Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

He's just jealous because she is more educated.

I hardly think that a degree in broadcast journalism, that you had to go to 4 different colleges to earn qualifies the Wasilla Chihuahua as "better educated" than anyone. cat is smarter than Palin.
He's just jealous because she is more educated.

I hardly think that a degree in broadcast journalism, that you had to go to 4 different colleges to earn qualifies the Wasilla Chihuahua as "better educated" than anyone. cat is smarter than Palin.

Interesting. Then the CAT owns your ass....Because you've certainly shown lesser than your cat.
I find it very amusing that all these "intelligent" east coast college type politicians that make it to the presidency have gotten our country into the debacle we're in. They are considered smart? :lol:
Give me a break.
He's just jealous because she is more educated.

I hardly think that a degree in broadcast journalism, that you had to go to 4 different colleges to earn qualifies the Wasilla Chihuahua as "better educated" than anyone. cat is smarter than Palin.

And i doubt that your cat has ever thrown its paws into the air and quit...right?

Shut the Fuck up...and Go enlist in the Military Dumbfuck. DO something Constructive with you life instead of being a horses' ASS on a Message board.

I could say the same thing to you. You tell me to do something constructive with my life instead of wasting it on a message board, and yet here you are. Amazing, isn't it?
I am so tired of your bullshit.

After you've left the board, we'll be happy to throw a party in honor of the event.

Fucking deal Hannazity boy. Like you don't have a gallon per second rate of spewing bullshit.
What can you really say about a woman who gets up on the stage during a campaign showing off her disabled child, and her unmarried pregnant daughter to the world press? Then she brags about shooting wolves from an airplane. The sad thing is that the GOP wanted her as VP, standing with a 73 year old cancer survivor who would be President. Just imagine her refered to as "President Palin".

Had McCaine been elected he most likely would have died within a few years and at that point you would have witnessed the fastest impeachment in history - Palin wouldn't have been able to clean her derrier and change her underwear quick enough.
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Why on earth would any woman hide her children?

If I were running for vp, my kids would be right by my side. Because that's what families do. If you can have your kids with you, you do. Particularly if they're underage. I'd want my kids right next to me. Running for office is a family event, and it is definitely something I imagine most people would want to share with their families.
Why on earth would any woman hide her children?

If I were running for vp, my kids would be right by my side. Because that's what families do. If you can have your kids with you, you do. Particularly if they're underage. I'd want my kids right next to me. Running for office is a family event, and it is definitely something I imagine most people would want to share with their families.

No I do not support the idea of running for office being a family event. I am voting for a single person not an entire family.

I think its disgusting now that the first ladys seems to automatically be plopped in some job to make her husband look good.

Yes the idea of having your children with you may be appealing but it is VERY wrong and a horrible idea.. In doing so you open them up for comment, just as this thread shows. You leave your children open for ridicule and laughter. You would be placing them in the ring as fair game.
I find it very amusing that all these "intelligent" east coast college type politicians that make it to the presidency have gotten our country into the debacle we're in. They are considered smart? :lol:
Give me a break.

What's even more interesting is that every time a Texan has been in office, we've gone to war.

Johnson - Viet Nam

Bush Sr. - Desert Storm

Bush the lesser - Iraq and Afghanistan

So, what is it that makes the Texans more "intelligent" than the East Coast types again?
He's just jealous because she is more educated.

I hardly think that a degree in broadcast journalism, that you had to go to 4 different colleges to earn qualifies the Wasilla Chihuahua as "better educated" than anyone. cat is smarter than Palin.

And i doubt that your cat has ever thrown its paws into the air and quit...right?

If a mouse shows up in the house, the cat DOESN'T quit until it's been caught.

Best of all? The cat hasn't been sued for improper behavior while in office.
From PM:
Yukon. said:
It always amzes me how free speech is not tolerated by Conservtaives. Palin is a freak as are her children.

Thanks for illustrating that you do not believe you should suffer the consequences of your free speech. You are not special in that you deserve preferential deferment from criticism. You said, and continue to say vile and stupid shit. You deserve to be called out on it. You are offended that Beck made fun of P-BO claiming a story about his daughter happened in which to curry favor with the fucking STUPID people in the electorate to make it look like he cares when it's flat out obvious the people of Louisiana are nothing more than photo op cardboard cuttouts to His Sociopathness.

Have you pwugged teh hhole yet daddy?

But yet it's okay to attack a woman and child and make fun of the fact he's got Down's Syndrome. That's game. Yeah, I can see the fauxrage hypocrisy from my house. :rolleyes:

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