Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Elvis was a saint?????????

REALLY?!?!? you REALLY believe that?

Must have been an assumed name for an offensive tackle. Hard to know under those helmets. Rinata may want to steer clear of Las Vegas. Lots of Elvis' there.

No there is not!!! All of you men were just so jealous of Elvis. So you love those stupid impersonators!!!
Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Elvis was a saint?????????

REALLY?!?!? you REALLY believe that?

Don't be stupid!!!
i'm not the one that claimed Elvis was a saint
and you tell ME not to be stupid
the man was about as degenerate as can be
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Bull. The doc made you look like a chump. Give it up.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.

You just did. ;)
Hey dipshit that was NOT the question that I asked but then this would be the first time you had to lie in a desperate attempt to CYA now would it?? I never asked anything about how keeping them in place would be a good thing. Those are your words not mine.

BTW did you happen to notice how you are turning tail and runnning away from your own words?? LOL

LOL you lose and your own words are your downfall.

Winston Smith missed the urinal again!!! Shit. Where is the damn urinal cake??? Not again. Quick before he swallows it!!!

Imagine that, no comments on the content and only trolling from you. LOL Can't say that i actually expected you to comment but thanks for showing that you have nothing to offer.

You talking to Me, Cockroach??? :lol: :lol: :lol: You are all about the Peoples, huh??? You know what you remind me of DR whom is not a Doctor???

[ame=]YouTube - Joe Vs The Volcano Part 2 Re Upload[/ame]
LOL........this thread is still going???!!!!!!!!!!:rofl:


Do the k00ks ever look at a calendar???:lol::lol:
It's offensive because he perverted what MLK Jr. actually stood for, in order to validate his own preachings. MLK Jr. was an open proponent of a Socialist Democracy. He was anti-war, and believe money spent on Militarism in our Country would be better spent on social programs. He also believed that the West was too arrogant, in the world, and needed to be more open to other Countries' ideas.

What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

slam dunked?? Content of character?? Was that when he contradicted himself and said we should learn from our mistakes BUT later said we shouldn't look to where we were or are but that we should look to where we are going??

Or was that when he tried to compare moses leading the jews out of egypt to the american revolution?? Or when he seemed to describe himself as prophet when he described how "the people ask God to send them someone to guide them" (not exact quote but you get the idea).

I wasn't there but I did watch it on tv and most of his sermon seemed contradictory and not factually based. Even olbermann pointed out that beck's claim of holding washington's address in his own two hands was FALSE, so what else did he spin??

If you ignore the facts and drink the koolaid i am sure that you see it as a slam dunk. However, I really doubt most people see it that way. Was it a decent speech even though it was contradictory and not entirely basd on the truth?? Yeah, other than that to try and talk it up as if it was something more is beyond desperate.

The only thing you show here is your lack of context and comprehension. The first place I want to go as a Beck supporter is your commentary??? LOL. Like you are more familiar with Glenn than the rest of us??? We are so lost without you!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you for being there for us to translate everything Beck say's for us. Give it a rest Sparky. Let me know if you need me to translate Obama's Speech. ;) I can't resist. Translation We are really really really screwed.
I'm thinking with the increasing frequency of insurgents, American forces will be forced into a tactical retreat to Basra. Troops will either exit Iraq or be reinforced with combat troops. The end game is a new strongman government.

The end game is usually hostages, when Dem's are at the controls.
Intense, what a silly comment: think Saigon, April 1975, after more than six years of Nixon and Ford.
Intense, what a silly comment: think Saigon, April 1975, after more than six years of Nixon and Ford.

Elaborate. Explain the context if you will? I'm perplexed. I also don't understand how I, who listen to Glenn regularly , would benefit from Someone whom is probably getting his talking points second hand, out of context. Even reading a transcript, how do you know for sure when someone is joking, being factious, being sarcastic, or serious???

You want to know the most informative book I ever read on Viet Nam??? With the possible exception of "Stolen Valor", which put assholes like "Rather Than Dan Rather" in his true place, it was "We Were Soldier's" by Joe Galloway and Col. Moore. We were fed so much propaganda from that time, it was criminal.
Intense, what a silly comment: think Saigon, April 1975, after more than six years of Nixon and Ford.

Sorry Jake, I thought you were referring to a different post. My problem here actually is not with Democrat's, in a perfect world I would possibly be a Constitutional Democrat. My problem, in part, is with DNC Leadership, which leans Way too far Left. Many Blue Dog Democrat's I know and love. Your Party (RINO ;) ) :lol: has abandoned them. If the DNC ever had the sense to run Panetta (He was my Congressman once) I could easily see Myself voting for Him. The DNC won't do that though, because it has been hi-jacked. Like the gathering of the children of delusion, it holds little hope for touching on the true meaning of justice. If we look back in time, to what was done, and ask "Is this solution compatible with our form of government, or hurtful to our structure?", we would find much disappointment. Had the Court's considered this factor, thing's would be much different now. Not all resolution is helpful to the goal of Government by the consent of the Governed, with the protection of Individual Rights, Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. There are Law's of the Universe, even unrealized, that put our concept's, our claimed power over each other to shame. Some of our founders knew that. Some of the great's throughout history, were there too. What penalty should the State impose for a human that believes in God? That is where progressive Statism is taking us. Silence those who question the power or the direction of the State, by any means.
except i'm not the one lying, asswipe

and calling you a moronic asswipe is not running, moron

And yet your own words show that you ARE the one lying. Furthermore, calling me names as you avoid the questions that you cannot answer IS running. LOL
the question has been answered and accepted by actual thinking people
that clearly leaves YOU out

No it hasn't and all you can do is CLAIM that is has as you avoid showing that it has which further shows that it hasn't. You dishonestly CLAIM to have provided substance that is no where to be found even as you dishonestly CLAIM that you have shown where it was found when you HAVEN'T

Seeing that you have failed to show anything and only make unsubstantiated CLAIMS, You lose again.
how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.
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how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

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