Global Warming Actually Still Accelerating - no "lull"

Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions. AGW is merely one of a long list of problems that they have to sell as nonexistent because if they admitted to them they'd have to confront them. That requires people skilled at governance and their cupboard is bare. Has been for quite a while.

While they limp along with only their blind followers still believing they are the very definition of irrelevant.

Let them go. They will be replaced by something meaningful once they all get the message that we didn't fall for their BS.

Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions.

We have a solution.
We must spend $80 trillion so that the temperature in 2080 is 0.2 degrees lower.

What price are you willing to pay to preserve this planet's biodiversity?

What unbridled arrogance
Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions. AGW is merely one of a long list of problems that they have to sell as nonexistent because if they admitted to them they'd have to confront them. That requires people skilled at governance and their cupboard is bare. Has been for quite a while.

While they limp along with only their blind followers still believing they are the very definition of irrelevant.

Let them go. They will be replaced by something meaningful once they all get the message that we didn't fall for their BS.

Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions.

We have a solution.
We must spend $80 trillion so that the temperature in 2080 is 0.2 degrees lower.

What price are you willing to pay to preserve this planet's biodiversity?

Classic lefty tactic.. When you can't debate the science that you talked about, but didn't understand, pull the heart strings and go emotional...

LOL, your logic at work...

*inside organman's head*

I like science... I am as smart as any scientist... What I don't know I can find on the net... I am an expert... I am always right.... Everything I support is the way it is... Any who disagree are stupid.... Any who disagree are evil... They want to destroy the world... I will stop them....

And that leads to that emotional outburst... What price are you willing to pay for anything? Nothing, because you don't pay for anything. You don't pay taxes, you don't create jobs, you don't create wealth, all you do is stroll web forums playing scientist and stargaze...

Reality check...
If by contributing, you mean promoting lies and disinformation to what is not actually a debate, then yeah, you have my permission to ignore all the deniers, including yourself. :)

If trying to keep the lights on in an advanced society is a crime.. Then sign me up dude. We are wasting too much money on windmills and other fantasies. Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

If posting strawman arguments is your idea of a scientific debate, you've got more serious problems than you are letting on.

Holy Crap man... That's the nuts of the argument here. In another post, you say that Repubs have no solutions.. Well I told you that you're solutions are whispered by Unicorns.
YOU --- have no solutions..

I'll give you a solution.. Do a pilot demo of the top 3 selected NEW nuclear designs. Put them in some unused BLM sandlot.. Build and test the shit out of them in just 3 years. And then CERTIFY them to be replicated WITHOUT undo regulatory delays or costs..

Build or start 200 new nuclear plants by 2018. Then quit bitching about who's doing what. Strawman my ass. All you got is posturing and green delusions.

Whatchagot to keep the lights on and solve (the imagined) AGW crisis??
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If by contributing, you mean promoting lies and disinformation to what is not actually a debate, then yeah, you have my permission to ignore all the deniers, including yourself. :)

If trying to keep the lights on in an advanced society is a crime.. Then sign me up dude. We are wasting too much money on windmills and other fantasies. Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

You don't have anything to worry about. Your "thoughts" have been considered and rejected. Irrelevant means off the hook. Join the whiners on stage and have at it. The theater is empty.

Obsolete? Then you have an alternative to replace it????


Then it's not obsolete is it.. Ya can't build enough nuclear plants around the world, no place toput the waste, and not everyone wants them.. Ya can't use solar because it's about 10% efficient and only works on sunny clear days... Wind power is only viable in open and clear areas with a lot of wind, and no wind, no power... Geothermal? What do you think will happen if we drill enough holes that deep to meet demands??? Hydrogen? Great now make a cheap and easy way to make enough H3 or variants that are viable...

Socko, it's not obsolete if it's still the cheapest, safest, most abundant, most available, and most reliable source...
Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions. AGW is merely one of a long list of problems that they have to sell as nonexistent because if they admitted to them they'd have to confront them. That requires people skilled at governance and their cupboard is bare. Has been for quite a while.

While they limp along with only their blind followers still believing they are the very definition of irrelevant.

Let them go. They will be replaced by something meaningful once they all get the message that we didn't fall for their BS.

Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions.

We have a solution.
We must spend $80 trillion so that the temperature in 2080 is 0.2 degrees lower.

What price are you willing to pay to preserve this planet's biodiversity?

