Global Warming Theory vs Alarmist GW Theory


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
So.......if atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions are the sole or primary driver of global temperatures, then where is all the global warming?

Ten Years And Counting: Where’s The Global Warming? - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

As the author astutely points out...........

"The Scientific Method requires testing a proposed scientific hypothesis before accepting it as the truth. When real-world observations contradict the hypothesis, you go back to the drawing board."

Even Scott Denning, known as a bomb thrower in the science communtiy and hailing from the Univerity of Colorado, recently attended a May 2011 conference with skeptics and others with differing opinions on the "science". Observers of the conference left with the opinion that all sides recongized that there is a need to work the name of 'Science". Scientists getting together face to face to discuss the "science". A beautiful thing I would say..............we need more "real scientists" like Scott Denning........willing to deliberate on the science and engage the other side.........

Science By Artillery Shell, Or Science By Cooperation? - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes


Lets face it........the "bomb thrower" approach of the alarmists isnt working..........100% certainty.
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So.......if atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions are the sole or primary driver of global temperatures, then where is all the global warming?
Ten Years And Counting: Where’s The Global Warming? - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes
As the author astutely points out...........
"The Scientific Method requires testing a proposed scientific hypothesis before accepting it as the truth. When real-world observations contradict the hypothesis, you go back to the drawing board."
Even Scott Denning, known as a bomb thrower in the science communtiy and hailing from the Univerity of Colorado, recently attended a May 2011 conference with skeptics and others with differing opinions on the "science". Observers of the conference left with the opinion that all sides recongized that there is a need to work the name of 'Science". Scientists getting together face to face to discuss the "science". A beautiful thing I would say..............we need more "real scientists" like Scott Denning........willing to deliberate on the science and engage the other side.........
Science By Artillery Shell, Or Science By Cooperation? - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes[IMG]
Lets face it........the "bomb thrower" approach of the alarmists isnt working..........100% certainty.[/quote]

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....ROTFLMAO.....kooker, you are sooooooo gullible, it is just too f*cking hilarious for words...

What a steaming load of deluded denier cult bullcrap!!! I'm amazed anyone is gullible enough to fall for the spun up misinformation and outright lies coming from a lard-brained lawyer for the Heartland Institute and a stooge for the fossil fuel industry. The lawyer claims that there has been no warming for the last ten years, which is an outright lie. Last year was tied with 2005 as the warmest year in at least the last 150 years and probably much more. It was over a degree warmer than the twentieth century average. The ten warmest years on record have all happened in the last 13 years. The last three decades have each in turn been the warmest decade on record. Global warming continues unabated as multiple lines of evidence attest beyond just the temperature record. Here's what the actual climate scientists report:


State of the Climate
Global Analysis - Annual 2010
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Climatic Data Center

Global Temperatures

The year 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year since records began in 1880. The annual global combined land and ocean surface temperature was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average.
The range associated with this value is plus or minus 0.07°C (0.13°F). The 2010 combined land and ocean surface temperature in the Northern Hemisphere was also the warmest on record, while the combined land and ocean surface temperature in the Southern Hemisphere was the sixth warmest such period on record. The annual globally averaged land temperature was 0.96°C (1.73°F) above average, which tied with 2005 as the second warmest year record. The range associated with this value is plus or minus 0.11°C (0.20°F). The warmest year was 2007, at 0.99°C (1.78°F) above the 20th century average. The decadal global land and ocean average temperature anomaly for 2001–2010 was the warmest decade on record for the globe, with a surface global temperature of 0.56°C (1.01°F) above the 20th century average. This surpassed the previous decadal record (1991–2000) value of 0.36°C (0.65°F).

The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling

Sea level rise
Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of the last century.[4]

Global temperature rise
All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.[5] Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years.[6] Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase.[7]
The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700 meters (about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969.

Warming oceans
The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700 meters (about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969.[8]

Shrinking ice sheets
The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.

Declining Arctic sea ice
Both the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined rapidly over the last several decades.[9]

Glacial retreat
Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world — including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa.[10]

Extreme events
The number of record high temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing numbers of intense rainfall events.[11]

Ocean acidification
The carbon dioxide content of the Earth’s oceans has been increasing since 1750, and is currently increasing about 2 billion tons per year. This has increased ocean acidity by about 30 percent.[12]

NOAA: Past Decade Warmest on Record According to Scientists in 48 Countries
Earth has been growing warmer for more than fifty years
July 28, 2010
(government publication - free to reprint)

The 2009 State of the Climate report released today draws on data for 10 key climate indicators that all point to the same finding: the scientific evidence that our world is warming is unmistakable. More than 300 scientists from 160 research groups in 48 countries contributed to the report, which confirms that the past decade was the warmest on record and that the Earth has been growing warmer over the last 50 years.

