Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

i didnt ask you to change it
i merely pointed it out to rinata
but shes not the sharpest tack in the box

OK MORON read what you posted. You said "at least thats what he's claiming now" implying that I changed it somewhere along the way, based only on jester's LIES.

Are you really so ignorant that you fail to read what YOU post??

I believe what divecon was saying is that you're not very credible. So everything you say is questionable. And I would agree.
again, more proof he is a moron
No shit!

The idiot sits there and makes demands on other people to answer questions and explain their positions, but abjectly refuses to answer questions or explain his position.

Seriously, the idiot sits there and basically eludes to the fact that he's against the cuts, but refuses to give his actual position so, when pressed to either admit he's against the cuts or for them and explain his reasonong, he runs and hides.....That is the epitomy of a troll. The epitomy of a hack.

Now, tell me dive, what is so hard to understand about the following questions that I have posed to him.

1) If you're against the cuts, explain why?

2) If you're for the cuts, explain why?

I mean seriously, am I missing something here. Am I speaking in some obscure foreign language and not realizing it....Is there something in those two very simple questions that one should be affraid of?

Help me out here, buddy...What am I missing?
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that

That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.
and it DOES, dipshit
if hes saying that what God is telling YOU to do is not tell the government to do it you fucking moron
just like how he doesnt understand how "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" is saying he didnt want the government doing what he commanded HIS people to do

you cant get any more simple than that

That was NOT your original claim

here it is AGAIN.


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response was to claim that "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" shows that jesus said for the government NOT to do those things listed in the strip, "heal the sick, shelter the homelss, or feed the hungry."

Face it, you failed to substantiate your spin and now you are trying to present a NEW version of your spin as you pretend it applies.

Face it, I owned you with my response. Divecon is right even though he could have used different scripture and you are wrong, period.
its clearly "pearls before swine" with smith now
Jesus said render unto caesar what was caesar's and to God what was God's. Jesus obviously would have no trouble with the government taking care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, the sick. Jesus said that those who take care of the least of his they take care of him. The opposite is true guys. If you won't do it for your fellow man you sure won't do it for your god. If you oppose taking care of your fellow man where and when necessary, you are not a Christian regardless of your baptism and profession. You LDS who oppose this because you judge your fellow man's worthiness are not worthy of your temple recommends.

See, both sides can play this game.
Jesus said render unto caesar what was caesar's and to God what was God's. Jesus obviously would have no trouble with the government taking care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, the sick. Jesus said that those who take care of the least of his they take care of him. The opposite is true guys. If you won't do it for your fellow man you sure won't do it for your god. If you oppose taking care of your fellow man where and when necessary, you are not a Christian regardless of your baptism and profession. You LDS who oppose this because you judge your fellow man's worthiness are not worthy of your temple recommends.

See, both sides can play this game.

How do these government programs take care of people? They end up in a cycle of dependency.
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Jesus said render unto caesar what was caesar's and to God what was God's. Jesus obviously would have no trouble with the government taking care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, the sick. Jesus said that those who take care of the least of his they take care of him. The opposite is true guys. If you won't do it for your fellow man you sure won't do it for your god. If you oppose taking care of your fellow man where and when necessary, you are not a Christian regardless of your baptism and profession. You LDS who oppose this because you judge your fellow man's worthiness are not worthy of your temple recommends.

See, both sides can play this game.
you are an idiot
I'm not LDS
Jesus said render unto caesar what was caesar's and to God what was God's. Jesus obviously would have no trouble with the government taking care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, the sick. Jesus said that those who take care of the least of his they take care of him. The opposite is true guys. If you won't do it for your fellow man you sure won't do it for your god. If you oppose taking care of your fellow man where and when necessary, you are not a Christian regardless of your baptism and profession. You LDS who oppose this because you judge your fellow man's worthiness are not worthy of your temple recommends.

See, both sides can play this game.

How do these government programs take care of people? They end up in a cycle of dependency.

Tell that to the mother of several children abandoned by her husband.

Tell that to the seniors on subsidized drug prescriptions.

Tell that to every low-income GI Bill or NDEA recipient who became a taxpayer because of the programs.

Tell that to those veterans who invested in the middle class because they could get VA home loans.

Tell that to millions of peoples who lived were turned for the better, which in turn made our lives better as well.

