Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

If the Left Wing nutters are so obsessed with numbers then why aren't they commenting on that a*shole Al Sharpton's pitiful rally? His numbers really sucked. Looks like most of America has finally caught on to Race-Baiting a*sholes like Al Sharpton. They ain't buyin it no mo. So lets talk numbers.

Seriously, who the fuck cares about Al Sharpton?
And how many showed up at Sharpton's racebaiting whinefest?

How many of his fellow racist pigs showed up to whine?


Not too many. I'll await the Leftist loon numbers before i comment further though. Since they're so obsessed with numbers and all.
The racists are the far right whingers here pretending to be conservative Republicans. In fact, they are fauxpubs. I am sure that by comparing the imagery of various rallies a good estimation will come from that. The far right will not like that, but who cares: they are on the downside of history, soon to be ignored, then forgotten.
I watched Glenn Apologize on the Chris Wallace interview. Liberation Theology does have issues Zona. Most of us have issues Zona. The Rally was a blast. Sorry you didn't make it. Here's something I know you will get a kick out of. Make sure you are sitting down now and don't choke.


Looks like that group of people studied up on the true history of america.

I dont think today's democrats are the same as the dems that were involved in the implications of the signs.

BTW those websites on the signs remind me of jahova's witnesses BTW.
Yeah, like the true history of who it was that called for the round up of Japanese americans during WW2, and what Wilson did during WW1......Those liberal progressives just love rounding up innocents. They'll never admit it though.

WOW and to think I barely saw beck's lips move. Way to go puppetboy. LOL
I have seen a lot of footage of his rally, and he can compare all he wants. The comparisons will show that his crowd was about 100K. Just far too many gaps existed throughout the crowd. Now if he is going to count those under the trees, I am curious to see how he is going to beckstimate that.
"beckstimate" CLASSIC!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Well, if you tune in today, you may get a whiff.

I believe Beck's going to go on a "Oh the media is attacking me/us and belittling our movement" tirade until the cows come home. He's going to milk this thing for all its worth. Which for his fan base is quite a lot of lettuce.

If I am in a mood, I will watch the Beckster and the Ed Schultz, and by the time all of that is over, I am laughing so hard at their idiocies that life is funny again. Why is it the far left and the far right simply have no sense of humor?
The National Mall gets 24 million visitors a year. That's 500,000 a week, with undoubtedly a month like August getting a disproportionate amount of that, with undoubtedly a weekend in August getting a disproportionate amount.

So how many would have been there anyway?

A chance occurence? :cuckoo:

Let me help you up. You really reached for that one.
The racists are the far right whingers here pretending to be conservative Republicans. In fact, they are fauxpubs. I am sure that by comparing the imagery of various rallies a good estimation will come from that. The far right will not like that, but who cares: they are on the downside of history, soon to be ignored, then forgotten.

Can you, just once, stop accusing 'far right whingers' of racism? It is not only a lie, it is fucking moronic. Just say 'I disagree with people who don't march lock step with me'.

You're an ignorant asshole, Joke, really you are. You rant about being a 'Republican' and say you want to run 'people like you' (meaning me) out of your party. How laughable! You fucking moron.
The racists are the far right whingers here pretending to be conservative Republicans. In fact, they are fauxpubs. I am sure that by comparing the imagery of various rallies a good estimation will come from that. The far right will not like that, but who cares: they are on the downside of history, soon to be ignored, then forgotten.

Can you, just once, stop accusing 'far right whingers' of racism? It is not only a lie, it is fucking moronic. Just say 'I disagree with people who don't march lock step with me'.

You're an ignorant asshole, Joke, really you are. You rant about being a 'Republican' and say you want to run 'people like you' (meaning me) out of your party. How laughable! You fucking moron.
Yeah, if Jane's a republican, then i'm fuckin' liberal!

A true conservative in the mold of Goldwater, Dirksen, Ford, etc. Not the faux conservatives of Reaganism, that perversion of small government and limited taxes.

And WHOM is talking *MOLDS*?

Since when do TRUE Conservatives cowtow to MOLDS of anyone?

Jake? You are a Mistake...TRUE Conservatives *ARE THEIR OWN PERSONAS*

This is WHY YOU FAIL. [ame=""]CULT OF PERSONALITY.[/ame]

For you see? *WE* are OUR OWN ENTITY as INDIVIDUALS that FOLLOW CERTAIN EXAMPLES and EXPAND THAT UNIVERSE. WE aren't TIED to it as you Falsely, Moronically, and FATALLY profess.


You are OFFICIALLY released from this lesson now. Have a Nice Night.

Care to explain the term RiNO and how it is used to expel or oust those who express their individuality??
No Ass Hole, I walked around the Reflection Pool starting at the Lincoln Memorial's south side starting at 9:30Am. It took me 2 hours because of the crowd density. When I found I could not progress any further because of the crowd, about 250 ft west of the Vietnam Memorial, I backtracked and navigated to the outer side walk and finished my loop back to the Lincoln Memorial, where I planted my tired ass.

Dude, that's not crowd densitiy. This is...


