Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

i already have you pathetic piece of shit moron

LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
you are the proven hack

You saying it doesn't make it so, however, I have SHOWN your own words that show you to be a hack. It's too bad for you that you lack the ability to know the difference. LOL
how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.

hes not a doc you moron
DR are his initials, at least thats what he's claiming now

That is what I have always said. I have used this name as an aol account that I started 10 years ago. It's the same one I used on msnbc and it's the same one I use on espn message boards.

Why change it when it is my name??
i didnt ask you to change it
i merely pointed it out to rinata
but shes not the sharpest tack in the box

OK MORON read what you posted. You said "at least thats what he's claiming now" implying that I changed it somewhere along the way, based only on jester's LIES.

Are you really so ignorant that you fail to read what YOU post??
That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


For some reason the idiot thinks he knows something about the Bible and Jesus, when it's obvious he knows neither. I got tired of seeing the same ol' post and finally decided to school him on what the Bible does say.

Hopefully that will shut him up about this subject once and for all. But with liberals, you never know.
That is what I have always said. I have used this name as an aol account that I started 10 years ago. It's the same one I used on msnbc and it's the same one I use on espn message boards.

Why change it when it is my name??
i didnt ask you to change it
i merely pointed it out to rinata
but shes not the sharpest tack in the box

OK MORON read what you posted. You said "at least thats what he's claiming now" implying that I changed it somewhere along the way, based only on jester's LIES.

Are you really so ignorant that you fail to read what YOU post??

I believe what divecon was saying is that you're not very credible. So everything you say is questionable. And I would agree.
LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
you are the proven hack
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?

Those are NOT your original questions and you know that. Yesterday was the first time that you posed those questions and as i already explained my position in another thread, where you posted similar spin and lies as you try to claim these were your original questions and that I have been avoiding THEM.

BTW, why the shift in your question?? Is it because you know your previous question was responded to and you are giving up on claiming that it hasn't?? LOL
Besides that I have already stated that I believe the majority of the taxcuts should stay in place and I have explained my position on the top taxcuts so why ask me to restate my position if you are only going to ingore it AGAIN??

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

you are the proven hack
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that

That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.
you are the proven hack
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?

Those are NOT your original questions and you know that. Yesterday was the first time that you posed those questions and as i already explained my position in another thread, where you posted similar spin and lies as you try to claim these were your original questions and that I have been avoiding THEM.

BTW, why the shift in your question?? Is it because you know your previous question was responded to and you are giving up on claiming that it hasn't?? LOL
Besides that I have already stated that I believe the majority of the taxcuts should stay in place and I have explained my position on the top taxcuts so why ask me to restate my position if you are only going to ingore it AGAIN??

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

I had to reframe the questions because you ABJECTLY REFUSED to answer the ONE original question. I had to put it in more simple terms in the hope that your lil' peabrain can process them easier.

You are abjectly refusing to answer the two very simple questions.

Just explain your position. You are either for them or against them. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp. Spinning and deflecting only makes yourself look like a damn fool. Just answer them right here and now. Get on with the debate or simply step away. I'm tired of this circular BS. I'm tired of your childish games.

I've given you my full position on the cuts, in detail, several times. All you've done is spin and deflect. If you are not educated on the subject, that's fine. Just admit it. I won't hold it against you.
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that

That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

Face it, I owned you with my response. Divecon is right even though he could have used different scripture and you are wrong, period.
You have shown nothing but the fact that yet again I pawned the fuck out of ya', as I have continually these past couple o' years.

You refuse to answer questions.

You refuse to hold your messiah accountable.

You believe that you can just make up your own rules.

Your debating skills are atrocious.

You've got major issues regarding insecurity.

Your main strategy is too spin and deflect when you obvioulsy lack knowledge on so many issues.

You're obviously a miserble human being with lil' happiness in your life.

It would probably be best for you, and your own sanity to just pack up and leave. Go find a site where everybody agrees with you. Seeing as though you just can't grasp the concept of opposing views, and that you can't just force people on this board to take your asinine positions.......Ya' see, you are the textbook example of the liberal BS belief that "every child gets a trophy"..... It just turns them into whiney lil' crybabies such as yourself, when they grow up and realize that in life, you earn your trophies. And no amount of snivelling lil' hissyfits, such as those you display constantly, are going to help you attain those trophies.

Bottom line, if ya' can't stand the heat, get the fuck outta the kitchen. Because you are only making a complete ass of yourself, son.

Nice avoidance coward. how abotu you respond to the actual content for a change or would that require a level of honesty that you just don't have??

I have answered your questions, you just didn't like my answers.
I hold obama accountable for what he deserves "credit" for doing.
I follow the rules of this board and only expect others to do the same.
If my debating skills are atrocious and yet I owned you to the point that you are now changing your questions as you pretend they are the same questions that you asked me in the first place as you put words into my mouth then what does that say about your debating sklills?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

I NEVER said that they would so why ask me to prove an argument that I NEVER made??

LOL I do find it funny that you are trying to tell me that i should leave for my own "sanity" after I exposed you as a dishonest hack. LOL

Thanks for the laughs hack. LOL
Look idiot. Your own words and statements make it quite obvious that you want to see the cuts expire. It's only too obvious....But, you are too gutless to give your exact position because you know it will force you to debate so, i've asked you two ways now to explain your position....You refuse to engage either question...Although i've repeatedly answered yours.

Now, if you consider yourself a man, then simply answer the questions so we can get on with the debate. Your spin and deflection is becoming laughable, even to the left wingers who have pm'd me and asked just what the fuck is wrong with you.