Go to, asterism, go to.
Jesus said render unto caesar what was caesar's and to God what was God's. Jesus obviously would have no trouble with the government taking care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, the sick. Jesus said that those who take care of the least of his they take care of him. The opposite is true guys. If you won't do it for your fellow man you sure won't do it for your god. If you oppose taking care of your fellow man where and when necessary, you are not a Christian regardless of your baptism and profession. You LDS who oppose this because you judge your fellow man's worthiness are not worthy of your temple recommends.

See, both sides can play this game.

How do these government programs take care of people? They end up in a cycle of dependency.

Tell that to the mother of several children abandoned by her husband.

I didn't have to, she told me.

Tell that to the seniors on subsidized drug prescriptions.

Again, something that was told to me. A wise old man sat down with a calculator and a spreadsheet (the old style kind, huge piece of paper) and calculated the rate of return for his Social Security and Medicare contributions.

Tell that to every low-income GI Bill or NDEA recipient who became a taxpayer because of the programs.

You sure about that? The GI Bill was listed as a "benefit" on my annual summary of "comparable compensation." It was part of the reason I made so little while serving. Same bullshit document that claimed sharing a room with someone else was worth $450 a month. I rented a 2BR house on the beach for that amount then.

Tell that to those veterans who invested in the middle class because they could get VA home loans.

My VA home loan was a fucking rip off. 2% origination fee? Non-assumable? Same credit requirements? Same debt collection procedures? Same interest rate? Same cash down? Twice the paperwork?

Government in action.

Tell that to millions of peoples who lived were turned for the better, which in turn made our lives better as well.

Go to, asterism, go to.

I have no problem saying that my contributions to help others are best spent at charities than government. Warren Buffett agrees.
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You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things",
The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29,

So the tithes were to be given to the city stores and held for the poor's use. What is a city, if not a form of government?? Hmm? Lets see, country government, state government, local government, city government & counsels & courts & etc.

At the end of three years thou shalt {h} bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates:

(h) Besides the yearly tithes that were given to the Levites, these were laid up in store for the poor.

Numbers 18:24,

This about a pac with god, not people, and is OT, not NT. phtttf!!

Matthew 6:1-4,

Here we see that we are to give our food in a manner that we are not seen as the benefactor of the gift, but by a means that hides that fact. And to distribute it in the streets or in the government, so you giving through taxes is god's will in todays world.

2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

and 1 Timothy 5:3-16,

This is a passage about widows, and that children should take care of the old ones. We know from other passages, that a brother should take his dead brothers wife and treat her as he does his own wife. Kind of a polygamist relationship.

But this has nothing to do with caring for the poor in general, nor does it support your arguement. IF you can't spell it out in four quotes, maybe you are wrong(?).

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

I have shown that to be a myth. Do play again..............:lol:
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You're an idiot. First of all you say "show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things",
The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 14:28, 29,

So the tithes were to be given to the city stores and held for the poor's use. What is a city, if not a form of government?? Hmm? Lets see, country government, state government, local government, city government & counsels & courts & etc.

At the end of three years thou shalt {h} bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates:

(h) Besides the yearly tithes that were given to the Levites, these were laid up in store for the poor.

Numbers 18:24,

This about a pac with god, not people, and is OT, not NT. phtttf!!

Here we see that we are to give our food in a manner that we are not seen as the benefactor of the gift, but by a means that hides that fact. And to distribute it in the streets or in the government, so you giving through taxes is god's will in todays world.

2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

and 1 Timothy 5:3-16,

This is a passage about widows, and that children should take care of the old ones. We know from other passages, that a brother should take his dead brothers wife and treat her as he does his own wife. Kind of a polygamist relationship.

But this has nothing to do with caring for the poor in general, nor does it support your arguement. IF you can't spell it out in four quotes, maybe you are wrong(?).

Nowhere in the Bible does God obligate the government to take care of the poor and needy by using the taxes that it forcibly collects!

I have shown that to be a myth. Do play again..............:lol:
actually, you've done the exact opposite
How do these government programs take care of people? They end up in a cycle of dependency.

Tell that to the mother of several children abandoned by her husband.

I didn't have to, she told me.

