Global Warming Actually Still Accelerating - no "lull"

Where's the big font troll?

About time for you toblow a gasket and start shouting at everyone again... ROFL
Deniers have zero science that supports what they wish was true. Zero. Nothing.

They hope to accomplish their goal of more for them at the expense of future generations through the spread of ignorance. Not unlike the role of the Church that lead to Europe's Dark Ages.

Their strategy is to attack science and scientists to try to drag them down to the level of their politics and politicians.

In other words drag dirty politics to the world of truth seeking.

Nafarious at best.

Of course it's all for naught. They are trying to delay what's already launched.

There is just too much opportunity to contain the doers of the world.

The bottom line for their efforts is that the harder they work at it, the more irrelevant they make themselves. And if there's one thing that they can't afford to lose any more of its relevance.

They really seem unable to help themselves though. The ego thing. They want to seem educated and informed without investing in being educated and informed.

It's self destructive behavior.
Deniers have zero science that supports what they wish was true. Zero. Nothing.

They hope to accomplish their goal of more for them at the expense of future generations through the spread of ignorance. Not unlike the role of the Church that lead to Europe's Dark Ages.

Their strategy is to attack science and scientists to try to drag them down to the level of their politics and politicians.

In other words drag dirty politics to the world of truth seeking.

Nafarious at best.

Of course it's all for naught. They are trying to delay what's already launched.

There is just too much opportunity to contain the doers of the world.

The bottom line for their efforts is that the harder they work at it, the more irrelevant they make themselves. And if there's one thing that they can't afford to lose any more of its relevance.

They really seem unable to help themselves though. The ego thing. They want to seem educated and informed without investing in being educated and informed.

It's self destructive behavior.

And YOU have zero ethics and steal the work of others and pretend it's your own...
Funny how you can't seem to SHOW any change in the heat transfer system. You guys wave your hands and mumble under your breath in a conman sort of way, but when pressed for an ACTUAL MEASURABLE run and hide and call people names.

Did you not see this?

Deniers have zero science that supports what they wish was true. Zero. Nothing.

They hope to accomplish their goal of more for them at the expense of future generations through the spread of ignorance. Not unlike the role of the Church that lead to Europe's Dark Ages.

Their strategy is to attack science and scientists to try to drag them down to the level of their politics and politicians.

In other words drag dirty politics to the world of truth seeking.

Nafarious at best.

Of course it's all for naught. They are trying to delay what's already launched.

There is just too much opportunity to contain the doers of the world.

The bottom line for their efforts is that the harder they work at it, the more irrelevant they make themselves. And if there's one thing that they can't afford to lose any more of its relevance.

They really seem unable to help themselves though. The ego thing. They want to seem educated and informed without investing in being educated and informed.

It's self destructive behavior.

Yep, that's why we're winning the war for public opinion. Keep yapping to yourself. I ascribe it to the same sort of behavior that cats do when they are sadly on the verge of passing away and they purr to help themselves. Keep on purring kitty....
Funny how you can't seem to SHOW any change in the heat transfer system. You guys wave your hands and mumble under your breath in a conman sort of way, but when pressed for an ACTUAL MEASURABLE run and hide and call people names.

Did you not see this?


Of course I did. I just find it amusing that they produced such a wonderful graph when there WERE NO INSTRUMENTS to record their wonderful data back there in the beginning to oh about 1999 when the first ARGO floats were emplaced.....

And you suck it up because you don't need no data!:lol::lol::lol:
Yep, that's why we're winning the war for public opinion.

But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Globally, around 75% of people in 30 countries surveyed consider climate change a major issue, and that rises to more than 90% in countries where climate change ishaving a strong impact.

Why not actually post something honest and admit that PMZ is right?
All these graphs and charts have the same problem. Scale. That's right.
It's easy to show upward movement when -.5 and +20 are separated by
12cm, but the graph would be a flat line with a a tiny blip at the end and
a tinier blip in the center if the chart was scaled to show -5 and +20 separated by 1mm.

I am not a believer that global warming is a problem I need to worry about.
The planet moves in cycles like the horses on a merry-go-round.
It's not a roller coaster.
All these graphs and charts have the same problem. Scale. That's right.
It's easy to show upward movement when -.5 and +20 are separated by
12cm, but the graph would be a flat line with a a tiny blip at the end and
a tinier blip in the center if the chart was scaled to show -5 and +20 separated by 1mm.

I am not a believer that global warming is a problem I need to worry about.
The planet moves in cycles like the horses on a merry-go-round.
It's not a roller coaster.

Two points:

The scale at which some parameter is plotted has no inherent meaning. It's only purpose is to make the data variations visible. Whether or not those variations are significant depends on the parameter itself. A variation that means absolutely nothing if we were talking about the salinity of your drinking water, for instance, can be enormously more significant if we're talking about the dioxin concentration.

The paleoclimatic history of this planet does not indicate that it "moves in cycles". What makes you think it does? Convenience?
Of course I did. I just find it amusing that they produced such a wonderful graph when there WERE NO INSTRUMENTS to record their wonderful data back there in the beginning to oh about 1999 when the first ARGO floats were emplaced.....

And you suck it up because you don't need no data!:lol::lol::lol:

And you tell falsehoods because that's how one supports a lie.

The XBT began to be used in the early 60s. Prior to that was the less accurate and far more cumbersome MBT. Both qualify as INSTRUMENTS.

That graph is the output of an ocean model whose runs were updated every ten days with instrument data.

