Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

In other words, Lone Star can't say where the Bible forbids it. End of argument.

The Bible clearly states where help should come from and the government wasn't one of them.

You cannot find the scriptures that states the govt. is responsiblefor those things

End of argument .

You lose, I win!

So where does jesus explicitly say that the government should not heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry?? That is where this started so if you want to chime in please get up to speed and actually try addressing what is being talked about.

The argument that jesus said that the government should not do those things listed in the comic strip came from dive, if you can't prove that jesus said it then be honest and admit it.

Or are you still confused on the whole "jesus said it" and "the bible said it" thing??
The point is NOT about the cartoon it's about what dive tried to claim based on that cartoon. I show the cartoon as a reference point to where this started. if you aren't smart wnough to keep up then STFU and stay out of it. Or do you enjoy making yourself look foolish as you troll in to attack me and fail to address what is being discussed??

Dive made a claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" which were the things listed in the comic strip when his quote does NOT show that.

Even in lonestar's examples it says that "help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities." and at NO point does it say that the government should NOT do those things, which is what dive tried to claim.

So thanks to lonestar for backing me up.

Oh and the reason I have to conitnue to post it over and over again is that dive continues to try and LIE about what he said so I post it so everyone will know where it began and that dive is a LIAR.

The comic strip is where it began and dive was asked to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the tings listed in the comic strip and he posted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" which does not say that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the poor."

Are you really that fucking stupid? The Bible clearly states where charity should come from and nowhere does it say from the government.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

Show where it DOES state in the Bible that the government is responsible for the feeding the poor and prividing healthcare and shelter.

Are you really that fucking stupid? We aren't talking about "charity" or what the bible says. The topic of discussion is about the things listed in the comic strip and dive argued that jesus said that the government should NOT heal the sick, feed the hungry or shelter the homeless" and you are presenting strawman after strawman in a desperate attempt to defend his postion which is baseless and your own posts has shown that to be the case.

I am not arguing that the bible states that the government should do those things but the fact remains that dive tried to argue that Jesus, not the bible, prohibited the government from doing those things when he responded to my comment. So I have continually asked him to prove it and thus far he and everyone who has chimed in has FAILED to do so.

You lost after chiming in to a debate that you weren't up to speed on. Best thing for you to do is just admit it and walk away.

Yes we were talking about what the Bible says you stupid fuck and if helping the poor isn't charity then just what the fuck would you call it?

When Jesus said "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's" he knew that the Pharisees were trying to trick him because it was against jewish law to pay tribute to Caesar. But it was against Caesars law to not pay the tribute.

If Jesus answered that they should not pay the tribute, they would have called the Roman authorities and had Him arrested for crimes against Caesar. If He answered that they should pay the tribute they would be able to speak against Him to the Jews. Jesus didn't give them the satisfaction. That leaves us to determine what Jesus meant.

You must read the entire verses to give that one verse proper context.

char·i·ty   /ˈtʃærɪti/ Show Spelled[char-i-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties.
1. generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one's life to charity.
2. something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity.
3. a charitable act or work.
4. a charitable fund, foundation, or institution: He left his estate to a charity.
5. benevolent feeling, esp. toward those in need or in disfavor: She looked so poor that we fed her out of charity.
6. leniency in judging others; forbearance: She was inclined to view our selfish behavior with charity.
DR, you have schooled lone star and dive. Show where Jesus says the government should not do it, and they try to ignore that. Sorry fakes.

You cannot prove something that is not there. Damn you people are fucking retarded!

So you admit that that jesus did not say that the government should not heal the sick, chelter the homeless or feed the hungry and yet you still chimed in to defend dive and spew your spin despite the fact that you now admit that it's not there. LOL
Is posting quotes that do NOT apply what you refer to as "schooling"? LOL

dive tried to argue that jesus said that the govenrment should NOT heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" when he provided his quote "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" claiming that it showed that jesus said the government should NOT do the things listed in the comic strip.
Your excerpts do NOT support his argument. Your own comments show that the bible says help should come from their family FIRST but does not prohibit the government from doing it. So why pretend that schooled anyone when all you did was show that you can't comprehend what you read??

Yes you were schooled and you keep it up I'll school your stupid ass again.

Provide the scripture that states the government is responsible for feeding, housing and healing the poor.

LOL and yet your scriptures do not apply to the debate and you claiming it does, doesn't make it so.