Based on comprehensive data from multiple sources, the report defines 10 measurable planet-wide features used to gauge global temperature changes. The relative movement of each of these indicators proves consistent with a warming world. Seven indicators are rising: air temperature over land, sea-surface temperature, air temperature over oceans, sea level, ocean heat, humidity and tropospheric temperature in the “active-weather” layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth’s surface. Three indicators are declining: Arctic sea ice, glaciers and spring snow cover in the Northern hemisphere.


“For the first time, and in a single compelling comparison, the analysis brings together multiple observational records from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the ocean,” said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. “The records come from many institutions worldwide. They use data collected from diverse sources, including satellites, weather balloons, weather stations, ships, buoys and field surveys. These independently produced lines of evidence all point to the same conclusion: our planet is warming,”

The report emphasizes that human society has developed for thousands of years under one climatic state, and now a new set of climatic conditions are taking shape. These conditions are consistently warmer, and some areas are likely to see more extreme events like severe drought, torrential rain and violent storms.

“Despite the variability caused by short-term changes, the analysis conducted for this report illustrates why we are so confident the world is warming,” said Peter Stott, Ph.D., contributor to the report and head of Climate Monitoring and Attribution of the United Kingdom Met Office Hadley Centre. “When we look at air temperature and other indicators of climate, we see highs and lows in the data from year to year because of natural variability. Understanding climate change requires looking at the longer-term record. When we follow decade-to-decade trends using multiple data sets and independent analyses from around the world, we see clear and unmistakable signs of a warming world.”

While year-to-year changes in temperature often reflect natural climatic variations such as El Niño/La Niña events, changes in average temperature from decade-to-decade reveal long-term trends such as global warming. Each of the last three decades has been much warmer than the decade before. At the time, the 1980s was the hottest decade on record. In the 1990s, every year was warmer than the average of the previous decade. The 2000s were warmer still.

“The temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit over the past 50 years may seem small, but it has already altered our planet,” said Deke Arndt, co-editor of the report and chief of the Climate Monitoring Branch of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center. “Glaciers and sea ice are melting, heavy rainfall is intensifying and heat waves are more common. And, as the new report tells us, there is now evidence that over 90 percent of warming over the past 50 years has gone into our ocean.”

More and more, Americans are witnessing the impacts of climate change in their own backyards, including sea-level rise, longer growing seasons, changes in river flows, increases in heavy downpours, earlier snowmelt and extended ice-free seasons in our waters.
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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....ROTFLMAO.....kooker, you are sooooooo gullible, it is just too f*cking hilarious for words...

Tell me, how do you suppose a trace gas in the atmosphere that has no capacity to trap or retain IR energy can be responsible for climate change? You seem to be operating under the misconception that proof that a thing is happening constitutes proof of cause.

No one denies that the climate is changing. It would be disturbing if it did not. The problem lies in the fact that there is no evidence at all that CO2 has anything to do with climate change and a great deal of evidence that it does not.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....ROTFLMAO.....kooker, you are sooooooo gullible, it is just too f*cking hilarious for words...

Tell me, how do you suppose a trace gas in the atmosphere that has no capacity to trap or retain IR energy can be responsible for climate change? You seem to be operating under the misconception that proof that a thing is happening constitutes proof of cause.

No one denies that the climate is changing. It would be disturbing if it did not. The problem lies in the fact that there is no evidence at all that CO2 has anything to do with climate change and a great deal of evidence that it does not.

Thank You..........and I kinda feel sorry for the mofu..............spent about an hour preparing that post!!!!:ack-1:




Hey wire bro.......ask me if I'm not currently laughing my fcukking balls off?
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Thank You..........and I kinda feel sorry for the mofu..............spent about an hour preparing that post!!!!:ack-1:

You have to feel for anyone who has been so thoroughly duped. They operate under the belief that there actually exists proof that man is responsible for any of the things they rant about but when asked for the proof, they never fail to fail to produce it. Claims fly about the abundance of proof that has been presented, but when asked for a link, they can't deliver.

