Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

What is it with the liberal culture of charisma over substance? I don't have to like the delivery of the message to see value in the message. Please explain how actually working to restore transparency, honor and accountability in government is bad. Note the difference, not talking about doing it, but working to make it happen.

It's bad because Obama is not transparent, honorable, or accountable...and we can't allow that to be pointed out.

That's right.....detour to the standard Rove 2008 bullshit about Obama because you sure as hell cannot logically or factually defend Beck's bullshit.

Ahhh, the Beck idiot....a fascinating study in denial.
Tell that to the mother of several children abandoned by her husband.

I didn't have to, she told me.

Again, something that was told to me. A wise old man sat down with a calculator and a spreadsheet (the old style kind, huge piece of paper) and calculated the rate of return for his Social Security and Medicare contributions.

You sure about that? The GI Bill was listed as a "benefit" on my annual summary of "comparable compensation." It was part of the reason I made so little while serving. Same bullshit document that claimed sharing a room with someone else was worth $450 a month. I rented a 2BR house on the beach for that amount then.

My VA home loan was a fucking rip off. 2% origination fee? Non-assumable? Same credit requirements? Same debt collection procedures? Same interest rate? Same cash down? Twice the paperwork?

Government in action.

Tell that to millions of peoples who lived were turned for the better, which in turn made our lives better as well.

Go to, asterism, go to.

I have no problem saying that my contributions to help others are best spent at charities than government. Warren Buffett agrees.

No woman abandoned with children told you any such thing.

That's not true.

Again, no old wise man did any such calculations for you, and those figures if done would come out in support of the programs.

Again, not true.

You who denigrate the GI Bill and so forth have no idea what you are saying. The entitlement is one of the reasons the middle class grew as strongly as it did through the 1950s.

Where did I denigrate it? I said it was touted as part of my compensation.

The VA home loan is anything but a rip off. I bought a house and land now worth almost $750,000, which I lease out for a good annual income.

Good for you. Were you not able to qualify for a mortgage otherwise? What year was this?

Rent all you want and throw the money away.

Now that's just silly. Why would I rent?

You well be right about charities, but I doubt you donate significantly to them.

Why, and how is that relevant? I thought we were having a civil conversation here. What got up your ass? You are wrong there.
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850+ posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly............Beck is seen as a nobody by the left!!!


You should learn to read......the majority of the posts from Beck idiots (his words, not mine) are lame defenses and dodgy rants about Obama.

Clearly, Beck has been proven to be a huckster that's fleecing a flock of pigeons for revenue dollars....and all you and the other Beck idiots have is a babbling, bluff and bluster.
actually, you've done the exact opposite

You would have to show how that is true.
who was Jesus talking to in those scriptures?

Which scripture? There are 4.

and for the old testament, who was God instructing?
it wasn't any government
thats for sure
and the Israelites didnt have a government till way after those scriptures

God instructed the Jews to give to the levites, and how to go about giving to the city.

14:29 And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied;

Within the gates has meaning, maybe you are avoiding it, and the message god gave the jew, to tithe in such a way as to be unknown, within the gates, in the streets.
You would have to show how that is true.
who was Jesus talking to in those scriptures?

Which scripture? There are 4.

and for the old testament, who was God instructing?
it wasn't any government
thats for sure
and the Israelites didnt have a government till way after those scriptures
God instructed the Jews to give to the levites, and how to go about giving to the city.

14:29 And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied;

Within the gates has meaning, maybe you are avoiding it, and the message god gave the jew, to tithe in such a way as to be unknown, within the gates, in the streets.
yes, the gates of the camp

and the Levites were the priestly order, as in the CHURCH
claiming it was the government is a huge massive stretch
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Apparently around 300k turned out. And I remember when 30k turning out for Obama was a big deal.

What a shame, senility in one so young.

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront |

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront
Published: Monday, May 19, 2008, 6:15 AM Updated: Monday, May 19, 2008, 11:16 AM
Jerry Casey, The Oregonian

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland on Sunday to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
And Beck beat the pants off those. :lol:

Really? 87,000 in DC against 72,000 in Portland, Oregon? Do you realize how many people there are in a 100 mile radius of Portland, versus a 100 mile radius of DC? Candidate Obama brought out about 5% of that population within that radius. Now how many people would it have taken in DC to equal 5% in the same radius? One hell of a lot more than 87,000 thousand.
who was Jesus talking to in those scriptures?

Which scripture? There are 4.

and for the old testament, who was God instructing?
it wasn't any government
thats for sure
and the Israelites didnt have a government till way after those scriptures
God instructed the Jews to give to the levites, and how to go about giving to the city.

14:29 And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied;

Within the gates has meaning, maybe you are avoiding it, and the message god gave the jew, to tithe in such a way as to be unknown, within the gates, in the streets.

yes, the gates of the camp

NO,.............the gates of the community. Where did you get camp? Do camps have gates? Streets? Store rooms? Get a grip.