Why try to change the argument?? Is it because you know that you lost??

I lost nothing. The truth is God does not say that the government is responsible for sheltering, feeding or healing the sick as a matter of fact that responsibility had been regulated to family first and only then to individuals, churches and private charities.

So the claim that these responsibilities falls on the governments shoulders is without merit.
And yet I have shown the substance, where as he has not and even you chiming in to try and back him up with your spin didn't help. Thanks for trying though. LOL

BTW it doesn't change the fact that dive tried to imply something false about me personally, so I called him out for it and all he can do is hide behind you and your bs trolling. LOL

Nothing false was implied, accurate observations were made.

So you are now claiming that I originally tried to claim I was a doctor too as diove implied?? Care to prove that since you claim it was an accurate observation or is this the part where you disappear??

I'm saying I have more faith in what Dive says than what you say based on my observations.
You are the ones making the unsupportable claim, Lone Star. The Bible does not prevent government help. The Book does condemn deception, such as you and the dive are doing.

Trust me. I have read the Bible several times and nowhere does it state that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor.

End of story and you still lose.

so lonestar, who is trying to argue that the bible says that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor??

who is trying to make that argument?? Oh you mean NO ONE is trying tomake that argument but you are desperate to try and change the subject. I got it. LOL

Thanks for the strawman but how about you address what was actually being talked about instead of trying to change the subject??

BTW Do you often create a phony debate over an argument that no one is making and declare yourself the victor in a game where you are the only player??
DR, you have schooled lone star and dive. Show where Jesus says the government should not do it, and they try to ignore that. Sorry fakes.

You cannot prove something that is not there. Damn you people are fucking retarded!

So you admit that that jesus did not say that the government should not heal the sick, chelter the homeless or feed the hungry and yet you still chimed in to defend dive and spew your spin despite the fact that you now admit that it's not there. LOL

Jesus did not say the government should heal the sick. If you are trying to argue that since Jesus did not say that, that it means he endorses it, is simply stupid. Jesus didn't say a lot of things. However God made it known who was to help the poor and it didn't include the Govt..
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Face it, I owned you with my response. Divecon is right even though he could have used different scripture and you are wrong, period.

NO you did not because you did NOT show that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" which is what dive tried to claim with his response.

Funny thing is that you claim dive was right even though you admit he used the wrong scripture. So how does that work out?? He was wrong but he was still right?? LOL GJ hack.

YOU LOSE just like dive did you are just too damn ingorant to know it. Thanks for playing. LOL

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.

That is all that you had to say. Dive was wrong, thanks for admitting it. The rest of your strawman arguments don't matter since no one is making the arguments you are trying to debate.
You are the ones making the unsupportable claim, Lone Star. The Bible does not prevent government help. The Book does condemn deception, such as you and the dive are doing.

Trust me. I have read the Bible several times and nowhere does it state that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor.

End of story and you still lose.

so lonestar, who is trying to argue that the bible says that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor??

who is trying to make that argument?? Oh you mean NO ONE is trying tomake that argument but you are desperate to try and change the subject. I got it. LOL

Thanks for the strawman but how about you address what was actually being talked about instead of trying to change the subject??

BTW Do you often create a phony debate over an argument that no one is making and declare yourself the victor in a game where you are the only player??

Your concession is duly noted.
and it DOES, dipshit
if hes saying that what God is telling YOU to do is not tell the government to do it you fucking moron

WOW is that supposed to make sense??

BTW MORON, jesus telling people what to do is not the same as jesus saying that the govnerment should NOT do it. Even the quotes provided by lonestar say that the family should help FIRST but does not prohibit the government from helping.

Your quote was in response to my post and was a failed attempt to claim that jesus said that the government should not heal the sick, feed teh hungry or shelter the homeless. You tried and you failed. All others who have tried to claim that jesus prohibited the governemnt from doing those things have failed too. I wonder how long it will be before they get it and realize how they failed.

You need to read the scriptures I provided again. It states the family should help first and only then from individuals, churches and private charities. He did not relegate any responsiblity to the govt. at all. Period end of story!

Really?? Can you provide the exact scripture that says "only"?? How about a quote so I don't waste my time on a fishing expedition. You made the claim how about so support it?
NO you did not because you did NOT show that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" which is what dive tried to claim with his response.

Funny thing is that you claim dive was right even though you admit he used the wrong scripture. So how does that work out?? He was wrong but he was still right?? LOL GJ hack.