They, like thier priests operate from a framework of assumptions that can not stand up to even the most basic scientific scrutiny.
Thank You..........and I kinda feel sorry for the mofu..............spent about an hour preparing that post!!!!:ack-1:

You have to feel for anyone who has been so thoroughly duped. They operate under the belief that there actually exists proof that man is responsible for any of the things they rant about but when asked for the proof, they never fail to fail to produce it. Claims fly about the abundance of proof that has been presented, but when asked for a link, they can't deliver.

They, like thier priests operate from a framework of assumptions that can not stand up to even the most basic scientific scrutiny.'re the shit man. When you pop into a thread..........any completely opens the door for me to go into my library of gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics to just sorta place the final touches on the public humiliation thing. Frankly.......Im amazed they keep showing up to get so pwned.
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Back in the day wire.........I used to spend every single weekend on the beach at the Atlantic Ocean. Along the way, our group expanded........mostly single people hangin out. There was this one very short Italian guy who hung with us. Turned out to be a total social fcukk up........and I remember he'd come up from out of the waves and walk the fcukk right across the big blanket with his sandy feet. Did it ALL the time. The whole contingent would make fun of him for being a total asshole. These are the type of people who represent this k00k OCD warmist view. Social oddballs.............desperate for attention. But as you can see from every post made by this dickhead Rolling Thunder........these types have lots and lots of misery and rage inside. Im must admit..........I love being able to antagonize the shit out of them!!

No shit wire..........Thunder HAD to have spent at least 30 mintues putting that post up there together. Does that shit all the time after completely making himself look like a mental case.
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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....ROTFLMAO.....kooker, you are sooooooo gullible, it is just too f*cking hilarious for words...

Tell me, how do you suppose a trace gas in the atmosphere that has no capacity to trap or retain IR energy can be responsible for climate change? You seem to be operating under the misconception that proof that a thing is happening constitutes proof of cause.

No one denies that the climate is changing. It would be disturbing if it did not. The problem lies in the fact that there is no evidence at all that CO2 has anything to do with climate change and a great deal of evidence that it does not.

Thank You..........and I kinda feel sorry for the mofu..............spent about an hour preparing that post!!!!:ack-1:




Hey wire bro.......ask me if I'm not currently laughing my fcukking balls off?

Not to the man or woman who spent all afternoon congratifying himself but to the rest of you all, just type solar cycle into google. That has an influence on global temps as well.

Dont go off the deep end and give up your cars. Also dont go all making excuses for non environmental regulation Chinese manufacturing practices.

CO2 in enclosed environments raises temperatures. Who knows how much an effect each 100ppm has on the planet as a whole but it is obvious the climate is easily subjected to change by historical records.

Join me in loving our children and being someone careful with the one environment we have?
Thank You..........and I kinda feel sorry for the mofu..............spent about an hour preparing that post!!!!:ack-1:

You have to feel for anyone who has been so thoroughly duped. They operate under the belief that there actually exists proof that man is responsible for any of the things they rant about but when asked for the proof, they never fail to fail to produce it. Claims fly about the abundance of proof that has been presented, but when asked for a link, they can't deliver.

They, like thier priests operate from a framework of assumptions that can not stand up to even the most basic scientific scrutiny.

Wire, one of my areas of interest is horticulture.

Do you kniw that if you are in an urban area, even a moderate sized one like st louis, your garden can include not only plants but whole trees which are not cold hardy for the country side?

That fact may even be used as a point against CO2 driven climate change but it is proof of non debateable human influence.
Back in the day wire.........I used to spend every single weekend on the beach at the Atlantic Ocean. Along the way, our group expanded........mostly single people hangin out. There was this one very short Italian guy who hung with us. Turned out to be a total social fcukk up........and I remember he'd come up from out of the waves and walk the fcukk right across the big blanket with his sandy feet. Did it ALL the time. The whole contingent would make fun of him for being a total asshole. These are the type of people who represent this k00k OCD warmist view. Social oddballs.............desperate for attention. But as you can see from every post made by this dickhead Rolling Thunder........these types have lots and lots of misery and rage inside. Im must admit..........I love being able to antagonize the shit out of them!!

No shit wire..........Thunder HAD to have spent at least 30 mintues putting that post up there together. Does that shit all the time after completely making himself look like a mental case.

