Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

yet i havent seen you support a SINGLE thing either centrist or conservative
Absolutely correct!....But we have seen him support all things Obama, including big government.......He's not fooling anybody.

Now divecon as is stupid as you are, TwistedJoker. I have supported centrist and conservative positions (less taxes, smaller government) for decades, but I have seen the corruption of the GOP the goal of which is to screw down on the American working and poor classes and make them scream. I don't and won't and will never support that. If you guys support that, then read this: fuck you. And read this: you won't succeed.
you are not one to call ANYONE stupid
and you have NEVER given anything even remotely centrist or conservative
dave can call Obama a socialist. He is wrong, but his tone is not hateful in this post. He is simply wrong. The problem is that dave does not know what is socialism.

I always have to assume the worst of him because he can be a real jerk.
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

Let's put this in context. The crowd was large, maybe as much as 200,000. Equally that would make it about 1/4 the size of the largest feminist rally there and maybe 1/5 to 1/6 the size of the Million Man March estimates. The Beck rally recognized that significant portion of the minority were represented at the rally.

It was packed from the steps of al sharpton's lincoln memorial to the foot of the Washington Monument. roughly 8/10 of a mile.

Actually pilgrim disagrees with you and admits that there were gaps so take up your spin with him. LOL
Capacity crowd, Beaver Stadium, Penn State University:


Capacity: 107,000.

There's a helluva lot more bodies in that photo than any of the DC pics.

How long is the pool???

How many are in the tree cover???



In the tree cover?? So you wish to rely on guesstimations based on people you don't know are there or not?? LOL
Come on, folks. The Beckster had a good crowd, but we are stretching to get 200,000. Probably 100K give or take a few thou. Respectable for sure, but not anywhere the size of a feminist or a minority of color rally there.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

ok you backed up what dive con was the other side? Anyone?

No it doesn't but thanks for your usual assumption based spin. LOL

Where in there does it say that the government can NOT heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry, which is what dive actually said?? Oh you mean it DOESN'T say that. thanks again for the spin.
Come on, folks. The Beckster had a good crowd, but we are stretching to get 200,000. Probably 100K give or take a few thou. Respectable for sure, but not anywhere the size of a feminist or a minority of color rally there.
I watched a good chunk of his show yesterday. According to Beck, he's claiming that the media totally lied about his numbers at 87,000 and that the true number is actually half a mil. He says that in today's show he's going to prove how he gets those numbers by comparing other gathering stadiums or venues with a set number, say 100K and then show how many of those can fit into the area that encompassed how many people were at his event based on an image or images taken at his event.

Dunno if that made should.
I have seen a lot of footage of his rally, and he can compare all he wants. The comparisons will show that his crowd was about 100K. Just far too many gaps existed throughout the crowd. Now if he is going to count those under the trees, I am curious to see how he is going to beckstimate that.
Capacity crowd, Beaver Stadium, Penn State University:


Capacity: 107,000.

There's a helluva lot more bodies in that photo than any of the DC pics.

How long is the pool???

How many are in the tree cover???



In the tree cover?? So you wish to rely on guesstimations based on people you don't know are there or not?? LOL

No Ass Hole, I walked around the Reflection Pool starting at the Lincoln Memorial's south side starting at 9:30Am. It took me 2 hours because of the crowd density. When I found I could not progress any further because of the crowd, about 250 ft west of the Vietnam Memorial, I backtracked and navigated to the outer side walk and finished my loop back to the Lincoln Memorial, where I planted my tired ass.
I have seen a lot of footage of his rally, and he can compare all he wants. The comparisons will show that his crowd was about 100K. Just far too many gaps existed throughout the crowd. Now if he is going to count those under the trees, I am curious to see how he is going to beckstimate that.
"beckstimate" CLASSIC!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Well, if you tune in today, you may get a whiff.

I believe Beck's going to go on a "Oh the media is attacking me/us and belittling our movement" tirade until the cows come home. He's going to milk this thing for all its worth. Which for his fan base is quite a lot of lettuce.
You are pointing to bad behavior to justify other bad behavior, I got it the first time and the other half dozen times you have tried to use this as a debate technique. It doesn't work.

BTW I increased the size of someting I said that you missed which basically AGREED with you that it wasn't "packed"

I am NOT justifying bad behavior. At no time did I say it was ok for the left to do it becuase the right did, so go try to put words into someone else's mouth you dishonest hack.
However, once again you come at me and ingore the content.
Your first post made some lame claim about the pics when my post was about past events that the right was critical of so I asked how could they talk this event up based on their history with other events.
Your post ignored the content of mine, so i called you out for it and then you ignore the content again. Only this time you come at me personally and LIE about a debating technique in a desperate attempt CYA as you avoid a topic you can't spin.

The fact is that based on the numbers beck's event was nothing to brag about when you consider how the right criticized past events that were larger than this one.
I know you will once again try to spin and puts words into my mouth to attack me for something i never said because that is what you do. So go ahead hack, fire away and show how lame you truly are. Or if you had any integrity, you could actually try responding to the content for a change? LOL

There you go again pointing to bad behavior to justify other bad behavior, your own. Your trying to dimish the events crowd by stating that it was "nothing to brag about when you consider how the right criticized past events that were larger than this oneand its obvious". Maybe if i make your own words big enough for you in the future you wont overlook what you did and make a crazy post like this again.

I never claimed a number, I saw your claims of numbers and 100,000 is a lot of people in my opinion so your claims tell me there was more than a lot of people there.

I dont see how the right's behavior on other rallies changes that fact about this non-political rally.

Again you really need to go back to square one.

Once again you make an accusation and try to attack me based on things iNEVER said. I am not attacking the size of the rally I am merely pointing out how it's hard for the right to talk up this event when they were critical of others. I am NOT saying that it's ok for dems to do it becuase republicans did so why do you coninue to LIE and claim that I did??

Furthermore, it was hardly nonpolitcally but thanks for the spin.

P.S. Thanks for doing excatly what I said you would do. You are so predictable.
No Ass Hole, I walked around the Reflection Pool starting at the Lincoln Memorial's south side starting at 9:30Am. It took me 2 hours because of the crowd density. When I found I could not progress any further because of the crowd, about 250 ft west of the Vietnam Memorial, I backtracked and navigated to the outer side walk and finished my loop back to the Lincoln Memorial, where I planted my tired ass.

Dude, that's not crowd densitiy. This is...


That's how it looks every year for the Labor Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn every year. For years the numbers have been at least 6Mil.

You don't know WHAT you're talking about. I can see gaping patches of grass in your pics.

Now, I wasn't there at this pic, but I've been to the parade many times and it doesn't take that long even in that sea of people for miles and miles pressed up against each other.

What did Joe Wilson say....?

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If the Left Wing nutters are so obsessed with numbers then why aren't they commenting on that a*shole Al Sharpton's pitiful rally? His numbers really sucked. Looks like most of America has finally caught on to Race-Baiting a*sholes like Al Sharpton. They ain't buyin it no mo. So lets talk numbers.
The National Mall gets 24 million visitors a year. That's 500,000 a week, with undoubtedly a month like August getting a disproportionate amount of that, with undoubtedly a weekend in August getting a disproportionate amount.

So how many would have been there anyway?
Located on the National Mall[2], the reflecting pool is approximately 2,029 feet (618 m) long and 167 feet (51 m) wide.

In 2009, We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial was held on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. An estimated 400,000 attendees watched from around the pool.

Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I find it hard to square 87,000 at Beck's rally and 400,000 at 0bama's. Can you see another three people for every one you see in the picture?

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