fucking LIE asswipe

Then prove it. I showed your own words and how you FAILED to do what you claimed. However, you still dishonestly claim that you have, so PROVE IT.

Put up or shut up hack!!

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.
Yeah and it's all there in your own words. You made a claim and then failed to prove it. You just lack the integrity to admit when you are wrong and can only attack me and make false claims that it's been answered or explained because you FAILED. LOL Furthermore if it has already been explained then it should be quite easy for you to repeat it so why avoid the content??

The facts don't lie, but apparently you do. LOL
facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
you are a fucking moron, you dont get to choose who is right
NO you haven't and merely claiming that you did doesn't not make it so.

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.

You lose denying that FACT won't change it.
nd you claiming i havent is a fucking LIE asswipe

Then prove it. I showed your own words and how you FAILED to do what you claimed. However, you still dishonestly claim that you have, so PROVE IT.

Put up or shut up hack!!

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.
i already HAVE


and i did NOT claim Jesus said anything of the sort
you LIE once again
i said Jesus told the CHURCH to do those things, NOT the government
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Jesus said nothing of the sort, divecon. If you are a true Christian and you want your values to inform our government, then you should be more than willing to have the government do its part.
nd you claiming i havent is a fucking LIE asswipe

Then prove it. I showed your own words and how you FAILED to do what you claimed. However, you still dishonestly claim that you have, so PROVE IT.

Put up or shut up hack!!

You claimed that jesus said that the government shall not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" and your excerpt does NOTHING to prove that he did say what you claimed.
i already HAVE


and i did NOT claim Jesus said anything of the sort
you LIE once again
i said Jesus told the CHURCH to do those things, NOT the government
That! most definitely did.

You have to forgive the phoney doctor. He's a dumbass who has no clue what reading comprehension is all about.....Besides the fact that he's a paid progressive propogandist, as we all know.
Jesus said nothing of the sort like that, divecon. And if you are one who believes that religious value should inform government of what to do, then logically you should want government to help carry out Christian and humane values.

not new from jokey

PROVE IT. you have failed to thus far but continue to LIE and claim that you did. Your own words show you to be a LIAR. Deny it all you want to however, your denial won't change that FACT.
Jesus said nothing of the sort, divecon. If you are a true Christian and you want your values to inform our government, then you should be more than willing to have the government do its part.
you are WRONG
not the government

and NO WHERE have i ever wanted the church to get running the government nor do i want the government doing the churches work
Jesus said nothing of the sort like that, divecon. And if you are one who believes that religious value should inform government of what to do, then logically you should want government to help carry out Christian and humane values.

not new from jokey

PROVE IT. you have failed to thus far but continue to LIE and claim that you did. Your own words show you to be a LIAR. Deny it all you want to however, your denial won't change that FACT.
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board
Yeah and it's all there in your own words. You made a claim and then failed to prove it. You just lack the integrity to admit when you are wrong and can only attack me and make false claims that it's been answered or explained because you FAILED. LOL Furthermore if it has already been explained then it should be quite easy for you to repeat it so why avoid the content??

The facts don't lie, but apparently you do. LOL
facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:
You are the one who doesn't have the guts to go back to that thread and answer very valid questions, and we all know why that is.....Now, I clearly laid out why doing away with the tax cuts would be a mistake from several points of view, to include the aspect of small business. You have yet to answer ANY of my questions. I've been back to that thread several times and you refuse to engage. Now get your lil' ass back over there and answer the fucking questions.

Ya see, lil' one, you don't get to make up the rules. You are required to also answer very valid questions, and you are fully proving that you are gutless by failing to do so. But then, that's not something we didn't already know about you. and that includes many on your side who fully understand you are a cowardly lil' weirdo who constatntly acts like his mommy just took his lil' cookie away.

You asked ONE question (singular) that was based on a work of fiction that you created and then tried to attribute to me and claim that I ingored QUESTIONS (plural) when I called you out for changing your argument.

I never made the claim that letting the taxcuts expire would create jobs, so why would you ask me to prove something that I never said??

and then you LIED about it and tried to change your question in your typical cowardly retreating manner AFTER I corrected you and called you out for falsely attributing it to me.

I never said you made the claim, you ignorant hack....I clearly asked you in that post what doing away with the cuts would accomplish...Why are you so affraid to answer the fucking question?

So keep spinning hack or is this the point where you cut and run only to go to another thread and claim victory in this thread even as you refuse to address the content. LOL
Hey dipshit, you're the one who asked me to explain how keeping the cuts in place was a good thing. You are obviously in favor of doing away with them so, explain why.

Or, since you're such a needledick, i'll ask from another direction. If you are in FAVOR of keeping the cuts in place, explain why.

Why don't you quit playing your lil' games and start giving us a clue as to where you stand?...... It's only too obvious that you support doing away with the cuts by your myriad of statements on that thread. But if not, you now have a question from a different angle.

Now, answer the fucking questions, whimp!

If you can't answer them, then simply admit it and move on for further ass kickings on other subjects.

Christ, children these days!:cuckoo:

Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.
You asked ONE question (singular) that was based on a work of fiction that you created and then tried to attribute to me and claim that I ingored QUESTIONS (plural) when I called you out for changing your argument.

I never made the claim that letting the taxcuts expire would create jobs, so why would you ask me to prove something that I never said??

and then you LIED about it and tried to change your question in your typical cowardly retreating manner AFTER I corrected you and called you out for falsely attributing it to me.