Again, something that was told to me. A wise old man sat down with a calculator and a spreadsheet (the old style kind, huge piece of paper) and calculated the rate of return for his Social Security and Medicare contributions.

You sure about that? The GI Bill was listed as a "benefit" on my annual summary of "comparable compensation." It was part of the reason I made so little while serving. Same bullshit document that claimed sharing a room with someone else was worth $450 a month. I rented a 2BR house on the beach for that amount then.

Tell that to those veterans who invested in the middle class because they could get VA home loans.

My VA home loan was a fucking rip off. 2% origination fee? Non-assumable? Same credit requirements? Same debt collection procedures? Same interest rate? Same cash down? Twice the paperwork?

Government in action.

Tell that to millions of peoples who lived were turned for the better, which in turn made our lives better as well.

Go to, asterism, go to.

I have no problem saying that my contributions to help others are best spent at charities than government. Warren Buffett agrees.

No woman abandoned with children told you any such thing.

Again, no old wise man did any such calculations for you, and those figures if done would come out in support of the programs.

You who denigrate the GI Bill and so forth have no idea what you are saying. The entitlement is one of the reasons the middle class grew as strongly as it did through the 1950s.

The VA home loan is anything but a rip off. I bought a house and land now worth almost $750,000, which I lease out for a good annual income. Rent all you want and throw the money away.

You well be right about charities, but I doubt you donate significantly to them.
Insert 0bama where you read "jackass" for clarification. Are you this dense in real life or do you just play it up for message boards?

Forgive me....I didnt' think anyone was that dimwitted to use the old neocon dodge of namecalling the President when one of their icons gets exposed as a phony/liar.

Evidently, you are a correction to my assumption.

Get real, junior....Beck isn't "off the reservation.....he's a self admitted "rodeo clown" that plays on your frustrations and prejudices in order to garner ratings and sponsors (aka $$$). Beck calls YOU an idiot for taking him seriously enough to defend/excuse him. Beck said he doesn't give a damn about politics, it's all about the benjamins for him....and he'll say anthing to that effect. His words, not mine....Deal with it, or don't.

Using descriptors is very common in politics. You are a prime example. I don't take Beck seriously, I take his ideas and process them. Some of them are very good and fit our times and needs very well. It takes someone of vision and intelligence to see that. Clearly your a total failure when it comes to that. You prefer to have your leadership tell you what to think and when to act out.

Wake up, son. If a man is TELLING you that he'll say ANYTHING to keep himself in ratings revenue, and that YOU are an IDIOT for taking ANYTHING he says seriously....that's NOT leadership....that's a HUSTLE! And anyone who blindly supports such a person is usually known as either a MARK or a SUCKER. Seems you fit both bills.

Unlike you, I prefer honesty in a political representative..and a leader of a political party HAS to held up to scrutiny, and taken to task when found less than truthful or correct in their actions. I don't make excuses when a politico that I voted for fucks up...I hold them accountable, and if they don't correct themselves, they lose my vote and support. Beck's loyal audience are the frustrated neocons, teabaggers, birthers and the like who are too cowardly to blame their leadership for screwing them over these last 30 years, but quickly go after others.

To date, neither you or any other of Beck's idiots (his words, not mine) can tell me EXACTLY what Beck was aiming at besides generalized sound bites. Oh, you can fabricate all types of meanings based on your personal supposition and conjecture, but when it comes to what the man actually said, you've got nothing.

Beck's faux evangelism reflects the moral bankruptcy of this lax mormon who's made a career of race baiting, slander and lies to make people like you feel noble about their prejudices and anger.

What in the world did Beck and Palin exactly say or do that was SO divergent or different from the YEARLY celebrations of King's March on Washington speech that they needed a separate rally? Are they saying that King's followers had no honor, that they weren't about God and country? Come, come my good Beck idiot....give me an honest answer.
Obama has been following his policies until now, holding off on his totalitarian tax schemes pretty much. How'd the surge work out for you Robot boy??? Obama Man has had how many aliases in his life??? Real impressive. Bush's records are available, remember transparency??? Maybe Barry just forgot??? What religion is he this week??? You seem to have penis envy concerning Glenn Beck??? What is your problem there??? Size, aim??? It is time for you to listen and learn Child, you need an intervention more than you know. Keep on deluding yourself, while contributing to the problem, lecturing us about how stupid we are. Schemes, scams, and incompetence is all your kind have to offer. You break things, add bureaucracy, and steal the life out of the unsuspecting. Real impressive. ;)

And here folks, you see the intensity of the Beck idiot....faced with the inevitable conclusion that Beck has played him for a fool, this intense idiot blathers on like Karl Rove on crack during the 2008 campaign.