YOU LOSE just like dive did you are just too damn ingorant to know it. Thanks for playing. LOL

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.

That is all that you had to say. Dive was wrong, thanks for admitting it. The rest of your strawman arguments don't matter since no one is making the arguments you are trying to debate.

No Dive wasn't wrong, you're wrong. You have no idea what that scripture even means. If you did then you would understand that Jesus was basically saying that what belongs to Caesar was Caesars and what belonged to God was God's. Now do you belong to the govt.?
WOW is that supposed to make sense??

BTW MORON, jesus telling people what to do is not the same as jesus saying that the govnerment should NOT do it. Even the quotes provided by lonestar say that the family should help FIRST but does not prohibit the government from helping.

Your quote was in response to my post and was a failed attempt to claim that jesus said that the government should not heal the sick, feed teh hungry or shelter the homeless. You tried and you failed. All others who have tried to claim that jesus prohibited the governemnt from doing those things have failed too. I wonder how long it will be before they get it and realize how they failed.

You need to read the scriptures I provided again. It states the family should help first and only then from individuals, churches and private charities. He did not relegate any responsiblity to the govt. at all. Period end of story!

Really?? Can you provide the exact scripture that says "only"?? How about a quote so I don't waste my time on a fishing expedition. You made the claim how about so support it?

I think you should try reading the Bible youself. I gave you the chapter and verses.
Nowhere does the Bible clearly state that the government should not provide help to citizens.

Anyone who argues that point is woefully ignorant or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated.

No it doesn't say that, but it does say where that help should come from and the government isn't included.

Try as you may, you cannot win this argument.

Nice spin however according to you it doesn't prohibit the government from helping which is where this argument began.

Try as you may, you cannot win this argument.
Are you really that fucking stupid? The Bible clearly states where charity should come from and nowhere does it say from the government.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

Show where it DOES state in the Bible that the government is responsible for the feeding the poor and prividing healthcare and shelter.

Are you really that fucking stupid? We aren't talking about "charity" or what the bible says. The topic of discussion is about the things listed in the comic strip and dive argued that jesus said that the government should NOT heal the sick, feed the hungry or shelter the homeless" and you are presenting strawman after strawman in a desperate attempt to defend his postion which is baseless and your own posts has shown that to be the case.

I am not arguing that the bible states that the government should do those things but the fact remains that dive tried to argue that Jesus, not the bible, prohibited the government from doing those things when he responded to my comment. So I have continually asked him to prove it and thus far he and everyone who has chimed in has FAILED to do so.

You lost after chiming in to a debate that you weren't up to speed on. Best thing for you to do is just admit it and walk away.

Yes we were talking about what the Bible says you stupid fuck and if helping the poor isn't charity then just what the fuck would you call it?

When Jesus said "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's" he knew that the Pharisees were trying to trick him because it was against jewish law to pay tribute to Caesar. But it was against Caesars law to not pay the tribute.

If Jesus answered that they should not pay the tribute, they would have called the Roman authorities and had Him arrested for crimes against Caesar. If He answered that they should pay the tribute they would be able to speak against Him to the Jews. Jesus didn't give them the satisfaction. That leaves us to determine what Jesus meant.

You must read the entire verses to give that one verse proper context.

char·i·ty   /ˈtʃærɪti/ Show Spelled[char-i-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties.
1. generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one's life to charity.
2. something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity.
3. a charitable act or work.
4. a charitable fund, foundation, or institution: He left his estate to a charity.
5. benevolent feeling, esp. toward those in need or in disfavor: She looked so poor that we fed her out of charity.
6. leniency in judging others; forbearance: She was inclined to view our selfish behavior with charity.

Nice spin but it still doesn show that jesus said that the government should not heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry.

That was where this argument began and all of your side steps and strawmen arguments only serve to show that you know that you lost and avoidance is the only tactic (besides just blindly attacking me) that you have left.

The sad fact is that you already admitted defeat when you said

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.

Yes you were schooled and you keep it up I'll school your stupid ass again.

Provide the scripture that states the government is responsible for feeding, housing and healing the poor.

LOL and yet your scriptures do not apply to the debate and you claiming it does, doesn't make it so.

Why try to change the argument?? Is it because you know that you lost??

I lost nothing. The truth is God does not say that the government is responsible for sheltering, feeding or healing the sick as a matter of fact that responsibility had been regulated to family first and only then to individuals, churches and private charities.