So keep spinning hack or is this the point where you cut and run only to go to another thread and claim victory in this thread even as you refuse to address the content. LOL
Hey dipshit, you're the one who asked me to explain how keeping the cuts in place was a good thing. You are obviously in favor of doing away with them so, explain why.

Or, since you're such a needledick, i'll ask from another direction. If you are in FAVOR of keeping the cuts in place, explain why.

Why don't you quit playing your lil' games and start giving us a clue as to where you stand?...... It's only too obvious that you support doing away with the cuts by your myriad of statements on that thread. But if not, you now have a question from a different angle.

Now, answer the fucking questions, whimp!

If you can't answer them, then simply admit it and move on for further ass kickings on other subjects.

Christ, children these days!:cuckoo:

Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.

Winston Smith missed the urinal again!!! Shit. Where is the damn urinal cake??? Not again. Quick before he swallows it!!!
You asked ONE question (singular) that was based on a work of fiction that you created and then tried to attribute to me and claim that I ingored QUESTIONS (plural) when I called you out for changing your argument.

I never made the claim that letting the taxcuts expire would create jobs, so why would you ask me to prove something that I never said??

and then you LIED about it and tried to change your question in your typical cowardly retreating manner AFTER I corrected you and called you out for falsely attributing it to me.

So keep spinning hack or is this the point where you cut and run only to go to another thread and claim victory in this thread even as you refuse to address the content. LOL
Hey dipshit, you're the one who asked me to explain how keeping the cuts in place was a good thing. You are obviously in favor of doing away with them so, explain why.

Or, since you're such a needledick, i'll ask from another direction. If you are in FAVOR of keeping the cuts in place, explain why.

Why don't you quit playing your lil' games and start giving us a clue as to where you stand?...... It's only too obvious that you support doing away with the cuts by your myriad of statements on that thread. But if not, you now have a question from a different angle.

Now, answer the fucking questions, whimp!

If you can't answer them, then simply admit it and move on for further ass kickings on other subjects.

Christ, children these days!:cuckoo:

Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.
Your downfall is the fact that you've been outed as a paid propogandist. Hence, your abject refusal to answer questions. You don't have the ability to answer any questions unless the answers are provided in your lil' paid progressive handbook....Trust me lil' man, you're not fooling anybody.

So, what we have here is my answering fully of your questions, and your abject failure to answer ANY questions......Once again, you've been pawned. Period!....End of story!.....End of playing childish games with you.... You had your chance, you miserably failed....Deal with it!
Wicked Jester -

Do you honestly believe that anyone is paid to post on this site? Who the fuck would pay them? You throw "paid propagandist" around, and yet, as someone who IS a paid political consultant, I can say that NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD "PAY" ANYONE TO POST ON A MESSAGE BOARD.

Everyone on this board is pretty firm in their opinions - people who only have a moderate interest in politics don't join political message boards. Anyone who thinks that their post is going to change someone's mind is deluding themselves.

And no one would pay someone to attempt to.
its been explained, its clear you are too fucking stupid to understand it

Yeah and it's all there in your own words. You made a claim and then failed to prove it. You just lack the integrity to admit when you are wrong and can only attack me and make false claims that it's been answered or explained because you FAILED. LOL Furthermore if it has already been explained then it should be quite easy for you to repeat it so why avoid the content??

The facts don't lie, but apparently you do. LOL
facts were given, you rejected them
you are the proven LIAR

PUT UP OR SHUT UP, hack. When and where were facts provided?
You making the claim just doesn't cut it. I showed proof you make an unsubstantiated claim do you see the difference yet??
i backed it up, you are just too fucking moronic to admit it

No you didn't. Do I need to cut and paste your own words AGAIN to prove you wrong AGAIN?? LOL

Where did you back it up?? You have a habit of making claims that you can't substantiate and then you claim that you substantiated them and can't even show where you allegedly did that. LOL

I showed your own words and your own claims and you failed to substantiated them, you merely claiming that you did is NOT good enough. However, my guess is that you know that already but will continue to LIE about it because that is all you have left.
you didnt prove i was wrong
only that you are too fucking stupid to understand it

Actually your own words provided the proof and all you can do is lieand continue to make the same moronic unsubstantiated claim. how typical. LOL

Notice how I ask you to show the proof and you avoid doing so. That means that you don't have it or else you would present it just as i did.

Once again you've got nothing hack. LOL

Where did you back it up?? Go ahead and run away AGAIN. LOL
No you didn't. Do I need to cut and paste your own words AGAIN to prove you wrong AGAIN?? LOL

Where did you back it up?? You have a habit of making claims that you can't substantiate and then you claim that you substantiated them and can't even show where you allegedly did that. LOL

I showed your own words and your own claims and you failed to substantiated them, you merely claiming that you did is NOT good enough. However, my guess is that you know that already but will continue to LIE about it because that is all you have left.
you didnt prove i was wrong
only that you are too fucking stupid to understand it

Actually your own words provided the proof and all you can do is lieand continue to make the same moronic unsubstantiated claim. how typical. LOL

Notice how I ask you to show the proof and you avoid doing so. That means that you don't have it or else you would present it just as i did.

Once again you've got nothing hack. LOL

Where did you back it up?? Go ahead and run away AGAIN. LOL
except i'm not the one lying, asswipe

and calling you a moronic asswipe is not running, moron

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