That's how it looks every year for the Labor Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn every year. For years the numbers have been at least 6Mil.

You don't know WHAT you're talking about. I can see gaping patches of grass in your pics.

Now, I wasn't there at this pic, but I've been to the parade many times and it doesn't take that long even in that sea of people for miles and miles pressed up against each other.

What did Joe Wilson say....?


Yep, that was the Washington Monument where you saw the grass Skippy. How far away from the Stage? Good spin. Being that you mention Brooklyn, I'm going to take a giant leap and consider that you may not know what a tree is, and that does explain allot. Those big green things in the two shots, above the people, on both sides of the pool, that obstruct the Arial view, They are called tree's. Now my question is why are you so bent on discrediting something so beyond your pea brained understanding, rather than working on self improvement. Look to Reverend Al, he can help you with your issues of malcontent.


Yep, that was the Washington Monument where you saw the grass Skippy. How far away from the Stage? Good spin. Being that you mention Brooklyn, I'm going to take a giant leap and consider that you may not know what a tree is, and that does explain allot. Those big green things in the two shots, above the people, on both sides of the pool, that obstruct the Arial view, They are called tree's. Now my question is why are you so bent on discrediting something so beyond your pea brained understanding, rather than working on self improvement. Look to Reverend Al, he can help you with your issues of malcontent.

Awwwww....did I make you cry?

I didn't mean to make you cry Intense.

There, there now. There, there.

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lol! Just looked around and not even Liberal Media outlets like CNN,NBC,or CBS are giving numbers on Sharpton's stupid rally. So you know it's bad. Bleepin Leftists! You gotta love em...Or do ya?
The racists are the far right whingers here pretending to be conservative Republicans. In fact, they are fauxpubs. I am sure that by comparing the imagery of various rallies a good estimation will come from that. The far right will not like that, but who cares: they are on the downside of history, soon to be ignored, then forgotten.

Can you, just once, stop accusing 'far right whingers' of racism? It is not only a lie, it is fucking moronic. Just say 'I disagree with people who don't march lock step with me'.

You're an ignorant asshole, Joke, really you are. You rant about being a 'Republican' and say you want to run 'people like you' (meaning me) out of your party. How laughable! You fucking moron.
Yeah, if Jane's a republican, then i'm fuckin' liberal!


California Girl is not, first and foremost, a conservative: she is a far right reactionary.

California Girl is not, second and hindmost, a Republican: she is a fringe right wack.

The far right is infected with whinge racism, and all of her cauterwauling changes none of that.

Such as the crap she carries I don't want sliming the Republican Party
I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.
Can you, just once, stop accusing 'far right whingers' of racism? It is not only a lie, it is fucking moronic. Just say 'I disagree with people who don't march lock step with me'.

You're an ignorant asshole, Joke, really you are. You rant about being a 'Republican' and say you want to run 'people like you' (meaning me) out of your party. How laughable! You fucking moron.
Yeah, if Jane's a republican, then i'm fuckin' liberal!


California Girl is not, first and foremost, a conservative: she is a far right reactionary.

California Girl is not, second and hindmost, a Republican: she is a fringe right wack.

The far right is infected with whinge racism, and all of her cauterwauling changes none of that.

Such as the crap she carries I don't want sliming the Republican Party

Only the terminally stupid take you seriously, Joke.

Your whining about 'Republicans' like me is boring. Anyone who disagrees with you is - according to you - a 'far right whackjob'.

I defy you to provide any actual factual evidence that I am a racist. You make the accusation against me.... fucking well prove it.
Can you, just once, stop accusing 'far right whingers' of racism? It is not only a lie, it is fucking moronic. Just say 'I disagree with people who don't march lock step with me'.

You're an ignorant asshole, Joke, really you are. You rant about being a 'Republican' and say you want to run 'people like you' (meaning me) out of your party. How laughable! You fucking moron.
Yeah, if Jane's a republican, then i'm fuckin' liberal!


California Girl is not, first and foremost, a conservative: she is a far right reactionary.

California Girl is not, second and hindmost, a Republican: she is a fringe right wack.

The far right is infected with whinge racism, and all of her cauterwauling changes none of that.

Such as the crap she carries I don't want sliming the Republican Party
Califorina girl is clearly a conservative, i dont recall her ever claiming to be a republican
you are clearly not a conservative
I really think it's funny how so many on the right spend so much time trying to attack and tear down the messenger and avoid the message.

I am guessing that over half of the pages in this thread are nothing but the troll brigade ganing up on and attacking other posters instead of addressing the actual content of their posts.
Get your ass over to that other thread and start answering my fucking questions. Quit running and hiding from them. You were in the army, man up or simply head over to the sesame street board.
This is what Glen Beck does to liberals.


He does at that. And it's funny as HELL TO WATCH.

That's lame.

Actually I think it's quite interesting that they are calling beck a murdering telepathic psycho who uses his "powers" to cause a person's head to explode all because they disagree with him. I don't think the founding father would have supported such an action. LOL

"Ever see that scene in Scanners when that dude's head blew up?"

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