Beck's idiots....a pathetic lot. I leave this intense idiot to his predictable blatherings.

No... what I see is another pin headed liberal that's so damn indoctrinated that his thought patterns look and sound like something from a "re-education camp."

And as typical with Beck idiot's (his words, not mine), the Pale Rider breaks hard to avoid the FACTS that I put forth regarding Beck, and instead tries to insist upon turning the discussion into dealing with manic Rove 2008 talking points and mantras.

Pity the Beck idiot...the truth makes them pale, and they ride away in fear. I leave them to it.
And as the messiah continues to fail, all these Obamabots can do is piss and moan about a media figure. They damn sure don't have the balls to hold the messiah accountable for a damn thing. For doing so would mean that they would have to admit that they were duped into voting for the totally inept clown.

No wonder people now believe the GOP could more effectively handle this disaster of a messiah economy.

Bottom line, A failed lawyer and failed community organizer makes for an awful president, as we are no doubt now witnessing. And it's only getting worse people. We have a clueless idiot now running this country who is more concerned about golf and relaxation then he is about effectively leading this great country. Is more concerned with his personal image then he is about all those people now forced to stand in line at their local charity pantry. Who's wife is more concerned with travelling the world wasting taxpayers dollars while her fellow citizens are suffering.

Another Beck idiot on Karl Rove's crack pipe, his intelligence wickedly bankrupted, thus making his latest rant that of an empty headed jester.

When neocons, teabaggers, birthers and Beck idiots can't handle the truth, they try to change the subject, and launch a failed attack loaded with dated lies. Beck lines his pockets with advertising revenue via faux evangelism, and these buffoons just lap it up.

But they have YET to explain why Beck needed a rally separate from the annual MLK one.....what was so dishonorable about the MLK rally? What wasn't honorable in what MLK said in his speech? How was Beck's false evangelism more realistic than the actual Reverend King's LIFETIME of devotion to his faith?

Questions YOU DARE NOT HONESTLY ANSWER, my little Beck idiot.
And I take it YOU are one of the IDIOTS who voted for an inept, inexperienced clown like Obama.....Voting for a man who never ran a damn thing in his life. Had nothing more on his resume than being a failed community organizer. It doesn't get any more idiotic than that!

Yeah, it took a true idiot to vote for Obama, that's for sure!


Yep, the rodeo clown has YOU for an idiot.

But rather than face that reality, you jump on the neocon bicycle of anti-Obama 2008 campaign knocks. Wake up bunky, America didn't buy your Rovian BS then or now.....and fools like you would continue the failed policies of a failed businessman, a legacy student who didn't have the grades for Ivy League and who had the fix put in for the National Guard to avoid the draft. Get your act together bunky.

What is it with the liberal culture of charisma over substance? I don't have to like the delivery of the message to see value in the message. Please explain how actually working to restore transparency, honor and accountability in government is bad. Note the difference, not talking about doing it, but working to make it happen.

Man, you need to get the crack out of your pipe. Beck is the one with the DOCUMENTED HISTORY of lying, of calling his supporters idiots, of admitting he doesn't research the topics he comments on, and that he's all about the money, not the politics....and then he turns around and pretends all these things don't exist, and YOU follow him like a bitch in heat. So it would seem YOU are projecting a problem of dealing with charisma over substance.

There is NO value in a a message when the message is a LIE, and the messenger is a bonafide liar.

But to date, neither YOU or any other of the Beck idiots can explain exactly what honor was lacking in America, and how you could ignore 8 years of non-transparency under the Shrub, how you ignore no accountability in the treasonous act of outing a CIA agent, lying about reasons to wage war? And how on Earth do you take Beck's false evangelism over MLK's lifetime of service and devotion to his faith...or didn't you ever read/hear the speeches he made?

And beside a bunch of suckers showing up at Beck's rally, WTF are they actually doing?

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