Glenn Beck suspended? no, but feel free to post your delusional ravings here

I could care less if Glenn Beck was suspended.

However, he is a mother fucking idiot. That's indisputable.

This coming from a guy who is mad because kerry couldn't win Ohio. :lol: , I mean steal the election. He is surprised because ACORNs tactics backfired :lol::lol:
So explain to me how Beck has taken advantage of all this "free" publicity? I would counter that Beck has not added a SINGLE viewer because anyone looney enough to watch him will continue to do so and anyone who doesn't already watch him are VERY unlikely to now.

Some one in here thinks this is free advertisement for him. You hit the nail no the head actually.

The only thing all this did was make him lose 20-25 (will check on specifics) sponsors. How is this free publicity?
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So explain to me how Beck has taken advantage of all this "free" publicity? I would counter that Beck has not added a SINGLE viewer because anyone looney enough to watch him will continue to do so and anyone who doesn't already watch him are VERY unlikely to now.

Does that help you sleep at night, my god you people are in such denial.

I started watching Beck, I happen to like him. He is not one of those elitist freaks like olberman, that thinks he is a news god, or john stewart that is a complete moron

Mark Levin 4 million listeners and olberman has 700,000 louzy idiot viewers

Number of views for the Glenn BecK show?

2.2 million viewers, more than CNN, MSNBC and HLN combined, and that was in March. :lol:

This is 2 days ago

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,170,000 viewers (562,000) (1,048,000) :eusa_whistle:
Situation Room—610,000 viewers (133,000) (245,000):eusa_whistle:
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—529,000 viewers (136,000) (262,000):eusa_whistle:
Fast Money—248,000 viewers (59,000) (113,000):eusa_whistle:
Prime News–240,000 viewers (155,000) (143,000):eusa_whistle:


Cable News Ratings for Thursday, August 20, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |
I see the lobotomy took Pixie.


Congrats on being indocrinated by a community organizer

Obama your hope and change guy has lived up to the alinksky rules well

"'The organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems,' and 'organizations must be based on many issues.' / check

The organizer 'must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. / check

He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . An organizer must stir up dissatifaction and discontent.'" / check

Obama and his ilk are being challenged, period
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So explain to me how Beck has taken advantage of all this "free" publicity? I would counter that Beck has not added a SINGLE viewer because anyone looney enough to watch him will continue to do so and anyone who doesn't already watch him are VERY unlikely to now.

Does that help you sleep at night, my god you people are in such denial.

I started watching Beck, I happen to like him. He is not one of those elitist freaks like olberman, that thinks he is a news god, or john stewart that is a complete moron

Mark Levin 4 million listeners and olberman has 700,000 louzy idiot viewers

Number of views for the Glenn BecK show?

2.2 million viewers, more than CNN, MSNBC and HLN combined, and that was in March. :lol:

This is 2 days ago

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,170,000 viewers (562,000) (1,048,000) :eusa_whistle:
Situation Room—610,000 viewers (133,000) (245,000):eusa_whistle:
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—529,000 viewers (136,000) (262,000):eusa_whistle:
Fast Money—248,000 viewers (59,000) (113,000):eusa_whistle:
Prime News–240,000 viewers (155,000) (143,000):eusa_whistle:


Cable News Ratings for Thursday, August 20, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

American Idol have good ratings as well.

All this proves is, there are more idiot republicans who rely on Fox for their views than idiot dems. It looks like Dems go to other sources for their facts, they don't just watch television only.

Ever get into exactly what demographic fox relies on? White, over 60 uneducated morons who actually believe the crap they spew. That is the base of fox and even with these great ratings, McCain still lost. Comments on that? This base will not change or get bigger. That demographic wont win elections, it was proved last November!

Thank God the dems are smarter than that.
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Nope, sorry Pixie Twit, I'm not an Obamabot.

Yeah, I like some of the things he's doing, but there are a few that I don't.

However.........he is light years ahead of Cheney and Chimp Jr.
So explain to me how Beck has taken advantage of all this "free" publicity? I would counter that Beck has not added a SINGLE viewer because anyone looney enough to watch him will continue to do so and anyone who doesn't already watch him are VERY unlikely to now.

Does that help you sleep at night, my god you people are in such denial.

I started watching Beck, I happen to like him. He is not one of those elitist freaks like olberman, that thinks he is a news god, or john stewart that is a complete moron

Mark Levin 4 million listeners and olberman has 700,000 louzy idiot viewers

Number of views for the Glenn BecK show?

2.2 million viewers, more than CNN, MSNBC and HLN combined, and that was in March. :lol:

This is 2 days ago

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,170,000 viewers (562,000) (1,048,000) :eusa_whistle:
Situation Room—610,000 viewers (133,000) (245,000):eusa_whistle:
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—529,000 viewers (136,000) (262,000):eusa_whistle:
Fast Money—248,000 viewers (59,000) (113,000):eusa_whistle:
Prime News–240,000 viewers (155,000) (143,000):eusa_whistle:


Cable News Ratings for Thursday, August 20, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

American Idol have good ratings as well.

All this proves is, there are more idiot republicans who rely on Fox for their views than idiot dems. It looks like Dems go to other sources for their facts, they don't just watch television only.

Ever get into exactly what demographic fox relies on? White, over 60 uneducated morons who actually believe the crap they spew. That is the base of fox and even with these great ratings, McCain still lost. Comments on that? This base will not change or get bigger. That demographic wont win elections, it was proved last November!

