Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Posters pretending to be Conservatives or Republicans while viciously attacking Conservatives & Republicans is a common & stale tactic used by Leftist turds. I've seen it before on many other political message boards. They're so damn stupid though. They really believe that people can't figure them out. It's actually pretty hilarious. I love it. :)
Posters pretending to be Conservatives or Republicans while viciously attacking Conservatives & Republicans is a common & stale tactic used by Leftist turds. I've seen it before on many other political message boards. They're so damn stupid though. They really believe that people can't figure them out. It's actually pretty hilarious. I love it. :)

Libertarians and Reactionaries are not conservatives and should not be in the Republican Party. They are trolls. They grabbed the party in 1964 and truly screwed things up. The trolls grabbed it again in 1994 and royally screwed things up. No more, period, of that crap.
Yep, that was the Washington Monument where you saw the grass Skippy. How far away from the Stage? Good spin. Being that you mention Brooklyn, I'm going to take a giant leap and consider that you may not know what a tree is, and that does explain allot. Those big green things in the two shots, above the people, on both sides of the pool, that obstruct the Arial view, They are called tree's. Now my question is why are you so bent on discrediting something so beyond your pea brained understanding, rather than working on self improvement. Look to Reverend Al, he can help you with your issues of malcontent.

Awwwww....did I make you cry?

I didn't mean to make you cry Intense.

There, there now. There, there.


Marc, the only feeling I have concerning you is disappointment. What is your problem??? Maybe that nothing got burned down??? That there was no Riot??? That there weren't arrests??? I'm sorry that it didn't rate like L.A., or Detroit, or Miami. I'm really sorry for you, that there was no carnage for you celebrate, You are a Bigot Marc. You need to learn to see beyond your own perspective, at least for the sake of being able to fine tune.

Hey Jake, I'm about ready to upload shot's from the Korean War Memorial. Check them out if you find time. Feel free to copy anything that you like. ;)
Thanks. My stepfather got drilled through the ass cheeks near the Chosin Reservoir and hide to ride out in the freezing snow face down in a half track. He said that was hell. He would have crawled if it came to that. A career Marine, a real hero in my book: from Tarawa as an 18-year old radio man until retirement a long time later. I will look at them.
He does at that. And it's funny as HELL TO WATCH.

That's lame.

Actually I think it's quite interesting that they are calling beck a murdering telepathic psycho who uses his "powers" to cause a person's head to explode all because they disagree with him. I don't think the founding father would have supported such an action. LOL

"Ever see that scene in Scanners when that dude's head blew up?"

yeah, scanners was a good movie
and i think you are drawing the wrong conclusion, liberals do that to themselves
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So you admit that you were WRONG? thanks. Here is where this started

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

So you claimed that excerpt showed that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and yet it does NOT show that jesus said that. So you were WRONG. Shifting your argument after being proven wrong only serves to make you look dishonest.

Furthermore, the passage that you showed doesn't say WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" but thanks for the continued spin.

So your desire to know about my personal relationship with God has NOTHING to do with the debate you were just fishing for something to use to attack me. Got it. Were you hoping that I was a atheist or something worse?? LOL
you are just bound and determined to twist everything
have your self a fun time twisting

I quoted YOU, if it's twisted it's your own damn fault. LOL
Now stop running away coward and address the content and YOUR OWN words. Or is admitting that you were WRONG when proven to be WRONG too much to ask of you?
Uh, yeah, you clearly answered it alright.

Hell, i'm still waiting for the lil' clown to go back and answer questions on an economic thread. I've been gone for three weeks and he still didn't have the answers to valid questions.....Just another everyday, run of the mill liberal moron, nothing more!

I answered all of your questions but you were the one that cut and ran from that and several other threads weeks before you "left" for your bike tour. besides that you never answered my questions and then demanded that I answer yours.
However, I answered your questions anyway Showing that I wasn't a cowardly dishonest hack like you and yet you refused to answer mine.
Just like you used to do on the msnbc boards eh coward? LOL
No! did not answer any of my questions, ya' loony liberal hack, while I clearly answered all of yours.....Quit your fucking lying and get over to that thread and start answering questions, if you have the guts that is.

Seriously, you're a fucking stooge....The real question is, why do you even bother posting up here when you don't have the guts to answer very simple and straight forward questions?

LOL So go back to that thread and show me. Prove it hack. Or is this going to be like the last time where you avoided the thread in question until I posted excerpts that proved you to be a liar in another thread only to have you disappear AGAIN?? LOL

Stop running away like you did when you vandalized that young woman's car over a code pink sticker you coward and go back to that thread so we can finish this discussion in the context of that thread. What are you afraid of?

