Global Warming Actually Still Accelerating - no "lull"

There's no data to suggest that it's accelerating but there are scientist wondering why it is slowing.

Hansen for one...Aerosals and oceanic movement of water are two theories.

The warming hasn't slowed at all. What's constant lately is the climate average temperature over land. What's growing at an increasing rate is ocean heat content.

There is no model other than AGW that predicts how the earth reacts to a surplus of energy, due to a reduction in outgoing energy and addition of that same energy to earth's incoming energy.

But AGW says energy balance must and will be restored by heating of earth's land, water, ice, and atmospheric masses. The dynamics of that transition are yet to be determined.

When it can be modeled it will be in the form of a long term weather forecast.

Yeah sure. Heat in the oceans that somehow can't be measured. How do you make such ridiculous claims? Oh yeah, you're a propagandist! That's how!:lol::lol::lol:

We do have to take into account that deniers have no resources and no science so can't measure a thing and can't prove a thing. Their whole act is conspiracy theory.
Actually there is a great deal of data showing that global warming has continued to accelerate since the beginning of the millennium, in spite of reflective volcanic and industrial aerosols, low solar minimums and prolonged repeated La Nina's. Scientists have been looking into the factors that have resulted in a slowdown in surface temperature rises but only 3% of the extra heat energy goes into the atmosphere and the energy imbalance at the TOA has continued so the Earth as a whole has continued to gain heat energy. More of it has gone into the oceans than was the case in some previous decades but that heat will eventually, and probably soon, come back to the surface in a big El Nino event (w/ something similar in the Atlantic) and result in accelerated surface temperature warming.
Sure it has. Funny how the heat can't seem to be found or measured but we are expected to believe those statements? Get real.
Scientist are having no problem finding and measuring the heat that is passing into the oceans. It is only the ignorant reality deniers like you, walleyed, who are so lost in conspiracy theory nuttyness that you can convince yourself that virtually all of the world's climate scientists are lying to you. Scientists have been studying the oceans very intensely for many decades with some very advanced instrumentation and techniques and they are not nearly as clueless about temperatures and trends as your anti-science propaganda tells you they are. You just can't understand what they do or how because you're so stupid and brainwashed, not because they're not doing what they say they're doing.

There is a difference between critical thinking and what the deniers do, what they believe is critical thinking. In order to think critically it is required to know the subject first. You can't critique science, climate science, unless you first accept and learn the science. There in lies their issue. They can't even approach the material enough to learn it because they have already rejected it. They can't be critical of it because they can't begin to learn it.
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..
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Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

I feel the same way when I discuss CRIME stats and argue my case. The other side really doesn't have facts, science or theories...Only whining....

I agree as facts and data are needed. ;)
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

I feel the same way when I discuss CRIME stats and argue my case. The other side really doesn't have facts, science or theories...Only whining....

I agree as facts and data are needed. ;)

That’s why the world hired and commissioned the IPCC. To separate facts as they can be determined scientifically from politics. Which they have done. Unfortunately, the fact that that has been done doesn't eliminate the politics as you see here.
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Well, now that is a pretty stupid post.
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

Describes your hoax EXACTLY.

Interestingly enough this is the mildest summer in the US in 100 years. Fewer areas with temp readings of 100 or over than have been seen in a century.

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Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

Describes your hoax EXACTLY.

Interestingly enough this is the mildest summer in the US in 100 years. Fewer areas with temp readings of 100 or over than have been seen in a century.


Um, yeah, just as predicted by the AGW models! Sometimes it get cooler as it get warmer. See the hotness is absorbed by the deep oceans as the Earth tries to break the manmade fever AGW inflicts on it
Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

Describes your hoax EXACTLY.

Interestingly enough this is the mildest summer in the US in 100 years. Fewer areas with temp readings of 100 or over than have been seen in a century.


Um, yeah, just as predicted by the AGW models! Sometimes it get cooler as it get warmer. See the hotness is absorbed by the deep oceans as the Earth tries to break the manmade fever AGW inflicts on it

Yes, their problem is they don't understand the term "hotness". This is "hotness"


Theirs....not so much...:lol:
An old favorite, declaring a short local trend is a long-term global trend.

But then, if logical fallacies are all you have, I guess you're forced to use them.
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

Describes your hoax EXACTLY.

Interestingly enough this is the mildest summer in the US in 100 years. Fewer areas with temp readings of 100 or over than have been seen in a century.


What is the average?

It is, afterall, a question of global mean temperature, not number of days over 100. Why not over 90? Or 80? How about over 75? What about the minimums? How about days below 50? 60?

Why leave out all those days?
Here it comes... Next reincarnation of Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Variability --- Are U READY ???

