Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

Well let's make it easy... Why dont YOU post a link wherein YOU DEFENDED PALIN'S DAUGHTER.

So two wrongs make a right? Is that what politics has come to? :eusa_eh:

Also, using your logic you used on the first page, then Palin had what was coming to him just as much as Palin. However, attacking Palin's kids is still wrong, just like attacking Obama's kids is wrong.

That makes absolutely no sense. That's like saying if a celebrity takes their kid out in public, and the media shows up, that makes them swarming all over the kid fair game.

People tend to forget that it doesn't matter what is brought into the public circle when it comes to family, point is, you don't attack someone's family. It's unwarranted, no matter how many conservations Obama or Palin bring up. You can disagree with them doing so, but attacking the kids is completely unnecessary on every level.



I was speaking of you defending Palin's kids when they were being attacked...

Not playing the "Two wrongs don't make it right" line when your boys kids are mentioned in the media, after your boy uses them as heart string tuggers...

Again... Looking for you defending Palin's kids, WHEN THEY WERE BEING ATTACKED... For instance when Letterman was calling her daughter a whore... on his nationally broadcast television program; and so on.
Nice.......syrenn doesn't think that the President should mention their family is concerned about the spill as well.

By all means I think he should mention his family is concerned about the spill.

Talking about his daughter coming into the bathroom and quoting her is an entirely different matter.

Yeah......a generic "my family is concerned about the spill" would get a whole bunch of shit, because then you fucking morons would say that Obama is too aloof and stand offish.

Telling the public that his daughter came in while he was shaving humanizes the story. Apparently you're some kind of alien who doesn't understand human interaction.

Obama is on very shaky ground in this issue. Using his daughter in this manner is manipulative at best.

Beck has to watch what he says about them....because he was critical about what was said about the Palin kids.

Personally I didn't see the harm at the time but as usual the left is trying to use it to change the subject.

I don't think this covers for Obama's criminal negligence when it comes to the spill.....I'm sure many here hope it will. Shame on all of you.
Beck was speaking to the idiocy where kids are being taught that 'its the governments job to fix everything...' With the notion being the 'Hussein will fix it.'

Oils been spilling out of the gulf floor for 6 weeks and he hasn't done a DAMN THING to 'fix it'... which serves reason, given he's NO MEANS TO DO SO.

And BP is doing such a wonderful job, right? :eusa_eh:

BP is doing what I would expect of the British.

But as bad as they are... they're out-pacing the Hussein Regime's performance by 100%.

Thus far, the only thing that the Hussein Regime has done, is to fail to adequately inspect the rig's operations prior to the explosion... and impede the means of LA to prevent the oil from coming on shore.
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

We don't often disagree, but seems many are forgetting how Chelsea Clinton was left to be, while the Bush twins were run through a ringer.

When there were a few positive stories about how those same twins tried to make it easier for Obama's girls, the left whacked at them.

I may be losing some synapses under stress of unemployment, but it seems that it was Obama that brought up his daughter questioning him, which appears to be what Beck picked up on?

I agree with you about the Bush twins...infact, just today one of the posters on this board posted a rauncy pic of one of them on the an attack on her father (in relation to this very "plug" the hole comment). And when I left for work...there was no "outrage" about it (I will have to go back and see if it garnered any comments since then) . I did give that asshole a neg rep though...only the third one I have ever dished out too.

Edited to add: Just as I "outrage" at the rauncy pic either.
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That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.

Glad we agreed, palin should not have brought her children into the ring. Just as daddy should not have used his.

The point is dont use children. Period.

Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.


Not only was it her fault, using her baby to push her "pro life" agenda, and her daughter for the importance of "abstinence only" (a failed policy), but she entered into a national dogfight with a teenager - "Levi Johnson".

It demonstrates that Sarah Palin herself is immature and not ready for prime time.
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

We don't often disagree, but seems many are forgetting how Chelsea Clinton was left to be, while the Bush twins were run through a ringer.

When there were a few positive stories about how those same twins tried to make it easier for Obama's girls, the left whacked at them.

I may be losing some synapses under stress of unemployment, but it seems that it was Obama that brought up his daughter questioning him, which appears to be what Beck picked up on?

I agree with you about the Bush twins...infact, just today one of the posters on this board posted a rauncy pic of one of them on the an attack on her father (in relation to this very "plug" the hole comment). And when I left for work...there was no "outrage" about it (I will have to go back and see if it garnered any comments since then) . I did give that asshole a neg rep though...only the third one I have ever dished out too.

