Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

“May 28, 2010 – 14:25 ET

In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”

Beck was an asshole in even mentioning Obama's daughter at all...glad to see he at least acknowledged his actions were over the top and offered to apologize for it without waiting for the public outrage to force him to do it.......thats more than assholes like John Stewart and Letterman, Bill Maher, etc. ....
Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to "leave the families alone," spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia.

Obama remarked yesterday during his press conference that Malia asked him of the Gulf oil spill: "Did you Plug The Hole Yet, Daddy?" Beck, taking off on this, mockingly affected Malia's voice, asking "Daddy" why he "hates black people so much." Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: "That's the level of their education, that they're coming to - they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?' "

This routine continued for several minutes, as Beck and his co-hosts touched on a variety of topics and laughed the entire time, all of it at the expense of an 11-year-old girl.

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

I don't like this and never have. The children should be off-limits. I can recall snotty comments about Trish Nixon, especially when she married in the White House. There have been rude comments about Chelsea Clinton, and although I cannot abide her folks, that's out of bounds as well.

It isn't illegal to speak in ways that harm a child, but it's immoral. I hope this costs Beck his show. Only a complete fuckwhit and coward attacks a man's children to get at the man. The fact that Beck apologized does not cut a whole lot of ice with me.

You know.......they kicked Imus off the air for 6 months for a lot less than what Beck has done.

I guess FAUX Noise has no integrity. But then again, what else could you expect from a foreign owned company? To have the interests of the US at heart?

Murdoch doesn't care about shit except cash.
Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: "That's the level of their education, that they're coming to - they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?"

He attacked both.
Who in their right mind tells the media that his daughter asked about when he's gonna plug the hole? The swipe is at Obama, not his kid. But.... Obama should keep his kids out of politics.

What is wrong with a parent telling humorous stories about their children?

Because if you want kids off limits then kids are OFF LIMITS. PERIOD.

Its WRONG for Daddy to use them to make his points. Just as it is WRONG for beck to use them in response. However if daddy had not used his child there would have been nothing for beck to say about them. Daddy's fault.

That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.
Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

I don't like this and never have. The children should be off-limits. I can recall snotty comments about Trish Nixon, especially when she married in the White House. There have been rude comments about Chelsea Clinton, and although I cannot abide her folks, that's out of bounds as well.

It isn't illegal to speak in ways that harm a child, but it's immoral. I hope this costs Beck his show. Only a complete fuckwhit and coward attacks a man's children to get at the man. The fact that Beck apologized does not cut a whole lot of ice with me.

You know.......they kicked Imus off the air for 6 months for a lot less than what Beck has done.

I guess FAUX Noise has no integrity. But then again, what else could you expect from a foreign owned company? To have the interests of the US at heart?

Murdoch doesn't care about shit except cash.

SAME can be said of Obama and the CASH he got from BP and every other contributor. And that goes for ALL members of the DC Political Machine.

You aren't good at this either are you?
What is wrong with a parent telling humorous stories about their children?

Because if you want kids off limits then kids are OFF LIMITS. PERIOD.

Its WRONG for Daddy to use them to make his points. Just as it is WRONG for beck to use them in response. However if daddy had not used his child there would have been nothing for beck to say about them. Daddy's fault.

That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.

How are they her fault? Elaborate? [Lest this become a PALIN thread in waiting for Crusader Frank's Seal Of approval for PALIN THREADS]?
I don't like this and never have. The children should be off-limits. I can recall snotty comments about Trish Nixon, especially when she married in the White House. There have been rude comments about Chelsea Clinton, and although I cannot abide her folks, that's out of bounds as well.

It isn't illegal to speak in ways that harm a child, but it's immoral. I hope this costs Beck his show. Only a complete fuckwhit and coward attacks a man's children to get at the man. The fact that Beck apologized does not cut a whole lot of ice with me.

You know.......they kicked Imus off the air for 6 months for a lot less than what Beck has done.

I guess FAUX Noise has no integrity. But then again, what else could you expect from a foreign owned company? To have the interests of the US at heart?

Murdoch doesn't care about shit except cash.

SAME can be said of Obama and the CASH he got from BP and every other contributor. And that goes for ALL members of the DC Political Machine.

You aren't good at this either are you?

Pardon? FAUX Noise is the supposed mouthpiece of the nation, and it's foreign owned.

At least Obama is a citizen.........
That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.

Glad we agreed, palin should not have brought her children into the ring. Just as daddy should not have used his.

The point is dont use children. Period.
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Why should Beck even apologize? That just makes him look phonier. Howard Stern wouldn't apologize. Opie and Anthony wouldn't apologize. Why is Beck trying to pretend he's something he's not?
That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.

Glad we agreed, palin should not have brought her children into the ring. Just as daddy should not have used his.

The point is dont use children. Period.

Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.

Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to "leave the families alone," spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia.

