Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

I notice how "GO TO HELL" fixates on the PAST of BECK in an attempt to detract from what he does NOW.

That's the problem with you fuckin' FIXATE on the past...of an individual.

All it tells me is that Beck in getting under your fuckin' skin as is Limbaugh, Levin, Boortz, and a myriad Of Conservatives.

When ethics is on your side, you argue ethics.
When the Law is on your side, you argue the law.
When logic is on your side, you argue logic.

When nothing is on your side, you attack your opponent's character.
I notice how "GO TO HELL" fixates on the PAST of BECK in an attempt to detract from what he does NOW.

That's the problem with you fuckin' FIXATE on the past...of an individual.

All it tells me is that Beck in getting under your fuckin' skin as is Limbaugh, Levin, Boortz, and a myriad Of Conservatives.

When ethics is on your side, you argue ethics.
When the Law is on your side, you argue the law.
When logic is on your side, you argue logic.

When nothing is on your side, you attack your opponent's character.

I notice how "GO TO HELL" fixates on the PAST of BECK in an attempt to detract from what he does NOW.

That's the problem with you fuckin' FIXATE on the past...of an individual.

All it tells me is that Beck in getting under your fuckin' skin as is Limbaugh, Levin, Boortz, and a myriad Of Conservatives.


Actually, I was just providing some information that a poster asked for. Since it comes directly from Beck's page, I wouldn't exactly say it's pejorative. Beck's pretty candid about his substance abuse.

Not that I am surprised that you missed the point completely.
I notice how "GO TO HELL" fixates on the PAST of BECK in an attempt to detract from what he does NOW.

That's the problem with you fuckin' FIXATE on the past...of an individual.

All it tells me is that Beck in getting under your fuckin' skin as is Limbaugh, Levin, Boortz, and a myriad Of Conservatives.

When ethics is on your side, you argue ethics.
When the Law is on your side, you argue the law.
When logic is on your side, you argue logic.

When nothing is on your side, you attack your opponent's character.

How is linking Glen Beck's personal bio, as provided by his web page, an "attack" on his "character"?

On yeah, you didn't bother to actually check the link, did you?
I notice how "GO TO HELL" fixates on the PAST of BECK in an attempt to detract from what he does NOW.

That's the problem with you fuckin' FIXATE on the past...of an individual.

All it tells me is that Beck in getting under your fuckin' skin as is Limbaugh, Levin, Boortz, and a myriad Of Conservatives.

When ethics is on your side, you argue ethics.
When the Law is on your side, you argue the law.
When logic is on your side, you argue logic.

When nothing is on your side, you attack your opponent's character.

How is linking Glen Beck's personal bio, as provided by his web page, an "attack" on his "character"?

On yeah, you didn't bother to actually check the link, did you?
Buddy, I haven't read a single post you made this thread. Is there something you wanted here?

I answered T's post, not yours.
When ethics is on your side, you argue ethics.
When the Law is on your side, you argue the law.
When logic is on your side, you argue logic.

When nothing is on your side, you attack your opponent's character.

How is linking Glen Beck's personal bio, as provided by his web page, an "attack" on his "character"?

On yeah, you didn't bother to actually check the link, did you?
Buddy, I haven't read a single post you made this thread. Is there something you wanted here?

I answered T's post, not yours.

Yeah, no shit.

I assumed your comments were directed towards me, which is who "T" was addressing his post too.

I just pointed out that I linked Beck's bio directly from his own website and was curious how you could construe that as a personal attack.
Rightwinger Tea Bastards rationalizing Glenn Beck lampooning a young girl, they have no limits to their barbarity, liberals would never do such a thing.
Rightwinger Tea Bastards rationalizing Glenn Beck lampooning a young girl, they have no limits to their barbarity, liberals would never do such a thing.

He apologized. He has character. Unlike some people, like those who - with no evidence whatsoever - call another person a 'racist'..... and, despite having admitted that they have no evidence, don't apologize. Those people are cowards.
Rightwinger Tea Bastards rationalizing Glenn Beck lampooning a young girl, they have no limits to their barbarity, liberals would never do such a thing.

He apologized. He has character. Unlike some people, like those who - with no evidence whatsoever - call another person a 'racist'..... and, despite having admitted that they have no evidence, don't apologize. Those people are cowards.

Beck is a piece of shit and so are you and his apology was not sincere, grown men who supposedly think rational all the time don't obviously irrational stupid shit and grown women shouldn't rationalize irrational shit by self proclaimed rational men, now how rational is that? Don't answer, just..just shut the fuck up instead, at least have some heart to mention names.
Rightwinger Tea Bastards rationalizing Glenn Beck lampooning a young girl, they have no limits to their barbarity, liberals would never do such a thing.

