Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

I'm thinking with the increasing frequency of insurgents, American forces will be forced into a tactical retreat to Basra. Troops will either exit Iraq or be reinforced with combat troops. The end game is a new strongman government.
Your downfall is the fact that you've been outed as a paid propogandist. Hence, your abject refusal to answer questions. You don't have the ability to answer any questions unless the answers are provided in your lil' paid progressive handbook....Trust me lil' man, you're not fooling anybody.

So, what we have here is my answering fully of your questions, and your abject failure to answer ANY questions......Once again, you've been pawned. Period!....End of story!.....End of playing childish games with you.... You had your chance, you miserably failed....Deal with it!

Aww says the dishoenst hack who has been outed as a LIAR and how is now continuing that trend as he so desperately tries to tear down the messenger because he can't counter the message.

Notice how you once again run away fromn your own words and try to make this about ME. LOL

I have shown how you tried to change your question (singular).

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to put words into my mouth.

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to claim that your spin about confidence is a valid response to questions about extending the taxcuts, when it's NOT.

I have shown how you failed to answer MY question and then tried to respond to a question that i did not ask as you pretend that it was my question.

I have shown all of this and all you have left is to LIE, scream and whine that I haven't answered your "questions" when I have adressed them and shown them to be pointless and based on how you are trying to hold me accountable for postions I did not take.

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.
You have shown nothing but the fact that yet again I pawned the fuck out of ya', as I have continually these past couple o' years.

You refuse to answer questions.

You refuse to hold your messiah accountable.

You believe that you can just make up your own rules.

Your debating skills are atrocious.

You've got major issues regarding insecurity.

Your main strategy is too spin and deflect when you obvioulsy lack knowledge on so many issues.

You're obviously a miserble human being with lil' happiness in your life.

It would probably be best for you, and your own sanity to just pack up and leave. Go find a site where everybody agrees with you. Seeing as though you just can't grasp the concept of opposing views, and that you can't just force people on this board to take your asinine positions.......Ya' see, you are the textbook example of the liberal BS belief that "every child gets a trophy"..... It just turns them into whiney lil' crybabies such as yourself, when they grow up and realize that in life, you earn your trophies. And no amount of snivelling lil' hissyfits, such as those you display constantly, are going to help you attain those trophies.

Bottom line, if ya' can't stand the heat, get the fuck outta the kitchen. Because you are only making a complete ass of yourself, son.

Nice avoidance coward. how abotu you respond to the actual content for a change or would that require a level of honesty that you just don't have??

I have answered your questions, you just didn't like my answers.
I hold obama accountable for what he deserves "credit" for doing.
I follow the rules of this board and only expect others to do the same.
If my debating skills are atrocious and yet I owned you to the point that you are now changing your questions as you pretend they are the same questions that you asked me in the first place as you put words into my mouth then what does that say about your debating sklills?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

I NEVER said that they would so why ask me to prove an argument that I NEVER made??

LOL I do find it funny that you are trying to tell me that i should leave for my own "sanity" after I exposed you as a dishonest hack. LOL

Thanks for the laughs hack. LOL
MLK Jr. preached of social justice. Beck preaches against it, as being Communist. Beck perverts the truth to his own ends, he's a propogandist who knows no line that he would not cross.
And yet the people who think they have exclusive rights to Dr King's legacy (ironically, most of them are white :lol:) prefer to judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

You don't know what you're talking about. And the fact that DC thanked you confirms it.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. Not my fault that you refuse to accept it.
Aww says the dishoenst hack who has been outed as a LIAR and how is now continuing that trend as he so desperately tries to tear down the messenger because he can't counter the message.

Notice how you once again run away fromn your own words and try to make this about ME. LOL

I have shown how you tried to change your question (singular).

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to put words into my mouth.

I have shown how you dishonestly tried to claim that your spin about confidence is a valid response to questions about extending the taxcuts, when it's NOT.

I have shown how you failed to answer MY question and then tried to respond to a question that i did not ask as you pretend that it was my question.

I have shown all of this and all you have left is to LIE, scream and whine that I haven't answered your "questions" when I have adressed them and shown them to be pointless and based on how you are trying to hold me accountable for postions I did not take.
You have shown nothing but the fact that yet again I pawned the fuck out of ya', as I have continually these past couple o' years.

You refuse to answer questions.

You refuse to hold your messiah accountable.

You believe that you can just make up your own rules.

Your debating skills are atrocious.

You've got major issues regarding insecurity.

Your main strategy is too spin and deflect when you obvioulsy lack knowledge on so many issues.

You're obviously a miserble human being with lil' happiness in your life.

