Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

So you admit it does say the government can't do those things. That is all you needed to concede.

Really?? the excerpt you quoted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" says WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry?" Are you sure about that? I have to ask because I don't see that in their anywhere. LOL

I grew up southern baptist and that is what it said on my dog tags but after seeing how the word of God (no matter which god you choose) has been abused by those who claim to represent God, I consider myself non-denominational. However, what does that have to do with anything being discussed??
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So you admit that you were WRONG? thanks. Here is where this started

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things
"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

So you claimed that excerpt showed that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and yet it does NOT show that jesus said that. So you were WRONG. Shifting your argument after being proven wrong only serves to make you look dishonest.

Furthermore, the passage that you showed doesn't say WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" but thanks for the continued spin.

So your desire to know about my personal relationship with God has NOTHING to do with the debate you were just fishing for something to use to attack me. Got it. Were you hoping that I was a atheist or something worse?? LOL
you are just bound and determined to twist everything
have your self a fun time twisting
No, they don't, you damn idiot. :cuckoo:

Of course they do!!!
No, they don't, you damn idiot. :cuckoo:
Getting mad about it doesn't change it.
I'm not mad. I'm disgusted by the hate and lies being passed off as intelligent conversation around here.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.

View attachment 11395
Then you won't mind if I call Obama a socialist, will you?

Or is that different? Somehow?

YOU are pissed off about all the hate and lies??? You're also confused. Even Richard Nixon wasn't treated as badly by the other party as you have treated President Obama. And for no reason. So you can shove your little temper tantrums, Dave. :)

And why are you asking if you can call Obama a socialist?? Not exactly a fresh, new idea on your part. Now you decide to ask?? Phoney.
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The Left's irrational hate for Christians is stupendously ignorant. They viciously attack Christians while embracing and defending Muslims. This is incredibly ignorant considering Islamic teachings are far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs than Christian teachings are. It really is irrational & ignorant hate. To get so hysterical over fellow American Citizens openly discussing God is just so stupid. Beck talked about God and supporting our Soldiers. If you hate that,you must be a brainwashed & deranged Left Winger. Personally i liked what he talked about. More Americans should openly discuss God. It also p*sses the Leftist nutters off so that's an added bonus. Rock On Mr. Beck! :)

All wrong, Egbert. You just don't get it.
A very small portion of the left is atheistic or agnostic, left. The great majority are Christians, though the great number are not evangelicals. I think that is what you are unhappy about. The mainstream that I watched noted that the rally was very quiet and peaceful, and that Beck was talking more about God in America than politics. The great number of the left and the center have no problem with that, lib. We simply don't want you to preach your theology in public schools.
So, Jane Malarkey just outed himself as the liberal loon we all know him to be in the above post.....It's about time he stopped playing his charade of being a disgruntled conservative....After all, it's not like he was fooling anybody.

Oh, and lets make sure that the evolution lie isn't tought in public schools also, eh Jane?
Of course they do!!!
No, they don't, you damn idiot. :cuckoo:

I'm not mad. I'm disgusted by the hate and lies being passed off as intelligent conversation around here.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.

View attachment 11395
Then you won't mind if I call Obama a socialist, will you?

Or is that different? Somehow?

YOU are pissed off about all the hate and lies??? You're also confused. Even Richard Nixon wasn't treated as badly by the other party as you have treated President Obama. And for no reason. So you can shove your little temper tantrums, Dave. :)

And why are you asking if you can call Obama a socialist?? Not exactly a fresh, new idea on your part. Now you decide to ask?? Phoney.
Al Sharpton called Obama a socialist
said he campaigned as one as well
oh, i answered it, but you just dont LIKE the answer
because it exposing your flaming hypocrisy

btw, still waiting to see if you claim to be a Christian or not?
Uh, yeah, you clearly answered it alright.

Hell, i'm still waiting for the lil' clown to go back and answer questions on an economic thread. I've been gone for three weeks and he still didn't have the answers to valid questions.....Just another everyday, run of the mill liberal moron, nothing more!