He apologized. He has character. Unlike some people, like those who - with no evidence whatsoever - call another person a 'racist'..... and, despite having admitted that they have no evidence, don't apologize. Those people are cowards.

Beck is a piece of shit and so are you and his apology was not sincere, grown men who supposedly think rational all the time don't obviously irrational stupid shit and grown women shouldn't rationalize irrational shit by self proclaimed rational men, now how rational is that? Don't answer, just..just shut the fuck up instead, at least have some heart to mention names.

california girl will backup and support anyone who is right leaning especially people from Fox.

No matter what a right leaning person does, they are not wrong.

Oh and wait for your neg rep from her. Its what she does.

Don't forget that Glenn Beck is a drunk, a drug addict, and a proven lier.

Prove each of your claims and you may have a point.

Glenn Beck is a drunk.

Glenn Beck is a drug addict.

Glen Beck is a proven lier [sic].

Well, here is the alcohol and drug bit.

But at the age of 30, Beck lost his passion for radio - and everything else - as he was consumed by alcoholism and drug addiction. Coming to terms with his past and staying sober shifted his life direction. He found new love (his second wife, Tania) and religion (he was baptized Mormon) and decided he would pursue a career in talk radio.

Glenn Beck - About

I won't touch the "liar" bit, since it will just turn into "yes he is..." and "no he isn't!"

I've stated that I don't doubt Beck had any of those problems. However the claim was made that he still has those problems. Do I need to explain past and present tense to you idiots?

And about the lying if you have proof of any lies, then by all means let's see them.

I'lll show you how it works. I have called Obama a liar and here's one example.

Obama said this during the primary debate against Clinton.

OBAMA: No, there is a difference. I do provide a mandate for children, because we have created programs in which we can have greater assurance that those children will be covered at an affordable price. BUT WE DON’T WANT TO PUT ADULTS IN A SITUATION IN WHICH, ON THE FRONT END, WE ARE MANDATING THEM, WE ARE FORCING THEM TO PURCHASE INSURANCE, AND IF THE SUBSIDIES ARE INADEQUATE, THE BURDEN IS ON THEM, AND THEY WILL BE PENALIZED. And that is what Sen. Clinton’s plan does.

He said this about the Arizona immigration law.

“Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen"
He apologized. He has character. Unlike some people, like those who - with no evidence whatsoever - call another person a 'racist'..... and, despite having admitted that they have no evidence, don't apologize. Those people are cowards.

Beck is a piece of shit and so are you and his apology was not sincere, grown men who supposedly think rational all the time don't obviously irrational stupid shit and grown women shouldn't rationalize irrational shit by self proclaimed rational men, now how rational is that? Don't answer, just..just shut the fuck up instead, at least have some heart to mention names.

california girl will backup and support anyone who is right leaning especially people from Fox.

No matter what a right leaning person does, they are not wrong.

Oh and wait for your neg rep from her. Its what she does.

Well she was all over liberals when someone said something about Palin's child because someone from the left said it, the truth was that Palin was exposed for being hypocritical, fundamentalist Christian for criticizing others morality and inability to raise kids when her own daughter got pregnant at 17. Of course Palin os above criticism, Beck had no right lampooning the POTUS daughter.
How is linking Glen Beck's personal bio, as provided by his web page, an "attack" on his "character"?

On yeah, you didn't bother to actually check the link, did you?
Buddy, I haven't read a single post you made this thread. Is there something you wanted here?

I answered T's post, not yours.

Yeah, no shit.

I assumed your comments were directed towards me, which is who "T" was addressing his post too.

I just pointed out that I linked Beck's bio directly from his own website and was curious how you could construe that as a personal attack.
Fine. whatever. I don't care. His bio is an open book. Consider my response then more for Yukon and the other tards that seem to think a person cannot redeem themselves.
Prove each of your claims and you may have a point.

Glenn Beck is a drunk.

Glenn Beck is a drug addict.

Glen Beck is a proven lier [sic].

Well, here is the alcohol and drug bit.

But at the age of 30, Beck lost his passion for radio - and everything else - as he was consumed by alcoholism and drug addiction. Coming to terms with his past and staying sober shifted his life direction. He found new love (his second wife, Tania) and religion (he was baptized Mormon) and decided he would pursue a career in talk radio.

Glenn Beck - About

I won't touch the "liar" bit, since it will just turn into "yes he is..." and "no he isn't!"

I've stated that I don't doubt Beck had any of those problems. However the claim was made that he still has those problems. Do I need to explain past and present tense to you idiots?

And about the lying if you have proof of any lies, then by all means let's see them.

I'lll show you how it works. I have called Obama a liar and here's one example.

Obama said this during the primary debate against Clinton.