I like the Bush twins. While their father was pushing his anti gay agenda, they went to the wedding of their gay friend. I read this from a blurb from a few years ago.

Bush Daughters to attend Gay Wedding. - Page 2 - Christian Forums

I certainly didn't expect my marriage to have to face such a cruel attack from the Bush daughters. Sure, they're underaged, false-ID drinking escapades were one thing but this has gone too far.

I only hope my marriage can survive this.
Glad we agreed, palin should not have brought her children into the ring. Just as daddy should not have used his.

The point is dont use children. Period.

Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.


Not only was it her fault, using her baby to push her "pro life" agenda, and her daughter for the importance of "abstinence only" (a failed policy), but she entered into a national dogfight with a teenager - "Levi Johnson".

It demonstrates that Sarah Palin herself is immature and not ready for prime time.

I'm sure you felt exactly the same way when the Dems used scores of toddlers as props on the House floor when they took back Congress.
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Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to "leave the families alone," spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia.

Obama remarked yesterday during his press conference that Malia asked him of the Gulf oil spill: "Did you Plug The Hole Yet, Daddy?" Beck, taking off on this, mockingly affected Malia's voice, asking "Daddy" why he "hates black people so much." Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: "That's the level of their education, that they're coming to - they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?' "

This routine continued for several minutes, as Beck and his co-hosts touched on a variety of topics and laughed the entire time, all of it at the expense of an 11-year-old girl.

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

Yes good for Beck - but it was not Beck who brought Malia into the debate - it was President Obama. He should NEVER have used HIS child to make a point!
Glad we agreed, palin should not have brought her children into the ring. Just as daddy should not have used his.

The point is dont use children. Period.

Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.


Not only was it her fault, using her baby to push her "pro life" agenda, and her daughter for the importance of "abstinence only" (a failed policy), but she entered into a national dogfight with a teenager - "Levi Johnson".

It demonstrates that Sarah Palin herself is immature and not ready for prime time.

Point of Order...

Abstinence continues to enjoy a 100% efficacy rate. Not a single female has ever been impregnated, where she chose to not allow a male sperm to gain access to her womb.

Except of course where someone rationalizes that their needs are more important than the rights of that woman... Whereupon if we can find 'em and the facts try to conviction, we'll kill'em for it.

What you're doing here is advancing a rationalization which is not only factually incorrect, but the construct of which is logically invalid and intellectually unsound.

Wherein you surrender that teenagers will have sex, and your answer is to simply authorize that be misinforming them that they have a RIGHT to murder their unborn child to avoid the responsibility for their actions; or to use some form of contraception to avoid responsibility for their actions...

obama will have to deal with it. he brought his kids into it. its the same exact situation as when palin kids got attacked after she paraded them around
Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.


Not only was it her fault, using her baby to push her "pro life" agenda, and her daughter for the importance of "abstinence only" (a failed policy), but she entered into a national dogfight with a teenager - "Levi Johnson".

It demonstrates that Sarah Palin herself is immature and not ready for prime time.

Point of Order...

Abstinence continues to enjoy a 100% efficacy rate. Not a single female has ever been impregnated, where she chose to not allow a male sperm to gain access to her womb.

Except of course where someone rationalizes that their needs are more important than the rights of that woman... Whereupon if we can find 'em and the facts try to conviction, we'll kill'em for it.

What you're doing here is advancing a rationalization which is not only factually incorrect, but the construct of which is logically invalid and intellectually unsound.

Wherein you surrender that teenagers will have sex, and your answer is to simply authorize that be misinforming them that they have a RIGHT to murder their unborn child to avoid the responsibility for their actions; or to use some form of contraception to avoid responsibility for their actions...


What is illogical is to employ a program to prevent teen pregnancy whose most important component, in fact its only component, is an impossibility to achieve in worthwhile numbers.
There was NO CALL for Beck to attack an 11 year old girl, and make fun of HER regardless of whether her father brought up her comment.

He didn't make fun of her.

You can repeat it over and over again, but the words still say what they say.
Why should Beck even apologize? That just makes him look phonier. Howard Stern wouldn't apologize. Opie and Anthony wouldn't apologize. Why is Beck trying to pretend he's something he's not?

Because he isn't pretending.
Because he isn't pretending.

He sure puts his foot in his mouth often.

