Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

In other words, Lone Star can't say where the Bible forbids it. End of argument.
What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


For some reason the idiot thinks he knows something about the Bible and Jesus, when it's obvious he knows neither. I got tired of seeing the same ol' post and finally decided to school him on what the Bible does say.

Hopefully that will shut him up about this subject once and for all. But with liberals, you never know.

Is posting quotes that do NOT apply what you refer to as "schooling"? LOL

dive tried to argue that jesus said that the govenrment should NOT heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" when he provided his quote "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" claiming that it showed that jesus said the government should NOT do the things listed in the comic strip.
Your excerpts do NOT support his argument. Your own comments show that the bible says help should come from their family FIRST but does not prohibit the government from doing it. So why pretend that schooled anyone when all you did was show that you can't comprehend what you read??

Yes you were schooled and you keep it up I'll school your stupid ass again.

Provide the scripture that states the government is responsible for feeding, housing and healing the poor.
OK MORON read what you posted. You said "at least thats what he's claiming now" implying that I changed it somewhere along the way, based only on jester's LIES.

Are you really so ignorant that you fail to read what YOU post??

I believe what divecon was saying is that you're not very credible. So everything you say is questionable. And I would agree.

And yet I have shown the substance, where as he has not and even you chiming in to try and back him up with your spin didn't help. Thanks for trying though. LOL

BTW it doesn't change the fact that dive tried to imply something false about me personally, so I called him out for it and all he can do is hide behind you and your bs trolling. LOL

Nothing false was implied, accurate observations were made.
In other words, Lone Star can't say where the Bible forbids it. End of argument.

The Bible clearly states where help should come from and the government wasn't one of them.

You cannot find the scriptures that states the govt. is responsiblefor those things

End of argument .

You lose, I win!
You are the ones making the unsupportable claim, Lone Star. The Bible does not prevent government help. The Book does condemn deception, such as you and the dive are doing.
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?

Those are NOT your original questions and you know that. Yesterday was the first time that you posed those questions and as i already explained my position in another thread, where you posted similar spin and lies as you try to claim these were your original questions and that I have been avoiding THEM.

BTW, why the shift in your question?? Is it because you know your previous question was responded to and you are giving up on claiming that it hasn't?? LOL
Besides that I have already stated that I believe the majority of the taxcuts should stay in place and I have explained my position on the top taxcuts so why ask me to restate my position if you are only going to ingore it AGAIN??

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

I had to reframe the questions because you ABJECTLY REFUSED to answer the ONE original question. I had to put it in more simple terms in the hope that your lil' peabrain can process them easier.

You are abjectly refusing to answer the two very simple questions.

Just explain your position. You are either for them or against them. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp. Spinning and deflecting only makes yourself look like a damn fool. Just answer them right here and now. Get on with the debate or simply step away. I'm tired of this circular BS. I'm tired of your childish games.

I've given you my full position on the cuts, in detail, several times. All you've done is spin and deflect. If you are not educated on the subject, that's fine. Just admit it. I won't hold it against you.

LOL You admit that YOU changed your questions and are still trying to claim that I have ignroed them?? LOL BTW i answered your spin in the other thread and then you agreed with the point I had been making the whole time. LOL

Furthermore, as stated in that thread, I stated my positions in that thread so I answered your new questions well before you ever asked them.

You lost that argument and now all you have are smears and personal attacks. How typical.
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that

That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

Face it, I owned you with my response. Divecon is right even though he could have used different scripture and you are wrong, period.

NO you did not because you did NOT show that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" which is what dive tried to claim with his response.

Funny thing is that you claim dive was right even though you admit he used the wrong scripture. So how does that work out?? He was wrong but he was still right?? LOL GJ hack.

YOU LOSE just like dive did you are just too damn ingorant to know it. Thanks for playing. LOL
You are the ones making the unsupportable claim, Lone Star. The Bible does not prevent government help. The Book does condemn deception, such as you and the dive are doing.

Trust me. I have read the Bible several times and nowhere does it state that the government is responsible for feeding, housing, and providing healthcare for the poor.