Tithing in the farming communities

Neh 10:37 ... and to bring the tithes of our land to
the Levites, for the Levites should receive
the tithes in all our farming communities.
:38 And the priest, the descendant of Aaron, shall
be with the Levites when the Levites receive
tithes; ...

and the Levites were the priestly order, as in the CHURCH
claiming it was the government is a huge massive stretch

The priests were the governing council of the communities, like the head dudes. So where are you going wrong at?? Every form of government has a leader, they were the leaders. Do you think storage rooms and streets, etc. just popped up? Of course not! That took organization, not randomness shuffling. ie. Who runs Iran?
The priests were the governing council of the communities, like the head dudes. So where are you going wrong at?? Every form of government has a leader, they were the leaders. Do you think storage rooms and streets, etc. just popped up? Of course not! That took organization, not randomness shuffling. ie. Who runs Iran?

Wait a sec.

You're claiming that the Levites were a government and God compelled us to tithe to it? Ok, I can accept that at face value. However:

-This was a religious government then, so God compelled people to tithe not to any government authority, but to a holy authority.
-This is old Testament. Jesus changed things. I'm not Jewish so I don't have any moral obligation to follow everything in the Old Testament.

What's your point again?
drsmith. Fair enough. You claim you were raised Southern Baptist and are Bible versed. I accept that. I ask you what is the primary concern of the Faithful? I will answer it for you from two angles. Salvation. Put God first in all things. 1 Kings Chapter 8, Ezekiel Chapter 18, John Chapter 17, Roman's Chapter 8.

This site is pretty neutral politically. It is an English Trinitarian Bible Site with an adequate Search Engine (Concordance). We can stick with the King James translation if it suits you.

The Holy Bible

Part of what Glenn Beck brought notice to was .....


Now which of these do you find offensive????? None I truly hope. Is it that you feel Glenn unworthy to point in Christ's direction????? I don't think that's it. Is it that you think he is perpetuating a scam????? If that was the case, don't you have faith enough in God to know that He is more than capable of dealing with it????? You should. I'm not trying to sell you anything, Your Conscience is in truth the most important tool of discernment you have. What I would say to you is look for truth through it, when in doubt, search it and make peace with it above all else. I say that for you, I say that for Myself. We are all beings, created and purposed by God, and accountable to Him first in all things. That said, He gave us minds, voice, Liberty, and the ability to learn through consequence, both good and bad. What is your intent? Purpose? Motive? Dream? Vision? That is all about you as an individual first. It is not about selfishness, but being rooted in a personal relationship with your maker through what you experience in life. What you learn in truth you develop and share with others. No mechanism is more important than it's reason for being. Be it machine or Government, or culture. When it becomes destructive to it's primary reason for being, it is the creation that must adapt, not the primary purpose for it's need. We apply new reasoning, applications, design to adapt to circumstance, need, and desire. We can choose to do that honorably or dishonorably, to what ever varying degree. Cause and effect in truth will reveal the reality for what it is. Do we learn and grow or deny and resist????? My witness to you is that we too easily go astray and multiply the offense. We need independent thinker's, freedom of speech, and the courage to say what we know to be from our individual perspectives, to remedy the wrongs. To provoke thought and reason, to effect the course.


Show me here anything that denies free choice or free will. Our Forefather's designed a Government rooted in Christian Principles, not by accident, but by Faith. Part of that root was the concept of governing by the consent of the governed, when the percentage of the governed is large enough, over 75%, it actually has the power to alter any and every part of the contract that lends license to those that govern. All are limited in authority and power by our consent as a whole, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. We as a whole have the power over the shape, form, and tone of the rules of play. Faith, Hope, and Charity, begin, and are rooted in each individual being, by design. Our Government, operating within the boundaries of our consent, is reflective of that. When it exceeds those boundaries, it is theft.

Look at the history of what We American's give privately, in relation to what our Government gives in natural disasters around the world. It is a wondrous thing what we are capable of both through Government infrastructure and private funds, still, Our donation's trump all combined efforts throughout the world. There is no system that compares to the free market DR. Think about it. Value for value. Persuasion, not force, that is the Christian way. To set up rule of law against the will of the people is Tyranny, it is a violation of trust and a corruption of purpose.

1 Corinthians / 13

13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Defenders Notes >>

13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

The Holy Bible Corinthians&Chapter=13#
And here folks, you see the intensity of the Beck idiot....faced with the inevitable conclusion that Beck has played him for a fool, this intense idiot blathers on like Karl Rove on crack during the 2008 campaign.

Beck's idiots....a pathetic lot. I leave this intense idiot to his predictable blatherings.

No... what I see is another pin headed liberal that's so damn indoctrinated that his thought patterns look and sound like something from a "re-education camp."

And as typical with Beck idiot's (his words, not mine), the Pale Rider breaks hard to avoid the FACTS that I put forth regarding Beck, and instead tries to insist upon turning the discussion into dealing with manic Rove 2008 talking points and mantras.

Pity the Beck idiot...the truth makes them pale, and they ride away in fear. I leave them to it.

I nominate you to be the Supreme Leader. ;) Either that or a six week vacation in rehab. It must be so tough for you with so many idiot's in the world. Are we detecting a pattern here?????