Where at along the Atlantic? I spend a fair amount of time fishing about 60 miles offshore of Morehead City.
CO2 in enclosed environments raises temperatures.

The atmosphere is not a closed system and no experiment that is performed within a closed system is analogous to an open system.

Join me in loving our children and being someone careful with the one environment we have?

Personally, I have. I grow or kill the great bulk of what I, and my family eat. I heat my barns with passive solar. 50 gallon drums of water facing south in bermed earth. I pump water and power my barns and electric fences with wind. I have set aside 100 acres of very old hardwoods to remain untouched after my death. I am all for strict regulations with regard to dumping pollutants and wouldn't be opposed to seeing life imprisionment for second offenders but tampering with global economies at the risk of putting a great many people out of work for the sake of scientifically unsupported fairy tales is simply unconscionable.
These environmentalists want it both ways.........they want to live in a state of undisturbed nature while reaping the benefits of an industrialized state. gay

I say........hey........move to Siberia.

There have been ENORMOUS improvements in the levels of polution since the early 1970's. Go take a look at the countryside of some pics. Your face will fall off. Americans have no clue what pollution looks like until they take a gandor at that...........


The environmental assholes in this forum see a half of a single plastic straw floating down a river and get all hysterical and go write their congressman.
Yes, Kooky, we fully realize that China is your ideal environment.

AGW has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The consequences are being felt as we post. No amount of inane cartoons are going to change reality.
thats a big cannonball you threw there rocks. You work out or something?
Yes, Kooky, we fully realize that China is your ideal environment.

AGW has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The consequences are being felt as we post. No amount of inane cartoons are going to change reality.

Scientific method fAiL s0n..........( see POST #1 this thread)
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....ROTFLMAO.....kooker, you are sooooooo gullible, it is just too f*cking hilarious for words...

Tell me, how do you suppose a trace gas in the atmosphere that has no capacity to trap or retain IR energy can be responsible for climate change? You seem to be operating under the misconception that proof that a thing is happening constitutes proof of cause.

No one denies that the climate is changing. It would be disturbing if it did not. The problem lies in the fact that there is no evidence at all that CO2 has anything to do with climate change and a great deal of evidence that it does not.
That's your delusion all right but it is based only on your own ignorance of science and your extreme gullibility. The world scientific community is very clear on the fact that carbon dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas. There is a great deal of evidence supporting that fact. In spite of your ignorant bluster, you have never been able to come up with any actual evidence to the contrary. You do come up with idiotic pseudo-science and outright lies that you pull off of your moronic denier cult blogs but nothing that any competent scientist would believe for a moment.

Here's the evidence for the fact that the world scientific community is in agreement on AGW and the role of CO2.

Scientific opinion on climate change

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.

No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion...

The U.S. Global Change Research Program reported in June, 2009[9] that:

Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities. ... Climate-related changes have already been observed globally and in the United States. These include increases in air and water temperatures, reduced frost days, increased frequency and intensity of heavy downpours, a rise in sea level, and reduced snow cover, glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice. A longer ice-free period on lakes and rivers, lengthening of the growing season, and increased water vapor in the atmosphere have also been observed. Over the past 30 years, temperatures have risen faster in winter than in any other season, with average winter temperatures in the Midwest and northern Great Plains increasing more than 7°F. Some of the changes have been faster than previous assessments had suggested.​

As the world's largest general scientific society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science adopted an official statement on climate change in 2006:

The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society....The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now.​

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) statement,[41] adopted by the society in 2003 and revised in 2007, affirms that rising levels of greenhouse gases have caused and will continue to cause the global surface temperature to be warmer:

The Earth's climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming. Many components of the climate system—including the temperatures of the atmosphere, land and ocean, the extent of sea ice and mountain glaciers, the sea level, the distribution of precipitation, and the length of seasons—are now changing at rates and in patterns that are not natural and are best explained by the increased atmospheric abundances of greenhouse gases and aerosols generated by human activity during the 20th century. Global average surface temperatures increased on average by about 0.6°C over the period 1956–2006. As of 2006, eleven of the previous twelve years were warmer than any others since 1850. The observed rapid retreat of Arctic sea ice is expected to continue and lead to the disappearance of summertime ice within this century. Evidence from most oceans and all continents except Antarctica shows warming attributable to human activities. Recent changes in many physical and biological systems are linked with this regional climate change. A sustained research effort, involving many AGU members and summarized in the 2007 assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, continues to improve our scientific understanding of the climate.​
That's your delusion all right but it is based only on your own ignorance of science and your extreme gullibility. The world scientific community is very clear on the fact that carbon dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas.