$100 trillion? Maybe $200 trillion?
I just hope the warming globe doesn't wipe out the mammoths and the sabertooth cats.
My kids really like those Ice Age movies.
If by contributing, you mean promoting lies and disinformation to what is not actually a debate, then yeah, you have my permission to ignore all the deniers, including yourself. :)

If trying to keep the lights on in an advanced society is a crime.. Then sign me up dude. We are wasting too much money on windmills and other fantasies. Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

You don't have anything to worry about. Your "thoughts" have been considered and rejected. Irrelevant means off the hook. Join the whiners on stage and have at it. The theater is empty.

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

Yes! Cheap, reliable energy is so passe.
We need some of that expensive, unreliable energy.
Bring on the photovoltaics and windmills.
Who needs power at night or those pesky birds?
Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions. AGW is merely one of a long list of problems that they have to sell as nonexistent because if they admitted to them they'd have to confront them. That requires people skilled at governance and their cupboard is bare. Has been for quite a while.

While they limp along with only their blind followers still believing they are the very definition of irrelevant.

Let them go. They will be replaced by something meaningful once they all get the message that we didn't fall for their BS.

Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions.

We have a solution.
We must spend $80 trillion so that the temperature in 2080 is 0.2 degrees lower.

We don't need to spend $80T so your solution is bogus. Or does that include recovery from extreme weather, relocation of cities away from rising seas and farms to where the rain is?

If we follow all of your plans, how much do we need to spend? Spell it out.
I'll give you a solution.. Do a pilot demo of the top 3 selected NEW nuclear designs. Put them in some unused BLM sandlot.. Build and test the shit out of them in just 3 years. And then CERTIFY them to be replicated WITHOUT undo regulatory delays or costs..

Build or start 200 new nuclear plants by 2018. Then quit bitching about who's doing what. Strawman my ass. All you got is posturing and green delusions.

Whatchagot to keep the lights on and solve (the imagined) AGW crisis??

Not a single light has gone out and none ever will.

And why do you think we need new nuke plant designs?
Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

What real environmental protection would that be? Where would you like to spend money?

I'm glad you ask that. Part of the reason I'm so grumpy about the AGW debacle is that I'm frustrated that it has sucked the air out of true environmentalism..

I'd have the GOVT clean up it's act. It is the nations largest and most dangerous polluter. Including it's antiquated generators in the Tenn Valley Auth. and military base dumps.

From the leaking nuclear weapons waste at Hanford and Savannah river to fulfilling the promise of completing Yucca Mtn as a waste depository.

I'd figure out how to remove 100s of sq. miles of floating waste in the oceans and do better and more efficient mitigation for ocean oil spills thru engineering.

I'd cut the subsidies going to billionaires to make trophy cars for millionaires and do BASIC SCIENCE on hydrogen production and fuel cells.

Plan for a recycling infrastructure for the mountain of battery waste from the ill-conceived push for plug-in EVs.

I'd push market oriented incentives for private landowners to make provisions for nature on their lands and IMPROVE the stewardship of PUBLIC lands at the BLM and Forest Service. Consolidate STRATEGIC public lands and PLAN for habitat zones that make sense.

I'd be honest about the fallacy of using wind and solar ON GRID and instead propose meaningful work for renewables OFF GRID doing desalinization and hydrogen production.

End the subsidies for ethanol, wind, solar, and any fossil fuel as a commodity and funding or subsidies limited to only EXPLORATION and RESEARCH.

I'd figure out exactly WHY the bees are dying and how to bolster fisheries with more market oriented practices..

Plenty of stuff to work on isn't there? No reason why we got to spend all our time arguing over AGW when no one wants to fix it tomorrow by unleashing 2 decades of new nuclear plant design..
I'll give you a solution.. Do a pilot demo of the top 3 selected NEW nuclear designs. Put them in some unused BLM sandlot.. Build and test the shit out of them in just 3 years. And then CERTIFY them to be replicated WITHOUT undo regulatory delays or costs..

Build or start 200 new nuclear plants by 2018. Then quit bitching about who's doing what. Strawman my ass. All you got is posturing and green delusions.

Whatchagot to keep the lights on and solve (the imagined) AGW crisis??

Not a single light has gone out and none ever will.

And why do you think we need new nuke plant designs?

What is being offered is a schizoid plan to simultaneously push electric conservation and at the SAME TIME talk about encouraging a 30% increase in Grid capacity by pushing EVs. Makes no sense. I'm pulling 1W chargers out of the wall while my neighbor is using a day's worth of juice to fill his Leaf.. Wind and Solar don't ADD capacity. They are supplements that must come second to PRIMARY generators capable of 24/7/365 generation.

The lights go out when the country realizes that the cost and furor over a major grid overhaul and generation increase is out of reach given our finances..