Thank God the dems are smarter than that.
going by that, you are saying there are nearly twice as many repubs as dems
then you wonder why i call you a fucking moron
While we're starting rumors, I heard Beck actually shared a lot of blow and hookers with Hannity during a Republican fundraiser in suburban Dallas, Texas, and they got a bit carried away... long story short, Beck was diagnosed with herpes so he's undergoing some initial treatment. I have sources with an affiliate to a friend who has a cousin that's part of the editing team at the Smoking Gun trying to confirm this.
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So explain to me how Beck has taken advantage of all this "free" publicity? I would counter that Beck has not added a SINGLE viewer because anyone looney enough to watch him will continue to do so and anyone who doesn't already watch him are VERY unlikely to now.

Does that help you sleep at night, my god you people are in such denial.

I started watching Beck, I happen to like him. He is not one of those elitist freaks like olberman, that thinks he is a news god, or john stewart that is a complete moron

Mark Levin 4 million listeners and olberman has 700,000 louzy idiot viewers

Number of views for the Glenn BecK show?

2.2 million viewers, more than CNN, MSNBC and HLN combined, and that was in March. :lol:

This is 2 days ago

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,170,000 viewers (562,000) (1,048,000) :eusa_whistle:
Situation Room—610,000 viewers (133,000) (245,000):eusa_whistle:
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—529,000 viewers (136,000) (262,000):eusa_whistle:
Fast Money—248,000 viewers (59,000) (113,000):eusa_whistle:
Prime News–240,000 viewers (155,000) (143,000):eusa_whistle:


Cable News Ratings for Thursday, August 20, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

Yep, ratings. That's all you need to prove that Beck is a better journalist who reports things rather than raves and mouthbreathes over things.
While we're starting rumors, I heard Beck actually shared a lot of blow and hookers with Hannity during a Republican fundraiser in suburban Dallas, Texas, and they got a bit carried away... long story short, Beck was diagnosed with herpes so he's undergoing some initial treatment. I have sources with an affiliate to a friend who has a cousin that's part of the editing team at the Smoking Gun trying to confirm this.

I read that on Drudge as well. :lol:
Does that help you sleep at night, my god you people are in such denial.

I started watching Beck, I happen to like him. He is not one of those elitist freaks like olberman, that thinks he is a news god, or john stewart that is a complete moron

Mark Levin 4 million listeners and olberman has 700,000 louzy idiot viewers

Number of views for the Glenn BecK show?

2.2 million viewers, more than CNN, MSNBC and HLN combined, and that was in March. :lol:

This is 2 days ago

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,170,000 viewers (562,000) (1,048,000) :eusa_whistle:
Situation Room—610,000 viewers (133,000) (245,000):eusa_whistle:
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—529,000 viewers (136,000) (262,000):eusa_whistle:
Fast Money—248,000 viewers (59,000) (113,000):eusa_whistle:
Prime News–240,000 viewers (155,000) (143,000):eusa_whistle:


Cable News Ratings for Thursday, August 20, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

American Idol have good ratings as well.

All this proves is, there are more idiot republicans who rely on Fox for their views than idiot dems. It looks like Dems go to other sources for their facts, they don't just watch television only.

Ever get into exactly what demographic fox relies on? White, over 60 uneducated morons who actually believe the crap they spew. That is the base of fox and even with these great ratings, McCain still lost. Comments on that? This base will not change or get bigger. That demographic wont win elections, it was proved last November!

Thank God the dems are smarter than that.
going by that, you are saying there are nearly twice as many repubs as dems
then you wonder why i call you a fucking moron

So that's a no on why/how McCain lost even though there are fantastic ratings on Fox. Explain that one please.

Comments on there being more people relying for their facts from fox more so than people relying on their facts from MSNBC? It seems there are more intelligent Dems than republicans who watch television for THEIR opinions, no? fOX, they distort, you actually believe them.

Stay on point please.
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If beck wasn't using facts top back up his POV people wouldn't work so hard to destroy him.
If he were an idiot you would just ignore him .
While we're starting rumors, I heard Beck actually shared a lot of blow and hookers with Hannity during a Republican fundraiser in suburban Dallas, Texas, and they got a bit carried away... long story short, Beck was diagnosed with herpes so he's undergoing some initial treatment. I have sources with an affiliate to a friend who has a cousin that's part of the editing team at the Smoking Gun trying to confirm this.

Yet again, another affirmation that the Repugnicans are the "party of family values".

You know? I actually hope this rumor is true and it causes Blech to end up broke and homeless.
If beck wasn't using facts top back up his POV people wouldn't work so hard to destroy him.
If he were an idiot you would just ignore him .

Yo, Mr. Shit've obviously never listened to Blech have you? He fucking lies every chance he gets, so that he can keep parroting the party rhetoric.

How's the lobotomy healing up?
American Idol have good ratings as well.

All this proves is, there are more idiot republicans who rely on Fox for their views than idiot dems. It looks like Dems go to other sources for their facts, they don't just watch television only.

Ever get into exactly what demographic fox relies on? White, over 60 uneducated morons who actually believe the crap they spew. That is the base of fox and even with these great ratings, McCain still lost. Comments on that? This base will not change or get bigger. That demographic wont win elections, it was proved last November!

Thank God the dems are smarter than that.
going by that, you are saying there are nearly twice as many repubs as dems
then you wonder why i call you a fucking moron

So that's a no on why/how McCain lost even though there are fantastic ratings on Fox. Explain that one please.

Comments on there being more people relying for their facts from fox more so than people relying on their facts from MSNBC? It seems there are more intelligent Dems than republicans who watch television for THEIR opinions, no? fOX, they distort, you actually believe them.

Stay on point please.
because more of YOU morons watch fox news so you can go on the lunatic tirades you do

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