End of story and you still lose.
and i bet if you asked Gates if there were combat troops still in Iraq he would say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

because it is a fact
something you are totally unfamiliar with

LOL a bet based on your biased opinions is now fact?? LOL

It is fact. Do you honestly think we would leave troops there that wasn't prepared for combat? Truth is the remaining troops will continue to put themselves in danger on counterterror raids and other high-risk missions that aren’t called combat but can be just as deadly.

The remaining U.S. forces in Iraq would be "as combat ready, if need be, as any in our military," Biden said, flanked by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen for the 75-minute ceremony, which also changed the U.S. mission's name from "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to "Operation New Dawn."

Read more: US forces still in fight at end of combat mission - World AP -

Remaining troops still face danger in Iraq - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

nice avoidance and thanks for the continued spin. LOL

There is a HUGE difference between being "combat ready" and having a combat mission. Furthermore, no one is saying that they won't face danger either. So thanks for the strawman. BTW your desperate attempt to make such an argument shows that you know you've got nothing real to stand on. Why else would you try to claim that anyone said anything about the combat readiness of our troops still in iraq and the dnager that they face when no one did??

oh and the claim that dive made was about his own made up response as to how he believes gates would answer a question. Then dive claimed his made up answer was fact even though it's his own opinion.

and i bet if you asked Gates if there were combat troops still in Iraq he would say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

because it is a fact

so care to address how dive was presenting his opinion as fact or will continue with your strawman tactics??
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That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

and this was your response

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

Face it, I owned you with my response. Divecon is right even though he could have used different scripture and you are wrong, period.

NO you did not because you did NOT show that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" which is what dive tried to claim with his response.

Funny thing is that you claim dive was right even though you admit he used the wrong scripture. So how does that work out?? He was wrong but he was still right?? LOL GJ hack.

YOU LOSE just like dive did you are just too damn ingorant to know it. Thanks for playing. LOL

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do. But what is stated in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29, Numbers 18:24, Matthew 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, is that help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities.

Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, that people should work for their own living and not be dependent on others.

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

The Bible condemns laziness and praises hard work and kindness, especially kindness to the needy.
Proverbs 10:4 says, “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”

Proverbs 14:23 says, “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

Proverbs 14:21 says, “He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.”

The basic principle for such charitable giving is established in Deut. 14:28,29, where God commands His people to give one third of all their tithes to charity to needy widows, orphans and poor people.

The money was not given just to anyone who showed up to get it. Those who are able to work but don’t work, do not qualify for such help. Also, those who have families to take care of them don’t qualify, nor do widows under age 60 qualify, according to 1 Timothy 5:3-16.

Jesus Christ says in Matthew 6 that when believers give individual charity, they should give such charity secretly: “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”

Again, nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor.

Unless you can come up with a scripture that contradicts what the Bible says about helping the poor and needy, you lose this argument. So you may as well deal with it
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that

That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.
and it DOES, dipshit
if hes saying that what God is telling YOU to do is not tell the government to do it you fucking moron

WOW is that supposed to make sense??

BTW MORON, jesus telling people what to do is not the same as jesus saying that the govnerment should NOT do it. Even the quotes provided by lonestar say that the family should help FIRST but does not prohibit the government from helping.

Your quote was in response to my post and was a failed attempt to claim that jesus said that the government should not heal the sick, feed teh hungry or shelter the homeless. You tried and you failed. All others who have tried to claim that jesus prohibited the governemnt from doing those things have failed too. I wonder how long it will be before they get it and realize how they failed.
That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

and this was your response

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.
and it DOES, dipshit
if hes saying that what God is telling YOU to do is not tell the government to do it you fucking moron

WOW is that supposed to make sense??

BTW MORON, jesus telling people what to do is not the same as jesus saying that the govnerment should NOT do it. Even the quotes provided by lonestar say that the family should help FIRST but does not prohibit the government from helping.

Your quote was in response to my post and was a failed attempt to claim that jesus said that the government should not heal the sick, feed teh hungry or shelter the homeless. You tried and you failed. All others who have tried to claim that jesus prohibited the governemnt from doing those things have failed too. I wonder how long it will be before they get it and realize how they failed.