Are they? Then tell me how a gas that has no capacity to trap or retain heat is a powerful greenhouse gas. Surely your priests have an explanation for this miracle. How does it happen? What is the mechanism?

There is a great deal of evidence supporting that fact. In spite of your ignorant bluster, you have never been able to come up with any actual evidence to the contrary. You do come up with idiotic pseudo-science and outright lies that you pull off of your moronic denier cult blogs but nothing that any competent scientist would believe for a moment.

Sorry, but there is no evidence. If there were, you might actually be able to post some. As to my position and the proof I have offered in support of it, to date, neither you, nor none of your buds has even started to disprove any of it.

You believe CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas? Which law of physics supports your belief? Which law of physics do you suppose predicts a greenhouse effect?

Here's the evidence for the fact that the world scientific community is in agreement on AGW and the role of CO2.

Scientific opinion on climate change

Which part of that drivel do you suppose constiutes proof that CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas? Which part do you suppose constitutes proof that CO2, a gas that has no capacity to trap or retain heat is driving the climate?

I will tell you which part. NONE OF IT. It, like all climate pseudoscience is based on assumptions.

Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.​

Again, that doesn't even begin to prove anything other than that the warming that began 14,000 years ago continues.


Till you can answer these questions in a manner that approaches rationality, you are nothing more than a cultist believer. I am perfectly prepared to describe rationally, using the laws of physics, and sound mathematics to prove that you are wrong. Is fallacious appeal to authority all you have? If so, you lose.

The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society....The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now.​

Where is the evidence? Where is the proof that CO2 is driving the climate? Where is the observable, repeatable scientific proof that CO2, a gas that has no mechanism by which to trap or retain heat is somehow warming the planet? Describe how it happens. Talk science or admit that you, like rocks, are just a believer and your belief is based on little more than your political preference.

The Earth's climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming.​

There is nothing happening today that is outside of natural variability. Wringing your hands like a post menopausal granny isn't going to make it true. I am laughing at your appeals to authority. I am laughing at you.

For all your bluster and bloviation, you are not prepared to actually discuss the issue because you don't grasp the science. You have your cut and paste articles all lined up but each and every one of them is based on nothing more than assumptions.

One thing you guys, at all levels from internet kooks like you, to PhD's like hansen, never do is discuss the basic science. It is at the foundational level that the hypothesis of AGW and the greenhouse effect fall apart; and if your hypothesis falls apart at the basics, anything that comes after is only valuable as fiction.

Describe the mechanism by which a trace atmospheric gas with no capacity to trap or retain heat is warming the earth.

If the best you can do is appeal to authority, then you aren't even worth the effort to talk to. You don't actually have a clue. You are just a believer, a usefull idiot who says what he is told to say without a clue as to whether it is correct or not. If you can't discuss the science at least at the basic level, you are worthless in this discussion.

Which law of physics predicts a greenhouse effect? Which law of physics predicts backradiation? Which law of physics predicts that a surface that receives 168 watts per square meter of energy from its only energy source can raidate more than twice that amount? Which law of physics supports and predicts the mechanism by which that bit of magic happens?

I can certainly tell you which laws of physics say that none of the above can happen. Answer the questions or tuck tail and run. I am not interested in your falllacious appeals to authority, nor am I interested in your pseudoscience that skips right by the laws of physics and assumes impossibilities.

Can you discuss the actual science or are you just a mouthpiece? My bet is no. Prove me wrong.​
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Yes, Kooky, we fully realize that China is your ideal environment.

AGW has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The consequences are being felt as we post. No amount of inane cartoons are going to change reality.

AGW has not been proven at all. AGW is one assumption upon another assumption upon another.

How does a trace gas that has no mechanism by which to trap or retain heat warm the planet. Ask one of your priests. You have all your cut and pastes lined up, bring one here that describes the mechanism by which it happens and describes the laws of physics that predict it.

My bet is that you will find no such writings in your religious texts because to discuss topics like that is to see your hypotheses fail.
wire blows the shit out of the environmentalist clowns.......AGAIN!!!

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