Your side wants electricity to be RARE and EXPENSIVE (that's the end result of "conservation")

And many of us believe that electricity should be CHEAP AND PLENTIFUL.
Cheap and plentiful rubs leftists the wrong way since they see society as a blight on the planet anyway.

Our nuclear plants are approaching 60 yrs old.. There's more computing power in a Tickle-Me-Elmo doll than a US nuclear plant. THAT'S why we need to expedite verification of latest BEST technologies and allow them to be replicated without delay.
Michaels has a more-than-20-year record of predictions regarding climate that have turned out to be wrong. Do you want a list?
Irrelevant ad hominem.....There are literally hundreds of pieces on the 'net reporting on the same topic....I only picked one.

Debunk what he, along with countless others, reported, about the original (read: ORIGINAL) research on so-called "climate change" being destroyed or "lost".

Fucking bring it.

More than relevant, as is his affiliations with the fossil fuel industry and right wing organizations promoting their anti-science agenda.

What about the left wing organizations, and of course good old "I love killing Jews" Soros, that the warmists are affiliated with?
Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

What real environmental protection would that be? Where would you like to spend money?

Clean up all the toxic waste dumps that are out there. Restore the orphan holes that dot the Earth. Prevent rainforest destruction. Save the whales. Develop a asteroid protection system. Develop a viable alternative energy system.

That will do for now....
If trying to keep the lights on in an advanced society is a crime.. Then sign me up dude. We are wasting too much money on windmills and other fantasies. Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

If posting strawman arguments is your idea of a scientific debate, you've got more serious problems than you are letting on.

Holy Crap man... That's the nuts of the argument here. In another post, you say that Repubs have no solutions.. Well I told you that you're solutions are whispered by Unicorns.
YOU --- have no solutions..

I'll give you a solution.. Do a pilot demo of the top 3 selected NEW nuclear designs. Put them in some unused BLM sandlot.. Build and test the shit out of them in just 3 years. And then CERTIFY them to be replicated WITHOUT undo regulatory delays or costs..

Build or start 200 new nuclear plants by 2018. Then quit bitching about who's doing what. Strawman my ass. All you got is posturing and green delusions.

Whatchagot to keep the lights on and solve (the imagined) AGW crisis??

The strawman, Tennessee dude, is that none of the climate scientists that I am aware of have ever suggested that keeping the lights on is a crime. Now, if you want to make that same argument about us amateur astronomers who absolutely want you to turn off your 5,000 watt wide area lights at night so we can see the stars, then yeah, you might have a friggin point. We can give you an ear full about the millions of watts of lighting that are completely wasted in this country every night for no rational reason. As for the rest - misdirection.
Republicans run from problems for the simple reason that they don't have solutions.

We have a solution.
We must spend $80 trillion so that the temperature in 2080 is 0.2 degrees lower.

What price are you willing to pay to preserve this planet's biodiversity?

$100 trillion? Maybe $200 trillion?
I just hope the warming globe doesn't wipe out the mammoths and the sabertooth cats.
My kids really like those Ice Age movies.

I'd be more worried about it wiping out our food supply, if I were you.
Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

What real environmental protection would that be? Where would you like to spend money?

I'm glad you ask that. Part of the reason I'm so grumpy about the AGW debacle is that I'm frustrated that it has sucked the air out of true environmentalism..

I'd have the GOVT clean up it's act. It is the nations largest and most dangerous polluter. Including it's antiquated generators in the Tenn Valley Auth. and military base dumps.

From the leaking nuclear weapons waste at Hanford and Savannah river to fulfilling the promise of completing Yucca Mtn as a waste depository.

I'd figure out how to remove 100s of sq. miles of floating waste in the oceans and do better and more efficient mitigation for ocean oil spills thru engineering.

I'd cut the subsidies going to billionaires to make trophy cars for millionaires and do BASIC SCIENCE on hydrogen production and fuel cells.

Plan for a recycling infrastructure for the mountain of battery waste from the ill-conceived push for plug-in EVs.

I'd push market oriented incentives for private landowners to make provisions for nature on their lands and IMPROVE the stewardship of PUBLIC lands at the BLM and Forest Service. Consolidate STRATEGIC public lands and PLAN for habitat zones that make sense.

I'd be honest about the fallacy of using wind and solar ON GRID and instead propose meaningful work for renewables OFF GRID doing desalinization and hydrogen production.

End the subsidies for ethanol, wind, solar, and any fossil fuel as a commodity and funding or subsidies limited to only EXPLORATION and RESEARCH.