OBAMA: No, there is a difference. I do provide a mandate for children, because we have created programs in which we can have greater assurance that those children will be covered at an affordable price. BUT WE DON’T WANT TO PUT ADULTS IN A SITUATION IN WHICH, ON THE FRONT END, WE ARE MANDATING THEM, WE ARE FORCING THEM TO PURCHASE INSURANCE, AND IF THE SUBSIDIES ARE INADEQUATE, THE BURDEN IS ON THEM, AND THEY WILL BE PENALIZED. And that is what Sen. Clinton’s plan does.

He said this about the Arizona immigration law.

“Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen"

Hey Dipshit No Logic........ever heard of a "dry drunk"? It's when a person quits drinking, but fails to change themselves. Go talk to an AA member sometime, they'll tell you that Glen Beck is exhibiting classic dry drunk behavior, because he's quit drinking, yet he still blames everyone and everything for shit he should be taking responsibility for, as well as quit acting like his opinion is the only right one, that's pure ego right there.

Yes, Glen Beck is acting like a dry drunk, and one of the consequences of that is the person generally (like 95 percent of the time) ends up with a relapse. Beck has been sober for 12 years (or so he claims), so based on how he's been acting, combined with my experience as an addiction counselor, hes pretty much due to fall.

As far as lies? Beck has laid out many of them in many places.

Remember how he lied about the ladies of the View? Yes, Beck is a liar.
Well, here is the alcohol and drug bit.

Glenn Beck - About

I won't touch the "liar" bit, since it will just turn into "yes he is..." and "no he isn't!"

I've stated that I don't doubt Beck had any of those problems. However the claim was made that he still has those problems. Do I need to explain past and present tense to you idiots?

And about the lying if you have proof of any lies, then by all means let's see them.

I'lll show you how it works. I have called Obama a liar and here's one example.

Obama said this during the primary debate against Clinton.

OBAMA: No, there is a difference. I do provide a mandate for children, because we have created programs in which we can have greater assurance that those children will be covered at an affordable price. BUT WE DON’T WANT TO PUT ADULTS IN A SITUATION IN WHICH, ON THE FRONT END, WE ARE MANDATING THEM, WE ARE FORCING THEM TO PURCHASE INSURANCE, AND IF THE SUBSIDIES ARE INADEQUATE, THE BURDEN IS ON THEM, AND THEY WILL BE PENALIZED. And that is what Sen. Clinton’s plan does.

He said this about the Arizona immigration law.

“Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen"

Hey Dipshit No Logic........ever heard of a "dry drunk"? It's when a person quits drinking, but fails to change themselves. Go talk to an AA member sometime, they'll tell you that Glen Beck is exhibiting classic dry drunk behavior, because he's quit drinking, yet he still blames everyone and everything for shit he should be taking responsibility for, as well as quit acting like his opinion is the only right one, that's pure ego right there.

Yes, Glen Beck is acting like a dry drunk, and one of the consequences of that is the person generally (like 95 percent of the time) ends up with a relapse. Beck has been sober for 12 years (or so he claims), so based on how he's been acting, combined with my experience as an addiction counselor, hes pretty much due to fall.

As far as lies? Beck has laid out many of them in many places.

Remember how he lied about the ladies of the View? Yes, Beck is a liar.

You have proof that Beck is a "dry drunk"? No of course you don't it's merely your opinion.

How many addicts have you counseled by listening to them on the TV or radio? My guess would be zero.

You must know Beck pretty darn well to form your objective opinion. So when have you actually met and spoke with him? Oh that's right, you haven't

Who is Beck blaming that he should be taking responsibility for?

So Beck said that they ( Whoopie and Barbara ) approached him instead of him approaching them. Damn now that's a whopper of a lie. Got anymore doozies?
You ain't got a clue about this. People in meetings could tell if a speaker was on a dry bender just by listening to the things that they said.

You didn't really have to know a great deal about them, it was evidenced by their behavior, and yes, most AA people would say that Beck is on a dry bender.

By the way for another lie, wanna talk about him telling everyone that people were paying 10 bucks to immigrate here, when in actuality it was a slave tax.

Telling false things is a lie. Lying about the Constitution on a national television show is worse.
You ain't got a clue about this. People in meetings could tell if a speaker was on a dry bender just by listening to the things that they said.

You didn't really have to know a great deal about them, it was evidenced by their behavior, and yes, most AA people would say that Beck is on a dry bender.

By the way for another lie, wanna talk about him telling everyone that people were paying 10 bucks to immigrate here, when in actuality it was a slave tax.

Telling false things is a lie. Lying about the Constitution on a national television show is worse.

So you speak for all AA members. That's interesting. maybe it's just the AA meetings you attend and it's possible that you yourself is a "dry drunk" or simply an idiot.

I'd like to see the transcript of the show your speaking about in which Beck made that statement you're referring to.

Or is it just more BS you picked up from mediamatters, huffinton post or dailykos?

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