You need to read the scriptures I provided again. It states the family should help first and only then from individuals, churches and private charities. He did not relegate any responsiblity to the govt. at all. Period end of story!
drsmith. Fair enough. You claim you were raised Southern Baptist and are Bible versed. I accept that. I ask you what is the primary concern of the Faithful? I will answer it for you from two angles. Salvation. Put God first in all things. 1 Kings Chapter 8, Ezekiel Chapter 18, John Chapter 17, Roman's Chapter 8.

This site is pretty neutral politically. It is an English Trinitarian Bible Site with an adequate Search Engine (Concordance). We can stick with the King James translation if it suits you.

The Holy Bible

Part of what Glenn Beck brought notice to was .....


Now which of these do you find offensive????? None I truly hope. Is it that you feel Glenn unworthy to point in Christ's direction????? I don't think that's it. Is it that you think he is perpetuating a scam????? If that was the case, don't you have faith enough in God to know that He is more than capable of dealing with it????? You should. I'm not trying to sell you anything, Your Conscience is in truth the most important tool of discernment you have. What I would say to you is look for truth through it, when in doubt, search it and make peace with it above all else. I say that for you, I say that for Myself. We are all beings, created and purposed by God, and accountable to Him first in all things. That said, He gave us minds, voice, Liberty, and the ability to learn through consequence, both good and bad. What is your intent? Purpose? Motive? Dream? Vision? That is all about you as an individual first. It is not about selfishness, but being rooted in a personal relationship with your maker through what you experience in life. What you learn in truth you develop and share with others. No mechanism is more important than it's reason for being. Be it machine or Government, or culture. When it becomes destructive to it's primary reason for being, it is the creation that must adapt, not the primary purpose for it's need. We apply new reasoning, applications, design to adapt to circumstance, need, and desire. We can choose to do that honorably or dishonorably, to what ever varying degree. Cause and effect in truth will reveal the reality for what it is. Do we learn and grow or deny and resist????? My witness to you is that we too easily go astray and multiply the offense. We need independent thinker's, freedom of speech, and the courage to say what we know to be from our individual perspectives, to remedy the wrongs. To provoke thought and reason, to effect the course.


Show me here anything that denies free choice or free will. Our Forefather's designed a Government rooted in Christian Principles, not by accident, but by Faith. Part of that root was the concept of governing by the consent of the governed, when the percentage of the governed is large enough, over 75%, it actually has the power to alter any and every part of the contract that lends license to those that govern. All are limited in authority and power by our consent as a whole, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. We as a whole have the power over the shape, form, and tone of the rules of play. Faith, Hope, and Charity, begin, and are rooted in each individual being, by design. Our Government, operating within the boundaries of our consent, is reflective of that. When it exceeds those boundaries, it is theft.

Look at the history of what We American's give privately, in relation to what our Government gives in natural disasters around the world. It is a wondrous thing what we are capable of both through Government infrastructure and private funds, still, Our donation's trump all combined efforts throughout the world. There is no system that compares to the free market DR. Think about it. Value for value. Persuasion, not force, that is the Christian way. To set up rule of law against the will of the people is Tyranny, it is a violation of trust and a corruption of purpose.

1 Corinthians / 13

13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Defenders Notes >>

13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

The Holy Bible Corinthians&Chapter=13#

I am not here for a sermon but thanks anyway. You sum up the problem with beck in your first word. "part"
I don't have a problem with preaching faith, hope, or charity but it's the other "parts" of beck's delusional stances and contradictions as he tries to play seven degrees of separation and link everything wrong to obama that I mentioned previously that I have a problem with.

As it is now I see him trying to hide his real message behind religion and that is the majority of my problem with him. he had the a huge audience and had the chance to spread his REAL message to the country and chose to use religion as a cover for who he really is in his alter ego on foxnews. I mean it worked, it gave people who don't know any better the impression taht he's not such a bad guy but his perfomance there was pretty far away from what he usually presents on the air.
Nowhere does the Bible clearly state that the government should not provide help to citizens.

Anyone who argues that point is woefully ignorant or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated.
It's lookin' like it was an Official Come-To-Jesus moment!!!!