Now, once again, and these are very simple first grade level questions, lets see if you have the guts to engage:

1)If you're for the cuts, explain why?
2)If you're against the cuts explain why?

Give us your position. It's that simple.

Seriously, what are you so affraid of?

No, that is NOT the case and I explained that in the beginning of this thread if you only knew how to read instead of relying only on your usual tactic of dishonestly trying to put words into my mouth so you can attack me for something that i never said then we would ahve to go through this over and over again as you demand that I respond to questions that i ahve already answered.

You came at me by demanding that i prove an assertion that I never made

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

BTW, why the shift in your question?? Is it because you know your previous question was responded to and you are giving up on claiming that it hasn't?? LOL
Besides that I have already stated that I believe the majority of the taxcuts should stay in place and I have explained my position on the top taxcuts so why ask me to restate my position if you are only going to ingore it AGAIN??
Divecon, old buddy: "Gates does know, while Twisted Joker does blow."

Your dissent is noticed, and it is dismissed.
and i bet if you asked Gates if there were combat troops still in Iraq he would say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

because it is a fact
something you are totally unfamiliar with

LOL a bet based on your biased opinions is now fact?? LOL

It is fact. Do you honestly think we would leave troops there that wasn't prepared for combat? Truth is the remaining troops will continue to put themselves in danger on counterterror raids and other high-risk missions that aren’t called combat but can be just as deadly.

The remaining U.S. forces in Iraq would be "as combat ready, if need be, as any in our military," Biden said, flanked by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen for the 75-minute ceremony, which also changed the U.S. mission's name from "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to "Operation New Dawn."

Read more: US forces still in fight at end of combat mission - World AP -

Remaining troops still face danger in Iraq - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times
Winston Smith missed the urinal again!!! Shit. Where is the damn urinal cake??? Not again. Quick before he swallows it!!!

Imagine that, no comments on the content and only trolling from you. LOL Can't say that i actually expected you to comment but thanks for showing that you have nothing to offer.

You talking to Me, Cockroach??? :lol: :lol: :lol: You are all about the Peoples, huh??? You know what you remind me of DR whom is not a Doctor???

[ame=]YouTube - Joe Vs The Volcano Part 2 Re Upload[/ame]

Imagine that, no comments on the content and only trolling from you. LOL Can't say that I actually expected you to comment but thanks for showing that you have nothing to offer.
What Beck stood on and slam dunked was content of character. We are a Federalist Constitutional Republic. MLK might have missed that part. Not all remedies are compatible with our form of Government. Roosevelt seemed to miss that too, so MLK wasn't alone. In relation to empowerment, not entitlement, Mlk was right on. Maybe it was his Christian upbringing.

slam dunked?? Content of character?? Was that when he contradicted himself and said we should learn from our mistakes BUT later said we shouldn't look to where we were or are but that we should look to where we are going??

Or was that when he tried to compare moses leading the jews out of egypt to the american revolution?? Or when he seemed to describe himself as prophet when he described how "the people ask God to send them someone to guide them" (not exact quote but you get the idea).

I wasn't there but I did watch it on tv and most of his sermon seemed contradictory and not factually based. Even olbermann pointed out that beck's claim of holding washington's address in his own two hands was FALSE, so what else did he spin??

If you ignore the facts and drink the koolaid i am sure that you see it as a slam dunk. However, I really doubt most people see it that way. Was it a decent speech even though it was contradictory and not entirely basd on the truth?? Yeah, other than that to try and talk it up as if it was something more is beyond desperate.

The only thing you show here is your lack of context and comprehension. The first place I want to go as a Beck supporter is your commentary??? LOL. Like you are more familiar with Glenn than the rest of us??? We are so lost without you!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you for being there for us to translate everything Beck say's for us. Give it a rest Sparky. Let me know if you need me to translate Obama's Speech. ;) I can't resist. Translation We are really really really screwed.

I merely gave examples of things beck said so it's funny how you refuse to address the content and can only attack the messenger. If anythign i said was wrong please explain HOW and WHY instead of merely making unsubstantiated accusations in a desperate attempt top attack me as you ignore the content.

According to jester such avoidance is the ultimate sign of weakness on your part and that your spin and deflection only further prove that you are gutless and clueless?
how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

No it is you who are the idiot. Asking someone to quote jesus from the bible in order to support their position is NOT asking them to prove a negative. IF jesus did say that the government should NOT do those things then it should be quite easy to find such a quote to support such a claim. However, dive tried to make the claim that his passage did support that claim when it didn't and since then dive has been falsely claiming that he has supported when he hasn't.

Your quotes do not prohibit the government from "healing the sick, sheltering the homelss, or feeding the hungry" either but my guess is that you already knew that, or else you must be really really stupid.

No one is arguing that God obligates the government to take care of the poor so why come at me with that strawman argument??

BTW I grew up southern baptist and have read the bible front to back and that is why I started to question organized religion as a whole. So please don't make assumptions that I haven't, it only serves to make you look desperate and even more stupid than your previous comments and spin.
how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

I just learned some new stuff from the bible, thanks :)
how many times does it need to be said that Jesus was NOT political and he didnt tell anyone to get the government to do what he told THEM to do before morons will understand that that is a FACT

That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!
smith is a moron that will never understand it
LOL like I said, you make a claim that you can't prove and then when asked for proof you falsely claim that you have already provided, and then when asked where it was provided and to show where it was provided you merely repeat the previous false claim that you already did, when you haven't. LOL

GJ hack. LOL
you are the proven hack

You saying it doesn't make it so, however, I have SHOWN your own words that show you to be a hack. It's too bad for you that you lack the ability to know the difference. LOL
now you add liar to it
you lying hack

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