It would probably be best for you, and your own sanity to just pack up and leave. Go find a site where everybody agrees with you. Seeing as though you just can't grasp the concept of opposing views, and that you can't just force people on this board to take your asinine positions.......Ya' see, you are the textbook example of the liberal BS belief that "every child gets a trophy"..... It just turns them into whiney lil' crybabies such as yourself, when they grow up and realize that in life, you earn your trophies. And no amount of snivelling lil' hissyfits, such as those you display constantly, are going to help you attain those trophies.

Bottom line, if ya' can't stand the heat, get the fuck outta the kitchen. Because you are only making a complete ass of yourself, son.

Nice avoidance coward. how abotu you respond to the actual content for a change or would that require a level of honesty that you just don't have??

I have answered your questions, you just didn't like my answers.
I hold obama accountable for what he deserves "credit" for doing.
I follow the rules of this board and only expect others to do the same.
If my debating skills are atrocious and yet I owned you to the point that you are now changing your questions as you pretend they are the same questions that you asked me in the first place as you put words into my mouth then what does that say about your debating sklills?? LOL

Hell, i'm still waiting for drsmith to explain to us all how doing away with the cuts will help create jobs.

I NEVER said that they would so why ask me to prove an argument that I NEVER made??

LOL I do find it funny that you are trying to tell me that i should leave for my own "sanity" after I exposed you as a dishonest hack. LOL

Thanks for the laughs hack. LOL
Look idiot. Your own words and statements make it quite obvious that you want to see the cuts expire. It's only too obvious....But, you are too gutless to give your exact position because you know it will force you to debate so, i've asked you two ways now to explain your position....You refuse to engage either question...Although i've repeatedly answered yours.

Now, if you consider yourself a man, then simply answer the questions so we can get on with the debate. Your spin and deflection is becoming laughable, even to the left wingers who have pm'd me and asked just what the fuck is wrong with you.

Now, once again, and these are very simple first grade level questions, lets see if you have the guts to engage:

1)If you're for the cuts, explain why?
2)If you're against the cuts explain why?

Give us your position. It's that simple.

Seriously, what are you so affraid of?
What is it with the liberal culture of charisma over substance? I don't have to like the delivery of the message to see value in the message. Please explain how actually working to restore transparency, honor and accountability in government is bad. Note the difference, not talking about doing it, but working to make it happen.

It's bad because Obama is not transparent, honorable, or accountable...and we can't allow that to be pointed out.

Why are you and your pals such whiners?? Always saying that your voices are being silenced. You all express your ridiculous opinions every single day. Must you even lie about that???
I don't think it was a righty who posted "rules" here about when people could criticize Obama. I don't think it's the right that supports Net Neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine, both of which are designed to silence the right. I don't think it's the right that responds to criticism of policy with spurious charges of racism intended to shame critics into silence. I don't think it was a Republican White House that set up an email account so people could report their friends and neighbors for "wrong ideas" about a health care bill. I don't think it's the right that codifies thoughtcrime with hate crime laws. I don't think it's the right that wants to control people's thoughts with political correctness.

The right values individual liberty. The left? Not so much.
DRSmith has made the far-right pretend Republicans like the fools, charltans, and silly heads they are.

The simple fact they won't admit they have lost this round reveals the lack of character by DRSmith's opponents.
I don't think he's going to reward you, Jake.

I'm thinking with the increasing frequency of insurgents, American forces will be forced into a tactical retreat to Basra. Troops will either exit Iraq or be reinforced with combat troops. The end game is a new strongman government.

That is what the informed, saveliberty, have been saying since 2004, that Iraq could not be "westernized" and that the shi'ite majority (either strong man or majoritarian democracy) would rule and become allies with Iran.
Divecon, old buddy: "Gates does know, while Twisted Joker does blow."

Your dissent is noticed, and it is dismissed.
Yeah, i'm soooooo offended.

You're a clown Jane. We all know your phoney BS........No true conservative would approve of what Obama is doing with this economy. Would never approve of Obama's want of huge government. You're a liberal idiot to the core. Just admit it. Like I said, you are not fooling anybody, but you are making yourself look like a bigger ass than lil' drdumbass himself.

Continue your charade though. I find it highly entertaining. Hell, one of these days ya' might actually say something of substance. I mean, you do OK over on the baseball threads but, your attempts to make yourself out to be a disgruntled conservative are downright laughable......You're seriously awful at trying to pull that BS off. But then, we all know you're not exactly the brightest light on the ol' xmas tree o' life so it's not surprising. Nor would it be surprising to see you try to nail Jello to the wall. That's just the way your brain works.

