Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Wicked Jester -

Do you honestly believe that anyone is paid to post on this site? Who the fuck would pay them? You throw "paid propagandist" around, and yet, as someone who IS a paid political consultant, I can say that NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD "PAY" ANYONE TO POST ON A MESSAGE BOARD.

Everyone on this board is pretty firm in their opinions - people who only have a moderate interest in politics don't join political message boards. Anyone who thinks that their post is going to change someone's mind is deluding themselves.

And no one would pay someone to attempt to.

He is just trying to discredit me because I countered his spin across multiple threads and he can't counter anything I have presented. Attacking the messenger with his lame baseless claims is the only tactic that he has left. LOL
Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.
Your downfall is the fact that you've been outed as a paid propogandist. Hence, your abject refusal to answer questions. You don't have the ability to answer any questions unless the answers are provided in your lil' paid progressive handbook....Trust me lil' man, you're not fooling anybody.

So, what we have here is my answering fully of your questions, and your abject failure to answer ANY questions......Once again, you've been pawned. Period!....End of story!.....End of playing childish games with you.... You had your chance, you miserably failed....Deal with it!

Aww says the dishoenst hack who has been outed as a LIAR and how is now continuing that trend as he so desperately tries to tear down the messenger because he can't counter the message.

Notice how you once again run away fromn your own words and try to make this about ME. LOL

I have shown how you tried to change your question (singular).

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to put words into my mouth.

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to claim that your spin about confidence is a valid response to questions about extending the taxcuts, when it's NOT.

I have shown how you failed to answer MY question and then tried to respond to a question that i did not ask as you pretend that it was my question.

I have shown all of this and all you have left is to LIE, scream and whine that I haven't answered your "questions" when I have adressed them and shown them to be pointless and based on how you are trying to hold me accountable for postions I did not take.

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.
You have shown nothing but the fact that yet again I pawned the fuck out of ya', as I have continually these past couple o' years.

You refuse to answer questions.

You refuse to hold your messiah accountable.

You believe that you can just make up your own rules.

Your debating skills are atrocious.

You've got major issues regarding insecurity.

Your main strategy is too spin and deflect when you obvioulsy lack knowledge on so many issues.

You're obviously a miserble human being with lil' happiness in your life.

It would probably be best for you, and your own sanity to just pack up and leave. Go find a site where everybody agrees with you. Seeing as though you just can't grasp the concept of opposing views, and that you can't just force people on this board to take your asinine positions.......Ya' see, you are the textbook example of the liberal BS belief that "every child gets a trophy"..... It just turns them into whiney lil' crybabies such as yourself, when they grow up and realize that in life, you earn your trophies. And no amount of snivelling lil' hissyfits, such as those you display constantly, are going to help you attain those trophies.

Bottom line, if ya' can't stand the heat, get the fuck outta the kitchen. Because you are only making a complete ass of yourself, son.
you didnt prove i was wrong
only that you are too fucking stupid to understand it

Actually your own words provided the proof and all you can do is lieand continue to make the same moronic unsubstantiated claim. how typical. LOL

Notice how I ask you to show the proof and you avoid doing so. That means that you don't have it or else you would present it just as i did.

Once again you've got nothing hack. LOL

Where did you back it up?? Go ahead and run away AGAIN. LOL
except i'm not the one lying, asswipe

and calling you a moronic asswipe is not running, moron

And yet your own words show that you ARE the one lying. Furthermore, calling me names as you avoid the questions that you cannot answer IS running. LOL
Actually your own words provided the proof and all you can do is lieand continue to make the same moronic unsubstantiated claim. how typical. LOL

Notice how I ask you to show the proof and you avoid doing so. That means that you don't have it or else you would present it just as i did.

Once again you've got nothing hack. LOL

Where did you back it up?? Go ahead and run away AGAIN. LOL
except i'm not the one lying, asswipe

and calling you a moronic asswipe is not running, moron

And yet your own words show that you ARE the one lying. Furthermore, calling me names as you avoid the questions that you cannot answer IS running. LOL
the question has been answered and accepted by actual thinking people
that clearly leaves YOU out
how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT
I'm too much of a mommas boy pussy and refuse to answer your questions so, i'll just make shit up.


Now, doesn't it just chap your liberal hide to know that a hard working front of the house employee was able to pull off 90 grand in a year?

That's what happens when you are paid well. Work extra hours. Volunteer to work six days a week instead of five. Picks up any shift for other employees. Makes a killing on tips because she bothered to educate herself on food and wine. High rolling customers appreciate that type of service, and they tip accordingly. It wasn't a rare thing to see her walk away with a grand plus in tips on any given night...... And why did she do that?.....Because she had a goal of putting herself through law school free and clear without the burden of future student loan payments. I talk to her all the time. She's now entering her third year after finishing the second year #3 in her class at Loyola. I'm as proud of her as I would be with my own children. She was with me for over 10 years and was one of the most loyal and dedicated employees I ever had the honor of employing.

Now, maybe you should try and do what she did, and that is WORK HARD, instead of wasting your employers time and money by spending your entire shift spewing your loony liberal bullshit on a message board. You're just damn lucky you don't work for me. If I caught you doing that shit, i'd have beaten you to a pulp, emptied your wallet right in front of your face and tossed your sorry ass out in the street.

Now, answer the fucking questions or simply run along, whimp!

HAHA look at the phony squirm. LOL So now you claim that I am making it all up even as you defend one of the arguments that i present. So which is it hack?? LOL

More fiction from you imagine that. Oh well it's where you started so why not end there. LOL

BTW which version of your question do you want me to answer the one that you started with, you know the one where you want me to prove how letting the taxcuts expire will create jobs even though i NEVER made any such claim, or the several changes that you made along the way after being shown to be nothing but a dishonest hack who tries to attribute statement to posters so you can attack them for somethign that they never said??
Just answer whatever questions I asked, ya' fuckin' idiot!....If you have the balls that is!