I answered all of your questions but you were the one that cut and ran from that and several other threads weeks before you "left" for your bike tour. besides that you never answered my questions and then demanded that I answer yours.
However, I answered your questions anyway Showing that I wasn't a cowardly dishonest hack like you and yet you refused to answer mine.
Just like you used to do on the msnbc boards eh coward? LOL
No! did not answer any of my questions, ya' loony liberal hack, while I clearly answered all of yours.....Quit your fucking lying and get over to that thread and start answering questions, if you have the guts that is.

Seriously, you're a fucking stooge....The real question is, why do you even bother posting up here when you don't have the guts to answer very simple and straight forward questions?
So you admit it does say the government can't do those things. That is all you needed to concede.

Really?? the excerpt you quoted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" says WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry?" Are you sure about that? I have to ask because I don't see that in their anywhere. LOL

I grew up southern baptist and that is what it said on my dog tags but after seeing how the word of God (no matter which god you choose) has been abused by those who claim to represent God, I consider myself non-denominational. However, what does that have to do with anything being discussed??
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So you admit that you were WRONG? thanks. Here is where this started

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things
"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

So you claimed that excerpt showed that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and yet it does NOT show that jesus said that. So you were WRONG. Shifting your argument after being proven wrong only serves to make you look dishonest.

Furthermore, the passage that you showed doesn't say WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" but thanks for the continued spin.

So your desire to know about my personal relationship with God has NOTHING to do with the debate you were just fishing for something to use to attack me. Got it. Were you hoping that I was a atheist or something worse?? LOL

You tellum!! Good for you, Doc!!!
A very small portion of the left is atheistic or agnostic, left. The great majority are Christians, though the great number are not evangelicals. I think that is what you are unhappy about. The mainstream that I watched noted that the rally was very quiet and peaceful, and that Beck was talking more about God in America than politics. The great number of the left and the center have no problem with that, lib. We simply don't want you to preach your theology in public schools.
So, Jane Malarkey just outed himself as the liberal loon we all know him to be in the above post.....It's about time he stopped playing his charade of being a disgruntled conservative....After all, it's not like he was fooling anybody.

Oh, and lets make sure that the evolution lie isn't tought in public schools also, eh Jane?

You are simply stupid, son. I can be centrist and conservative. You are not conservative, simply reactionary distant right. The point is that most of the left is Christian, simply not the crazy wing of the evangelicals that want to push their theology in schools.
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So you admit that you were WRONG? thanks. Here is where this started

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

So you claimed that excerpt showed that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" and yet it does NOT show that jesus said that. So you were WRONG. Shifting your argument after being proven wrong only serves to make you look dishonest.

Furthermore, the passage that you showed doesn't say WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" but thanks for the continued spin.

So your desire to know about my personal relationship with God has NOTHING to do with the debate you were just fishing for something to use to attack me. Got it. Were you hoping that I was a atheist or something worse?? LOL

You tellum!! Good for you, Doc!!!
hey dipshit
Jesus saying render unto Caesar is the same as saying keep the church and state separate
A very small portion of the left is atheistic or agnostic, left. The great majority are Christians, though the great number are not evangelicals. I think that is what you are unhappy about. The mainstream that I watched noted that the rally was very quiet and peaceful, and that Beck was talking more about God in America than politics. The great number of the left and the center have no problem with that, lib. We simply don't want you to preach your theology in public schools.
So, Jane Malarkey just outed himself as the liberal loon we all know him to be in the above post.....It's about time he stopped playing his charade of being a disgruntled conservative....After all, it's not like he was fooling anybody.

Oh, and lets make sure that the evolution lie isn't tought in public schools also, eh Jane?

Why would he try to fool anybody??? Is there any reason anybody would even give a damn what you think?? Just wondering because it doesn't seem very likely. :)
You ran away, TwistedJoker, like a little girl crying and crying!

Your questions were answered correctly and to the point.

You simply are engaged in the immorality of stubborn wrongheadedness.
A very small portion of the left is atheistic or agnostic, left. The great majority are Christians, though the great number are not evangelicals. I think that is what you are unhappy about. The mainstream that I watched noted that the rally was very quiet and peaceful, and that Beck was talking more about God in America than politics. The great number of the left and the center have no problem with that, lib. We simply don't want you to preach your theology in public schools.
So, Jane Malarkey just outed himself as the liberal loon we all know him to be in the above post.....It's about time he stopped playing his charade of being a disgruntled conservative....After all, it's not like he was fooling anybody.

