Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

I find it very amusing that all these "intelligent" east coast college type politicians that make it to the presidency have gotten our country into the debacle we're in. They are considered smart? :lol:
Give me a break.

What's even more interesting is that every time a Texan has been in office, we've gone to war.

Johnson - Viet Nam

Bush Sr. - Desert Storm

Bush the lesser - Iraq and Afghanistan

So, what is it that makes the Texans more "intelligent" than the East Coast types again?

Eh, ABS......I'm calling out all politicians....I didn't stipulate the party. Johnson was already at war in Viet Nam when he took over the office.
I have no idea why your talking about Texans, look where Bush Jr. went to college.
I find it very amusing that all these "intelligent" east coast college type politicians that make it to the presidency have gotten our country into the debacle we're in. They are considered smart? :lol:
Give me a break.

What's even more interesting is that every time a Texan has been in office, we've gone to war.

Johnson - Viet Nam

Bush Sr. - Desert Storm

Bush the lesser - Iraq and Afghanistan

So, what is it that makes the Texans more "intelligent" than the East Coast types again?

Eh, ABS......I'm calling out all politicians....I didn't stipulate the party. Johnson was already at war in Viet Nam when he took over the office.
I have no idea why your talking about Texans, look where Bush Jr. went to college.
Meh. Since the Civil War, all wars except the Spanish American, Desert Storm and Gulf War, have all been started by democrats.
What's even more interesting is that every time a Texan has been in office, we've gone to war.

Johnson - Viet Nam

Bush Sr. - Desert Storm

Bush the lesser - Iraq and Afghanistan

So, what is it that makes the Texans more "intelligent" than the East Coast types again?

Eh, ABS......I'm calling out all politicians....I didn't stipulate the party. Johnson was already at war in Viet Nam when he took over the office.
I have no idea why your talking about Texans, look where Bush Jr. went to college.
Meh. Since the Civil War, all wars except the Spanish American, Desert Storm and Gulf War, have all been started by democrats.

So very true - so it's not the Texans, it's the demnuts.
It's time Obama respected his girls and leave them out of his 'points'.....else he better be ready for them to be exploited. The less his daughters are in the spotlight the better. But being that he is so narcissitic, he will find that hard to do. That is when Michelle should step into the picture.
From PM:
Yukon. said:
It always amzes me how free speech is not tolerated by Conservtaives. Palin is a freak as are her children.

Thanks for illustrating that you do not believe you should suffer the consequences of your free speech. You are not special in that you deserve preferential deferment from criticism. You said, and continue to say vile and stupid shit. You deserve to be called out on it. You are offended that Beck made fun of P-BO claiming a story about his daughter happened in which to curry favor with the fucking STUPID people in the electorate to make it look like he cares when it's flat out obvious the people of Louisiana are nothing more than photo op cardboard cuttouts to His Sociopathness.

Have you pwugged teh hhole yet daddy?

But yet it's okay to attack a woman and child and make fun of the fact he's got Down's Syndrome. That's game. Yeah, I can see the fauxrage hypocrisy from my house. :rolleyes:
Not to mention it's the left that wants to silence the the critics of this administration. Yukon couldn't even be honest when addressing this issue. :eusa_whistle:
Know what I'd like to see?

Someone go after Beck and his family and put them up like Beck does to others.
So the four boycotts (some run by former and current white house advisers), Media Matters constantly lying and regular death threats against him isn't enough?
Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to "leave the families alone," spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia.

Obama remarked yesterday during his press conference that Malia asked him of the Gulf oil spill: "Did you Plug The Hole Yet, Daddy?" Beck, taking off on this, mockingly affected Malia's voice, asking "Daddy" why he "hates black people so much." Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: "That's the level of their education, that they're coming to - they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?' "

This routine continued for several minutes, as Beck and his co-hosts touched on a variety of topics and laughed the entire time, all of it at the expense of an 11-year-old girl.

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

Obama used his daughter as a prop, so using her to mock her daddy is fair game.

Don't forget that Glenn Beck is a drunk, a drug addict, and a proven lier.
So Beck apologized. Good for him. I always respect people who have the courage to say sorry. Let he who is without guilt cast the first stone, and all that.

Don't forget that Glenn Beck is a drunk, a drug addict, and a proven lier.

Prove each of your claims and you may have a point.

Glenn Beck is a drunk.

Glenn Beck is a drug addict.

Glen Beck is a proven lier [sic].

He's a drunk, a lier,and an ex-drug addict. Simply google it. I have ansd there are several thousand articles of proof. You know it.
So Beck apologized. Good for him. I always respect people who have the courage to say sorry. Let he who is without guilt cast the first stone, and all that.

...all he has to do is "I'm sorry" He can lie, cheat, drink, take drugs, and call names. All he has to say is "I'm sorry"
Beck is a recovering alcoholic. As for drug addict, I have never heard that. a liar? well, all those talking heads are.
Know what I'd like to see?

Someone go after Beck and his family and put them up like Beck does to others.
So the four boycotts (some run by former and current white house advisers), Media Matters constantly lying and regular death threats against him isn't enough?

You mean death threats against him & his family

He's a drunk, a lier,and an ex-drug addict. Simply google it. I have ansd there are several thousand articles of proof. You know it.
Glenn Beck has never hidden the fact that he is an alcoholic and had been a drug user. He is in AA and has been for a long time. During his drinking years, he had an incident that snapped his life around, combined with his second wife, Tonya, whom he credits with turning him back from the brink of death and getting his life straight.

As for a liar... l-i-a-r... you can cite the lies he's made perchance? Or just spout generalities with probably no fact behind them.

He's a drunk, a lier,and an ex-drug addict. Simply google it. I have ansd there are several thousand articles of proof. You know it.

In other words, you don't have jack to support your claim or counter anything Glenn says so you have to make stuff up and hope people are stupid enough to believe it blindly.

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