Glenn Beck suspended? no, but feel free to post your delusional ravings here

Hey KK if you are going to present standards for the left will you apply them equally to the RIGHT. AVA claimed NOTHING has changed for Beck and I pointed out the loss of a good number of sponsors. Did he/she EVER reply to that point? I think not!

Okay ... one more time, slowly so you can keep up.

He lost advertisers ... that got leaked to stir up the masses ... he gained advertisers to ... not leaked because it wouldn't cause this much of a disturbance and thus wouldn't increase his ratings.

Also, most of those who he "lost" were not suppose to be aired during that time slot, which would have cost those advertisers more money if they hadn't said anything, since time slots cost them money.

Hi ratings are still up, so he's still valuable, no matter what views he has or who his viewers are, the numbers are what's important. This stir however is likely to increase his viewership, even if people just watch him more to nitpick, they are still watching, and that's valuable to advertisers.

Time slots for ads cost the advertisers money, as I said, and thus they can't all afford to air 24/7 so they have to pick and choose what slots they can afford. If a particular time slot becomes too expensive they have to pull it and buy a cheaper time slot, usually midnight is the cheapest, that's why they can afford half hour slots.

Really, you need to learn more about how the media operates to try this shit, it's old now.

no...he's not valuable if he's a liability who is encouraging armed rebellion. people love watching train wrecks.

and you post garbage like this and the OP is delusional?


Explain how it is that Michael Moore is so good then. What about Penn and Teller, they make a fortune, and they burnt the American flag on stage. You clearly do not understand how media works also.
Explain how it is that Michael Moore is so good then. What about Penn and Teller, they make a fortune, and they burnt the American flag on stage. You clearly do not understand how media works also.

who was talking about michael moore? and let me know when penn and teller told people to engage in armed insurrection.

i'm sure sitting at your computer, you're a real expert on media....

I'm being completely honest I want you to prove to me WHICH sponsors are filling the place of TWENTY high profile companies.

You missed the point that that particular list wasn't "leaked" out, of course you did.

because there was no other list....

Okay, so every network just releases every list of every advertiser for every show without any requests ... really? You can't be that naive.
Explain how it is that Michael Moore is so good then. What about Penn and Teller, they make a fortune, and they burnt the American flag on stage. You clearly do not understand how media works also.

who was talking about michael moore? and let me know when penn and teller told people to engage in armed insurrection.

i'm sure sitting at your computer, you're a real expert on media....

prove Beck did
Explain how it is that Michael Moore is so good then. What about Penn and Teller, they make a fortune, and they burnt the American flag on stage. You clearly do not understand how media works also.

who was talking about michael moore? and let me know when penn and teller told people to engage in armed insurrection.

i'm sure sitting at your computer, you're a real expert on media....


It's not rocket science ... really it isn't.
Wow, this is fun. Did it turn out he wasn't suspended? Kewl. So this vacation was planned? Kewl.
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Wow, this is fun. Did it turn out he wasn't suspended? Kewl. So this vacation was planned? Kewl.
so you finally are willing to admit you were wrong?

I am throwing down the gauntlet on this one. Show me where I said he was or was not suspended.

If you cant, will you leave here for a while and stop with this crap. That would be cool.

If you cant, then just say you were wrong again. (See my signature for the one and only time I can see when you admitted it. I know if felt good to you to say you were wrong then, so do it again please.)
Wow, this is fun. Did it turn out he wasn't suspended? Kewl. So this vacation was planned? Kewl.
so you finally are willing to admit you were wrong?

I am throwing down the gauntlet on this one. Show me where I said he was or was not suspended.

If you cant, will you leave here for a while and stop with this crap. That would be cool.

If you cant, then just say you were wrong again. (See my signature for the one and only time I can see when you admitted it. I know if felt good to you to say you were wrong then, so do it again please.)
ah, the old "i never said he was, i was only asking the question" defense

sure, you were IMPLYING it
and everyone knows it
so you can fuck off on your challenge
i've seen it before and its fucking asinine
so you finally are willing to admit you were wrong?

I am throwing down the gauntlet on this one. Show me where I said he was or was not suspended.

If you cant, will you leave here for a while and stop with this crap. That would be cool.

If you cant, then just say you were wrong again. (See my signature for the one and only time I can see when you admitted it. I know if felt good to you to say you were wrong then, so do it again please.)
ah, the old "i never said he was, i was only asking the question" defense

sure, you were IMPLYING it
and everyone knows it
so you can fuck off on your challenge
i've seen it before and its fucking asinine

The sad facts about all this:

1. They won't learn anything from it.

2. They played right into the hands of the media, who they seem to hate.

3. They gave Beck a ton of free advertising, which they also seem to hate.
no...he's not valuable if he's a liability who is encouraging armed rebellion. people love watching train wrecks but it doesn't mean any advertiser wants to be associated with him.

and you post garbage like this and the OP is delusional?


Why is it only the left sees him stiring up armed rebellion by telling people to non-violently make your voice heard?

On what planet is non-violent protest armed rebellion?

And we are the delusional ones... this is ridiculous.
so you finally are willing to admit you were wrong?

I am throwing down the gauntlet on this one. Show me where I said he was or was not suspended.

If you cant, will you leave here for a while and stop with this crap. That would be cool.

If you cant, then just say you were wrong again. (See my signature for the one and only time I can see when you admitted it. I know if felt good to you to say you were wrong then, so do it again please.)
ah, the old "i never said he was, i was only asking the question" defense

sure, you were IMPLYING it
and everyone knows it
so you can fuck off on your challenge
i've seen it before and its fucking asinine

What was the title of this thread (before it was changed)?....Glenn Beck suspended? How is that insinuating anything.....isn't that more like asking a question. Is this too fast for you?
What was the title of this thread (before it was changed)?....Glenn Beck suspended? How is that insinuating anything.....isn't that more like asking a question. Is this too fast for you?

Please. Asking a question you dont want the answer to just to promulgate rumors isnt an actual question.
What was the title of this thread (before it was changed)?....Glenn Beck suspended? How is that insinuating anything.....isn't that more like asking a question. Is this too fast for you?

Please. Asking a question you dont want the answer to just to promulgate rumors isnt an actual question.

He could have actually happened to have this scheduled the week he started feeling the heat and then boom, all the sponsors left. (I will check, but from what I saw it is up to 25 now...hello, verizon!). Will get back to you on that.

I do want the answer to the question dude. That is why I started the thread. I still don't know.
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I could care less if Glenn Beck was suspended.

However, he is a mother fucking idiot. That's indisputable.

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