Oh, and lets make sure that the evolution lie isn't tought in public schools also, eh Jane?

Why would he try to fool anybody??? Is there any reason anybody would even give a damn what you think?? Just wondering because it doesn't seem very likely. :)

TwistedJ is simply a loon who is not very smart and has trouble following simple concepts.
A very small portion of the left is atheistic or agnostic, left. The great majority are Christians, though the great number are not evangelicals. I think that is what you are unhappy about. The mainstream that I watched noted that the rally was very quiet and peaceful, and that Beck was talking more about God in America than politics. The great number of the left and the center have no problem with that, lib. We simply don't want you to preach your theology in public schools.
So, Jane Malarkey just outed himself as the liberal loon we all know him to be in the above post.....It's about time he stopped playing his charade of being a disgruntled conservative....After all, it's not like he was fooling anybody.

Oh, and lets make sure that the evolution lie isn't tought in public schools also, eh Jane?

You are simply stupid, son. I can be centrist and conservative. You are not conservative, simply reactionary distant right. The point is that most of the left is Christian, simply not the crazy wing of the evangelicals that want to push their theology in schools.
yet i havent seen you support a SINGLE thing either centrist or conservative
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So the churches aren't doing their job. So much for leaving it all up to private charity.
which was my point, because the government has usurped the responsibility

No that wasn't your point but GJ showing how easilly you shift your argument to try and CYA. LOL
So, Jane Malarkey just outed himself as the liberal loon we all know him to be in the above post.....It's about time he stopped playing his charade of being a disgruntled conservative....After all, it's not like he was fooling anybody.

Oh, and lets make sure that the evolution lie isn't tought in public schools also, eh Jane?

You are simply stupid, son. I can be centrist and conservative. You are not conservative, simply reactionary distant right. The point is that most of the left is Christian, simply not the crazy wing of the evangelicals that want to push their theology in schools.
yet i havent seen you support a SINGLE thing either centrist or conservative
Absolutely correct!....But we have seen him support all things Obama, including big government.......He's not fooling anybody.
No, they don't, you damn idiot. :cuckoo:

I'm not mad. I'm disgusted by the hate and lies being passed off as intelligent conversation around here.

Then you won't mind if I call Obama a socialist, will you?

Or is that different? Somehow?

YOU are pissed off about all the hate and lies??? You're also confused. Even Richard Nixon wasn't treated as badly by the other party as you have treated President Obama. And for no reason. So you can shove your little temper tantrums, Dave. :)

And why are you asking if you can call Obama a socialist?? Not exactly a fresh, new idea on your part. Now you decide to ask?? Phoney.
Al Sharpton called Obama a socialist
said he campaigned as one as well

Big difference. Dave means it as an insult.
YOU are pissed off about all the hate and lies??? You're also confused. Even Richard Nixon wasn't treated as badly by the other party as you have treated President Obama. And for no reason. So you can shove your little temper tantrums, Dave. :)

And why are you asking if you can call Obama a socialist?? Not exactly a fresh, new idea on your part. Now you decide to ask?? Phoney.
Al Sharpton called Obama a socialist
said he campaigned as one as well

Big difference. Dave means it as an insult.
prove that?
You are simply stupid, son. I can be centrist and conservative. You are not conservative, simply reactionary distant right. The point is that most of the left is Christian, simply not the crazy wing of the evangelicals that want to push their theology in schools.
yet i havent seen you support a SINGLE thing either centrist or conservative
Absolutely correct!....But we have seen him support all things Obama, including big government.......He's not fooling anybody.

Now divecon as is stupid as you are, TwistedJoker. I have supported centrist and conservative positions (less taxes, smaller government) for decades, but I have seen the corruption of the GOP the goal of which is to screw down on the American working and poor classes and make them scream. I don't and won't and will never support that. If you guys support that, then read this: fuck you. And read this: you won't succeed.
dave can call Obama a socialist. He is wrong, but his tone is not hateful in this post. He is simply wrong. The problem is that dave does not know what is socialism.

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