Seriously though, when one uses the Socratic Method, having drawn the conclusions before the starting gate is opened, isn't that a corruption of principle????? When used to manipulate the direction and misdirect, obstruct, isn't that contrary to bringing to light the truth of the matter????? When Truth and Justice are sacrificed by a corrupted method of argument, be it intimidation, threat, causing diversion, tangent, how is the greater good served????? What is actually won????? At what cost????? What benefit's us as a whole, by covering up the truth????? Your scorch and burn tactic, is what it is, I guess, and in certain circles, predatory circles, I guess it has it's place. Her, if I must venture a guess, it is to discourage voice and behavior that you actually fear, yet fail to understand. The intensity of your attacks suggest that.

Here is a Link you might appreciate.

Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics
Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion .....
- 19 May 2008 - "Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City" (Portland, estimated 75 000)

- 25 July 2008 - "Obama Addresses 200,000 in Berlin"

- 28 August 2008 - "More than 84,000 people have jammed into Invesco Field at Mile High stadium to hear Barack Obama's historic acceptance speech ....."

- 18 October 2008 - "Humongous crowd greets Barack Obama in St. Louis; that might worry his campaign" (estimared at 100 000)

- 25 October 2008 - ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - "problem for the McCain campaign is that less than 1,000 people heard him make this argument at his rally here, compared with the 40,000 that are expected to greet Barack Obama when he arrives in town this evening

- 4 November 2009 - "More than 225,000 Obama supporters gathered in Chicago's Grant Park for a celebration rally ....."

- 18 January 2009 - "We Are One Concert: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial" (estimated at 400 000)

- 20 January 2009 - Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - Stephen Doig, a professor at Arizona State University, estimated that 800,000 people attended the inauguration ceremony based on satellite images


("make my day" in Kenyan)
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When people deliberately distort the facts to increase the estimate of the size of the crowd, then, yes, that lack of integrity does factor into the claims about Beck's crowd. Beck's Message is what should be discussed here instead of having to defend against fabrications of the crowd size.
When people deliberately distort the facts to increase the estimate of the size of the crowd, then, yes, that lack of integrity does factor into the claims about Beck's crowd. Beck's Message is what should be discussed here instead of having to defend against fabrications of the crowd size.

I agree about the message is what is more important.

I would like to add that your first sentance works both ways. Those deliberatly distorting the size of the crowd in either direction lack integrity.
When people deliberately distort the facts to increase the estimate of the size of the crowd, then, yes, that lack of integrity does factor into the claims about Beck's crowd. Beck's Message is what should be discussed here instead of having to defend against fabrications of the crowd size.

I agree about the message is what is more important.

I would like to add that your first sentance works both ways. Those deliberatly distorting the size of the crowd in either direction lack integrity.

I agree with your conclusion, but somewhere around 87,000 to 125,000 looks about right, would you not agree?
When people deliberately distort the facts to increase the estimate of the size of the crowd, then, yes, that lack of integrity does factor into the claims about Beck's crowd. Beck's Message is what should be discussed here instead of having to defend against fabrications of the crowd size.

I agree about the message is what is more important.

I would like to add that your first sentance works both ways. Those deliberatly distorting the size of the crowd in either direction lack integrity.

I agree with your conclusion, but somewhere around 87,000 to 125,000 looks about right, would you not agree?

I would have until people showed me pictures of what 80,000 people at giant's stadium looked like. With those pictures i've been shown I would guess it was closer to over 200,000. I could be overestimating or underestimating i'm not sure but judging from the pictures i've seen of the event combined with the pictures of giant stadium and considering the square footage of each thats where I get my guess.

Giants stadium is 20,000 square feet Giants Stadium Information

The national mall is 146 acres or well over 400,000 square feet. National Mall

WikiAnswers - How many square feet is one acre

But its really tough to guess even with all that taken into consideration.
"Ever since Glenn Beck brought his rodeo clown show to the Fox News Channel, News Hounds has been illuminating one lie after another, spoken by the most mendacious tee vee personality ever. While Beck claims he will correct any mistakes he makes, we have waited anxiously for him to take up some of these falsehoods. Good thing we’re not holding our breath. That’s why it was stunning to hear him admit on his radio show that he lied to the 89,000—or is it 500,000?—Beckerheads who gathered at his “Restoring Honor” rally on the mall in Washington D.C. last weekend. To make matters worse, he admitted he did so because the lie was easier than simply telling the truth. Maybe that should be the motto of his show instead of “Faith, Hope, and Charity.”

"Ever since Glenn Beck brought his rodeo clown show to the Fox News Channel, News Hounds has been illuminating one lie after another, spoken by the most mendacious tee vee personality ever. While Beck claims he will correct any mistakes he makes, we have waited anxiously for him to take up some of these falsehoods. Good thing we’re not holding our breath. That’s why it was stunning to hear him admit on his radio show that he lied to the 89,000—or is it 500,000?—Beckerheads who gathered at his “Restoring Honor” rally on the mall in Washington D.C. last weekend. To make matters worse, he admitted he did so because the lie was easier than simply telling the truth. Maybe that should be the motto of his show instead of “Faith, Hope, and Charity.”

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