I'm tired of playing your childish games, douchebag. If you're too stupid to understand the questions, that's your fucking problem.

Now, if you're in favor of the cuts, explain why.

If you are against the cuts, and your myriad of statements up here make it quite obvious that you are, explain why.

This is your last chance, lil' man....If you refuse, then it is obvious you are admitting defeat. It's that simple.

Christ, Sesame Street couldn't make it anymore simple for this idiot!

I asked which incarnation of your question that pertains to anything that i have said do you want me to answer?? All you continue to do is claim that I won't answer your questions when you won't show what they are.
Your first line of questioning had to do with you putting words in my mouth.
Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

Do you have any VALID questions that pertain to what I said or not??

Oh and I love the ultimatum, does that apply to your and your avoidance too?? LOL If that is the case then you admitted defeat the instant you posted your spin and attempts to demand that I explain a postion that was not mine. LOL
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how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

70 x 7, but you have to take the meaning Jesus gives to that.
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.

What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

slam dunked?? Content of character?? Was that when he contradicted himself and said we should learn from our mistakes BUT later said we shouldn't look to where we were or are but that we should look to where we are going??

Or was that when he tried to compare moses leading the jews out of egypt to the american revolution?? Or when he seemed to describe himself as prophet when he described how "the people ask God to send them someone to guide them" (not exact quote but you get the idea).

I wasn't there but I did watch it on tv and most of his sermon seemed contradictory and not factually based. Even olbermann pointed out that beck's claim of holding washington's address in his own two hands was FALSE, so what else did he spin??

If you ignore the facts and drink the koolaid i am sure that you see it as a slam dunk. However, I really doubt most people see it that way. Was it a decent speech even though it was contradictory and not entirely basd on the truth?? Yeah, other than that to try and talk it up as if it was something more is beyond desperate.
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board

Thank you for showing that you can't prove your claim but I am sure that you will LIE once again and try to claim that you did even as you FAIL to prove it. LOL

It would be so easy to prove it IF you already had but the FACT remains that you refuse to go back and find where you did and post here for all to see. That failure shows that you can't prove it and you know it. LOL
i already have you pathetic piece of shit moron

LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
Thank you for showing that you can't prove your claim but I am sure that you will LIE once again and try to claim that you did even as you FAIL to prove it. LOL

It would be so easy to prove it IF you already had but the FACT remains that you refuse to go back and find where you did and post here for all to see. That failure shows that you can't prove it and you know it. LOL
i already have you pathetic piece of shit moron

LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
you are the proven hack
fuck off you pathetic piece of shit
you are one of the worst fucking liars on this board

:lol::lol::lol: Whatsa matter??? Did that mean old Doc make you look like a chump again?? :lol:
hes not a doc you moron
DR are his initials, at least thats what he's claiming now

That is what I have always said. I have used this name as an aol account that I started 10 years ago. It's the same one I used on msnbc and it's the same one I use on espn message boards.

Why change it when it is my name??
:lol::lol::lol: Whatsa matter??? Did that mean old Doc make you look like a chump again?? :lol:
hes not a doc you moron
DR are his initials, at least thats what he's claiming now

That is what I have always said. I have used this name as an aol account that I started 10 years ago. It's the same one I used on msnbc and it's the same one I use on espn message boards.

Why change it when it is my name??
i didnt ask you to change it
i merely pointed it out to rinata
but shes not the sharpest tack in the box
DRSmith has made the far-right pretend Republicans like the fools, charltans, and silly heads they are.

The simple fact they won't admit they have lost this round reveals the lack of character by DRSmith's opponents.
i already have you pathetic piece of shit moron

LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
you are the proven hack
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?
LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
you are the proven hack
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Nice, once again you choose the low road. I never claimed to be a doctor nor have I ever pretended to be. x-ray tech was no where in the description of the program I was in but thanks for your continued dishonesty. LOL

Furthermore, D and R are my initials so it's funy that you claim that I pretended to be a doctor and then admit that I have said i wasn't in the past and explained that D and R are my initials. LOL You are getting really good at sticking your foot in your mouth hack. LOL

Oh and jester is just mad and calling me a paid progressive propagandist because I actually took the time to look back and show how his own words showed him to be dishonest and calling me names is his last resort as he runs away from a debate that he knows he lost.
D and R BECAME your initials after the doctor lie was fully debunked.

Now, are you going to answer the questions, or are you going to continue to spin and deflect? You're wasting my time. You've again been beaten by forfeit.......But then, your game totally sucks so, forfeiting is your best bet from this point forward.

Now, if ya' want to show some balls and continue to play, then answer the fucking questions. Otherwise, just do what you do best and walk away beaten and bloodied.

Prove it!

Fact is that I NEVER once claimed to be a doctor and you know it. However since you are desperate you are willing to LIE in a desperate attempt to smear me. How typical.

I am still wating on you to list your alleged questions that pertain to positions that I have taken. You have tried to be disheonst and put words into my mouth on multiple occasions so please provide your questions that actually pertain to my postions and not something that you made up.

Like this
Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.
Divecon, old buddy: "Gates does know, while Twisted Joker does blow."

Your dissent is noticed, and it is dismissed.
Divecon, old buddy: "Gates does know, while Twisted Joker does blow."

Your dissent is noticed, and it is dismissed.
and i bet if you asked Gates if there were combat troops still in Iraq he would say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

because it is a fact
something you are totally unfamiliar with

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