Obama remarked yesterday during his press conference that Malia asked him of the Gulf oil spill: "Did you Plug The Hole Yet, Daddy?" Beck, taking off on this, mockingly affected Malia's voice, asking "Daddy" why he "hates black people so much." Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: "That's the level of their education, that they're coming to - they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?' "

This routine continued for several minutes, as Beck and his co-hosts touched on a variety of topics and laughed the entire time, all of it at the expense of an 11-year-old girl.

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

I heard most of the broadcast.

Beck was commenting on Democrats habit of injecting children into an issue when they're going down in flames to beg for sympathy.

It's not surprising that the free-lance format that Beck uses resulted in a comment that unintentionally ridiculed Obama's daughter.

It was Obama who opened this can of worms as did Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter when he knew his presidency was slipping away.

The moment Obama mentioned one of his kids he put them in the spot-light. He never should have done that. Just like he uses his color as a the Dems are using Obama's children as a crutch. Too bad they didn't think that of Sarah Palin's kids. The filth that passes as normal conversation about her kids is utterly despicable.
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Because if you want kids off limits then kids are OFF LIMITS. PERIOD.

Its WRONG for Daddy to use them to make his points. Just as it is WRONG for beck to use them in response. However if daddy had not used his child there would have been nothing for beck to say about them. Daddy's fault.

That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.

How are they her fault? Elaborate? [Lest this become a PALIN thread in waiting for Crusader Frank's Seal Of approval for PALIN THREADS]?

Take it up with syrenn. It was her proclamation, not mine.
That is amusingly daft, in a disturbing way. Although I enjoy that you just confirmed that all the attacks on Palin's children were her fault.

Glad we agreed, palin should not have brought her children into the ring. Just as daddy should not have used his.

The point is dont use children. Period.

Well, we'll see how many others here sign onto your proclamation that the attacks on Palin's children were Sarah Palin's fault.

Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America

Video after the jump. Glenn Beck reaches a new low.

Edit made at 5:11 PM Est 5/28:

Glenn Beck Apology | Plug the hole | Beck Malia | Mediaite

Good for Beck stepping up and apologizing.

I don't like this and never have. The children should be off-limits. I can recall snotty comments about Trish Nixon, especially when she married in the White House. There have been rude comments about Chelsea Clinton, and although I cannot abide her folks, that's out of bounds as well.

It isn't illegal to speak in ways that harm a child, but it's immoral. I hope this costs Beck his show. Only a complete fuckwhit and coward attacks a man's children to get at the man. The fact that Beck apologized does not cut a whole lot of ice with me.

You know.......they kicked Imus off the air for 6 months for a lot less than what Beck has done.

I guess FAUX Noise has no integrity. But then again, what else could you expect from a foreign owned company? To have the interests of the US at heart?

Murdoch doesn't care about shit except cash.

What an ass....

Obviously you don't care about the truth.
[The moment Obama mentioned one of his kids he put them in the spot-light. He never should have done that. Just like he uses his color as a the Dems are using Obama's children as a crutch. Too bad they didn't think that of Sarah Palin's kids. The filth that passes as normal conversation about her kids is utterly despicable.

Anyone NOT see the flagrant, 15 yard penalty, double standard foul here?
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

We don't often disagree, but seems many are forgetting how Chelsea Clinton was left to be, while the Bush twins were run through a ringer.

When there were a few positive stories about how those same twins tried to make it easier for Obama's girls, the left whacked at them.

I may be losing some synapses under stress of unemployment, but it seems that it was Obama that brought up his daughter questioning him, which appears to be what Beck picked up on?
Nice.......syrenn doesn't think that the President should mention their family is concerned about the spill as well.

By all means I think he should mention his family is concerned about the spill.

Talking about his daughter coming into the bathroom and quoting her is an entirely different matter.

Yeah......a generic "my family is concerned about the spill" would get a whole bunch of shit, because then you fucking morons would say that Obama is too aloof and stand offish.

Telling the public that his daughter came in while he was shaving humanizes the story. Apparently you're some kind of alien who doesn't understand human interaction.

I'm pretty sure that you are the last person on earth who should be lecturing anyone on any kind of "human interaction" :eusa_hand:
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

We don't often disagree, but seems many are forgetting how Chelsea Clinton was left to be, while the Bush twins were run through a ringer.

When there were a few positive stories about how those same twins tried to make it easier for Obama's girls, the left whacked at them.

I may be losing some synapses under stress of unemployment, but it seems that it was Obama that brought up his daughter questioning him, which appears to be what Beck picked up on?

It was... and as usual... you're spot on.
Attacking Obama's Children=Good

Attacking Palin's Children=Bad

Just trying to keep track here.

We don't often disagree, but seems many are forgetting how Chelsea Clinton was left to be, while the Bush twins were run through a ringer.

When there were a few positive stories about how those same twins tried to make it easier for Obama's girls, the left whacked at them.

I may be losing some synapses under stress of unemployment, but it seems that it was Obama that brought up his daughter questioning him, which appears to be what Beck picked up on?


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