Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?
There are some who make more money on scaring people about terrorism that will never make it to our shores than on saving the planet for our grand children and their grand children.

We saw the same thing with Ebola. The nutters went all to pieces - over nothing.

If we don't aggressively address climate change, none of the rest of it will matter.

Another Ice Age - TIME
Another Ice Age?
Monday, June 24, 1974
The liberals couldnt get enough people to believe that the world was cooling, so they dropped it for the Ozone Layer. After enough scare tactics of a natural occurring opening and closing of the Ozone, more people didnt believe and it didnt go anywhere. So Al Gore came up with Global Warming in 2000 and he predicted that in 10 years if people didnt do something the world would burn up. We are now 5 years past, global warming scientists got stranded in Antarctica while doing ice research in the middle of summer 2 years ago, down there. 2 other ice breakers got stuck trying to rescue them. The past 2 years, we have had POLAR VORTEX come down from the Arctic Ocean, that has supposed to be melting, yet the Great Lakes just unfroze in the middle of April this year to allow shipping to continue amongst them.

CO2 is only 0.4%(4 tenths of 1 percent) of the Earths atmosphere, yet from the liberals and their gloom and doom, you would think CO2 was 20% or more while "WATER VAPOR" is almost 90% of the atmosphere, but the left doesnt want you to know the TRUTH why CO2 is the cause of GW, because the liberals cannot tax water vapor. They can coal, gasoline, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, but water evaporating from the planet they cant tax(Except Martin O'Malley did have a rain tax in Maryland).

Obama intelligence agencies have said that 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells, that within the next few years will rise up and do harm to US. The prediction from the "EXPERTS" of GW warn that possibly in 100 years the Earth could be 1 degree warmer. Hmmmm, ISIS or GW, i think ISIS is more of a threat. Such stupid people who vote Democrat.
Global Warming is a Cult and as dedicated to destroying freedom and capitalism as any Jihadist
This shouldn't even be a discussion. Global warming is a hoax. If liberals were really worried about their grandchildren, they would tell Obama to quit spending at the record pace.
There are some who make more money on scaring people about terrorism that will never make it to our shores than on saving the planet for our grand children and their grand children.

We saw the same thing with Ebola. The nutters went all to pieces - over nothing.

If we don't aggressively address climate change, none of the rest of it will matter.

You,man made climate change cult are laughable at best retarded at worst

Again the climate has always changed, who gives a fuck

I am more worried about a EMP that we can protect our electrical grid today against a man made one or a solar flare:

Climate change: not a damn thing man can't do about it.

A killer asteroid: not a damn thing man can do about it

A supervolcano like yellow stone: not a damn thing man can do about it

The Earth flipping on its axis, like it did before: not a damn thing man can do about it

The moon gradually leaving: not a damn thing man can do about it

Out of all the all the above, the only one talked about the most is climate change, why? Because their is money to be made by the likes of Al Gore
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If we had complete control of the average temperature of the world, at what temperature would we set the thermostat? Is 0.5 C below the current average the best ever average temperature for the planet? If the temperature does increase by 1.5 C over the next hundred years, will humanity be able to adapt?

On the other hand, what will happen if terrorist get their hands on some nukes?
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Somehow they will blame this on global warming, if it's hot it's global warming, if it's snowing it's global warming, if you have hurricanes it's warming, if you have no hurricanes it'swarming....on and on and on

Growing sea ice surrounding Antarctica could prompt scientists to consider relocating research stations on the continent, according to the operations manager of the Australian Antarctic Division.

Rob Wooding said that resupplying Australia’s Mawson Station — the longest continuously operated outpost in Antarctica — relied on access to a bay, a task increasingly complicated by sea ice blocking the way.

“We are noticing that the sea ice situation is becoming more difficult,” Wooding told a media briefing on Monday ahead of two days of meetings between top Antarctic science and logistics experts in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania.

Wooding said that at Mawson, the ice typically only breaks up for one or two months of the summer, but in the last four to six years this has not happened every year, and some years only partially.

“In the 2013-4 season we couldn’t get anywhere near Mawson due to the sea ice and we had to get fuel in there by helicopter which is inadequate for the long-term sustainability of the station,” he said, adding that the French and Japanese had similar problems.

I'm willing to entertain the notion that man's activities are contributing to climate change (of course, it would help if the climate scientists' predictive models could predict how the climate is going to change, which they so far haven't been able to do to save their lives).

The problem is the proposals on how to deal with AGW.

Geoengineering? No bloody way.

Setting up international carbon credits exchanges to enrich JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, et al., then waiting for them to grow into a corrupt, failed enterprise like the exchanges in Europe and California? No thank you.

Centralization of global resource management to a supranational UN-based regulatory agency? Absolutely not.