The earth has a fever.. We need to drill to find it.. ((Think large rectal thermometer inserted thru the Mantle))

But it's there.. And it's NOT measurable in the space we live in and it's BARELY measurable where we are searching for it ---- but SCIENCE IS CERTAIN --- it's all caused by CO2...

Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.. And PLEASE --- stop defending liars like the Prez and the Climate Science frauds..

Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

Describes your hoax EXACTLY.

Interestingly enough this is the mildest summer in the US in 100 years. Fewer areas with temp readings of 100 or over than have been seen in a century.


Since when do you belive the temp record is correct?

You've made some sort of math error then.

"The 2009 State of the Climate report released today draws on data for 10 key climate indicators that all point to the same finding: the scientific evidence that our world is warming is unmistakable. More than 300 scientists from 160 research groups in 48 countries contributed to the report, which confirms that the past decade was the warmest on record and that the Earth has been growing warmer over the last 50 years."

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA: Past Decade Warmest on Record According to Scientists in 48 Countries

Average = sum ( magnitude data points ) / number_of_data_points.

You should go back and finish your GED.
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It is, afterall, a question of global mean temperature, not number of days over 100. Why not over 90? Or 80? How about over 75? What about the minimums? How about days below 50? 60?

Why leave out all those days?

Good psuedoscience always clouds the data as much as possible. Why just list the average temp, when you can cherrypick some new arcane statistic? That'll toss a lot more FUD in the mix, which is the point.
An old favorite, declaring a short local trend is a long-term global trend.

But then, if logical fallacies are all you have, I guess you're forced to use them.

Yes, you fraudsters are master practitioners of the art. I find that spike in 1930 to be quite interesting...don't you? Then you compare it with 1998 (supposedly the hottest year evah!) or with any of the years in this last decade and NONE of the recent years comes even close to that spike.

Yet you all blissfully make claims based on nothing but blather.
Here it comes. The next incarnation of denial. No facts, no science, no theories even. Just, we, the ignorant, wish that it wasn't, and we feel entitled to our own truth.

Describes your hoax EXACTLY.

Interestingly enough this is the mildest summer in the US in 100 years. Fewer areas with temp readings of 100 or over than have been seen in a century.


Since when do you belive the temp record is correct?

You've made some sort of math error then.

"The 2009 State of the Climate report released today draws on data for 10 key climate indicators that all point to the same finding: the scientific evidence that our world is warming is unmistakable. More than 300 scientists from 160 research groups in 48 countries contributed to the report, which confirms that the past decade was the warmest on record and that the Earth has been growing warmer over the last 50 years."

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA: Past Decade Warmest on Record According to Scientists in 48 Countries

Average = sum ( magnitude data points ) / number_of_data_points.

You should go back and finish your GED.

You will be graduating from kindergarten this year.....right? Note how your assertion doesn't address the graph I posted? We're supposed to listen to you why?
It is, afterall, a question of global mean temperature, not number of days over 100. Why not over 90? Or 80? How about over 75? What about the minimums? How about days below 50? 60?

Why leave out all those days?

Good psuedoscience always clouds the data as much as possible. Why just list the average temp, when you can cherrypick some new arcane statistic? That'll toss a lot more FUD in the mix, which is the point.

Both of you dupes are clueless as to what your own theorists state.. Hansen comes out and says --'if you move the MEAN --- than the distribution of EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS will shift to the "more likely" category' --- and thus GW became CChange..


............. but it can't cause more MORE 100 deg readings?? Get a clue.. Or at least be consistent. Makes all of ItfitzMe attempts at math look silly.. Or was Hansen just blowing smoke??
It is, afterall, a question of global mean temperature, not number of days over 100. Why not over 90? Or 80? How about over 75? What about the minimums? How about days below 50? 60?

Why leave out all those days?

Good psuedoscience always clouds the data as much as possible. Why just list the average temp, when you can cherrypick some new arcane statistic? That'll toss a lot more FUD in the mix, which is the point.

Both of you dupes are clueless as to what your own theorists state.. Hansen comes out and says --'if you move the MEAN --- than the distribution of EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS will shift to the "more likely" category' --- and thus GW became CChange..


............. but it can't cause more MORE 100 deg readings?? Get a clue.. Or at least be consistent. Makes all of ItfitzMe attempts at math look silly.. Or was Hansen just blowing smoke??

If you had to make a prediction, what would you predict would be the result of adding more and energy to the atmosphere over a sustained period of time?
Funny how the heat can't seem to be found or measured but we are expected to believe those statements? Get real.

Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kallen are quite real.

What effect does miniscule "warming" at 700m deep have on the weather?

WHEN and HOW will emerge back into the Atmos thermal exchange?

Is this a positive or negative feedback?

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