Glenn Beck becomes damaged goods - Glenn Beck -

Beck manned the KZFM war room in his civvies, but had a military bent of mind. His hard-nosed mentor and recruiter, Jim Sumpter, instructed Beck and his fellow DJs to fight to win. "Sumpter was one of the most vicious managers I ever competed against," remembers Chuck Dunaway, a KITE staffer who arrived in Corpus Christi around the same time as Beck. "Our two stations would have bombed each other if we could have done it legally."

"Jim Sumpter was a master at guerrilla war," says Tucker, Beck's fellow DJ at KZFM. "I like to say that God gave Beck his talent, and Sumpter taught him how to use it." (Sumpter is now a "Birther" and syndicated right-wing talk show host.)

Beck's first full-scale zoo show was known as "Captain Beck and the A-Team." For four hours every weekday morning, Beck sat in WRKA's small, dimly lighted studio across from his producer and sidekick Bob Dries. Dries was Beck's Ed McMahon and Artie Lange, who cackled like a hen every time Beck cracked wise. "It was Dries' job to punch buttons to launch sound effects, and laugh like he'd just won the lottery at every single limp Glenn Beck joke," remembers a former WRKA colleague.

Beck and Hattrick began their show far behind Kelly's market-leading show on KZZP. As they continued to get clobbered, Beck grew obsessed with getting his name on the leading station. His first attempt to get Kelly to mention him on the air came shortly after his arrival. "I walked out to get the paper one Saturday morning," remembers Kelly. "When I turned around, I saw that my entire house was covered in Y95 bumper stickers. The windows, the garage doors, the locks -- everything. But I refused to mention Beck's name on the air, which drove him nuts."

Beck kept trying. When KZZP's music director held his marriage at a Phoenix church, Beck loaded up Y95's two Jeeps with boxes of bumper stickers and drove to the ceremony. As the service was coming to a close, Beck and his team ran crouching from car to car, slapping bumper stickers on anything with a fender. The service ended while Beck was running amok, and the KZZP morning team appeared just in time to see Beck jump into his getaway car. "Beck saw me standing in the way of the exit and gunned right for me. I threw a landscaping rock on his windshield and blocked him," says Kelly. When his old friend demanded he roll down the window, Beck reluctantly obliged. Kelly then unloaded a mouthful of spit in his face.

The animosity between Beck and Kelly continued to deepen. When Beck and Hattrick produced a local version of Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" for Halloween -- a recurring motif in Beck's life and career -- Kelly told a local reporter that the bit was a stupid rip-off of a syndicated gag. The slight outraged Beck, who got his revenge with what may rank as one of the cruelest bits in the history of morning radio. "A couple days after Kelly's wife, Terry, had a miscarriage, Beck called her live on the air and says, 'We hear you had a miscarriage,' " remembers Brad Miller, a former Y95 DJ and Clear Channel programmer. "When Terry said, 'Yes,' Beck proceeded to joke about how Bruce [Kelly] apparently can't do anything right -- about he can't even have a baby."

"It was low class," says Miller, now president of Open Stream Broadcasting. "There are certain places you just don't go."
Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to "leave the families alone," spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia.

Obama remarked yesterday during his press conference that Malia asked him of the Gulf oil spill: "Did you Plug The Hole Yet, Daddy?" Beck, taking off on this, mockingly affected Malia's voice, asking "Daddy" why he "hates black people so much." Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: "That's the level of their education, that they're coming to - they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?' "

This routine continued for several minutes, as Beck and his co-hosts touched on a variety of topics and laughed the entire time, all of it at the expense of an 11-year-old girl.

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

I believe this apology covers it for most rational thinking humans, now the rest of you is another subject.....

The best part of his show this morning is when he criticized Obumer for canceling all drilling projects and using the comparison to a house fire stopping all new construction, that is by far one of the best analogies yet.....

The spill will have lasting effects on the Gulf Coast that are extremely damaging, but stopping exploration is not the answer to this, no it is a reaction by a poor leader, who has no clue what he got into and may never figure it out....
Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.


Not only was it her fault, using her baby to push her "pro life" agenda, and her daughter for the importance of "abstinence only" (a failed policy), but she entered into a national dogfight with a teenager - "Levi Johnson".

It demonstrates that Sarah Palin herself is immature and not ready for prime time.

I'm sure you felt exactly the same way when the Dems used scores of toddlers as props on the House floor when they took back Congress.

It was silly, but it wasn't like getting into a very public and heated debate with my under age daughter's fuck buddy. I would think the difference would be "obvious".

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