So the claim that these responsibilities falls on the governments shoulders is without merit.

No one is making that argument. You lose by default with your insistence on presenting stawmen arguments as if they are valid.
Nothing false was implied, accurate observations were made.

So you are now claiming that I originally tried to claim I was a doctor too as diove implied?? Care to prove that since you claim it was an accurate observation or is this the part where you disappear??

I'm saying I have more faith in what Dive says than what you say based on my observations.

WOW take the cowards way out. way to NOT stand your ground. LOL

Dive tried to imply that i pretended to be a doctor when I never have, you chimed in to defend him and are now running away from what he actually said. LOL If you aren't going to follow through why bother sticking your neck out??
You cannot prove something that is not there. Damn you people are fucking retarded!

So you admit that that jesus did not say that the government should not heal the sick, chelter the homeless or feed the hungry and yet you still chimed in to defend dive and spew your spin despite the fact that you now admit that it's not there. LOL

Jesus did not say the government should heal the sick. If you are trying to argue that since Jesus did not say that, that it means he endorses it, is simply stupid. Jesus didn't say a lot of things. However God made it known who was to help the poor and it didn't include the Govt..

OK I know that you are slow but this is about the fifth time that I have told you so please pay attention.

However, dive did try to argue that jesus did say that the government should not heal the sick, shelter the homelss or feed the hungry and fauiled to prove that jesus said anything of the kind.

Do you got it yet??

You keep coming with these lame strawman arguments that have NOTHING to do with the debate. Do you know what the topic is NOW or do you need to have it explained to you AGAIN??
What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


The point is NOT about the cartoon it's about what dive tried to claim based on that cartoon. I show the cartoon as a reference point to where this started. if you aren't smart wnough to keep up then STFU and stay out of it. Or do you enjoy making yourself look foolish as you troll in to attack me and fail to address what is being discussed??

Dive made a claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" which were the things listed in the comic strip when his quote does NOT show that.

Even in lonestar's examples it says that "help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities." and at NO point does it say that the government should NOT do those things, which is what dive tried to claim.

So thanks to lonestar for backing me up.

Oh and the reason I have to conitnue to post it over and over again is that dive continues to try and LIE about what he said so I post it so everyone will know where it began and that dive is a LIAR.

The comic strip is where it began and dive was asked to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the tings listed in the comic strip and he posted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" which does not say that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the poor."

Are you really that fucking stupid? The Bible clearly states where charity should come from and nowhere does it say from the government.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

Show where it DOES state in the Bible that the government is responsible for the feeding the poor and prividing healthcare and shelter.

A Texan.....calling someone-else a "stupid fuck".

That's rich!!

Trust me. I have read the Bible several times and nowhere does it state that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor.

End of story and you still lose.

so lonestar, who is trying to argue that the bible says that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor??

who is trying to make that argument?? Oh you mean NO ONE is trying tomake that argument but you are desperate to try and change the subject. I got it. LOL

Thanks for the strawman but how about you address what was actually being talked about instead of trying to change the subject??

BTW Do you often create a phony debate over an argument that no one is making and declare yourself the victor in a game where you are the only player??

Your concession is duly noted.

WOW you really are delusional aren't you?? You get called oput for presenting nothing but strawman arguments even as you admit that dive was wrong and then you try to claim that I conceded when I showed that you are offtopic and don't know what you are talking about. LOL

Oh and here are my qwueestions AGAIN see if you can answer them this time.

so lonestar, who is trying to argue that the bible says that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor??

who is trying to make that argument??

Thanks for the strawman but how about you address what was actually being talked about instead of trying to change the subject??

BTW Do you often create a phony debate over an argument that no one is making and declare yourself the victor in a game where you are the only player?
Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.

That is all that you had to say. Dive was wrong, thanks for admitting it. The rest of your strawman arguments don't matter since no one is making the arguments you are trying to debate.

No Dive wasn't wrong, you're wrong. You have no idea what that scripture even means. If you did then you would understand that Jesus was basically saying that what belongs to Caesar was Caesars and what belonged to God was God's. Now do you belong to the govt.?

Uh dive tried to claim that jesus said that the government should not heal the sick, feed the hungry or shelter the homeless and you said that jesus never stated what the government cannot do.

IF you are correct, that is you showing that dive was WRONG. In this instance and based on what was said only one of you can be correct. So which is it? LOL You lose and your own words show it. LOL
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