Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

Yeah Fitz........and FAUX Noise is genuine "facts".
I don't watch Fox. I listened to it live. Unlike shitballs like you on the left, I try to get original sources instead of trusting the house of Goebbels known as Mediamatters.

You hide behind your children or use them for propaganda, you don't get to say hands off anymore. Jimmeh learned that the instant "Amy" piped in about Nukyewlar weapons. And once you drag them into the fray you don't get to pull them back either. What was done to Chelsea Clinton was out of line till she basically put herself in the spotlight as an adult. The Palin children were also unfairly targetted too.

But you play anecdote to make yourself look good, you have to butch up and take the consequences.

Daddy, did u pwug teh hhole? I doubt it ever really occurred. Made up on the spot to curry favor and popularity.
Yeah Fitz........and FAUX Noise is genuine "facts".
I don't watch Fox. I listened to it live. Unlike shitballs like you on the left, I try to get original sources instead of trusting the house of Goebbels known as Mediamatters.

You hide behind your children or use them for propaganda, you don't get to say hands off anymore. Jimmeh learned that the instant "Amy" piped in about Nukyewlar weapons. And once you drag them into the fray you don't get to pull them back either. What was done to Chelsea Clinton was out of line till she basically put herself in the spotlight as an adult. The Palin children were also unfairly targetted too.

But you play anecdote to make yourself look good, you have to butch up and take the consequences.

Daddy, did u pwug teh hhole? I doubt it ever really occurred. Made up on the spot to curry favor and popularity.

I am not sure why this concept is so hard for so many to grasp.
Yeah Fitz........and FAUX Noise is genuine "facts".
I don't watch Fox. I listened to it live. Unlike shitballs like you on the left, I try to get original sources instead of trusting the house of Goebbels known as Mediamatters.

You hide behind your children or use them for propaganda, you don't get to say hands off anymore. Jimmeh learned that the instant "Amy" piped in about Nukyewlar weapons. And once you drag them into the fray you don't get to pull them back either. What was done to Chelsea Clinton was out of line till she basically put herself in the spotlight as an adult. The Palin children were also unfairly targetted too.

But you play anecdote to make yourself look good, you have to butch up and take the consequences.

Daddy, did u pwug teh hhole? I doubt it ever really occurred. Made up on the spot to curry favor and popularity.

I am not sure why this concept is so hard for so many to grasp.
Hypocritical righteous indignation. How dare you call me out when I'm pulling a shitty stunt! See Boncher's Maxim.
Please provide the evidence that the children were trashed.

You can't, because it didn't happen.

I know righty.......they always say they picked on the Palin's kids and i never really saw it. They can never prove anything, they just say how horrible they treated her kids.

Yeah Fitz........and FAUX Noise is genuine "facts".
I don't watch Fox. I listened to it live. Unlike shitballs like you on the left, I try to get original sources instead of trusting the house of Goebbels known as Mediamatters.

You hide behind your children or use them for propaganda, you don't get to say hands off anymore. Jimmeh learned that the instant "Amy" piped in about Nukyewlar weapons. And once you drag them into the fray you don't get to pull them back either. What was done to Chelsea Clinton was out of line till she basically put herself in the spotlight as an adult. The Palin children were also unfairly targetted too.

But you play anecdote to make yourself look good, you have to butch up and take the consequences.

Daddy, did u pwug teh hhole? I doubt it ever really occurred. Made up on the spot to curry favor and popularity.

Do you have ANY proof of this? ANY?

I am so tired of your bullshit.
Beck is an ignorant racist swine. There is no other way to describe him. Those who watch his show and believe the drivel spewing from his drug addicted mind are dangerous.
obama is the one who threw his own daughter under the bus. No ones fault but his own she is being made fun of. obama made his daughter fair game and put her in the position of defending her fathers statements for the rest of her life.

If you want your children kept out of the fire, don't USE them to further your political aspirations.

Hopefully the idiot has learned a lesson to keep his daughters our of the ring.

Agreed - Beck should not have engaged in the mocking of Obama via the daughter, and good on him for quickly apologizing - but Obama himself, by once again utilizing his own kids as a political prop, initiated the situation.

That "plug the hole" line is among the most incredibly stupid comments from an American president in a loooong time - and reeked of being totally manufactured as well.

Obama is aloof because he is stupid - he is cautious because he doesn't understand so much of what is going on around him.
Beck is an ignorant racist swine. There is no other way to describe him. Those who watch his show and believe the drivel spewing from his drug addicted mind are dangerous.

So says the third Runner of NEG REP. Sorry Yukon. Glenn is none of what you describe. Albiet he should have not commented...but nor should have Obama fronted his Daughter into the discussion that she has zero to do with .

Sorry Old man, you are wrong.
Speaking of liars the 'T(ard), wanna talk about the whoppers that have come out of the GOP?

