Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

"Ever since Glenn Beck brought his rodeo clown show to the Fox News Channel, News Hounds has been illuminating one lie after another, spoken by the most mendacious tee vee personality ever. While Beck claims he will correct any mistakes he makes, we have waited anxiously for him to take up some of these falsehoods. Good thing we’re not holding our breath. That’s why it was stunning to hear him admit on his radio show that he lied to the 89,000—or is it 500,000?—Beckerheads who gathered at his “Restoring Honor” rally on the mall in Washington D.C. last weekend. To make matters worse, he admitted he did so because the lie was easier than simply telling the truth. Maybe that should be the motto of his show instead of “Faith, Hope, and Charity.”

You Are an Idiot | Flash Videos

Shaman is indeed that...:lol:

He's a follower...unwashed...I'm sure he would have fit in at the mere 3,000 person counter to Beck...and as a matter of course? They had one of the Congressional Suspects under indictment speaking there...Chuckie Rangle...Now there's a spokesman to counter HONOUR.
"Ever since Glenn Beck brought his rodeo clown show to the Fox News Channel, News Hounds has been illuminating one lie after another, spoken by the most mendacious tee vee personality ever. While Beck claims he will correct any mistakes he makes, we have waited anxiously for him to take up some of these falsehoods. Good thing we’re not holding our breath. That’s why it was stunning to hear him admit on his radio show that he lied to the 89,000—or is it 500,000?—Beckerheads who gathered at his “Restoring Honor” rally on the mall in Washington D.C. last weekend. To make matters worse, he admitted he did so because the lie was easier than simply telling the truth. Maybe that should be the motto of his show instead of “Faith, Hope, and Charity.”

You Are an Idiot | Flash Videos

....And, "Butterball" Beck is an admitted-LIAR.


It's lookin' like it was an Official Come-To-Jesus moment!!!!


"Everyone who attended Glen Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally on August 28 has their own personal story to share about how and where the Holy Ghost touched them privately on that historic American day - a day almost as significant to our country as July 4, 1776 and December 7, 1941."

Ya know what was the coolest aspect of sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the Rally????? No Audio. You got the whole vibe, without the sound. People could just talk with each other and relate, while watching a spectacular view. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The other thing that is amazing is Obama had four more people for every one you see in the pictures. Proof government and the media can't count, if nothing else.
Proof that savelibery is a political hack and refuses to accept matters as they are. Beck's crowd was 1/6 to 1/8th that of Obama. Tuff luck.
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That wasn't your original argument in response to my post, hack.

here it is AGAIN

the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


The point is NOT about the cartoon it's about what dive tried to claim based on that cartoon. I show the cartoon as a reference point to where this started. if you aren't smart wnough to keep up then STFU and stay out of it. Or do you enjoy making yourself look foolish as you troll in to attack me and fail to address what is being discussed??

Dive made a claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" which were the things listed in the comic strip when his quote does NOT show that.

Even in lonestar's examples it says that "help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities." and at NO point does it say that the government should NOT do those things, which is what dive tried to claim.

So thanks to lonestar for backing me up.

Oh and the reason I have to conitnue to post it over and over again is that dive continues to try and LIE about what he said so I post it so everyone will know where it began and that dive is a LIAR.

The comic strip is where it began and dive was asked to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the tings listed in the comic strip and he posted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" which does not say that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the poor."
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You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


For some reason the idiot thinks he knows something about the Bible and Jesus, when it's obvious he knows neither. I got tired of seeing the same ol' post and finally decided to school him on what the Bible does say.

Hopefully that will shut him up about this subject once and for all. But with liberals, you never know.

Is posting quotes that do NOT apply what you refer to as "schooling"? LOL

dive tried to argue that jesus said that the govenrment should NOT heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" when he provided his quote "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" claiming that it showed that jesus said the government should NOT do the things listed in the comic strip.
Your excerpts do NOT support his argument. Your own comments show that the bible says help should come from their family FIRST but does not prohibit the government from doing it. So why pretend that schooled anyone when all you did was show that you can't comprehend what you read??
i didnt ask you to change it
i merely pointed it out to rinata
but shes not the sharpest tack in the box

OK MORON read what you posted. You said "at least thats what he's claiming now" implying that I changed it somewhere along the way, based only on jester's LIES.

Are you really so ignorant that you fail to read what YOU post??

I believe what divecon was saying is that you're not very credible. So everything you say is questionable. And I would agree.

And yet I have shown the substance, where as he has not and even you chiming in to try and back him up with your spin didn't help. Thanks for trying though. LOL

BTW it doesn't change the fact that dive tried to imply something false about me personally, so I called him out for it and all he can do is hide behind you and your bs trolling. LOL
DR, you have schooled lone star and dive. Show where Jesus says the government should not do it, and they try to ignore that. Sorry fakes.
You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things", most rational people understand it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus did in fact say the govt. was responsible for those things.

Throughout the gospels, if you were to take the time to read them, you would see that Jesus acted as an individual through private means to bring people to God, to help the poor, and to spread his message. The fact is Jesus and the church were minorities and they were basically enemies of the government in every country.

The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities. Also, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


The point is NOT about the cartoon it's about what dive tried to claim based on that cartoon. I show the cartoon as a reference point to where this started. if you aren't smart wnough to keep up then STFU and stay out of it. Or do you enjoy making yourself look foolish as you troll in to attack me and fail to address what is being discussed??

Dive made a claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" which were the things listed in the comic strip when his quote does NOT show that.

Even in lonestar's examples it says that "help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities." and at NO point does it say that the government should NOT do those things, which is what dive tried to claim.

So thanks to lonestar for backing me up.

Oh and the reason I have to conitnue to post it over and over again is that dive continues to try and LIE about what he said so I post it so everyone will know where it began and that dive is a LIAR.

The comic strip is where it began and dive was asked to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the tings listed in the comic strip and he posted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" which does not say that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the poor."

Are you really that fucking stupid? The Bible clearly states where charity should come from and nowhere does it say from the government.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

Show where it DOES state in the Bible that the government is responsible for the feeding the poor and prividing healthcare and shelter.

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