Go ahead and run coward it's what you do best. LOL
Yeah, if Jane's a republican, then i'm fuckin' liberal!


California Girl is not, first and foremost, a conservative: she is a far right reactionary.

California Girl is not, second and hindmost, a Republican: she is a fringe right wack.

The far right is infected with whinge racism, and all of her cauterwauling changes none of that.

Such as the crap she carries I don't want sliming the Republican Party
Califorina girl is clearly a conservative, i dont recall her ever claiming to be a republican
you are clearly not a conservative

I have, from day one, on this board, had Joke calling me a Republican.... He's obviously incapable of acquiring basic knowledge.... I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the Republican party. In fact, I would never join a party that would have Joke in its ranks.

And.... I'm still waiting for him to prove his accusation that I am a racist.
Thanks. My stepfather got drilled through the ass cheeks near the Chosin Reservoir and hide to ride out in the freezing snow face down in a half track. He said that was hell. He would have crawled if it came to that. A career Marine, a real hero in my book: from Tarawa as an 18-year old radio man until retirement a long time later. I will look at them.

I'm sure we're all thrilled by your family history.

Now, back up your accusation that I'm a racist, Joke.
I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.

When you actually address Glenn's message, you might have more credibility to complain.
So you admit that you were WRONG? thanks. Here is where this started

So you claimed that excerpt showed that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and yet it does NOT show that jesus said that. So you were WRONG. Shifting your argument after being proven wrong only serves to make you look dishonest.

Furthermore, the passage that you showed doesn't say WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" but thanks for the continued spin.

So your desire to know about my personal relationship with God has NOTHING to do with the debate you were just fishing for something to use to attack me. Got it. Were you hoping that I was a atheist or something worse?? LOL

You tellum!! Good for you, Doc!!!
hey dipshit
Jesus saying render unto Caesar is the same as saying keep the church and state separate

It doesn't say that the government shall not "heal, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" now does it?? That was your original claim and you failed to substantiate it and this is your best attempt to spin as you try to CYA and attack me. That's just sad. LOL
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Yep, that was the Washington Monument where you saw the grass Skippy. How far away from the Stage? Good spin. Being that you mention Brooklyn, I'm going to take a giant leap and consider that you may not know what a tree is, and that does explain allot. Those big green things in the two shots, above the people, on both sides of the pool, that obstruct the Arial view, They are called tree's. Now my question is why are you so bent on discrediting something so beyond your pea brained understanding, rather than working on self improvement. Look to Reverend Al, he can help you with your issues of malcontent.

Awwwww....did I make you cry?

I didn't mean to make you cry Intense.

There, there now. There, there.


Marc, the only feeling I have concerning you is disappointment. What is your problem??? Maybe that nothing got burned down??? That there was no Riot??? That there weren't arrests??? I'm sorry that it didn't rate like L.A., or Detroit, or Miami. I'm really sorry for you, that there was no carnage for you celebrate, You are a Bigot Marc. You need to learn to see beyond your own perspective, at least for the sake of being able to fine tune.

Hey Jake, I'm about ready to upload shot's from the Korean War Memorial. Check them out if you find time. Feel free to copy anything that you like. ;)
So you admit that you were WRONG? thanks. Here is where this started

So you claimed that excerpt showed that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and yet it does NOT show that jesus said that. So you were WRONG. Shifting your argument after being proven wrong only serves to make you look dishonest.

Furthermore, the passage that you showed doesn't say WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" but thanks for the continued spin.

So your desire to know about my personal relationship with God has NOTHING to do with the debate you were just fishing for something to use to attack me. Got it. Were you hoping that I was a atheist or something worse?? LOL
you are just bound and determined to twist everything
have your self a fun time twisting

I quoted YOU, if it's twisted it's your own damn fault. LOL
Now stop running away coward and address the content and YOUR OWN words. Or is admitting that you were WRONG when proven to be WRONG too much to ask of you?
i already have, asshole
render unto Caesar is not calling for the government to do what he told CHRISTIANS(AKA the CHURCH) to do
and having the government do by force of law is not the charity he was commanding
you twist His words just like you try to twist MINE
You tellum!! Good for you, Doc!!!
hey dipshit
Jesus saying render unto Caesar is the same as saying keep the church and state separate