If you have any ideas on combating climate change that aren't as terrible as the aforementioned, propose them here in this thread and we'll talk.
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.
Earth Day leader killed composted girlfriend - Technology science - Science - LiveScience NBC News
Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend
Ira Einhorn preached against Vietnam War and violence, but had dark side
Ira Einhorn brough a whole new meaning to "RECYCLING". You libs celebrate EARF DAY, each year without knowing what your hero did and if you did know, just makes you more despicable.
Another Ice Age - TIME
Another Ice Age?
Monday, June 24, 1974
The liberals couldnt get enough people to believe that the world was cooling, so they dropped it for the Ozone Layer. After enough scare tactics of a natural occurring opening and closing of the Ozone, more people didnt believe and it didnt go anywhere. So Al Gore came up with Global Warming in 2000 and he predicted that in 10 years if people didnt do something the world would burn up. We are now 5 years past, global warming scientists got stranded in Antarctica while doing ice research in the middle of summer 2 years ago, down there. 2 other ice breakers got stuck trying to rescue them. The past 2 years, we have had POLAR VORTEX come down from the Arctic Ocean, that has supposed to be melting, yet the Great Lakes just unfroze in the middle of April this year to allow shipping to continue amongst them.

CO2 is only 0.4%(4 tenths of 1 percent) of the Earths atmosphere, yet from the liberals and their gloom and doom, you would think CO2 was 20% or more while "WATER VAPOR" is almost 90% of the atmosphere, but the left doesnt want you to know the TRUTH why CO2 is the cause of GW, because the liberals cannot tax water vapor. They can coal, gasoline, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, but water evaporating from the planet they cant tax(Except Martin O'Malley did have a rain tax in Maryland).

Obama intelligence agencies have said that 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells, that within the next few years will rise up and do harm to US. The prediction from the "EXPERTS" of GW warn that possibly in 100 years the Earth could be 1 degree warmer. Hmmmm, ISIS or GW, i think ISIS is more of a threat. Such stupid people who vote Democrat.

Yes, a 41 year old, single article refutes the thousands of research papers and findings since then.
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.
Obviously you aren't running for office in a gop primary. To even hint that climate change exist --- let alone state that mankind has an impact on it --- would get you primaried in a heartbeat by the nutters.
Glowarmers are the new flat earthers. We're but a pin prick in how we affect the geologic processes of the earth. There shouldn't be one dime allocated to the study of this fraudulent hoax. It's a disgrace.
Well there is an impact of man's actions going on in Southern California which before man was there was a desert. With irrigation canals, man brought water to this arid area back in the early 1900's which was turn the desert into the plush paradise for the hollywood elites. So now that Gov. Brown has turned the canals away to protect the smelt fish, people are seeing the desert come back in. Liberals blame CO2 for the actions going on, but you can clearly see that it is LIBERALISM that is wrecking paradise and turning back into the desert it once was, all in the name of the liberal agenda. If you know the TRUE history of America, then the liberal argument falls into "Dust". Killer drought California s manmade disaster to save a bait-fish from extiction - Liberty Unyielding
In the wake of the report of a government-labeled “environmentally friendly” solar power farm actually scorching birds in mid-flight, the right-of-center news portal is reporting that the severe drought hammering California’s agricultural powerhouse Central Valley was actually brought on by environmental activists in their quest to save a bait-fish, on Feb. 15, 2014.
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.
Obviously you aren't running for office in a gop primary. To even hint that climate change exist --- let alone state that mankind has an impact on it --- would get you primaried in a heartbeat by the nutters.
Actually that's highly unlikely in every poll that ask what issues are people most concerned with climate change is always at or near the bottom of the list.

Young Americans are more likely than their elders to be skeptical of arguments that human activities are causing catastrophic global warming, according to a Harvard University poll.

A Harvard Public Opinion Project, reported by the Harvard Political Review, found that the “assumption that younger adults are more liberal when it comes to global warming does not hold up; if anything, they are even more skeptical.” Not only that, but young Americans are not very supportive of government efforts to regulate carbon dioxide.

The Harvard poll found that the “youngest survey respondents were more conservative than any other age group, with only 28 percent of 18 to 20-year-olds” agreeing that the government should do more to fight global warming. The survey also found that only “eight percent [of young people are] in strong agreement with that statement.”

“Not only are the newest voters less convinced of climate change as a reality; they are also less likely to support government funding of climate change solutions,” according to HPR.

Poll Young Americans Are Becoming Global Warming Skeptics
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.

Just a few facts to help

-We have recently surpassed a average monthly CO2 concentration of 400ppm.
- pre industrial revolution the average was 300 ppm during ice ages and 200ppm during warm periods like we are in now.
-CO2 concentrations have grown 24% since 1958. Half of that growth has occurred just since 1980.

During that same period we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man.
Back 10,000 ago, before man created the industrial revolution, the Earth had warmed considerably from an Ice Age into a more moderate temperature. Could it be that the Earth goes through cooling and warming cycles every so often? But then this goes against the liberal agenda, so it must be ignored.

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