Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.
Get your ass over to that other thread and start answering my fucking questions. Quit running and hiding from them. You were in the army, man up or simply head over to the sesame street board.

Says the hack who ran away from that thread and hasn't been back. LOL
That's lame.

Actually I think it's quite interesting that they are calling beck a murdering telepathic psycho who uses his "powers" to cause a person's head to explode all because they disagree with him. I don't think the founding father would have supported such an action. LOL

"Ever see that scene in Scanners when that dude's head blew up?"

yeah, scanners was a good movie
and i think you are drawing the wrong conclusion, liberals do that to themselves

Actually based on how the claim was that "beck does this to liberals" I have the correct comclusion but thanks for your attempt to spino otherwise. LOL
I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.
Get your ass over to that other thread and start answering my fucking questions. Quit running and hiding from them. You were in the army, man up or simply head over to the sesame street board.

Says the hack who ran away from that thread and hasn't been back. LOL
I was just over there, idiot. And, you still don't have the guts to answer my questions.

Face it, besides being a paid progressive propogandist, you're a fucking pussy who refuses to answer questions. Why is that?......Obviously it's not written in the lil' propogandist handbook your employer handed you. Your actions are right out of the liberal progressive playbook. Exposing your ass is just too damn easy.
I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.

When you actually address Glenn's message, you might have more credibility to complain.

I already did in another thread that ended shortly after i addressed some of the contradictions and spin in becks message. Funny but I didn't get a response to my post. I wonder why?? LOL
Posters pretending to be Conservatives or Republicans while viciously attacking Conservatives & Republicans is a common & stale tactic used by Leftist turds. I've seen it before on many other political message boards. They're so damn stupid though. They really believe that people can't figure them out. It's actually pretty hilarious. I love it. :)

Examples please...
I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.

When you actually address Glenn's message, you might have more credibility to complain.

I already did in another thread that ended shortly after i addressed some of the contradictions and spin in becks message. Funny but I didn't get a response to my post. I wonder why?? LOL

Probably because you're an idiot. Who likes to talk to tards?

How much fun is it to keep posting up this Photobucket Classic??

Its a fcukking hoot s0ns!!!!
YOU are pissed off about all the hate and lies???
No, you moron. I'm not pissed off. You can tell because I said, "I'm not mad, I'm disgusted."
You're also confused. Even Richard Nixon wasn't treated as badly by the other party as you have treated President Obama.
Poor Obama.

Hey, he wanted the job. If he can't handle it. maybe he shouldn't have asked for it. But niether his whining nor yours is going to make the criticism stop. Deal with it.
And for no reason.
Your opinion is noted and discarded.
So you can shove your little temper tantrums, Dave. :)
I don't have temper tantrums. I'm not a leftist.
And why are you asking if you can call Obama a socialist?? Not exactly a fresh, new idea on your part. Now you decide to ask?? Phoney.
Just as I though...right over your head. Whoosh! :lol:
YOU are pissed off about all the hate and lies??? You're also confused. Even Richard Nixon wasn't treated as badly by the other party as you have treated President Obama. And for no reason. So you can shove your little temper tantrums, Dave. :)

And why are you asking if you can call Obama a socialist?? Not exactly a fresh, new idea on your part. Now you decide to ask?? Phoney.
Al Sharpton called Obama a socialist
said he campaigned as one as well

Big difference. Dave means it as an insult.
Again: Whoosh! :lol:
Big difference. Dave means it as an insult.
prove that?

Don't be stupid. Are you saying he doesn't mean it as an insult?? Is that what you're saying??? You're dumber than I thought!!
Pay attention, although you still won't get it:

You claim that all Tea Partiers are racist. And when I told you that's nonsense and I'm tired of that lie, you say "a rose by any other name".

So I asked you if you'd object to my calling Obama a socialist. And, predictably, you did, because you see it as a lie.

Get it now, dumbass?
Yeah, if Jane's a republican, then i'm fuckin' liberal!


California Girl is not, first and foremost, a conservative: she is a far right reactionary.

California Girl is not, second and hindmost, a Republican: she is a fringe right wack.

The far right is infected with whinge racism, and all of her cauterwauling changes none of that.

Such as the crap she carries I don't want sliming the Republican Party

Only the terminally stupid take you seriously, Joke.

Your whining about 'Republicans' like me is boring. Anyone who disagrees with you is - according to you - a 'far right whackjob'.

I defy you to provide any actual factual evidence that I am a racist. You make the accusation against me.... fucking well prove it.
Jake doesn't do proof. He thinks his words define reality. A common leftist failing.
Posters pretending to be Conservatives or Republicans while viciously attacking Conservatives & Republicans is a common & stale tactic used by Leftist turds. I've seen it before on many other political message boards. They're so damn stupid though. They really believe that people can't figure them out. It's actually pretty hilarious. I love it. :)
Conservatives have successfully mole liberal boards, sometime for years, before outing themselves.

Liberals get figured out in about 3 posts. :lol:

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