It doesn't say that the government shall not "heal, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" now does it?? That was your original claim and you failed to substantiate it and this is your best attempt to spin as you try to CYA and attack me. That's just sad. LOL
you are an ignorant asswipe
fuck off
I answered all of your questions but you were the one that cut and ran from that and several other threads weeks before you "left" for your bike tour. besides that you never answered my questions and then demanded that I answer yours.
However, I answered your questions anyway Showing that I wasn't a cowardly dishonest hack like you and yet you refused to answer mine.
Just like you used to do on the msnbc boards eh coward? LOL
No! did not answer any of my questions, ya' loony liberal hack, while I clearly answered all of yours.....Quit your fucking lying and get over to that thread and start answering questions, if you have the guts that is.

Seriously, you're a fucking stooge....The real question is, why do you even bother posting up here when you don't have the guts to answer very simple and straight forward questions?

LOL So go back to that thread and show me. Prove it hack. Or is this going to be like the last time where you avoided the thread in question until I posted excerpts that proved you to be a liar in another thread only to have you disappear AGAIN?? LOL

Stop running away like you did when you vandalized that young woman's car over a code pink sticker you coward and go back to that thread so we can finish this discussion in the context of that thread. What are you afraid of?

Go ahead and run coward it's what you do best. LOL
You are the one who doesn't have the guts to go back to that thread and answer very valid questions, and we all know why that is.....Now, I clearly laid out why doing away with the tax cuts would be a mistake from several points of view, to include the aspect of small business. You have yet to answer ANY of my questions. I've been back to that thread several times and you refuse to engage. Now get your lil' ass back over there and answer the fucking questions.

Ya see, lil' one, you don't get to make up the rules. You are required to also answer very valid questions, and you are fully proving that you are gutless by failing to do so. But then, that's not something we didn't already know about you. and that includes many on your side who fully understand you are a cowardly lil' weirdo who constatntly acts like his mommy just took his lil' cookie away.
which was my point, because the government has usurped the responsibility

No that wasn't your point but GJ showing how easilly you shift your argument to try and CYA. LOL
yes, it was my point and i shifted NOTHING

Funny but I showed your own words and I showed them in context and they tell a different tale than you do.

You tried to argue that jesus said that the government should not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and when asked for proof you provided one excerpt that said NOTHING of the sort.

Now you are trying to dishonestly argue that you meant to say something else. However, your own words show otherwise.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

So where in your own quote does jesus say the government should NOT do those things such as "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry"??
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you are just bound and determined to twist everything
have your self a fun time twisting

I quoted YOU, if it's twisted it's your own damn fault. LOL
Now stop running away coward and address the content and YOUR OWN words. Or is admitting that you were WRONG when proven to be WRONG too much to ask of you?
i already have, asshole
render unto Caesar is not calling for the government to do what he told CHRISTIANS(AKA the CHURCH) to do
and having the government do by force of law is not the charity he was commanding
you twist His words just like you try to twist MINE
That's all the lil' one has dc. He just can't fathom ANYBODY not sharing his twisted views. He's like a spoiled lil' kid who just can't handle being told he's so abjectly wrong. He'll twist and spin until the cows come home, but never has the guts to answer questions posed.

The BOY needs to grow the fuck up once and for all.
No that wasn't your point but GJ showing how easilly you shift your argument to try and CYA. LOL
yes, it was my point and i shifted NOTHING

Funny but I showed your own words and I showed them in context and they tell a different tale than you do.

You tried to argue that jesus said that the government should not "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and when asked for proof you provided one excerpt that said NOTHING of the sort.

Now you are trying to dishonestly argue that you meant to say something else. However, your own words show otherwise.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

So where in your own quote does jesus say the government should NOT do those things such as "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry"??
its been explained, its clear you are too fucking stupid to understand it

In the tree cover?? So you wish to rely on guesstimations based on people you don't know are there or not?? LOL

No Ass Hole, I walked around the Reflection Pool starting at the Lincoln Memorial's south side starting at 9:30Am. It took me 2 hours because of the crowd density. When I found I could not progress any further because of the crowd, about 250 ft west of the Vietnam Memorial, I backtracked and navigated to the outer side walk and finished my loop back to the Lincoln Memorial, where I planted my tired ass.

UH huh. LOL and we are just supposed to take your word for it? LOL Sorr ybut that's just not good enough. just as with the spitting on a congressman incident the right needed video footage of it so where is the proof??

So how long did it take you walk all that way and back?? LOL Seems to me that by the time you sat down it was over.

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