I'd figure out exactly WHY the bees are dying and how to bolster fisheries with more market oriented practices..

Plenty of stuff to work on isn't there? No reason why we got to spend all our time arguing over AGW when no one wants to fix it tomorrow by unleashing 2 decades of new nuclear plant design..

And that's what happens when you stroll into a sniper's kill zone. Nice shot flac.
If trying to keep the lights on in an advanced society is a crime.. Then sign me up dude. We are wasting too much money on windmills and other fantasies. Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

You don't have anything to worry about. Your "thoughts" have been considered and rejected. Irrelevant means off the hook. Join the whiners on stage and have at it. The theater is empty.

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

Yes! Cheap, reliable energy is so passe.
We need some of that expensive, unreliable energy.
Bring on the photovoltaics and windmills.
Who needs power at night or those pesky birds?

Erm, the wind doesn't blow at night? When did this happen? As for the birds, the only birds I know of that conservatives have ever been concerned about were the ones they missed with their AK-47s.
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Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

You don't have anything to worry about. Your "thoughts" have been considered and rejected. Irrelevant means off the hook. Join the whiners on stage and have at it. The theater is empty.

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

Yes! Cheap, reliable energy is so passe.
We need some of that expensive, unreliable energy.
Bring on the photovoltaics and windmills.
Who needs power at night or those pesky birds?

Erm, the wind doesn't blow at night? When did this happen? As for the birds, the only birds I know of that conservatives have ever been concerned about were the ones they missed with their AK-47s.

Wrong again Tojo...We care about the 400,000 plus birds and even more bats that are killed every year. We CARE about the little critters. You clowns, on the other hand, don't. That is very, very clear.
Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

You don't have anything to worry about. Your "thoughts" have been considered and rejected. Irrelevant means off the hook. Join the whiners on stage and have at it. The theater is empty.

Wasting money is fueling power plants with obsolete and costly fuels, much less building more of them.

Yes! Cheap, reliable energy is so passe.
We need some of that expensive, unreliable energy.
Bring on the photovoltaics and windmills.
Who needs power at night or those pesky birds?

Erm, the wind doesn't blow at night? When did this happen? As for the birds, the only birds I know of that conservatives have ever been concerned about were the ones they missed with their AK-47s.

The wind doesn't blow on Tuesday --- that's bad enough.. I'm not gonna attend a night race at Daytona with 140,000 fans using wind as the primary power source.. Go ahead and joke about the bird kill from wind farms. It makes you look like a serious environmentalist...
Money that COULD BE used for real enviro protection...

What real environmental protection would that be? Where would you like to spend money?

I'm glad you ask that. Part of the reason I'm so grumpy about the AGW debacle is that I'm frustrated that it has sucked the air out of true environmentalism..

I'd have the GOVT clean up it's act. It is the nations largest and most dangerous polluter. Including it's antiquated generators in the Tenn Valley Auth. and military base dumps.

From the leaking nuclear weapons waste at Hanford and Savannah river to fulfilling the promise of completing Yucca Mtn as a waste depository.

I'd figure out how to remove 100s of sq. miles of floating waste in the oceans and do better and more efficient mitigation for ocean oil spills thru engineering.

I'd cut the subsidies going to billionaires to make trophy cars for millionaires and do BASIC SCIENCE on hydrogen production and fuel cells.

Plan for a recycling infrastructure for the mountain of battery waste from the ill-conceived push for plug-in EVs.

I'd push market oriented incentives for private landowners to make provisions for nature on their lands and IMPROVE the stewardship of PUBLIC lands at the BLM and Forest Service. Consolidate STRATEGIC public lands and PLAN for habitat zones that make sense.

I'd be honest about the fallacy of using wind and solar ON GRID and instead propose meaningful work for renewables OFF GRID doing desalinization and hydrogen production.

End the subsidies for ethanol, wind, solar, and any fossil fuel as a commodity and funding or subsidies limited to only EXPLORATION and RESEARCH.

I'd figure out exactly WHY the bees are dying and how to bolster fisheries with more market oriented practices..

Plenty of stuff to work on isn't there? No reason why we got to spend all our time arguing over AGW when no one wants to fix it tomorrow by unleashing 2 decades of new nuclear plant design..

With the exception of Yucca Mountain, I can't think of a single thing on your list that either isn't being worked on or isn't being planned. I suppose you think you are the only person on the planet concerned about them, I don't know. I do know from first-hand knowledge that all of the first four have had tens of billions of dollars thrown at the problems, and substantial progress has been made on those issues. Is there more work to be done? You bet.

By the way, if you want to stop arguing over AGW, be my guest.

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