Where do you get this stuff? What made you think there was no instrument data in that plot?
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Yep, that's why we're winning the war for public opinion. Keep yapping to yourself. I ascribe it to the same sort of behavior that cats do when they are sadly on the verge of passing away and they purr to help themselves. Keep on purring kitty....

And what explains your abysmal loss of the war for the opinion of the world's scientists?
Yeah, cute graphic. The maps show maximum extent and you show it at minimum. Here's what it was at a similar time there propaganda boy....

Besides your mistake of calling August a maximum ice extent, the source of your image was NASA's "Earth Observatory" website. The one below, which seems awfully similar, was acquired on 15 March 2013. Did you INTEND to give the impression that it was ice extents from the 1920s?


I believe your image is actually from March of 2012 as seen near the end of this series:
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Atmospheric heat sucked into the deep oceans...the person sitting next to me on the train is wondering what made me laugh out loud.
Retards like you, CrazyFruitcake, often laugh at the things that are beyond your very limited comprehension. Room temperature IQ people like you are almost always very suspicious of all of that science that you can't understand. It's part of being so severely retarded, so your attitude is not at all surprising. In fact, we've all come to expect this kind of idioticly ignorant and very pointless response from you.

You could have just explained to us how it works
Yep, that's why we're winning the war for public opinion. Keep yapping to yourself. I ascribe it to the same sort of behavior that cats do when they are sadly on the verge of passing away and they purr to help themselves. Keep on purring kitty....

And what explains your abysmal loss of the war for the opinion of the world's scientists?

Not to mention the abysmal loss of the war for opinion of the man on the street.

Some 75% of Europeans consider Climate Change to be one of the 3 greatest challenges facing humanity, and even in the US, 63% of Americans believe climate change is for real.

Only 16% of Americans say that climate change is not occurring. Westwall obviously considers 16% a massive victory - strange for someone who once claimed to hvae a PhD.
Let's not forget this one Westie.


hmm... yeah... that ice is firming right up, idn't it.
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Of course I did. I just find it amusing that they produced such a wonderful graph when there WERE NO INSTRUMENTS to record their wonderful data back there in the beginning to oh about 1999 when the first ARGO floats were emplaced.....

And you suck it up because you don't need no data!:lol::lol::lol:

And you tell falsehoods because that's how one supports a lie.

The XBT began to be used in the early 60s. Prior to that was the less accurate and far more cumbersome MBT. Both qualify as INSTRUMENTS.

That graph was produced running a model whose runs were updated every ten days with instrument data.

Where do you get this stuff? What made you think there was no instrument data in that plot?

LOL, I was willing to let you ramble your new found, obscure techno-babble, but now I see you are using it foolishly and being an idiot with it... So let's clarify...

Found this from the same article you got your jargon from..

Expendable bathythermograph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Problems[edit source | editbeta]

Since XBTs do not measure depth (e.g. via pressure), fall-rate equations are used to derive depth profiles from what is essentially a time series. For a considerable time, these equations were relatively well-established, however in 2008 a meeting of experts [1] exposed a systematic bias in the fall-rate equations. A major implication of this is that a depth-temperature profile can be integrated to estimate upper ocean heat content; the bias in these equations lead to a warm bias in the heat content estimations. The introduction of Argo floats has provided a much more reliable source of temperature profiles than XBTs, however the XBT record remains important for estimating decadal trends and variability and hence much effort has been put into resolving these systematic biases.

So they are bias towards warming... Not a shock given the history you warmers have...When did you plan on telling us mr. expert? LOL never, I know...

BTW, you previously gave the impression that XBT's were un trustworthy, and BT's were the way to go, now it seems you are XBT happy..

So which is it, expendable bathythermographs (XBT) or bathythermographs (BT)?? LOL,never mind, I don't care...
Yep, that's why we're winning the war for public opinion.

But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Globally, around 75% of people in 30 countries surveyed consider climate change a major issue, and that rises to more than 90% in countries where climate change ishaving a strong impact.

Why not actually post something honest and admit that PMZ is right?

But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Remind me, when Kyoto was ratified by the US Senate, what were the vote totals?
We're still 8 degrees C warmer than when the last ice age ended and the Ice is still melting


How the fuck did that happen?


Yep, that's why we're winning the war for public opinion.

But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Globally, around 75% of people in 30 countries surveyed consider climate change a major issue, and that rises to more than 90% in countries where climate change ishaving a strong impact.

Why not actually post something honest and admit that PMZ is right?

But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Remind me, when Kyoto was ratified by the US Senate, what were the vote totals?

Not sure which dark place your head is in, but the science part is over. The investors and engineers and doers have left the starting gate since Bush was set aside. Your lips are flapping but nobody's listening except the other educationally deficient, but nobody is listening to them either. That's what irrelevant feels like.
But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Globally, around 75% of people in 30 countries surveyed consider climate change a major issue, and that rises to more than 90% in countries where climate change ishaving a strong impact.

Why not actually post something honest and admit that PMZ is right?

But of course you aren't winning, and you know you aren't winning.

Remind me, when Kyoto was ratified by the US Senate, what were the vote totals?

Not sure which dark place your head is in, but the science part is over. The investors and engineers and doers have left the starting gate since Bush was set aside. Your lips are flapping but nobody's listening except the other educationally deficient, but nobody is listening to them either. That's what irrelevant feels like.

but the science part is over.

That's what the warmists keep saying. If that were truly the case, why do they need to cheat, lie and keep opponents from getting published?

The investors and engineers and doers have left the starting gate since Bush was set aside.

Get in on the ground floor, Solyndra shares, really cheap.

Your lips are flapping but nobody's listening except the other educationally deficient,

But enough about you. Get back to mee when you find the Kyoto vote totals.

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