"Everyone who attended Glen Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally on August 28 has their own personal story to share about how and where the Holy Ghost touched them privately on that historic American day - a day almost as significant to our country as July 4, 1776 and December 7, 1941."

Ya know what was the coolest aspect of sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the Rally????? No Audio. You got the whole vibe, without the sound. People could just talk with each other and relate, while watching a spectacular view. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So did you listen to the speech?? Seems to me that you are admittng that you couldn't hear what was said but got the "whole vibe, without the sound" and talked with other people.
Nowhere does the Bible clearly state that the government should not provide help to citizens.

Anyone who argues that point is woefully ignorant or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated.

No it doesn't say that, but it does say where that help should come from and the government isn't included.

Try as you may, you cannot win this argument.
What is it with that parrot????? The cartoon is a lie. Restoring Honor. Twisted sick mind. It just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.


The point is NOT about the cartoon it's about what dive tried to claim based on that cartoon. I show the cartoon as a reference point to where this started. if you aren't smart wnough to keep up then STFU and stay out of it. Or do you enjoy making yourself look foolish as you troll in to attack me and fail to address what is being discussed??

Dive made a claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless, or feed the hungry" which were the things listed in the comic strip when his quote does NOT show that.

Even in lonestar's examples it says that "help for the poor should come first from their own families and only then from individuals, churches, and private charities." and at NO point does it say that the government should NOT do those things, which is what dive tried to claim.

So thanks to lonestar for backing me up.

Oh and the reason I have to conitnue to post it over and over again is that dive continues to try and LIE about what he said so I post it so everyone will know where it began and that dive is a LIAR.

The comic strip is where it began and dive was asked to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the tings listed in the comic strip and he posted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" which does not say that the government should NOT "heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the poor."

Are you really that fucking stupid? The Bible clearly states where charity should come from and nowhere does it say from the government.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

Show where it DOES state in the Bible that the government is responsible for the feeding the poor and prividing healthcare and shelter.

Are you really that fucking stupid? We aren't talking about "charity" or what the bible says. The topic of discussion is about the things listed in the comic strip and dive argued that jesus said that the government should NOT heal the sick, feed the hungry or shelter the homeless" and you are presenting strawman after strawman in a desperate attempt to defend his postion which is baseless and your own posts has shown that to be the case.

I am not arguing that the bible states that the government should do those things but the fact remains that dive tried to argue that Jesus, not the bible, prohibited the government from doing those things when he responded to my comment. So I have continually asked him to prove it and thus far he and everyone who has chimed in has FAILED to do so.

You lost after chiming in to a debate that you weren't up to speed on. Best thing for you to do is just admit it and walk away.
For some reason the idiot thinks he knows something about the Bible and Jesus, when it's obvious he knows neither. I got tired of seeing the same ol' post and finally decided to school him on what the Bible does say.

Hopefully that will shut him up about this subject once and for all. But with liberals, you never know.

Is posting quotes that do NOT apply what you refer to as "schooling"? LOL

dive tried to argue that jesus said that the govenrment should NOT heal the sick, shelter the homeless or feed the hungry" when he provided his quote "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" claiming that it showed that jesus said the government should NOT do the things listed in the comic strip.
Your excerpts do NOT support his argument. Your own comments show that the bible says help should come from their family FIRST but does not prohibit the government from doing it. So why pretend that schooled anyone when all you did was show that you can't comprehend what you read??

Yes you were schooled and you keep it up I'll school your stupid ass again.

Provide the scripture that states the government is responsible for feeding, housing and healing the poor.

LOL and yet your scriptures do not apply to the debate and you claiming it does, doesn't make it so.

Why try to change the argument?? Is it because you know that you lost??
I believe what divecon was saying is that you're not very credible. So everything you say is questionable. And I would agree.

And yet I have shown the substance, where as he has not and even you chiming in to try and back him up with your spin didn't help. Thanks for trying though. LOL

BTW it doesn't change the fact that dive tried to imply something false about me personally, so I called him out for it and all he can do is hide behind you and your bs trolling. LOL

Nothing false was implied, accurate observations were made.

So you are now claiming that I originally tried to claim I was a doctor too as diove implied?? Care to prove that since you claim it was an accurate observation or is this the part where you disappear??

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