We can start with the family values and the adulterers and work our way from there.
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

You got that wrong.

Attacking Palin's MENTALLY HANDICAPPED TODDLER = A-Ok for you loons

Attacking Obama's (ostensibly normal) PREETEEN = END OF THE FUCKING WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.



Please my child. Give us a break will you? Palin has a retarded child, a duaghter best described as a ....well you know "single mum" for lack of a better term. She doesnt have any problem with shooting wolves from a plane and she rights crib notes on her hand. This woman isn't in the same league as the President. I doubt she is intellectually at the same level as Obama's daughters. The woman is a joke.

p.s. I would apprciate it if you didn't use such foul language.
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

You got that wrong.

Attacking Palin's MENTALLY HANDICAPPED TODDLER = A-Ok for you loons

Attacking Obama's (ostensibly normal) PREETEEN = END OF THE FUCKING WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.



Please my child. Give us a break will you? Palin has a retarded child, a duaghter best described as a ....well you know "single mum" for lack of a better term. She doesnt have any problem with shooting wolves from a plane and she rights crib notes on her hand. This woman isn't in the same league as the President. I doubt she is intellectually at the same level as Obama's daughters. The woman is a joke.

p.s. I would apprciate it if you didn't use such foul language.

I see they let you back into the party to troll, huh, yukon? Well welcome back I guess.
It is traditional during a campaign to show your family to the public.

Palin exposed her kids about as much as Obama did during the campaign. Remember his victory speech? His whole family came on the stage dressed in black? [what a bright wholesome image] Well...the oldest had a blood red dress on. The youngest looked like she was dressed up like a vampire.


Sarah loves her family and is proud of them. She didn't have them just to check the box. Sarah Palin didn't parade her kids around then shove them under the rug like the Clintons did with Chelsea.

She is a mother that knows the difficulties of raising kids these days. One would think you would be sympathetic to that.

There is a difference between a family photo opp. and using your children as pawns. The obamas on stage together is a moving family moment in history. Daddy is not using his children here. He is sharing a moment WITH his family, a very large difference.

The clintons did not shove Chelsea under the rug, her parents BOTH had the good sense to know not to use her as a pawn.

palin and obama both love their children and are proud of them. kudos for them. Both are guilty of using their children to further what ever point it is they were/are making at the time. BOTH are WRONG

It is their jobs as parents to protect their children. Protecting them includes not putting their children in the spotlight, by their own hands, on the table for discussion or comment.

I do hope Michelle took this dress and burned it. Why oh why would she wear a dress that brings to mind a black widow spider???? (No pun intended)
It is traditional during a campaign to show your family to the public.

Palin exposed her kids about as much as Obama did during the campaign. Remember his victory speech? His whole family came on the stage dressed in black? [what a bright wholesome image] Well...the oldest had a blood red dress on. The youngest looked like she was dressed up like a vampire.


Sarah loves her family and is proud of them. She didn't have them just to check the box. Sarah Palin didn't parade her kids around then shove them under the rug like the Clintons did with Chelsea.

She is a mother that knows the difficulties of raising kids these days. One would think you would be sympathetic to that.

There is a difference between a family photo opp. and using your children as pawns. The obamas on stage together is a moving family moment in history. Daddy is not using his children here. He is sharing a moment WITH his family, a very large difference.

The clintons did not shove Chelsea under the rug, her parents BOTH had the good sense to know not to use her as a pawn.

palin and obama both love their children and are proud of them. kudos for them. Both are guilty of using their children to further what ever point it is they were/are making at the time. BOTH are WRONG

It is their jobs as parents to protect their children. Protecting them includes not putting their children in the spotlight, by their own hands, on the table for discussion or comment.

I do hope Michelle took this dress and burned it. Why oh why would she wear a dress that brings to mind a black widow spider???? (No pun intended)

Why should she destroy that which aptly describes her? After all she's on the trail of telling Americans *HOW* they should be eating...while News reports tell us that even SHE isn't practicing what she preaches?:eusa_hand:

You got that wrong.

Attacking Palin's MENTALLY HANDICAPPED TODDLER = A-Ok for you loons

Attacking Obama's (ostensibly normal) PREETEEN = END OF THE FUCKING WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.



Please my child. Give us a break will you? Palin has a retarded child, a duaghter best described as a ....well you know "single mum" for lack of a better term. She doesnt have any problem with shooting wolves from a plane and she rights crib notes on her hand. This woman isn't in the same league as the President. I doubt she is intellectually at the same level as Obama's daughters. The woman is a joke.

p.s. I would apprciate it if you didn't use such foul language.

I see they let you back into the party to troll, huh, yukon? Well welcome back I guess.

At least he dropped that idiotic Avatar.
Believe it or not, some of Yukon's posts actually make sense.

I guess removing the stick outta his ass took the pressure off his brain.

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