Oh, and BTW, I got your lil' neg rep.....PFFFFFT.....big deal. But just to show you that i'm more of a man then you could ever hope to be, I positive repped ya' back.........Ya' see, i'm not a whiney lil' fuck like you and Dr who neg rep and run to the mod's when there poor lil' feelings got hurt, or they yet again were destroyed in debate..
I p'wnd you the first time we got into it months ago TwistedJoker, and that has never changed. :lol:
I p'wnd you the first time we got into it months ago TwistedJoker, and that has never changed. :lol:
Shiiiiiiiiiit!.....The only things you've pawned in life are, everything in your fucking shithole house because ya' fucked up on your welfare paperwork, and then ran out o' crack when the check never arrived.......Gotta feed that liberal brain o' yours after all. Or at least what's left of it.

Poor ol' TJ, hitting the bottle early tonight! Once, now, and forever p'wnd by me on the board. :lol:
Poor ol' TJ, hitting the bottle early tonight! Once, now, and forever p'wnd by me on the board. :lol:
Hey Jane!.....I know you're a fuckin' dumbass, and "p'wnd" is a pretty tough word to spell so, let me help ya' out there buddy!



There ya go buddy!.......No thanks necessary......I'm always willing to help out the poor and uneducated.

Oh, and could you please pull drdumbshits head out of your crotch?

He probably needs some air by now and, I wasn't finished schooling his stupid ass yet.

Thank ya' buddy!.....appreciate it!

Poor ol' TJ, hitting the bottle early tonight! Once, now, and forever p'wnd by me on the board. :lol:
Hey Jane!.....I know you're a fuckin' dumbass, and "p'wnd" is a pretty tough word to spell so, let me help ya' out there buddy!



There ya go buddy!.......No thanks necessary......I'm always willing to help out the poor and uneducated.

Oh, and could you please pull drdumbshits head out of your crotch?

He probably needs some air by now and, I wasn't finished schooling his stupid ass yet.

Thank ya' buddy!.....appreciate it!

nope, its pwned
its geek speak for own

just like joke is an I-D- ten-T
No, he's leading in a caniving way. He preaches his politics daily, a "this is how things REALLY are," sort of thing, and what he's saying is mostly sensationalized overblown hysteria for dramatic effect.......and then acts innocent by saying "but hey, don't take it from me," and the lackadazical nature of human beings is that they obviously Hero-worship and so they're (his fans) are quite obviously going to "take it from me(him)."

It's a sick game, and it takes a level of cognitive recognition and intuition to realize it I guess. I won't call his fans "dumb," because I hope that many people aren't, but they do fail to see through his facade (that even he's admitted to putting on, when interviewed).

And I do think he's evil for doing it, and I do think that it's sad that it's possible.

Hey, we all have issues. Glenn plays many characters too. Howard Beale, Beaver Cleaver, when he start's acting like Gabriel blowing his horn or Moroni, Run, don't walk the other way. :lol: :lol: :lol: Personally I can take Glenn in larger doses. Stern, Matthews, Maddow, I cannot take. I don't wish them ill, I just don't watch or listen. How are you with Dennis Miller??? He had on Dana Carvey I think Yesterday. It was a riot. :lol: :lol: :lol: He has a good head and a good sense of humor. Glenn can be very funny sometimes too, just so you know.

Bottom line, You are who you are, be at peace with that, learn from what life put's on your path. Nobody should be in the position of allowing you to decide, it is your place to decide, not mine or any other to decide for you.

I'm very much at peace with who I am, that's inane really at this point.

I'm just telling you that I think the man is corrupt for what he does. I don't want him silenced. He can carry on all he'd like. I believe in kharma. I hope to see it catch him.

One of the few things we actually are entitled to is our own point of view. I respect yours. You are clear, concise, and focused. Keep vigilant. ;)
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.

Elvis is used just for fun, what is your problem.

Interesting that the local radio station is playing Rubber Necking right now. Weird.

I just told you. Relax.
Uh, excuse me but, drdipshit isn't a doctor. He's spent the last two years in school trying to become an x-ray tech. Usually about a 6 month course. He tried to pull the doctor shit over on the msnbc board but was outed forthwit.

Now he's going to come with the story that "dr" are initials. That too was fully debunked forthwit.

What he is, is a paid progressive propogandist. That is something you should know when dealing with the lil' cocksucker.

Just a lil' FYI for ya'!......No thanks necessary!:razz:

Damn!! I didn't mean to upset you!!! Actually, the names people use are just for fun. That's what I always thought anyway. I never thought for a minute that he's really a doctor. The only one that ever upset me is that fool that calls himself Elvis!!! Elvis was a saint, a saint!! It's like blasphemy!!!! And the Elvis wannabee is an idiot. I call him Elroy. I refuse to call him Elvis.
Elvis was a saint?????????

REALLY?!?!? you REALLY believe that?

Don't be stupid!!!

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